I dont think you missed my point at all. You dodged it, just as you are doing it again. I am asking you on behalf of Christians to prove this rubbish about miracles being performed by your ***. The word to adhere too from here on in is "miracles" and not "healing". Healing happens naturally and is not indicative of any supernatural input.
Ok, I see what you are saying. No need to accuse anyone of 'dodging the question.' You kept focusing on amputees so I assumed you were wanting an answer for the famous atheist question, 'Why doesn't *** heal amputees?' As for 'proving' miracles are from *** like we did with the scientific method video. I would have to think about how to do that one. I believe they are from *** and have received personal evidence of this but how can it be
proven through science to the skeptic?
If we try this, it would certainly seem like we would be left with the logical fallacy known as
assuming the consequent. And that is: X happened (prayer to ***), Y happened (a miracle occurred), therefore it must have been Z (***). Therefore, assuming the consequent. And if you do not believe in the consequent (***) (and you appear to not only disbelieve, but instead willfully disbelieve [more on this in a moment]), then there is nothing, absolutely nothing, I would be able to do to show you otherwise. You might balk but that is the honest truth and you are asking me to commit a logical fallacy that is impossible to win. If you deny the consequent from the onset, there is no amount of evidence that would convince you. More on this below.
If you are going to engage this study, then surely you need to report the whole findings. You are seeming to be less creditable, as you selectively avoid that data that does not support the performance of your ***.
Why- because you said so? I have had much experience dealing with people like you. By that I mean ardent disbelievers- not simply those who can't believe or are still looking- but those like you who would refuse to believe and don't want to believe. You give yourself away further below.
You are also using a VERY common deflection tactic that atheists are known for. There is a reason why that link I sent you to is 83 pages. And that is, every time the atheists got owned, refuted, debunked, or something they asked of us was proven, they would just throw another objection into the works. That is why so many things I already described on the previous page in my reply to you are in that thread. As soon as we thoroughly refuted one of their arguments, they would toss another deflection attempt in and the thread and it would go on forever.
So again I say, you will need to check out that link. Hitler was NOT a Christian. Stalin was NOT a Christian, Mao was NOT a Christian, atheist regimes killed more people in the last century than religion ever did, atheists do attempt to indoctrinate and seek control, etc., etc. This is not just supposition- this was proven with hard core facts. Check it out if you are genuinely interested in receiving an answer. Or remain in your ignorance. I don't really care either way- as long as you stop asking me questions that have already been answered repeatedly.
Undoubtedly there are a great many amputees, non of which have had miracles performed for them. None of them have grown new limbs. Not even one. If limb re-growing ever becomes possible, it will be done by doctors and bio-chemists.
See, this is why I kept getting confused. Here you are back on the amputee issue. Either focus on general miracles or specific miracles but don't shift the goal posts and then accuse me of dodging your questions.
Desist. I dont want you praying so that I can become mentally ill. I dont want to see faeries.
On one hand I want to say the way you close yourself off from knowledge is astounding to me. I am the type who wants to know, has to know, and needs to know. Sticking my fingers in my ears and going, 'Lalala' isn't something I'm capable of. Yet, on the other hand I want to thank you for your honesty. Most atheists won't admit such a thing. They claim they are open minded and want evidence of *** if He truly does exist- but then ignore everything presented to them, resort to personal attacks, come up with the silliest objections a five year old could have answered for them, etc. At least your honest about your head-in-the-sand approach.
I see no harm done by Darwinism, and other real science. It is ignorance and adherence to harmful nonsense that is injurious to humanity. Not the truth of real science.
You give away your ignorance, my dear. Darwinism is not mutually exclusive with evolution. If you ever want to get into an evolution debate, let's go for it. This is a thread of mine on the subject. It is also a biggie- 74 pages:
The Gullibility of Evolutionists, page 74
The atheists simply couldn't behave themselves so this is another thread filled with personal attacks and deflection attempts. Evolution on a macro scale is not real science- it fails to pass the tests of the scientific method. However, that is neither here nor there.
Evolution is the science,
Darwinism is the philosophical, godless outlook. Evolution is compatible with some religions, Darwinism is not. It is a secular philosophy that also uses science while evolution is [allegedly] only science and [supposedly] does not try to answer the '***' issue.
Blind faith is a biblical concept. Adherents are encouraged to simply belief and obey, not to think.
This is why I hate haggling with atheists. They criticize the faith, and some even hate it, yet they don't even know what we believe. lol Anyways- no we are not. We are told to question, reason, and judge all things in our mind. Those who do are described clearly as 'wise' and those who don't are clearly described as 'foolish.' I try to not cite Bible passages to atheists because their reaction to being provided with Bible citations is often the equivalent of a vampire being introduced to holy water but if you want, I will back this all up with Scripture.
Consider some of the thoughtless laws in your old testament, which call for the murder of homosexuals, ***-workers, and disobedient children.
Another deflection attempt that is brought up in just about every debate between Christians and atheists. If you cannot grasp the concept between the Old Covenant Law and New Covenant Grace then I cannot help you.
No. Those who wish to indoctrinate you always want to make you believe something. Atheists are not trying to make you believe in anything. They simply wish for you to understand that you are brain washed.
You apparently have not studied this topic as much as I have done. Read the works of Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris, etc. I know you are trying to get under my skin by repeatedly using the words 'brainwashed,' 'sky fairy,' etc., but I assure you I have heard much, much worse. The petty insults don't faze me because I know what I know.
Almost certainly, there is no ***.
You would have to be omniscient and/or omnipresent to be certain. You're not so you can't. Take care.