Brandon's Journal


New member
Haha im gonna go for it if I get close enough cause I mean nothing is guarenteed! That would be pretty crazy walkin otu there with all those people staring id be like holllyyyyyy crapppp...


New member
Well tommorow is the big day, Monday the 25th! I probably wont post here until Tuesday, or maybe Monday afternoon when im at school but woohoo! I cant wait!

Oh and some stuff withe the band is goin on, from a call from Hollywood to new band members, and lazy ones being thrown out haha, more to come..



New member
Well tommorow is the big day, Monday the 25th! I probably wont post here until Tuesday, or maybe Monday afternoon when im at school but woohoo! I cant wait!
Oh and some stuff withe the band is goin on, from a call from Hollywood to new band members, and lazy ones being thrown out haha, more to come..
finally! hope you have a great time man, be sure to tell us all:D

hmm you don't mind the bandmembers gonna be replaced? thought it was a biend with friends or something:p



New member
Haha dont worry guys! Im gonna try to get some cool pics and some video of the band if i get to greet them and such, I want it a cool unforgettable moment! Haha

Bout 2 hours until I head out, once I get back i'll type a report and maybe get some pics up, just depends on what goes on, hopefully my parents will let me stay home tommorow from school, or maybe ill get "sick" and no be able to go hehehe.



New member
Just no Luck... I have it...

Just like the title says...

OK! Where to start?!

Well we get to Rupp Arena around 4 pm and the concerts start around 7. I go up to will call and introduce myself and say ive won VIP tickets on a radio station. This guy tells me the VIP stuff hasnt come in, check back in 10 minutes. I go back and The guy takes my drivers licence and goes away for what seems like forever and comes back and says, "Is it under any other name?" im like "Hmm no it should be under my last name," Well he says come back later and they may have it in. Sooo we go eat and hang for about 30 minutes. I head back and they have em yay! I sign myname that ive picked them up in my cool signature I always do and smile say thanks and walk away. Ok. Done.

Next I walk around the corner and hoorah a big *** line in front of me to get into the concert and its snowing a little bit and im wearing an undershirt and jeans thats it. I dig around in my bag and pull out my brand spankin new LP shirt that has all the US tour dates on it. Slide it on, ok still cold cause its short sleeves too.

We come up in line near this bus for Verizon. The guy is like would you al like to come in and tour to me and my friend who are shivering, and im like "Heck yeah man annytimee!" So I walk in, I did not know this was a mobile recording studio. This thing has a drum set, mixers, Laptops, and whatever you could imagine in it for recording. I learned Timbaland is curently using it to record Shock Value 2 in which was cool and also Fergie used it to record one of her most popular singles..cant remember the song. Well the dude goes on saying "Yeah were doin this remix thing on where you remix and you can win 40,000 dollars or LP to play at you college" He then goes on showing us how to work the remixer program we all know right now. Hes like "come on guys give it a go, you guys are beginners so I dont expect much but try it!" Well I kinda laughed cause I mean I play with this thing everyday at school and home. And I started crankin out this mix and he went from a smile to a kinda like "How did he..wait whaaaa????!!" look. I looked over and said "beginners luck?" *shrug* haha. We go back out and they are filming shot for verizon phone company with linkin park, as you will find out soon i'll most likely be in every shot, because he kept askign me to lead the chants cause thats all I did I got the whole line chanting "LP! LP! LP! LP!.." So he was like do that on camera so i did several times.

Well after all the good stuff, the line starts moving woohoo! Heart starts to race you know? Its like holy **** finally my night!

I go in and security is all like "Yo yo be our ***** for 5 minutes" They make everyone lift up thier shirt, then you lift up your jeans and show them you have nothing in your socks, then your usual whats in you pocket routien. Ok done ticket check time!

I go up and im like I have a ticket, but im also VIP *shows arm band, ding ding*

So this dude comes up and hes like "Dont worry 'll take care of them!" in like a super hero voice. Im like "Holy **** i feel major VIPage" Hes like youll beon that platform over there behind the mixing board, so I walk over and sit. Relize **** I dont have anything to get signed, so i run to the merch booth and grab a book and a special poster. WOuldent ya know my 90th dollar spent in 1 hour haha.

I come back with my other gear now hapy as a lark wondering when i get to meet LP. Well Chiodos startsand the bass drum kicks, holy **** felt like *** slapped the earth. They are not bad live, I just cant get into his singing! Oh well they end and im like ohhhh good 1 more band till my LP! CaC comes out and doesnt say anything to the crowd the entire show except Hi and 30 min later Bye. Come on dude get a lil more pep, pretty ok.

Ok heres where my night takes the turn.

Im sitting there and LP taking 4 years to get out there. More people come to the VIP stage and I notice they all have items, I look and they are all decorated in black maker. I see pictures of them and Mike Shinoda, Chester, and the whole band...I get kinda nervous but shake it saying maybe your chance will be after the show?

The girl I tied runner up with got VIP too she comes up to me and is like "Everyone has signed stuff, wha..what?" So I see a pal of mine and hes a shaperone for the concert, so I call him over."Hey man, whats up? Ok I got this meet LP thing and have dinner with them and what not when does that go down for me and my bud?" he looks at me and goes "Man, it was 6:15 pm to 8:15pm" I look at my watch its 9:05...Ok ny dream shattered right there, maybe even a shot to rap with Mike on stage, i was gonna at least ask him, even if he did say no! I never felt so degected in my life! Its like my heart was there and then poof, hollow spot.

I seriously thought for the first time in my teenage life I was gonna cry.m I laid my hea down on the rail while things ran through my head like "Ok spent 50 bucks on shiz I dont need, when i couldaused it for Hybrid Theory EP on ebay" and other things. *** dangit.

Well waited and about 9:15-9:20 LP hits the stage opening with Wake and Given Up.

Being Brandon means this little group of 7 people are gonna get rowdy or its just gonna be me and my friend nate. Of course it ends up me and him jumpin! Chester sounded great hit all notes great, and no he diddnt nail the 17 second scream he divided it up. Still equally as powerful! Lying From You was awesome, its kinda sad that I could quote mike from all the concerts ive listed to, I was yelling "People put your hands up! And put em down like this..this..ths..yeah yaw" Like he does haha. Dolla as over Points, I think cause I remember the lyics "When that mixtapes done and that album drops". Then after all the hard stuff the bust out the piano and play thier softies IMO. I yelled "Mike Shinooddaaa, Mike Shinnoooddaaaa" like hahn does in the LPTV Trailer really loud tryin to get on the recording of the show. On My December I yell "Yeahhhhh! Linkin Parrrrkkkk!" Dont know it got picked up haha. Once they were "done" they sat there forever and I pulled out my cell phone and started wavin it around signaling the crowd cause I knew HHH was next. I got some of the croud to actually whip them out. Little did I know it ended up being IN Between. Then came WID to close encore 1. Everyone started leaving and another friend of mine was leavin the satnds I immediaty called him and told him to get his **** back in there.

Ok the closers were Bleed it Out and Faint. Ok me and nate get into this. I mean we start to putin our own show. I start mocking mike and start jumping, by the end im worn out, but Faint opens up and im like dude. So I take off my shirt and start running around, me and nate start moshing on this little stage and people int he crowd are actually getting into it and cheering us on, throwin my shirt around, pretty much goin insane, I think for a good 4 minutes i diddnt know where the heck I was, once the extended outro was done I threw my shirt and some guy caught it and gave it back to me calline me a total "badass" and saying I really Know how to scream and actually sing, told him i was in a band like that has anything to do with it.

I guess tonight is hard to describe, I loved the experience it was amazing, Ive never felt any kind of energy like that before. Now I know why I want to be big in music one day. To do that for thousands of people making people of all ages get up and bounce. LP helped me realize that again. With all the troubles going in my band, I just wanna go back and be like you know what lets have LP look at em!

The other side of me feels ripped off, I was never told what to do, but everyone else was. 103.3 gae the fans specific instructions. While 104.5 what I won on pretty much made me figure stuff out on my own which of course I would have liked a clue. Even Rupp staff shoulda directed me to that direction, not to the floor, thanks alot guys it helped sooo much..pshh. I did learn alot tonight, like always be prepared for people not knowing **** about whats going on haha.

More to come..



New member
About the meeting sucks much things you did, for nothing

I´m glad you still went crazy on the show, that´s what you should do :)



New member
**** that sucks, they really shouldve given you the info..i would be so ******

glad the show was great though, that makes up for it atleast a bit



New member
XD I forgot! Haha they made it PG-13 so you have to be all registered grr...ok ill try to do the youtube thang tonight
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