
Hyper knows what I mean. I'm not saying go do it and you'll see. I mean you have to have the feeling with it too. It's just some people find it a way to release emotions, just a method that most people find disturbing.
Rubber banding leads to Scratching, Scratching leads to Burning, Burning leads to Cutting.............. Sry.. Couldn't help myself....

I am done with my yoda talk for the day...
Minzara said:
Rubber banding leads to Scratching, Scratching leads to Burning, Burning leads to Cutting.............. Sry.. Couldn't help myself....

I am done with my yoda talk for the day...

whats rubber banding?
ouch burning, i dont know how any1 can do that?
keza said:
whats rubber banding?
ouch burning, i dont know how any1 can do that?

lol i have been on this forum for almost a year now, and people have said they have done all these things, rubber banding, is where u take a rubber band and hit urself with it, kindof like cutting...
Minzara said:
lol i have been on this forum for almost a year now, and people have said they have done all this things, rubber banding, is where u take a rubber band and hit urself with it, kindof like cutting...

wow, never heard of that before, thats a new one
the ways people come up to hurt themselves...but i think the burning one has got me, i thought cutting scars were ugly, but lots of little burns averwhere, how would u explain that to ur parents...
whats that thing where u catch fire suddenly...? conbustion something, something like that...???
thanks for explaining ^^
keza said:
wow, never heard of that before, thats a new one
the ways people come up to hurt themselves...but i think the burning one has got me, i thought cutting scars were ugly, but lots of little burns averwhere, how would u explain that to ur parents...
whats that thing where u catch fire suddenly...? conbustion something, something like that...???
thanks for explaining ^^

np, i still dont know why people do those things...its kindof sad :(
Minzara said:
np, i still dont know why people do those things...its kindof sad :(

more than kinda sad really, most of them have depression or it leads to it cuz they cant deal with it, i mean i used to cut, emphasise on the usd to, was stupid little girl and i regret it to this day, but ive learnt to deal with the things that are troubling me...i feel really bad for those that cut :( especially when u know them and like them..
ok i'll stop rattling now
I've never cut.... I'm more of a pill person myself, but i won't get into that....

My sister did alot awhile back.... she still has horrible scars on her arm.... I never could understand why someone could cut themselves, I don't know if I could bring myself to do it. Apparently, it releives tension and stress from what my sis said. But I guess non-cutters can't truely understand fully why.
eh..still here... and still a cutter... my ex and now best friend (*gasp* is that possable?) has stopped... wich i am happy for her for... she had gotten into drugs too... like meth, coke, acid, and otherthings i prolly dont even know of... but she's quit all of that... YAY! (well except the pot... and catnip?... yeah i dont understand either...)

my work dusnt help with the whole depression thing... since razors (replacements for box cutters) are plentiful... but i've been good and have thrown all of them away (or my friend and my stepsister confiscate them)

but a message for all those out there that may be thinking of cutting... dont! just dont... in the end it just hurts you and those around you...
I found out just yesturday that my friend used to cut....and she has sum scars lined up all over her arms...she said that she stopped cause... cutting didnt really solved any problems...just gaved her more with her mom. The last time she cut herself was like on August..and she still has the im guessing she cut herslf badly.
For every one else that cuts... :( plz dont..your just hurting yourself more than you already are...
Jacx said:
I found out just yesturday that my friend used to cut....and she has sum scars lined up all over her arms...she said that she stopped cause... cutting didnt really solved any problems...just gaved her more with her mom. The last time she cut herself was like on August..and she still has the im guessing she cut herslf badly.
For every one else that cuts... :( plz dont..your just hurting yourself more than you already are...

you dont have to cut deep to leave scars (just to leave noticable ones)

i have alot of scars... though they dont stand out much...except under a blacklight... then thay're like "I"M HERE!!!"
meh, i've never actually cut. which is odd.. considering how depressed i've been for the past five months. i mean, i've held a knife up to my throat.. but never cut myself rofl.

yeah, pointlessness, but.. relevent to the thread i guess