diana's journal


I went out (in town) yesterday evening. It was great, I was in a very good mood...first we were hanging outside of the club, later, at around 10 pm we went inside. There weren't many people in it but the music was pretty good... I heard song "I Know Them" from Ektomorf and I fall in love with it! :p It's an awesome song! I'm just downloading the whole "Destroy" album of Ektomorf... I've downloaded a programe called Limewire for downloading and it's awesome. It's way better than emule plus which I was using till today...it's very fast. :thumbsup: I recommend it...

So, to go on with the last night...emmm, oh yeah, I was with my friends Nina and Andreja and one guy that I got to know yesterday. Well, actually I was with them till about 1 am cuz that's when they went home. I stayed cuz I went home with another friend Mateja...and that was at about 3 am.
I was also a bit disappointed cuz Zorzo didn't show up...he was at another place, I heard that by the river. Oh well, **** is happening, what can we do? Better luck next time, I guess... ;) Now I just hope he'll come on msn...

Emmm, oh, and I was a bit drunk... :D Well, I drunk 6 red bull-vodkas...and I smoked more than one box of cigarettes...yup, when I start smoking I keep lighting up one cigarette after another. That happens just once in a while...but maybe now it's gonna happen everytime I'll go out, almost every friday. We'll see... :p

Okay, I guess that's all...
Wooohooo sounds like you had a great time!!! Well, apart from the not seeing Zorzo part! But yeah you might be luckier next time!! I haven't been in a club for ages I feel so old Jesus!!! Anyway life goes on... Take care girl!! *hugs*
Jojo...*hugs* Thanks...I must be luckier next time...but now I think I'll have to find him, lol...we'll see... ;)
Syg...he he, yeah...hmmm, what are boutielles?
Meh, yup, it was pretty awesome... :p


Well, yeah...I'm totally ****ed up cuz of ****in school! Don't wanna explain it all... All you need to know is that everything sucks as hell and that the beginning of this school-year is a total disaster for me...I am so freakin unlucky! I can't believe it... :(
But, however, everything will be better, I just have to stick with that thought...

The only thing that can make me feel better is listening to Korn...damn, I love their music...and Jonathan's voice, style...they are my cure...
Jeezy said:
Yeah...Korn helps out with everything....
Hell yeah, they're everything...


Okay, right now I'm great! I got new camera today...my own camera...^^ It's this one:

Now I have my pics from Italy so I'll upload them soon...and post some here, of course...yup, lots of pics lately...sorry for that... :eek: :p

However, I actually don't have anything else to say...lol...
Jeezy said:
That's a cool camera *jealous*

Now you can do one pic everyday...and post it...lol

Well, if you want to watch my pics every day...then I can do that...but i doubt that you really want to, lol... :p

EDIT: Here are some pics from Italy...this time I'm gonna post only those with me on them, later others... :p
me & my LPU shirt^^
me07 Here you can see my poor eyes... :(

So, yeah...that's it...well, there's more but they're not for public... :D
Sygy said:
Korn are amaxe at everything they do..well excussing most of FTL and TALITM.....yeah...jonathan is old now..and fat...and has a bald patch..yeah!!!!! :)
He he...meh, Jonathan is not that fat anymore and he's not that old yet... :D He is still doing a hell of a job on stage...the proof is RAR 2006...on of the best shows I've seen...^^
diana said:
He he...meh, Jonathan is not that fat anymore and he's not that old yet... :D He is still doing a hell of a job on stage...the proof is RAR 2006...on of the best shows I've seen...^^
Probably the best show I have ever seen...

and...nice pics...I really like the 2nd one...you are so pretty...

Emmm, I'm gonna post some pics from Italy...but before that let me tell you that I got the dancer for that school dance...He's my neighbour and his name is Matjaž. Tomorrow after school we're going at dance practice...hope it'll be okay... ;)

So, here is the second round of pics :D :
my best school-mate and friend Nina
now, this pic is so cute...^^ Nina...
Zorzo with weed...
Smoking the weed...
And exhailing...
Čedo...a nice guy...:)
Žohar and my school-mate Špela...
My school-mates Špela & Mojca...

I guess this is it...next round next time... :p

Sygy said:
he is old when i saw them last year he diffinatly looked really old!
Well...watch the RAR 2006 and you'll see what I'm talking about... ;)
Wow nice pictures hey I haven't posted in here for quite some time...I have neglected all you buds I'm terribly sorry!!! My sweet...you look awesome and thanks for sharing!!! Take care!! *hugs*