39... with eyes of a child.
What was so brilliant about it?
Like it or not, our country is run on oil... and further more than that, our military runs on oil..
when I was in the AF, I was told that the entire armed forces of the US, had slightly less than 1 month of fuel for operations if the global oil market exploded...
That's NOT civilian operations... That's NOT you driving to your job... That's NOT the trucks making sure that there is bread on the shelves, even IF we could produce bread because our ovens run on gas and electricity that is all part of a HydroCarbon (HC) market... Not to mention the agriculture in this country is almost ENTIRELY run on, and fertilized by, HC...
so... There we were... 9/10/01... things were good (relatively). We had already waged a war in Iraq, and a CEASE FIRE was signed... The war wasn't over, but at least we were not active on the ground...
9/11/01... sad day...
9/12/01... Our nation realized just how ed we were in this new Globalized environment...
We needed to secure our Oil... at least untill we could figure out how to get off it...
We didn't need to declare war to start back up with Iraq.. All we had to do legally was to smack em... but we tried to go for the up and up... went to the 'United League of Nations', That completly useless body in NYC, and did our thing...
what we have now, is FAR better than what could have been...
and I can tell you right now, that that manuver had been on the playbooks for a LONG TIME...
Global Politics is basically Chess for resources... and we took center board early... which is good... VERY GOOD... 56,000 dead/injured in Vietnam and it accomplished nothing... 3,000 dead in Iraq and we have bought our republic some time... time to prepare... WWIII is inevitable... GW has NOTHING to do with it... He's a Chimp...
iraq was both good, and neccesary...
I will agree, it's time to consider rolling back the troop levels...
I will agree, that to most people (the 80%'ers) Iraq seems to be a disaster... Not so