diana's journal

Sygy said:
yeah its ok!
your a bitch ! ur school hols start in 2 weeks i have about another month. and that month is going to be pure exams!!!
tis an honour to be in ur journal!
And it's my pleasure... :thumbsup:
Well...but I don't know how's your school-year about sooo...I can't tell if our 2 months holidays are better... :rolleyes:
Where are you from?
London is really violent. ive see ppl getting stabbed, rapped and shot. i like my part just inbetween the city and the suburbs. once u get in its really shiffty and so are the men as a 14 year old girl i feel sometimes quite uncomfortable walking around at night time,
why are u worried about ur future,
btw slovenia is nice!
Sygy said:
London is really violent. ive see ppl getting stabbed, rapped and shot. i like my part just inbetween the city and the suburbs. once u get in its really shiffty and so are the men as a 14 year old girl i feel sometimes quite uncomfortable walking around at night time,
why are u worried about ur future,
btw slovenia is nice!
Yeah...this big cities are dangerous...we don't have that kind of problems...at least not in such a big quantity...that's why I prefer small towns...
Well...why am I worried? Hmmm...cuz I don't know what am I gonna do in my ****in life! I don't know if I'm gonna get a job...or anything...it's hard even now for young ppl...what are we, our generation gonna do?
well its looks like in genaral out generation isnt really up too much at all. i think the best think that we can do is to keep our heads down a study bc at least that aspect of our future is under our own control. when things are out of our control like an ecomonic depression or not that much of need for educated employess(skilled workers) than we cant blame ourselves.
i know i london everyone is having a hard time bc my genration doesnt want to study. is it the same in slovenia?
Diana!!! Hey, I haven't stopped by for a while or what? Me a cow!! (hahaha, Matt likes it when I say this!!!) Well, I also live in a small town in Greece and personally I wouldn't change it for any big city in the world...It's as quiet and safe as I need but not uninteresting!!! In summer especially it's filled with tourists and it's awesome!! You are right about our future and stuff... Unemployment is a serious problem...I'm a little worried myself, I must admit but...I hope I'm lucky enough to get a teaching job in a school or sth like that. I got the qualifications but I also have to participate in some kind of exams held by the state...This is the only way one can become a school teacher, here in Greece at least...
Anyway, take care and talk again soon! *hugs* :D
Sygy...yeah, you're right...but, hmmm...well...here we know that our only choice is to study...of course not all of ppl study hard but...it's going pretty well, I think...it's just that it's pretty hard to get to the university and stuff cuz there are often high limitations...that's gonna be the biggest problem for me...cuz I love psychology but I won't be able to study it cuz the limitation for it is way too high...one of the highest of all...last year they had to have at least 91 points out of 100! Awful! However, now I don't know what I'm gonna study...and I only have a half of year left to decide... :(

Jojo...yeah, you're such a cow! I mean, how can you even dare not to come to my journal!?! :eek:
lol...you know I appreciate every time you stop around here...*hugs*
Well, hope you'll get that job when you'll want it and that it'll all go well... :thumbsup:

Anyway, nothing much is going on in my life this days...still just studying and stuff...I just have to hold on till the next week...then it's gonna be all cool...I hope...

Take care, you guys!
Diana use pretty colors to mark entries :p

But yea that's cool I've been considering studying psychology too, you know?
Seems awesome to talk to and try to help people.. :)
Yes...I'm very interested in it...
And why would I use colours?
Anyway, thanks for stopping by...appreciate that...

Oh, I have some lyrics for you all...this song is from Static-x...hope you like it... ;)


So I've betrayed self
So I've betrayed you
So what now?
So what do we do?

Pushing you away
Away from me

So I'm, I'm confused
So you're not amused
So I'm feeling used
So what do we do?

Pushing you away
Away from me

Empty inside
I'm dying, I'm crying
She makes me bad
Betrays my head
Empty inside
I'm dying, I'm crying
She makes me bad
Hello my friend!

I am here...at last! I just want to tell you that I didn´t forget you...it is IMpossible.I very enjoy that you have new friends.

PEOPLE,,,FINALLY!YOU FIND HER!...this is the BEST PERSON in here and in all the world.

School...You can´t give up...you can be happy in another kind of job too...it doesn´t matter what you study...everyone who studied in nuniversity has great life and lot´s of money.The most interesting thing is -to have someone who loves you.And you have lot´s of ppl who love you...This is truth.

I just want to say you that I love you. Goodbye my friend. Good luck.
aloneme said:
Hello my friend!

I am here...at last! I just want to tell you that I didn´t forget you...it is IMpossible.I very enjoy that you have new friends.

PEOPLE,,,FINALLY!YOU FIND HER!...this is the BEST PERSON in here and in all the world.

School...You can´t give up...you can be happy in another kind of job too...it doesn´t matter what you study...everyone who studied in nuniversity has great life and lot´s of money.The most interesting thing is -to have someone who loves you.And you have lot´s of ppl who love you...This is truth.

I just want to say you that I love you. Goodbye my friend. Good luck.
Oh, Boris...thank you sooo much! I really appreciate that you stopped by...I missed you a lot! :confused:
However, I'm glad that you think I'm "the best person" even though this can't be true... :rolleyes:
I love you too...it's just sad that we lost our contact a bit... :(
*hugs you tightly and gives you a kiss on a cheek*

And, yeah, I hope I'm gonna make the right choice about school...well, we'll see what's gonna happen... :thumbsup:
Hey Di...just checkin in...I just wanted to say I realy like your new sig....hope you feel good...

*Leaves A Cookie*