Brandon's Journal


New member
Aww, I remember you telling me last year about going to see that girl... omg, just realised, we've known each other for almost 3 years.... crazy!!! :/

But yeah, good that you had a fun time :]



New member
Haha yeah it was a great thing owning a cop, just had to play it cool so i diddnt end up on the hood of the car getting yelled at heh.

Holy **** Awison we have! Ive watched you basically grow up haha.



New member
Hmm I really dont know, I think were always gonna be great friends, but she randomly brings up that she wants to marry me someday haha. So maybe :p


New member
I never am able to talk to her unless its through a text message so its hard to be like go check LPF some people are chattin aboutcha haha.


New member
Well well...

Decided to update!

Past couple days have been interesting! My band thing released a demo of its new sound through a song called Dont You Know, some of you may heard it haha. Were happy on the response its gotten lots of positives but its a really mellow song compared to some of our other fun were workin on.

We started talk of a show a while back but because of the breakup of a member or two we cancelled it. But today we put our names back on the list to play, a sad 4-6 song set haha, nothin crazy, but to get used to stage life. Im hyped yet nervous at the same time haha.

Friday night I asked Ivana to prom even tho shes in college and im a senoir in high school, got a yes! Woo Partay! Then I get on facebook today and find out she has a new boyfriend, a guy she met 2 days ago..great..burst my bubble!

Oh well just gotta get this guy out of the way and keep tryin! Hehehehe...



New member
Yeah it kinda sucks I guess.

Thanks for the good luck!

And Ill try not to end up in jail I promise!

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