Oh that reminds me. I did some research on those Egyptian hieroglyphics that allegedly depict a helicopter, space craft, submarine, etc.of course you know, this means war!![]()
That is an excellent ideal, but very wrong.
Those that follow Christ (Christians) don't become perfect because they follow Christ. They still live in a fallen world. They still struggle with sin. They still struggle with issues in their lives, just like non-Christians do.
The difference is that us real Christians have a *** that they know loves them, even though they screw up. They have a *** that is willing toforgive, forget and help them move on.
This thought that "Real Christians aren't liars and hypocrites" is why many don't trust church, and why Religion is so wrong.
People go to church, see churchgoers in church, and then see those same churchgoers out in the world messing up. "Oh no, that church can't be real! It's got sinners in it!" Do people avoid hospitals because sick people are there? No, they go there to get better. The church is much the same way. It isn't for perfect people, it's for people trying to "get better."
Religion (capital R) says that it's followers must be perfect. It's leaders must be flawless. This has everyone more concerned about everyone else's issues rather than their own. When someone falls, it casts a horrible light on everything- because perfection has been preached and expected.
But *** knows that because of our free will, we will make stupid decisions, and He made a way for us to be cleansed from our screwups. But this hardly means that we won't still struggle, or at times fail.
Real Christians realize they are sinners, and choose to allow *** to forgive them- and help them move forward. Perfection is an admirable goal (and one all Christians should be striving for, since Jesus was perfect) but understanding that none of us are there yet is very important.
Having a life goal of Serving ***, as opposed to money or man, doesn't mean we will accomplish this without fail- because we are human. Humans screw up. They Bible tells us how we should live, as Christians, but it also reminds us that "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of ***." This word "all" means everyone. Me, you, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Einstein, everyone. But Jesus was different. He was born of a virgin, so as to not have a human father's sinful bloodline. This made it possible for Him to be the perfect blood sacrifice that *** needed (because of an Old Testament covenant made with Abraham) to make atonement for those sins of "all." *** knew we needed this, so He made a way. If perfection was attainable, why the need to send Jesus? Why the need for the cross?It'd be nice to believe that eddo.. but aren't there passages that specifically talk about serving men or ***? Money or ***? Enduring til the end? Being hated by men and the world? Seeing like a child? The narrow over the broad road? The many who search, and the few who find it? No one is born a liar and hypocrite..
Remember when you were young? You shone like the Sun ~ Pink Floyd
Wez are you a Christian?
Having a life goal of Serving ***, as opposed to money or man, doesn't mean we will accomplish this without fail- because we are human. Humans screw up. They Bible tells us how we should live, as Christians, but it also reminds us that "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of ***." This word "all" means everyone. Me, you, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Einstein, everyone. But Jesus was different. He was born of a virgin, so as to not have a human father's sinful bloodline. This made it possible for Him to be the perfect blood sacrifice that *** needed (because of an Old Testament covenant made with Abraham) to make atonement for those sins of "all." *** knew we needed this, so He made a way. If perfection was attainable, why the need to send Jesus? Why the need for the cross?
As for the "no one is born a liar and hypocrite..," while this is technically true, as a society we do a rather good job of indoctrinating our children into the world (the same world the rest of us live in) of lies and hypocrisy. Why? Because we make stupid decisions apart from the will of ***.
"Stop your rhyming! I mean it!"
"Anybody want a peanut?" ~ Princess Bride </random quote>
Have you accepted Jesus as your savior?I don't think I'd ever call myself a Christian.. I despise labels.. they exclude people from me, and vice versa. I'm wez.![]()
*** did make everyone and everything the way He wanted it. We (read: humanity) screwed it up. He gave us 10 simple rules to follow, and we turned them into over 300 laws that tried to dictate our path to Him through following lists and rules and other things that took away from the original idea- and made one which no one could maintain perfection of, and that there was no other way to know ***.Why didn't *** just make everyone and everything the way *** wanted it the first time around? So if this is a test.. going against the will of *** would be failure, correct?
I will execute great vengeance on them with wrathful rebukes; and they will know that I am the LORD when I lay My vengeance on them ~ Ezekial 25:17
Lay his vengence on who and for what?
Can you explain what you mean by that wez?
*** did make everyone and everything the way He wanted it. We (read: humanity) screwed it up. He gave us 10 simple rules to follow, and we turned them into over 300 laws that tried to dictate our path to Him through following lists and rules and other things that took away from the original idea- and made one which no one could maintain perfection of, and that there was no other way to know ***.
So He had another idea. Jesus paying the price for us, so we were no longer bound by the letter of the law. now it became about grace, about love, about mercy. Perfection was no longer necessary, because grace forgives our wrongdoings. Love accepts us as we are. Mercy gives us another chance. Sure, going against the will of *** is failure (read: sin) but He has already made a way to get past that.
I don't view life as a test, as much as I do an experience. Sure we face tests and trials, and how we react to them is important. To we turn to *** for help, strength, and/or guidance? Or do we try to do it on our own? Trusting *** builds an amazing relationship with Him, and that my friend, is the narrow road that the Bible is talking about that many don't travel. Taking the time to get to know ***, know his character, His call on our lives, is not easy, and many struggle with it. But it is worth it.
Can you explain what you mean by that wez?
The world is mostly at odds with what Jesus taught, and if you know what He said as you say you do, then you should know that already:The things Jesus talked about are the things I was born with and fought for and held onto for dear life against a hostile world without even knowing why at the time.. Now I know why.
So why would men and the world hate you for that? You sure the narrow road isn't something else?
we obviously have it for a reason.. Where did it come from? Accident? I don't think so.. emotions may just be chemical impulses physically but the results of them.. unreal.Men would sear their conscience so they could continue in sin (1 Timothy 4:2). The conscience is where *** reveals right and wrong. Con means with and science means knowledge. Therefore we sin with knowledge when we ignore ***'s moral law and violate our own conscience.
I'm not at all surprised that there are "hundreds of fulfilled bible prophecies". Neither am I surprised that Nostradamus "saw" the future.Although there are literally hundreds of fulfilled Bible propheciesEnjoy!
I agree. There are no sky fairies. However, there is a *** and He is the *** of the Bible.II'm amazed that anyone believes this ****. There are no sky-faeries.
Well okay, no end of Christians go to Lourdes and other "holy ! " places. They say that *** has answered their prayers, and cured them.I agree. There are no sky fairies. However, there is a *** and He is the *** of the Bible.
I just finished something like a 10 page debate on this on another forum. lol I have personally only known of one amputee that was healed (he lost one of his arms from the elbow down in a gas explosion) and that is the only case that matters to me because I do not accept hearsay stories. So they do get healed. *** doesn't promise or guarantee perfection in these temporary bodies but we are promised perfection in our heavenly bodies. As for other amputees who pray and are not answered, I would need to hear from them personally.So what has *** got against amputees ?
Again, I don't believe in fairies, goblins, pixes, magic, or even 'gods.' I only believe in *** (Jehovah) because He is the only one who has validated His existence to me.Your faeries,gods, goblins and pixies dont have any magick. Thats because they dont exist.
That is somewhat of a misconception. Although some use their faith as a crutch and comfort, in some cases walking the walk only makes things more challenging because it requires a denial of the self. My faith is not a crutch but a way of life. Yes it does bring me comfort but not in the sense of hope. It brings me comfort in the sense of knowledge because knowledge is what led me to accept Jesus.I dont mind you believing it, because it helps you in some way.
On this I agree. I am an ardent advocate of separation of church and state. The majority religion might be in my favor today but it might not be in a decade from now. Should I then be forced to pray to Allah or a universal one-world deity? I couldn't. Therefore, church and state separation for me all the way. Not to mention I want the government to keep their nose out of my church. Separation of church and state works both ways.I only mind that this **** is forced into little minds at school/church etc.
And I see no difference between atheism, Nazism, and Stalinism. It's all just brainwashing of the masses. Not to mention, much more deadly.I see no difference between theology, nazism, or Stalinism. It,s all brainwashing of the masses.