diana's journal

Boris...thank you! *hugs* :)
Franka...he he, thanks...but as I said to Jeez before...maybe next year...just remind me then... ;)

So...at 3.30 pm I went to that guy (name: Miha) and we went cycling for about a half an hour...after that we went in the park and just talk till 5.30 pm...He is just a sweety...
The interesting part was...He said that it's very strange that I always find time for him...(I often have no will for anything and I don't go out with just anybody...)...and that this is a privilege...I just "asked" him how will he use that privilege...and he said he don't know but that he feels good about it... :D I just started to laugh and didn't tell him why...I should, though...I just wanted to say him that he don't know the reason why I'm going out with him...he he...if I told him that then the thing would go on but...I'm just stupid...
Now I'm pretty convinced that he kinda like me...What do you think?
Damn, I think I'll have to tell him that I like him...if he won't do that...we'll see... :p

I was at home at 6 pm, ate something and then went riding...I overrode one horse that I usually don't...I'm pretty tired cuz he's a pretty hard one to ride...And I'll ride him now for at least 2 days...+ my Randi...damn, I'm gonna be exausted...+ I'll have to cycle to get there and that's about 8 km in one direction...Oh, Miha said that he'll go with me one day...he loves to cycle, though... :p

However...I'll keep you in touch with "Miha & me" thing... :thumbsup:
diana said:
Frib thanks again... :D
Emmm, yes, it's slovene...It means something like that...
"Let the arms to touch the sky,
Tell your head to let go off her body..."
It sounds better in slovene... ;)
ah, nice
and yeah it always does
translating something like that is hard :p
Thanks for the understanding, Frib... :)

Just one small uptate...
It's like 7 am and I've already woken up...I hate cuz I can't sleep well lately...damn...I don't know what to do... :confused:
However, in about an hour I'll go riding...2 horses, you know...I'm glad cuz it's not gonna be so hot today...it's a little cloudy...yay, at last! But no sign of any rain this far... :confused: Bleeeh...poor nature...I feel sorry for her... :(
Good luck with this guy....sounds nice to me...

Have fun riding.....wow 2 horses...you'll be exhausted after that...

Take care....
Jeez...thanks for that wishes... :)
Yeah, I already overrode them...I'm tired...but...it's all good since I'm not going anywhere today...I think... ;)
You too take care...*hugs*

Hmmm, I think it's time for new sig... :p But which one? Meh, let it be LP this time... :D
diana said:
Thanks Jos...Well, I'll see what he's gonna do...I hope he'll speak up...in words...or actions... :p

Maybe you should go and talk to him....and tell him how much you like him... ;)
Damn...now, some of you are telling me to wait, some to talk to him...bleeee..you are confusing me, guys! Cccc...
Well, okay...I'll wait for a bit more...just to see what's gonna happen when we'll meet again...if still nothing from him...I'll tell him... Good plan? He he... :thumbsup:
And Jeez...thank you... :)
diana said:
Damn...now, some of you are telling me to wait, some to talk to him...bleeee..you are confusing me, guys! Cccc...
Well, okay...I'll wait for a bit more...just to see what's gonna happen when we'll meet again...if still nothing from him...I'll tell him... Good plan? He he... :thumbsup:
And Jeez...thank you... :)

Good plan...you should do it like that... :thumbsup: