diana's journal

Rain??? Well, haha, it sounds se weird to me! Here it's hot as usual...You know you are absolutely right when you call this place "second home". I feel that way too! I used to be depressed most of the time but since I came here...I'm just a happy girl!!! OMG you're all so wonderful people!!!! Love ya!!!;) :D :thumbsup:
crazy robster said:
Rain??? Well, haha, it sounds se weird to me! Here it's hot as usual...You know you are absolutely right when you call this place "second home". I feel that way too! I used to be depressed most of the time but since I came here...I'm just a happy girl!!! OMG you're all so wonderful people!!!! Love ya!!!;) :D :thumbsup:
He he...you're sooo right! I love you guys soooo much... :D
I'm glad that I was/am LP fan...and that I sign in that site...damn... ;)
Heart_LP said:
omg your sig is beautiful!!!!! **
sorry...fangirl energy came out...
hope everything si fine hon =D
Aaaawwww, thanks, hon! *huggles back*
It's not the sig that's beautiful...it's the Orlando... :p
Right now I'm feeling great! :thumbsup:
And you?
Heart_LP said:
true XD
that's great! ^^
me too! thanx hon
It's good that you're doing alright! :thumbsup:
Love ya! *hugs*

Today's morning is so beautiful! It's been raining for 2 days...but when I woke up there was just that sweet blue sky...and now the sun is up...yay! :D I can see that today's gonna be a nice day.... :thumbsup:

Only 17 days till the end of this school-year classes!!Yay! :p But, I'll have to study till then a couple of times... :confused: Ah, it's all good...I'm gonna take it, right? ;)

These days I'm having such a great time here, on LPF...specially in the eves... :) I love you guys! (you know who you are... :thumbsup: )
*hugs to all*

Okey, I don't know what's gotten over me...but I'm strange...
I don't feel as happy and hyper as usual...hate this...I want to enjoy my staying here...
I don't know... :confused:
Maybe it's the weather...it's depressing...

However...tonight me & my bf supposed to meet but we didn't...we both have no will...weather is bad...it's cold...it's really not June-weather...bleeee...bad eve for me, I guess... :confused:

Anyway...school is a little better...
But I still have some studying to do and I have to end my business plan...which sucks like hell!
Damn, I hate this stuff...

On Sunday...my trainer is going to competition...he'll jump with Randi...so I won't this time...but it's gonna be my turn next weekend, I think... ;)
I'm gonna go with him, though...hope they'll do well... :thumbsup:

Take care...
Di!!! What is it honey why are you so depressed? I bet it's because you didn't see your boyfriend tonight...awwww...don't worry it's all good, tomorrow will be a much better day!!! I hope you cheer up soon OK? Take care! *hugs*
allieking said:
don't think so, just thought i'd come in and have a peek, i left some choccy cookies for you on the table lol
*takes cookies off the table*
Well, I'm glad you decided to have a peek... :p
I love meeting new people around here... :D
(Even though you're not that new to me but...anyway... :thumbsup: )

crazy robster said:
Di!!! What is it honey why are you so depressed? I bet it's because you didn't see your boyfriend tonight...awwww...don't worry it's all good, tomorrow will be a much better day!!! I hope you cheer up soon OK? Take care! *hugs*
Like i said, I think it's that ****ed up weather... :(
Well...I think it's not that much about my bf...we talked on the phone for 30 minutes...the longest till now... ;)
I don't know...it's just that kind of day...these days have to exist to, right? So we can appreciate better days... :thumbsup:
Thanks for caring, hon...
Lots of love...*hugs*
Fi...thanks, hon...*hugs back*
It's pretty natural if it's cold at your place now...but here it supposed to be almost summer...but noooo...for last few days here was like about 10°C...lol...yeah..really sucked...but now it's getting better... :D And I'm kinda feeling better too...and only 2 weeks left of school...*dances around*

Allie...I'm good...thanks for caring...*hugs*
Hope everything is ok with you... :thumbsup:
Sygy said:
im sore and humiliated!!! but apart form that school starts agaon after holidays tommorrow and its straight inot my exam week!!!
hows u?
I'm ok...better...for me, holidays will start in 2 weeks...and there will be no school till september!!! Yay! :D
Emmm...and I feel so sorry for you...as I said before... :rolleyes: I'm sorry that this happened to you... :confused:
Hope you'll feel better soon... :thumbsup:

And, btw...thanks you stopped by! Welcome to my journal! :p