Brandon's Journal


New member
Wel last night I went to the TDG and Breaking Benjamin show. I heard Seether wasnt going to show up but the ended up showing up after all so I got to jam to Fake It which was awesome, they also played Broken featuring Breaking Benjamin and TDG all on stage at once. Well The show opened up with a band called Neverset..ok never heard of em, but the pretty much rocked I give em credit they can put on a show but the crowd wasnt ready for it honestly. Nobody was jumping except me and I was upper arena!

BB and TDG rocked the house of course, they are pretty cool live, I had no expectations on them live but they made me waking up sore and battered. At one part during the concert I hammered my arm against a metal arm rest. Ivana thought I broke my arm along with everyone around me cause they heard the thud and me yelling "****!" really loud, it hurt but I had so much adrenaline I didnt care, once eevrything settled in my left arm diddnt want to move. So the concert went on and I kept acting crazy, today I got my arm checked out and I bruised my bone haha, so I have it wrapped up just a bit.

The trip there took about 3 hours and 3 hours to get back, I got home around 2:30am I was doin my best to stay awake as me and her traded off driving. It was fun quality time, I think she got to know me more than what she usually sees and I think she liked it haha. She told me a bunch of stuff that was bothering her and I think its something she wanted to do but never had anyone to tell it to. Which I felt cool about for some reason.

All in all great trip but tiring!

Other stuff my band is on hiatus while things settle out, but things are happening but its secret...:spiteful:



New member
:O You got to rock to Fake It! I wish I could... just once...

as for your arm... ... ... I don't feel bad for you... Because your like the crowds Chester Bennington! LOL



New member
Yeah it was great, my arm is feeling better today, nothing on it just sore haha. Funny cause I joked about the chester bennington arm breaking thing to, I always manage to get hurt..everywhere!

Hmm I cant remember the setlist, but it was alot of songs from Saturate I noticed, they opened with The into to Phobia and into The Diary of Jane, I think it was because thier older album to me at least was heavier. I remember they played Sugarcoat, So Cold, a cover of Change(In the House of Flies) cause I love that song and I video taped it haha.



New member
Yeah it was great, my arm is feeling better today, nothing on it just sore haha. Funny cause I joked about the chester bennington arm breaking thing to, I always manage to get hurt..everywhere!Hmm I cant remember the setlist, but it was alot of songs from Saturate I noticed, they opened with The into to Phobia and into The Diary of Jane, I think it was because thier older album to me at least was heavier. I remember they played Sugarcoat, So Cold, a cover of Change(In the House of Flies) cause I love that song and I video taped it haha.
well atleast the songs you mentioned are great^^

glad you had so much fun



New member
sounds cool, you must have been pretty crazy to hit your arm lol, but thats what live shows are for...


New member
Once again welcome back Jo! haha

Hmm well this will be the last thing I largely post in a couple of days, im going down to TN to see a friend of mine, I went last year as well and thats the last time I saw her haha. So im going back but this time im driving, and this will be my first big drive ever not long but somehwere like 3 hours. My mom actually went out and bought me a GPS system for my car a 200 dollar thing just for the sake of me not getting lost haha. I was pretty stoked. So im gonna be partying down there for a couple of days, maybe even filming a short film down there, i just borrowed a 3000 dollar camera from my teacher haha for some filming.

I cant wait to see everyone again cause her family is the shiznit!



New member
Okedoke! Im Back!!

Twas a fun little trip, my first 4 hour drive haha. Good thing is it went quick because I had friends with me. Well Friday we headed out around Noon and got there about 4 in the afternoon. We beat her home from school and pretty much broke into my friends house haha.

For those of you who dont know my friend Morgan is one of my ex girlfriends and really close friend and has been for a couple years, I liked her from 7th to 9th grade then she moved, came back for a visit a year later we ended up hooking up for a couple months then broke it off after we figued out how much long distance sucks. After that we vowed to stay close, but it had been a year since I had seen her so decided to stop by again (thats a long story in a nutshell)

It was great to see everyone she is the same crazy gal that I love to mess around with, scare and all that crazy fun. After that trip I can say that I slept with a girl haha literally, slept, she put her arm around me an slep like that all night. I was kinda like awwwww in my head haha. The weekend was great and I plan on going back soon and not waiting as long as I did this year.

One more thing about the trip, I was leaning on a police car after some karoke (cant spell) and I was mad the DJ couldent find the cd with In the End that I was gonna rap. I leaned on it being stupid while talking and another cop came up to me in hiscar and told me and my friend nathan to step over, well lets say I owned the cop haha. Handled perfectly haha, come on leaning on a car...pshtt!

Heres a little video I threw together in a day of the trip(sorry youtube made the video quality bad):
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