There is already technology capable of doing this. An interesting factoid is that the chip that is embedded in the body is ran on a lithium battery. Studies have shown when the lithium leaks into the body, the embedded person forms boil-like lesions. Interestingly enough, the Bible describes those with the mark breaking out in sores all over their body.I was thinking... with all the talk about our ridiculous econonomy, race wars and end of the world prophesies.. could our 3 digit credit score be "the mark of the beast"?
Pretty sure it'll include everyone on the planet sooner or later.. the ability to buy and sell..
I don't mind people believing what thye want to believe internally, but the hostility Athiests bring to the discussion proves they do not have an open mind.
Sometimes we cannot see the truth because our minds are too well trained to not see certain things.
Do you think it would actually have to be a physical number embedded on a person to make the prophesy come true? Couldn't it just be a number attached to a person.. like a credit score? Or SS#?There is already technology capable of doing this. An interesting factoid is that the chip that is embedded in the body is ran on a lithium battery. Studies have shown when the lithium leaks into the body, the embedded person forms boil-like lesions. Interestingly enough, the Bible describes those with the mark breaking out in sores all over their body.
So I believe the technology will be something more similar to this- an actual embedded chip that combines the banking, health information, etc., instead of a basic credit or identity card.
No. It does not have to be a specific number. 666 is the number of 'the beast.' Not of the mark.Do you think it would actually have to be a physical number embedded on a person to make the prophesy come true? Couldn't it just be a number attached to a person.. like a credit score? Or SS#?
No- not credit. It's a government issued identification system. It says both 'great and small' are required to take it. So, poor and rich. Good and bad credit. Nothing to do with wealth or credit.We are gonna enter a time of tight credit.. prolly about as extreme as money was easy all those years prior.. A credit score under ??? will exclude a lot of people for a long time who got used to EZ credit for everything from houses to groceries..
In the prophecy it's not a matter of willingly agreeing. It's a matter of you either take it or you die. lolOr maybe just a chipped card people carry? Can't see too many people willingly agreeing to an implant..
No- not credit. It's a government issued identification system. It says both 'great and small' are required to take it. So, poor and rich. Good and bad credit. Nothing to do with wealth or credit.
In the prophecy it's not a matter of willingly agreeing. It's a matter of you either take it or you die. lol
You did not prove that your *** performed miracles with the scientific method video ! What utter nonsense !As for 'proving' miracles are from *** like we did with the scientific method video. I would have to think about how to do that one. I believe they are from *** and have received personal evidence of this but how can it be proven through science to the skeptic? .
That is pretty much what you are doing. You are believing in nonsense. And then feigning surprise that others do not want to believe the same ****.If we try this, it would certainly seem like we would be left with the logical fallacy known as assuming the consequent. And that is: X happened (prayer to ***), Y happened (a miracle occurred), therefore it must have been Z (***). Therefore, assuming the consequent. And if you do not believe in the consequent (***) (and you appear to not only disbelieve, but instead willfully disbelieve QUOTE]
I am only to happy to willfully disbelief such drivel, just as I am happy to disbelieve that a lion will one day write a great fable, or the seas will part so I can walk to France.
Why would I want to believe this **** ? I dont believe in Santa, the little people, or the Easter bunny either.but those like you who would refuse to believe and don't want to believe.
Its laughable that you try to validate yourself by referring to your "scientific Method". You are no scientist as I know scientists.
A real scientist would try to prove or disprove a hypothesis/ establish a causal link etc. They remain neutral to either possibility, preferring neither option. They conduct the study and present their findings.
You on the other hand are determined to "prove" that which cannot be proven. You succed only in making an *** of yourself.
It does not go on forever. Your belief in *** cannot be proven or dis proven.You are also using a VERY common deflection tactic that atheists are known for. There is a reason why that link I sent you to is 83 pages. And that is, every time the atheists got owned, refuted, debunked, or something they asked of us was proven, they would just throw another objection into the works. That is why so many things I already described on the previous page in my reply to you are in that thread. As soon as we thoroughly refuted one of their arguments, they would toss another deflection attempt in and the thread and it would go on forever..
So I am reasonable in saying that there may be a ***, but I doubt it. Whereas you are unreasonable in expressing belief in something that cannot be proven.
I would not waste a moment on your pretend science, and will not be reading your article. You have proven nothing. Scientist you are not.
Hitler was a baptised christian who never renounced his faith. You seem to think he is no christian because you disapprove of him.So again I say, you will need to check out that link. Hitler was NOT a Christian. Stalin was NOT a Christian, Mao was NOT a Christian, atheist regimes killed more people in the last century than religion ever did, atheists do attempt to indoctrinate and seek control, etc., etc. This is not just supposition- this was proven with hard core facts. Check it out if you are genuinely interested in receiving an answer. Or remain in your ignorance. I don't really care either way- as long as you stop asking me questions that have already been answered repeatedly..
You cannot strip him of his Christianity so readily.
You seem to think that because he acted in ways you disapprove of, he becomes an atheist. Next you will be telling us, that an atheist scientist who cures hiv, somehow becomes a christian because he did something you approve of !
What a topsy turvey world you people live in ! Christians, Muslims, Atheists, Hindus and Jews etc remain so until they renunciate their faith, or until death. That is the way things are. You dont get to change it as and when it suits you !
Hitler, Mao, Vlad the impaler, Pol Pot and every other vile piece of I ever heard of were theists. You cannot change that to suit your argument.
I'll focus on any of your drivel I choose. That's not shifting goal posts. And yes, you were dodging the question.See, this is why I kept getting confused. Here you are back on the amputee issue. Either focus on general miracles or specific miracles but don't shift the goal posts and then accuse me of dodging your questions. .
Faerie stories are not knowledge. They are faerie storiesOn one hand I want to say the way you close yourself off from knowledge is astounding to me. .
I am the type who wants to know, has to know, and needs to know. Sticking my fingers in my ears and going, 'Lalala' isn't something I'm capable of..
Theists have never presented any evidence to prove the existence of their ***. Such proof is not available to them. It can only be proven by this ***, who never appears , and probably never will appear, and thats because the faerie probably does not existMost atheists won't admit such a thing. They claim they are open minded and want evidence of *** if He truly does exist- but then ignore everything presented to them.
And this from someone who believes in faeries !resort to personal attacks, come up with the silliest objections a five year old could have answered for them, etc. At least your honest about your head-in-the-sand approach..
Darwinism is a theory as real scientists are all to willing to admit. But, it does rationally explain what we see, including the fossil evidence.You give away your ignorance, my dear. Darwinism is not mutually exclusive with evolution. If you ever want to get into an evolution debate, let's go for it. This is a thread of mine on the subject. It is also a biggie- 74 pages:
The Gullibility of Evolutionists, page 74.
No, the atheists are behaving themselves just fine. The real truth is that your argument is nonsense, so you seek to discredit them by any means available, hence your charges of personal attacks and deflection. Why would we seek to bring about deflection anyway? We are happy to stay focused on your ridiculous beliefs.The atheists simply couldn't behave themselves so this is another thread filled with personal attacks and deflection attempts...
Yes it is. It explains the findings with fossil evidence as proof.Evolution on a macro scale is not real science- it fails to pass the tests of the scientific method...
But only those things you are allowed to question.We are told to question, reason, and judge all things..
And of course you are wise to just blindly believe in something that cannot be proven.n our mind. Those who do are described clearly as 'wise' and those who don't are clearly described as 'foolish.'
Yes I know you know what you know. And I also know you think you know what you are talking about. The truth is that you have had this rubbish drilled into you for way to long, and that you have come to believe it. You are amenable to neither common sense, or argument. Yet you imagine yourself a scientist ! You are a delusional mess. Get some help.You apparently have not studied this topic as much as I have done. Read the works of Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris, etc. I know you are trying to get under my skin by repeatedly using the words 'brainwashed,' 'sky fairy,' etc., but I assure you I have heard much, much worse. The petty insults don't faze me because I know what I know..
I wont be wasting a moment reading your scientific method. { non scientific religious bull }'Never teach a man who is not willing to learn.'
For the fourth and final time, the link provided will thoroughly refute your claims with facts and evidence. Hitler was about as much of a Christian as some of the popes during the dark ages. Just because you claim to be a Christian to control or manipulate the masses does not mean you are. Please quit claiming this canard. It is long since debunked with proof.
The beast is upon the earth even as you speak Wez. I am The Great Beast. 666 is emblazened upon my ****. Shall I prove it unto you ?I was thinking... with all the talk about our ridiculous econonomy, race wars and end of the world prophesies.. could our 3 digit credit score be "the mark of the beast"?
Pretty sure it'll include everyone on the planet sooner or later.. the ability to buy and sell..
LOL! That link had nothing to do with the scientific method. Instead, it had the answers to all of the off topic questions and objections you kept bringing up. If something is on topic, I will discuss it in the thread. If it is off topic, I supply links to where I have discussed it before. That way the thread stays on track and I am not repeating myself.I wont be wasting a moment reading your scientific method. { non scientific religious bull }
Oh and I also wanted to add: Even though you stated you did not want to check out the link due to what you erroneously thought it contained (even though I told you specifically what it contained multiple times), you're kind of in the wrong thread if religion being tested through the scientific method doesn't interest you. The thread title was pretty self explanatory.I wont be wasting a moment reading your scientific method. { non scientific religious bull }
Good luck with the bingo. Surely you must be good at something..LOL! That link had nothing to do with the scientific method. Instead, it had the answers to all of the off topic questions and objections you kept bringing up. If something is on topic, I will discuss it in the thread. If it is off topic, I supply links to where I have discussed it before. That way the thread stays on track and I am not repeating myself.
Sorry you are so close minded and are shutting yourself off from exploration of your world and universe. Typical atheist brainwashing and indoctrination. It's not your fault. You are an interesting psychological case, to say the least. You see, I am a skeptic when it comes to many things but if someone claims to have evidence or an argument for something I do not believe, I still at least like to review their evidence or argument with an open mind before coming to a decision. I love knowledge, learning, and growing. Indoctrinated atheists don't seem to, though.
Here is a little something for you. You are pretty much the stereotypical atheist I usually debate with lol. I swear you guys are part of a borg or something. Here is a quote I left on the quote thread that is pertinent to your attitude in this thread: http://Off Topic
On a lighter note, you did help me get several 'BINGO's' though in this thread. I like to play it whenever I am debating with an atheist to see how long it takes me to get BINGO. The really venomous ones will give me a black out. Of course, '*** Does Not Exist' is the free square.![]()
Just about everything.Good luck with the bingo. Surely you must be good at something..
Well the Bingo card took him out at the knees, they hate it when you prove how programmed they are.Just about everything.![]()
The world hates the teachings of Jesus, because they aren't self serving.
And I see no difference between atheism, Nazism, and Stalinism. It's all just brainwashing of the masses. Not to mention, much more deadly.
When in actuality atheist/secular regimes have killed more people (over 100 million) in the last century than all religious conflicts combined throughout the known ages.
Most atheists won't admit such a thing. They claim they are open minded and want evidence of *** if He truly does exist- but then ignore everything presented to them, resort to personal attacks, come up with the silliest objections a five year old could have answered for them, etc. At least your honest about your head-in-the-sand approach.
The atheists simply couldn't behave themselves so this is another thread filled with personal attacks and deflection attempts.
This is why I hate haggling with atheists. They criticize the faith, and some even hate it, yet they don't even know what we believe.
It is pretty impossible for atheists to stick to the topic when dealing with spiritual evidence.
Typical atheist brainwashing and indoctrination.
I haven't quoted names because I'm not making a personal attack here. I'm just an atheist letting you know that I strongly disagree and object to everything quoted above.It's typical militant atheist behavior. You guys can't help but stick your indoctrinated noses into any religious topics. But never to contribute anything constructive or on topic- just juvenile insults and canards.
This intrigued me Anna.I'm not brainwashed or indoctrinated because I'm not following anyone's teachings but my own. This is an important point.
This intrigued me Anna.
How can one follow their own teachings about anything? You have to have an understanding of something before you can teach it, and at the same time you have to have a lack of understanding of something to be taught it. This seems like it wouldn't take you very far, or teach you very much.