Well well...
Decided to update!
Past couple days have been interesting! My band thing released a demo of its new sound through a song called Dont You Know, some of you may heard it haha. Were happy on the response its gotten lots of positives but its a really mellow song compared to some of our other fun were workin on.
We started talk of a show a while back but because of the breakup of a member or two we cancelled it. But today we put our names back on the list to play, a sad 4-6 song set haha, nothin crazy, but to get used to stage life. Im hyped yet nervous at the same time haha.
Friday night I asked Ivana to prom even tho shes in college and im a senoir in high school, got a yes! Woo Partay! Then I get on facebook today and find out she has a new boyfriend, a guy she met 2 days ago..great..burst my bubble!
Oh well just gotta get this guy out of the way and keep tryin! Hehehehe...