Bible Prophecy & The Scientfic Method



So we got fanatics like this nut and crazy ****'s like George Bush on each side eagar to start WW3 and bring their prophesies to fruition.. sweet.
Think I'll watch Da Bears...
Bush is NOT smart enough to start WWIII... I really wish people would stop bashing him for he has nothing to do with... I KNOW he's to blame for some pretty stupid decisions, but he mental weakness is no excuse to verbally bash him for things he has nothing to do with...

We, as a nation, must learn to fact check a bissle more... :D



New member
Bush is NOT smart enough to start WWIII... I really wish people would stop bashing him for he has nothing to do with... I KNOW he's to blame for some pretty stupid decisions, but he mental weakness is no excuse to verbally bash him for things he has nothing to do with...
We, as a nation, must learn to fact check a bissle more... :D

President George W Bush told Palestinian ministers that *** had told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq - and create a Palestinian State, a new BBC series reveals.
Nabil Shaath says: "President Bush said to all of us: 'I'm driven with a mission from ***. *** would tell me, "George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan." And I did, and then *** would tell me, "George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq …" And I did. And now, again, I feel ***'s words coming to me, "Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East." And by *** I'm gonna do it.'"

Abu Mazen was at the same meeting and recounts how President Bush told him: "I have a moral and religious obligation. So I will get you a Palestinian state."

Please explain...

I verbally bash him for being a lying sack of sh t war criminal. Maybe a lying sack of sh t war criminal accessory to the fact at the very least... or a pile of sh t puppet .. either way..



New member
Hi I am a friend of the Phantom - that's my voice in the 2 videos. :) Just popping in to see how it's going. Some people seem to be confused about Gods knowledge of the future meaning their destiny is pre determined - hence they are not responsible for their decisions. Nothing could be further from the truth. *** can know the future without causing it because he lives in more dimensions than we do - outside of the confines of our time dimension.
Think of it like watching a parade at street level- you see each float - band etc - come by in linear order. However if you were to watch the parade from a helicopter you would see the entire parade and you would know how it ended. But that doesn't mean you forced it to end that way.

Hope that helps. Nice forum!

Hey BW.. welcome.. good to have ya here. :)



New member
So looking at what GB said.. in the context of this thread, it seems to me he's quite actively engaged in trying to make bible prophesies come true by killing people and manipulating human events on a massive scale., wouldn't ya say? Peace in Israel? What's the bible say about that?

Is he sure *** didn't tell him he was a lying sack of sh t?



So looking at what GB said.. in the context of this thread, it seems to me he's quite actively engaged in trying to make bible prophesies come true by killing people and manipulating human events on a massive scale., wouldn't ya say? Peace in Israel? What's the bible say about that?
GW has a heart 50 times bigger than his brain... that is ALL he is guilty of... Iraq was a BRILLIANT MOVE, if you know anything about foreign policy and war posturing... Rest assured, that choice was not his... I'm sure he thinks HE made that decision, but he did not... that decision was made by the Joint

Chiefs of Staff in about 1995...

I have personally run the simulations, and read the playbook on that manuver in about 1996... well before any of this 'GW is a right-wing Xtian' bs...

He is a Xtian... and He is an Idiot... But he is not guilty of 98% of the BS people throw at him... He is a target and an walking represenative in the religiously minded in this country... and the looney left hates him for it, because they can't hate the half of the nation that he represents without getting punched in the face.. Liberals are ultimately *******, and will not stand alone

How old are you Wez?



New member
GW has a heart 50 times bigger than his brain... that is ALL he is guilty of... Iraq was a BRILLIANT MOVE, if you know anything about foreign policy and war posturing... Rest assured, that choice was not his... I'm sure he thinks HE made that decision, but he did not... that decision was made by the Joint Chiefs of Staff in about 1995...

I have personally run the simulations, and read the playbook on that manuver in about 1996... well before any of this 'GW is a right-wing Xtian' bs...

He is a Xtian... and He is an Idiot... But he is not guilty of 98% of the BS people throw at him... He is a target and an walking represenative in the religiously minded in this country... and the looney left hates him for it, because they can't hate the half of the nation that he represents without getting punched in the face.. Liberals are ultimately *******, and will not stand alone

How old are you Wez?
39... with eyes of a child.

What was so brilliant about it?



39... with eyes of a child.

What was so brilliant about it?
Like it or not, our country is run on oil... and further more than that, our military runs on oil..

when I was in the AF, I was told that the entire armed forces of the US, had slightly less than 1 month of fuel for operations if the global oil market exploded...

That's NOT civilian operations... That's NOT you driving to your job... That's NOT the trucks making sure that there is bread on the shelves, even IF we could produce bread because our ovens run on gas and electricity that is all part of a HydroCarbon (HC) market... Not to mention the agriculture in this country is almost ENTIRELY run on, and fertilized by, HC...

so... There we were... 9/10/01... things were good (relatively). We had already waged a war in Iraq, and a CEASE FIRE was signed... The war wasn't over, but at least we were not active on the ground...

9/11/01... sad day...

9/12/01... Our nation realized just how ed we were in this new Globalized environment...

We needed to secure our Oil... at least untill we could figure out how to get off it...

We didn't need to declare war to start back up with Iraq.. All we had to do legally was to smack em... but we tried to go for the up and up... went to the 'United League of Nations', That completly useless body in NYC, and did our thing...

what we have now, is FAR better than what could have been...

and I can tell you right now, that that manuver had been on the playbooks for a LONG TIME...

Global Politics is basically Chess for resources... and we took center board early... which is good... VERY GOOD... 56,000 dead/injured in Vietnam and it accomplished nothing... 3,000 dead in Iraq and we have bought our republic some time... time to prepare... WWIII is inevitable... GW has NOTHING to do with it... He's a Chimp...

iraq was both good, and neccesary...

I will agree, it's time to consider rolling back the troop levels...

I will agree, that to most people (the 80%'ers) Iraq seems to be a disaster... Not so



New member
So 9/11 was just people trying to protect themselves and their property from us, and we are actually the terrorists? eh?

Oh the joy... I can drive my car over a mountain of bodies and buy bread off a shelf. I'm so proud to be an American..

So if I want something from you, it's ok for me to kill you and take it? Why would you value your life so little?

How vile and despicable war seems to me! I would rather be hacked to pieces than take part in such an abominable business. ~ Albert Einstein

BTW.. I at least appreciate your honesty about it.. ;)

Some people actually think we kill for the good of the people we kill..

Ya know, perhaps it woulda been better to work, produce things, and buy oil in good faith instead of work to produce an army to murder, steal, and plunder for it.. Unless you enjoy people doing that to you..



Active Members
Many good question, TJ! I will be back tonight to answer them. I explained it a bit before in this thread when Wez asked the same question about what happens to those who never hear. It's in this thread if you look. It is a good and even important question that certainly deserves an answer. Be back tonight. :)
Well I have Wez on block because of the way he 'pretends' to not know the difference between a terrorist who prefers to kill a bus filled with children and Bush, I will keep him on block because he does this on purpose because he feeds on strife, not because he truly believes the **** he says. It is actually very sad, I actually believe he is a very smart guy and could offer a lot more to these discussions from that possition instead of his 'self martyr' possition but I guess that is not what his personality needs at this time.

What I saw you quote does not really explain how we can be in the 'range' of the end times when there are massive amounts of people who do not have the chance to be exposed to 'Christian' religion, such as the Muslim masses who learn to recite the Quran from listening to tapes because they will never know how to read or even places like Darfur where yes, there are missionaries but waking up each day is a surprise and food is non-existent. Learning about a new religion is not really high on the list of things to do for these people.

To help the discussion go faster, my own belief is almost all religions are worshiping the same *** but maybe there were different expectations or directions *** desired from these different groups, much like the example given for *** seeing a parade from the air instead of the ground like we do. Maybe Gods plan is beyond our ability to understand it completely. I believe the biggest mistake we make as modern man is to look at these writings from our perspective, we add in our modern understandings of things but the audience of these actions and the people involved had a tiny exposure on the world, there was no mass media or internet so is it possible that these things were instructed a certain way for their understanding and area?

To me the understanding of *** is inside us all, sure we can find some great things in the Bible to assist us in connecting to *** but even a small child knows right from wrong because they 'feel' it inside themselves.



New member
Well I have Wez on block because of the way he 'pretends' to not know the difference between a terrorist who prefers to kill a bus filled with children and Bush, I will keep him on block because he does this on purpose because he feeds on strife, not because he truly believes the **** he says. It is actually very sad, I actually believe he is a very smart guy and could offer a lot more to these discussions from that possition instead of his 'self martyr' possition but I guess that is not what his personality needs at this time.

The reason TJ has me on block is because I wont willingly swallow his sh t and ask him simple questions that he can't answer without hypocrisy and personal attacks.

If you block me, fine, then leave my name out of your vomit.



So 9/11 was just people trying to protect themselves and their property from us, and we are actually the terrorists? eh?
didn't say anything remotely close to that... we were making a move to protect our resources from a faceless global threat... you like to spin things...

Oh the joy... I can drive my car over a mountain of bodies and buy bread off a shelf. I'm so proud to be an American..
ehhh? somewhere, there is un an unfilled prescription bottle...

So if I want something from you, it's ok for me to kill you and take it? Why would you value your life so little?
It's not ok... never said it was... at least by my perspective...

but if you have a child, and he will starve without food, and I have the only food, I would think less of you as a man unless you tried to secure it... by whatever means... We must protect our own... I guess the only difference between most people is where they draw the line between 'us' and 'them'...

and yes... I do value life... but there is a hierarchy... My people are more important to me than thier people...

How vile and despicable war seems to me! I would rather be hacked to pieces than take part in such an abominable business. ~ Albert Einstein
ok... Let's not allow scientists to make war... like we shouldn't allow priests to run daycare... Neither are well suited...

BTW.. I at least appreciate your honesty about it.. ;)
Some people actually think we kill for the good of the people we kill..

Ya know, perhaps it woulda been better to work, produce things, and buy oil in good faith instead of work to produce an army to murder, steal, and plunder for it.. Unless you enjoy people doing that to you..
acutally... for the most part... we do... We work, make money, buy oil with that money, and such... Problem is, we have been exporting our depraved culture for years to pay for that oil. Not cars, not tvs, not well written books... a sick and terminal culture... and they hate us for it... and I must say, thought I don't agree with thier assesment of our culture as a whole, and I certainly don't think we should die for it, I do understand why they are so upset...



New member
didn't say anything remotely close to that... we were making a move to protect our resources from a faceless global threat... you like to spin things...
What resources would those be?

ehhh? somewhere, there is un an unfilled prescription bottle...

Would you think the same if it was your body I was driving over?

It's not ok... never said it was... at least by my perspective...but if you have a child, and he will starve without food, and I have the only food, I would think less of you as a man unless you tried to secure it... by whatever means... We must protect our own... I guess the only difference between most people is where they draw the line between 'us' and 'them'...
Us = every human that has ever existed or will exist on Earth..

Them = Aliens??

and yes... I do value life... but there is a hierarchy... My people are more important to me than thier people...
You can value your life no more than the life you value least, even if you think you do. And your comment above this one spells out how much that is.. Worth the food someone else wants from you.. Or the food you want from someone else. Secured by any means up to and including murder.

ok... Let's not allow scientists to make war... like we shouldn't allow priests to run daycare... Neither are well suited...

Might = right is for the stupid.. Ya know.. it'd be fine if they contained it to themselves and those willing participants and left the rest of us the f ck out of it..Doesn't seem to work that way though, does it?

Not smart for the stupid to run the planet either.

Or I guess I should say the brilliantly evil with their legions of stupidity.

acutally... for the most part... we do... We work, make money, buy oil with that money, and such... Problem is, we have been exporting our depraved culture for years to pay for that oil. Not cars, not tvs, not well written books... a sick and terminal culture... and they hate us for it... and I must say, thought I don't agree with thier assesment of our culture as a whole, and I certainly don't think we should die for it, I do understand why they are so upset...

You mean we borrow money and kill people? Perhaps it's that and not our other culture they hate us for..



What resources would those be?
Well... a couple of things... but the two biguns are

1. Oil... Energy as a whole actually... we need it, they have it, and without it we will plunge into a civil war and most would die, as well as the western world crumble as a result..

2. Security... During both world wars, our stock and trade was selling security... in 1914, Europe burned, but world money was safe here, in the us... In 1941, Europe and indeed a good part of Asia burned... But the money was still sort of safe here... so long as an atom bomb didn't make it here... Again, we sold security... Not cars.. not tvs... security... Our whole economy was based in it

When 9/11 happened Our economy threatened to collapse as foreign markets began to swell with capital drawn out from our banks at 1929 speed because bin Laden had managed to hit us right in the crotch... Our ability to sceure money... foreign powers and investors ran for the hills...

We had to secure our borders, and to that, we must secure our energy... Our energy at the moment, but I suspect not for long, comes in the form of HydroCarbons... From the Middle east primarily... and we just installed an allie right in the middle of it...

Would you think the same if it was your body I was driving over?
Like I said... I wouldn't agree with it, but I would expect it...

Us = every human that has ever existed or will exist on Earth..
you had better hope everyone one feels the same way, or your busted when the fighting starts... somehow, I suspect they don't... good luck with that...

You can value your life no more than the life you value least, even if you think you do. And your comment above this one spells out how much that is.. Worth the food someone else wants from you.. Or the food you want from someone else.
Not sure what you mean... I definately value some life more than others... So do 99% of people...

Might = right is for the stupid.. Ya know.. it'd be fine if they contained it to themselves and those willing participants and left the rest of us the f ck out of it..Doesn't seem to work that way though, does it?
of course not... it's not a ing boxing match... it's survival.. No holds barred... would you have us standing in lines like the Brits during the Revolution inthe interest of conformity? I would think not if it were your *** behind the barrel...

Not smart for the stupid to run the planet either.
you are HARDLY in any position to judge world leaders... I'm going to guess that most are not dumb...

You mean we borrow money and kill people? Perhaps it's that and not our other culture they hate us for..
The Governments maybe... probable as a matter of ut the average schmuck on the streets of Iran, are like you... They have very little appreciation for global strategy, or anything much past what they read in the paper, watch on the TV or see around them everyday... For us, it seems to be stupid TV shows that we care about... For them, it's the fact that thier children are singing american songs and wearing Blue jeans... It's all relative...



New member
Well... a couple of things... but the two biguns are1. Oil... Energy as a whole actually... we need it, they have it, and without it we will plunge into a civil war and most would die, as well as the western world crumble as a result..

2. Security... During both world wars, our stock and trade was selling security... in 1914, Europe burned, but world money was safe here, in the us... In 1941, Europe and indeed a good part of Asia burned... But the money was still sort of safe here... so long as an atom bomb didn't make it here... Again, we sold security... Not cars.. not tvs... security... Our whole economy was based in it
How did humanity survive for thousands of years? So you're telling me our only choice is murder and thievery?

I guess if ya spend 60 years prancing around the Earth like a tough guy and one day you grow old and weak and can't run your war machine anymore it might be kinda scarey.. some young buck might wanna come and knock you off your high horse, eh?

We made our bed I guess...

When 9/11 happened Our economy threatened to collapse as foreign markets began to swell with capital drawn out from our banks at 1929 speed because bin Laden had managed to hit us right in the crotch... Our ability to sceure money... foreign powers and investors ran for the hills...
We had to secure our borders, and to that, we must secure our energy... Our energy at the moment, but I suspect not for long, comes in the form of HydroCarbons... From the Middle east primarily... and we just installed an allie right in the middle of it...
It's a game we will ultimately lose.. regardless of what we do or who we kill or whatever resources we "secure".

Like I said... I wouldn't agree with it, but I would expect it...
Just protecting my own.. ;)

you had better hope everyone one feels the same way, or your busted when the fighting starts... somehow, I suspect they don't... good luck with that...
Rather die with dignity than live a few more years in disgrace..

Not sure what you mean... I definately value some life more than others... So do 99% of people...

of course not... it's not a ing boxing match... it's survival.. No holds barred... would you have us standing in lines like the Brits during the Revolution inthe interest of conformity? I would think not if it were your *** behind the barrel...
We are no longer primative animals without intelligence no matter what the armies of the world teach kids..

you are HARDLY in any position to judge world leaders... I'm going to guess that most are not dumb...

I fixed it before you posted..

....Or I guess I should say the brilliantly evil with their legions of stupidity.

If the shoe fits..

The Governments maybe... probable as a matter of ut the average schmuck on the streets of Iran, are like you... They have very little appreciation for global strategy, or anything much past what they read in the paper, watch on the TV or see around them everyday... For us, it seems to be stupid TV shows that we care about... For them, it's the fact that thier children are singing american songs and wearing Blue jeans... It's all relative...

Nobody likes to be bullied, robbed, and murdered.



New member
And yet there are still many people who never hear a 'Christian' faith preached. If we take this verse litteral, it says this gospel will be "preached" in the whole world, this is clearly not the case right now and if partial coverage is enough now, why not ten years ago or even 50 years ago, or even 500 years ago? Do you know how long we have had missionaries all over the world? Penetrations have been made long before there was even a thought of mass media.
Matthew 24:36-No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

Matthew 24:43-But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into.

If the end of days was measurable or predictable, why would we be told that we will be taken by surprise? That the time is not known to anyone but ***?
1). So you do not believe the Gospel has been spread to the whole world? The prophecy does not say every single human being on the planet will know about Jesus or the Gospel story but it does say all nations and races. In my opinion, this is already taking place. Even the deepest jungles of Africa now have Christianity being taught and spread. There really is no 'uncharted territory' left in the world. The Gospel truly is taught globally now.

2). We believe the rapture is the unknown event Jesus speaks about. This is because we are given the specific length of time (in years and days) of how long the tribulation will last. Jesus also admonishes us to look for the signs of His return. He even jumped the behinds of the Pharisees for not being able to realize the time they were in (the time of the Daniel's 70 weeks and the prophesied Messiah). He used the analogy of weather. He told them they could look up in the sky and tell what the weather would be like but they couldn't even discern the times. So we might not know the day but we certainly know the season. Jesus used another analogy of the fig tree and its relation to summer and told us to keep watch.

Hope that helps.



New member
As for the Bush saga: As most of you know. I was an avid Bush supporter when everyone here knew me before but a lot has changed. Bush might possibly be a Christian- we're not allowed to judge- however he is doing somethings the Bible specifically prohibits. And that is, attempting to divide the land of Israel. The prophecies speak of the reborn Israel being divided in the last days, more specifically, leaders attempting to divide it. How true this is with the Palestinian/Israeli conflict and the peace plans that attempt to make a sovereign state for both. Of course, this requires Israel giving up some of its territory.

I have a very hard time believing a ***-fearing man, that Bush claims to be, doing such a thing.

An acquaintance mentioned this before and sometimes it makes me wonder. We strongly believe Christianity and other religions are being phased out slowly but surely. This is going to be a wild-eyed conspiracy for some but it does make me wonder if Bush is a NWO puppet purposely giving Christians a bad name. Another acquaintance stumbled on some pretty shameful footage of Bush lambasting the Christian faith. It was pretty shocking for me, an ex avid Bush supporter. So the conspiratorial side of me wonders if all the '*** told me to go to war' things are just a way to set Christians up for a fall. Not sure. Just thought I'd share.



New member
As for the Bush saga: As most of you know. I was an avid Bush supporter when everyone here knew me before but a lot has changed. Bush might possibly be a Christian- we're not allowed to judge- however he is doing somethings the Bible specifically prohibits. And that is, attempting to divide the land of Israel. The prophecies speak of the reborn Israel being divided in the last days, more specifically, leaders attempting to divide it. How true this is with the Palestinian/Israeli conflict and the peace plans that attempt to make a sovereign state for both. Of course, this requires Israel giving up some of its territory.
I have a very hard time believing a ***-fearing man, that Bush claims to be, doing such a thing.

An acquaintance mentioned this before and sometimes it makes me wonder. We strongly believe Christianity and other religions are being phased out slowly but surely. This is going to be a wild-eyed conspiracy for some but it does make me wonder if Bush is a NWO puppet purposely giving Christians a bad name. Another acquaintance stumbled on some pretty shameful footage of Bush lambasting the Christian faith. It was pretty shocking for me, an ex avid Bush supporter. So the conspiratorial side of me wonders if all the '*** told me to go to war' things are just a way to set Christians up for a fall. Not sure. Just thought I'd share.
Well said Aer.. It sure would seem like he's a NWO puppet.. his daddy used those exact words enough.. Too bad all real Christians don't stand up to people like him and many others who hide behind their religion to spread evil and say, these people are not Christians and quit smearing everything we believe in with lies and hypocrisy.

Real Christians aren't liars and hypocrites ~ wez



New member
Is anyone else keeping up with prophecy? Looks like a **** load of Biblical prophecy has been fulfilled within the last couple of months. This is incredible. Even Bible teachers who had been telling us not to get too excited because there is still much to be fulfilled are now vocally saying things are really speeding up at an increasing rate. One by one the prophecies we have been watching for are being fulfilled or the chess board is being set. It's like every time I watch the news it's just more and more signs.


New member
Real Christians are delusional that Religion even exists. I don't believe in Religion, I don't believe in Bible prophecy, and I don't believe Christ was *** on Earth.

The problem is, there are dangerous radical, world leaders like Ahmadinejad, those responsible for the Crusades, whacked out cult leaders, and the far extremes of all religions, who do believe in these things, and will try to fullfill these false prophecies, regardless of the cost.

Who knows, we all won't make it past December 21st, 2012, according to the Myans.


It's just as credible as the Bible.



New member
It's just as credible as the Bible.
No, actually it isn't. ;)

The Mayans did actually have prophecies but they were nowhere near on par with the Bible, nevertheless the accuracy when it comes to fulfillment. Same thing with the Aztecs. Their belief in their false prophecies were even one of the things that ultimately led to their downfall. Their prophecies stated a long-faced fair-colored man with a beard would be their *** returning to them from across the sea. Then here comes Cortes who was greeted with open arms by the natives. Oops! Not a ***, but an *******. Buh-bye Aztecs.

But the main point is this: Their calender was not necessarily a prophecy. Modern people are the ones turning it into one. 2012 simply ends their long count. Let's say a future civilization 500 years from now uncovers a Gregorian calender. They will say, 'Ah ha! December 31, 3000 ends the milineum. This is the end of the world!' But of course it isn't- it is simply the end of our 'long count.'

The only thing about the 2012 prophecy that intrigues me personally is the fact of the science behind it, the position of the earth at that date, and the possible future polar shift (that might be a reference to Revelation 6).

But the fact remains, their calender was not a prophecy- we turned it into that. Then, their prophecies were nowhere near as accurate or 'credible' as the Bible's. Biblical prophecy has a track record matched by none other. That is simply a fact.

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