Brandon's Journal


New member
Ok its been a couple of weeks since my last post so some stuff has went down since then haha.

Ok I just celebrated my 19th birthday on teh 28th! Getting older isnt my ideaof fun haha i feel like I keep getting more and more responsibility, i unno haha, but it is great in some ways of course! :)

Alsoo in my little world of jumping back on the dating train, I kinda quit for a while just because some girls just ended up ******* me off too much and I kinda stopped haha. Well I went back to it for the past 2 weeks just to see what would come up. I ended up meeting a girl through another friend on facebook kinda random, but we went to a movie and I cant quit liking her! ***! Haha. That at the moment is sketchy cause Ive known her for 2 weeks now and she still is kinda touchy feely with some other guy that I wanna punch and get him out of the picture haha.

And Finally the band. Well its been a good 4 weeks since a decent practice and all, kinda depressing yet work gets in the way of everything. Today we just got our first show set up on April 3rd, it will be our first ever! We plan on being together every week or somehow sending material to each other to work on so im hyped, yet nervous cause ive never been on stage.

And I got bored in my room and I started messin with stuff and made this, yeah its kinda a lousy rapping job mainly cause everyone was asleap and I had to be quiet but yeah heres this (I posted it in the other artist forum too under Flight by Midnight so its the same haha)



Active Members
And I got bored in my room and I started messin with stuff and made this, yeah its kinda a lousy rapping job mainly cause everyone was asleap and I had to be quiet but yeah heres this (I posted it in the other artist forum too under Flight by Midnight so its the same haha) should work on your rhyming and your content...but there's some potential



New member
Kinda an update:

The past couple of days have been full of me tryin to get that other girl, and her liking some other guy just a tad more then me, and he doesnt even like her! Sometimes I dont understand you girls haha.

The band got some songs completed for the first show, I havent been there because of work. But they have completed the song probably everyone knows "Everytime we Touch" that were gonna cover, and the final version of "As the Tears Fall (Boardwalk Thunder)" the one you could hear on the LPF Sessions 2, only a lil more finalized.

So everything is cool I guess, just hangin out and all, JUST 18 DAYS TILL I SEE LP LIVE FOR THE FIRST TIME! Had to get that out haha.



Active Members
hmm.. good luck getting that girl...if you have chances..idk

cool about those tracks...when is the show?



New member
Yeah good luck with the girl man :) And 18 more days before you see lp woo, are you in the M&G?
that isn't announced yet

good luck with the girl, and have fun of course @ lp^^

btw are you in the lpu?



New member
Oh trust me guys the concert will rock, im trying to win a contest on the radio to send in a 1 min broadcast of why i shoudl get to photograph them and interview them after the show with backstage passes. That would own..***...haha

The girl..we'll see ill just keep playin that one off and see how it all turns out!

Oh and untitled im in the LPU! Its BrandonLP24 i think, I can never post on the LPUMB tho it never has let me since day one 2 years ago... but im on there alot.



New member
Haha someone posted a video and goddd its gonna be hard to beat..this person is pretty much decked out..I would be too if I was rich..! Gah I need something cool, im planning this out very well muhahhaha.


New member
Thanks that would be the shiz!

Hmm ok I recently got back on my urge for the Germany Trip im still not sure im taking. It all depends on money, I need some for my "Brandon Would like to Come to Germany Fund". I really wanna do this but saving up is rediculous its like holy ****! Haha. Somethign always comes up where I need to use it or something. I hope a truck of money just stops by my house..yeah that would rock..

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