diana's journal

No you don't have to think about it...sometimes too much thought is harmful!! lol ;)
He likes you, you like him...that's it! Oh, and hi sweetie!!! :D
diana said:
He he, Jeez...maybe it is... :p
Hey, you! Nothing much...just chatin, I guess...and you?

Emmm, have a big report for you...Yesterday I was chattin with Miha on MSN...it was cool...then all the sudden we somehow get to the point where he asked me about my wishes...first I was hesitating...but then he said: "Okay, then nothing..."...I got scared...so I just told him that it's cool going out with him and that I unexpectedly started to like him. He just said: "Now, that is what I wanted to hear."...He said that he knew about that cuz he could see...I guess I was showing it too much...heh... :p However, he said he already thought about it one time while we were sitting on the bench...he was thinking about kissing me and stuff...but somehow he didn't manage that...he didn't actually know what to do...And he asked me if I too had some flashes like that...I said I had them but: "How the hell could I know what is going on in your had?!?"...he just smiled...and said that we have enough time sooo...all is good... :D
He is going on vacation with his family next week, though...for about 10-14 days.. :( Meh, I guess I'm gonna survive... :rolleyes:

Today my mum and sis came home after a week...they woke me up, goddamnit...that's why I slept for only about 5 hours... :mad:

Anyway, that's it... :thumbsup:

how sweet ^^

Well...nothing much is happening around here...I'm again bored...have nothing to do...even here, on the internet... :( I wanna start with sig making but...I don't know what should I do...Bleee, me and my imagination that doesn't exist... :confused:
However...Miha haven't showed on msn for 2 days now...I just sent him sms...I'll see if he's gonna response...maybe they already went on vacation...Idk...I try not to bother too much about it...why should I? It's not even worth it... :p
Hi Di!! *hugs* Well, as far as the boredom part is concerned, I sympathise... I do lack imagination too, plus the fact my brain is not working properly due to excessive heat...lol As far as Miha is concerned though, i don't think it's not worth it... It is worth it, you just have to be a bit patient, the guy is away on holiday. Everything will be settled when he comes back, ok? :)
Jojo! :D Hey, girl!*squeeze hugs*
Well...I thought that it's not worth bothering about it...I mean about that he's not on msn...BUT...it could also be anything wrong cuz he cycle a lot, downhill and stuff...Idk...I try to blow away these thoughts...
Oh, yeah, you're right... It's not worth getting worried about it! Just keep in mind that there are people who are not that...communicative let's say, in the sense that they're not the exchanging-sms-every-single-day type... He's on vacation, he must be busy doing other things. Since you made sure he is aware of your feelings, just let him make the next move...;)
that's true what crazy robster said..maybe he is not that guy who is talkative that much that he'll exchange millions of SMS messages everyday...you know what I mean..some guys are feeling like you are suffocating them by trying to talk to them every single second...

Well I don't know the guy...
Maybe you'll have to wait until he comes back to celje
Yeah...that what I'm thinking about...just to let him do the next...I've done the first... :p Meh...I'm just gonna wait...I have no other choice...

Yackie...first...thanks for dropping by! :D
Yeah, I know...I don't wanna be that impation bitch who is trying to enchain the man, you know...and I won't be, that's for sure! I know that every single person deserves to be free with or without partner... :thumbsup:
Oh, well...nothing special again...I jsut wanted to share my dreams with you... ;) However, I was dreaming about Miha and me...we simply met in school, grabed our hands and went on...it was so lovely! Very nice...I was so happy in that moment...damn...so sweet...If this won't work out then it's just_whatever...meh...enough about that ****! :rolleyes:
All that I did today was that I wrote a letter to my friend...she lives on the other side of the country...we only met once...but she's just so sweet...I love her... :)
Oh, well...I'll go riding imn the evening...hope my mum will come home soon...
Awwww... how sweet!!!! Awww Di, I know how it feels... It has happened to me too...The problem is that those dreams are sooo good that when you wake up and face the cruel reality you get disappointed...*sniffle* At least that's how I feel...:)
diana said:
Oh, well...nothing special again...I jsut wanted to share my dreams with you... ;) However, I was dreaming about Miha and me...we simply met in school, grabed our hands and went on...it was so lovely! Very nice...I was so happy in that moment...damn...so sweet...If this won't work out then it's just_whatever...meh...enough about that ****! :rolleyes:
All that I did today was that I wrote a letter to my friend...she lives on the other side of the country...we only met once...but she's just so sweet...I love her... :)
Oh, well...I'll go riding imn the evening...hope my mum will come home soon...
aw romantic dream :p
I'm a hopeless romantic so that kinda stuff is something I dream too lol
Aawww, thank you guys! *huggles* :)
Jojo...yeah, but somehow I wasn't disappointed...I felt better...it gave me some hope, I guess... ;)
Frib...he he...you're a hopeless romantic, ha? Well, I'm actually not...sometimes I hate it but...when it comes to things like this...I almost melt... :D
crazy robster said:
We can all get romantic as long as we meet the right person I think...;)
Yeah, maybe you're right...I guess you're right... ;)

I have new pics for you from latest competition... :p
me & randi_01
me & randi_02
me & randi_03
me & randi_04
I like the first 2...I'm just that serious and concentrated...the whole image looks right... :D
3rd is very nice...my body position is pretty right...my heel could be lower but it's okay...But the best part is my smile...he he...looks funny... :p
4th is not that good...my position is not great...the biggest mistake is that my body is not flatted like it should be...and my heel should be lower! The full image is funny, though...meeeh... ;)

Today...I'll go riding in the evening...I'll have training_jumping and stuff...hope it's gonna be alright... Well, if it's not gonna be raining...and if my trainer won't have to work...we'll see...
And tomorrow I think I'll go to the cinema with my friens Nina to see the movie Pirates of the Caribbean II. I can't wait! :D