Brandon's Journal


New member

Been a litle while since I posted, just couldent get myself hyped enough to get typing a journal entry! But here we go :p

Well the past couple of weeks have been ok I guess. A week after the LP concert I went to a concert called Winter Jam, mainly a concert where several christian bands come out and play and have a good time. Now I know many people dont like christian bands but I highly recommend Skillet and Thousand Foot Krutch. I mainly went to see Skillet cause well..TFK wasnt there. Man they put on a show! Flames, Fireworks and all that crazy stuff! Two cool concerts in a row! Got to meet them and stuff for the second time, the lead singer remembered me from a concert a year ago and from jumping around int he front row 'like a maniac' as he said laughing he loved it. The drummer is 18 and ohh my *** I wanna like marry her or something..sry I had a moment. Haha.

Last night I stood out in line to get the new game for Wii, im sure some of you guys have heard of it- Super Smash bros. Brawl. Its pretty addicting, just havin some fun with it, reminds me of the days sittin there playin melee on GC.

And tonight I went out on the town with Ivana, the girl im crushing on n' stuff. We ran around downtown and took some pictures, odd ive never done that before with someone and I actually enjoyed it, i'll have some pics up soon. Then we went out to dinner where I learned alot about her, she told me about what all shes done, who, what, and where is goin on with her, she just kinda opened up to me which I thought was cool cause usually people dont do that unless they trust you. Kinda was cool when she was like 'yeah Im giving up on that dude ive been after, and here comes the little more complicated part..i gotta move on...' and im goin' "oo oo oo! Is she gonna ask me to be her boyfriend or somethin?!' and of course shes like 'I met this new guy im starting to like alot and I may get serious soon with him....' ****! well I dont know haha, ive worked and worked, everyone sees us and are like you guys are awesome with eachother, but ya know things dont always work out, seems to be the case with me alot. :(

Well that was my lil update! Chyea

omg thats so cuteness!!! =D

I think that'll work out with you and Ivana :D not just bc I love her name (kinda very croatian one x]) haha its also that if she's like that and not mentioning the other guys name in your presence I honestly think she does mean you ;)

tho as you said maybe don't fall into it too quickly rather wait untill its like 100% sure otherwise you might get hurt :( and I dont want that *hugs*



New member
Yeah Jo she speaks fluent Croatian, which I think is cool I want her to teach me. Shes from that area! Haha. Yeah ive been chillin with her for 2 1/2 months now so ive got a feel if anything were to happen.

Now waiting for Mike to get on the LPU chat....

Anywho heres some pics!

W00t!!!!!! :eek:

Now I love her even more!! hahaha

Now just tell me she freakin rocks doesn't she??? I mean she has to she's croatian!!

Tell her "Volim te" :D :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

omg sorry but I'm so freakin hyped bout that lol

I mean like YOU teh Brandon like my best friend is attrackted to a croatian girl MY fellow uhm how do you say... fellow croatian blood or whatever haha :D

Oh **** I'm happy :D lol



New member
Thanks guys! We'll see, we're gonna go to a Breaking Benjamin and Three Days Grace concert next week on the 19th to have some fun.

Thanks for the tips jo, haha

And I just heard from a friend (my ex gf) haha so on spring break I may be going down there to hang out for a couple days, shes a good friend of mine but I havent seen her since the middle of May 2007. So its been a while. I think it will be fun if im thinkin right haha.



New member
Thanks guys! We'll see, we're gonna go to a Breaking Benjamin and Three Days Grace concert next week on the 19th to have some fun.Thanks for the tips jo, haha

And I just heard from a friend (my ex gf) haha so on spring break I may be going down there to hang out for a couple days, shes a good friend of mine but I havent seen her since the middle of May 2007. So its been a while. I think it will be fun if im thinkin right haha.
tape that concert for me lol:p

soo..what are you thinking.. ;)



New member
Lol. Nah nothing bad, im typically not like that torward something but you know im a guy so I understand why he says it haha dude thing as usual, theres a switch to me nothing dirty comes to mind unless something hits that switch haha


New member
Lol. Nah nothing bad, im typically not like that torward something but you know im a guy so I understand why he says it haha dude thing as usual, theres a switch to me nothing dirty comes to mind unless something hits that switch haha
like a girls hand or mouth? :confused:

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