diana's journal


Errr, yesterday evening Zorzo was on MSN...he was set as "away" so I didn't know if I should start the convo or not... When I just wanted to say hi he overtake me! I was so happy for that! :D That's how we talked for a bit and it went well...it made my ****ed up day...or I better say days... So, like I said, we talked only for a bit cuz he went out.
Oh, here's another pic of him that my friend gave to me...I had to brighten it up so you can even see him... :thumbsup:
Ummm, he is wearing a wig cuz it was that kinda day as Halloween, when we dress up in something stupid, lol...yup, we have that day in February, I think... Halloween is not that important to us...

However...I think I'm starting to like this guy very much...even though I don't want to fall in love to quickly... :confused: Damn, I'm a bit angry at myself for doing that...
Di my sweet I don't wanna sound like a mummy now so at least I'll try to sound like a big sis. Just because you remind me of myself in the past (I used to fall in and out of love VERY quickly) I suggest you don't rush this time cause you can see, and I'm tellling you from experience, that if you push things with guys it simply...doesn't work. Don't press things let him be your friend, hang out together as friends and ONLY if he openly expresses interest in you then move on to something more. I'm telling you I've been hurt countless times because of this... showing your admiration OPENLY is the only sure way to make a guy panic and leave...Don't ask me why, this is how the stupid male mind works (sorry boys who read this) well...at least most of the times... *hugs* :D
Ha ha, Jeez...very funny...-.- [ :D ]

Sygy...I can't help you with that one...at least for now...sorry...

Thanks, Jojo, I always appreciate your advices...*hugs*
I think you're right...but I heard that he's shy and stuff...I don't know...I'll try not to rush...I hope he already knows I like him...I think he should, thoguh... :) Now I wonder what's gonna happen if we met at school or on the street...and I hope we'll talk on msn soon...he's like so rarely online... :confused:
Meh, we'll see what's gonna happen... :thumbsup:
Sygy said:
hmm *Stroked beard*
maybe i dont like him bc he smokes pot......err gahhhh

anways, whats happening with the nightclub which is being closed down
Well, yeah, this is bothering me too... :(

Well, it's been closed down... :( And now we'll be going to another club which is not that good, of course...it doesn't have the place to dance but at least the music is usually good... But maybe one club is gonna re-open after a year...the owner is the same as it's temporary been at this club that's been closed now... It should open in December or January...I hope so, though...and I hope they won't reform it too much... We'll see...*shrugs*

Lately things are shity or good...it all depends...for days I was in a bad mood but now I'm in a great one cuz Zorzo is on msn often now so we talk actually everyday...that makes me so happy... :) God, I can't be in love yet...damn...

However (to stop with that bullshit)...today we had sport-day or whatever I should call it... We went to the stadium. First we were throwing the shot (I hope you know what I mean...:S) and I throw it 6.70 m... Second was the run on 60 metres...my time was 9.80 s...not that good... Third was a long jump...I jumped for like 3 metres...lol... And the last was the run on 600 metres...I was first here for the 4th time on High school...our girls (in my class) are such a pussies... :p But I'm not satisfied with my time...2 : 22 minutes... Meh, **** it... :p

Anyway, I have too much work for school to do this week...and in the future, of course...damn... :confused: I can't wait to get my status of sportsman...I think I'm gonna get it in one-month-time...bleh...

Meh, that's all...
oh...you are in the "meh-bleh"-mood today...lol...

You seem to be good in running...better than I am....
Jeezy said:
oh...you are in the "meh-bleh"-mood today...lol...

You seem to be good in running...better than I am....
Ha ha...meh...I'm usually in that kind of mood... :D
Well, running is the only thing in which I am better from all my class-mates...and that makes me happy...lol...I have that competitive spirit inside... :p
Okay, I guess it's time for an update...

Today we have no school...yay! :D But I woke up at 7 am anyway cuz I couldn't sleep anymore...I'm used to waking up that early for school of course...

About Zorzo...we talk on msn actualy every day...and till now I was the one starting a convo but I won't do it anymore (well, maybe but not often) and I said it to him...he's always set on "away" so I never know if he's on or not...so yeah...yesterday he started a convo...it made me feel so happy... :eek: Just btw, we talk just about everyday things...easy chatting...it's cool...

Today I'm going out in the evening with some friends...and we're gonna be in the same club as Zorzo...so, I hope he'll have the courage to come and talk to me...it would be nice...hope it's gonna happen. :) And I'll try to get drunk...but only for a bit...a little alcohol in my blood won't harm me... :p

Errr, cuz I'm a bit bored right now I took some pics of myself with my web cam...that's how I can explain the bad quality...but, I think these are pretty cool... :D




Yup, I know...too much...the light is strange cuz the sun is shining straight in me... Oh, and here's the pic of my cat... :D

He is so cute...awww...my big fat black dorky... :p

Anyway, I'm gonna watch Korn at Rock Am Ring 2006...just downloaded it yesterday...\m/
First of all your pictures RULE Di you look awesome!!! About Zorzo...yeah it's good you talk every day gives you the opportunity to get to know each other. I hope he talks to you at the club and of course I hope you have a wonderful time!! *hugs*
crazy robster said:
First of all your pictures RULE Di you look awesome!!! About Zorzo...yeah it's good you talk every day gives you the opportunity to get to know each other. I hope he talks to you at the club and of course I hope you have a wonderful time!! *hugs*
Thanks, honey...^^ *hugs*

And I have to say that Korn at Rock Am Ring 2006 is one of the best concerts I've ever seen! It got me all hyped! Damn, I love them and I love jonathan! :D
What a coincidence!! I'm just watching LP at Rock Am Ring 2004! God it's my favourite LP concert, Live in Texas was not so intimate and cool, if you get my drift... Not to mention that the RAR one has some briliant intros!!! *Drools at Rob's intro for Don't Stay* Haha sorry for spamming your journal with my droolage and stuff my sweet just got a lil carried away you know me!! lol :D