diana's journal

Jeezy said:
Hey Di...just checkin in...I just wanted to say I realy like your new sig....hope you feel good...

*Leaves A Cookie*
Aaawwww, Jeez...thank you, I appreciate that...*huggles*
I'm glad you like my sig...Randi is awesome! :thumbsup: ;)
And yeah...I'm feeling pretty good...thanks for asking/caring... :D

Oh, and thanks for a cookie...*takes a cookie and eat it* :)

Hmmm...school...well...it's getting better and better...today I finished with my History...finally...I think I won't study History anymore ever! Yay! :D
Tomorrow I'm gonna be asked Sociology...at least I sould be... :rolleyes: I've studyed a bit...have to do it later...
Then there'll be only Slovene left that I'll have to study... ;)

However, I have some new funny pics... :thumbsup:
the white me
Tomaž...not mine, though...XD

Well, yeah...this is it... ;)

Hmmm...on Sunday I could go on competition but I don't think I'll go cuz I have to study ****in Slovene... :confused: Meh, I'll go another weekend... :thumbsup:

Ok, all for now...
Hey nice pics.... :thumbsup: I think Len wanted to say that he liked the 3rd picture the most...
lol sorry.. I meant: the surroundings look very beautiful. like the hill with the trees.. and at the right you can see more hills be it a little less clear.. ;) pic 4 funniest :p
Lenneh said:
lol sorry.. I meant: the surroundings look very beautiful. like the hill with the trees.. and at the right you can see more hills be it a little less clear.. ;) pic 4 funniest :p
Oh, Len...thanks for the explanation...lol... :p
Yes, the nature here is beautiful...that forest that is on the left on the 3rd pic...that hill...Sometimes I ride there...I mean...it's awesome to ride in the nature...not in manege...it can be very relaxing...especially if I go by myself...it's great! Oh, damn...haven't been there for a long time now...I think I'll go one day this weekend...can't wait! :thumbsup:
hehe, I prefer cycling or walking, maybe because I only once tried to ride a horse.. and I couldn't sit for a day :rolleyes:

I prefer to just.. sit at one spot, enjoy the view.. it's great :thumbsup:
Di! Great pictures! I love horses although I've only ridden a horse once and it was rather...dangerous...Hahaha!!! But it's lovely that you actually ride horses! As for me, I'll have to agree with Len...I'd better walk or ride my bike, or....drive my car...It's safer for me... :thumbsup: *hugs as usual*
He he...thanks, Jojo...*hugs back*
And, yeah...riding horses...you know...horses were always my first love and passion...I don't know from where that comes but...I can't help it... :rolleyes:
Anyway...hope you're alright... :thumbsup: