Ok its been around a day or mor since the show..wow time flys!
The show was fun the stage was rediculously small, were a 6 person band and it was hard to get us and equipment on there , but we managed.
I get on stage and realized I need a drink bad..I end up doing the show with a dry mouth and everything I was shocked I was able to pull stuff off.
Show started off good with the main people introducing us although they forgot to introduce our backup singer. We started out with the mellow song Dont You Know..*** I forgot how long that song is! Its like 4 1/2 minutes or something.
Next was supposed to come happy b-day but I completely forgot and introduced Cassie as the next song. We went into is but nobody moved haha I was like '**** **** this is bad I need crowd jumping to give me energy!' Well I have been just standing there the whole show until the middle of the song where I yell a line, people diddnt expect me to scream and people were like wow! haha. All other bands were acoustic or soft. So we closed it out. Vocals were too high still, weneed to work on maddie's singing! haha
Next I introduce Escape the Mind as a cover of 2 LP songs with a new chorus. Now this is my first pretty much solo attempt. I started off and felt a little off beat..Jordan must ahve been nervous cause he was playing drums faster than normal so it was hard to adjust. I neevr looked directly at the crowd because if I did I lost all my energy. The screamI do in the song is usually 11 seconds but due to my dry mouth situation i was only able to pull off maybe a 4 haha. Some people really got into the song and were jumpin but way in the back.
It was pretty fun, we've now got our first show under our belts. 85% of the people there were all girls..and not one of them looked bad. I was like wow..hot. After the show they were talkin to me compleminting me..I was like 'Yeah I can deal with this'.
Finally, yup its all recorded. I have to wait until I can get it on my school server and upload them with clearer audio! Ill post some pics as soon as I get them!