diana's journal

Ha ha, Sygy, yeah...this was pretty predictable of you...but, it's okay...we love you anyway...^^
Jojo...don't worry...as long as you are thinking about me it's all good... :p *hugs* You take care too...


I've been outside yesterday...first we hang out by the river till about 1 am and then we went to that club "Musicafe"...same as last time...
So, my friend and I bought a bottle of vodka and energy drinks...when we openned that freakin vodka (37,5% alcohol) we were just like "WTF?!?"! I mean, it smelled as acetone...and it tasted like...waaa...we barely drink some of it...others helped us out, lol... I was a bit drunk and it was cool... :p

Again I haven't been able to talk or whatever to Zorzo...they were hanging by the river also, though...about 100 metres away from us...but they already left at 11 pm! :confused: I though they went to Musicafe this time but when we arrived they weren't there...bleh...whatever...
I'm gonna say something to him on msn...don't know exactly what yet...we'll see...

Oh, today I'm going out also...this is usually not happening...but I got invited by a new friend. I like her...she's making me smile all the time...^^ So, we'll go to one pub in town, hang out and play some cards (a game called tarot/tarok...love it!). This should be fun... :thumbsup:

Oh, I got a scan/copy/print device...Lexmark All-In-One X3330...so I scanned this photo:

Yup, it's me and Randi, of course...I was just watching my trainer when he competed with another horse here that's why my deportment is funny...but Randi looks so great on there! Awww, my Randi...^^
I scanned another pic, taken in Mirabiladia in Italy but can't upload it...don't know why, though... :confused:
you, randi TOGETHER gazing into the distance..her gentle touch against your..........legs! :)

anyways 37% ive had wine thats stronger than that! seriosuly i felt like ive actually drank nail varnish remover!
but when it comes to vodka NEVER EVER buy vodat!!!! its a no no! vodkat is **** and ot 20% but tastes like ****ing 1000000% oo and never have czar is swear that stuff could blnd YOU!!! u want smirrnoff and absolute vodka
Sygy said:
you, randi TOGETHER gazing into the distance..her gentle touch against your..........legs! :)

anyways 37% ive had wine thats stronger than that! seriosuly i felt like ive actually drank nail varnish remover!
but when it comes to vodka NEVER EVER buy vodat!!!! its a no no! vodkat is **** and ot 20% but tastes like ****ing 1000000% oo and never have czar is swear that stuff could blnd YOU!!! u want smirrnoff and absolute vodka
Could it be that you have drunken a little too much?...lol

An Di...lovely pic...

Randi really looks awesome...

and that printer seems to be cool :thumbsup:
Ha ha, Syg, yeah, I know 37% is not that much...but really, I've never drunk that disgusting vodka before! So, never buy Petrov ever again!--->At least I learned that... :p

And Jeez...thanks...^^


Yup, went out yesterday evening...it was cool, I must say.^^
We were playing cards most of the eve...had some good time...laughing and stuff...yup, yup... :D
And then, at about 00.15 am Zorzo came in pub...we had to leave at 00.30 am that's why there wasn't time for starting a convo...we just said hi to eachother...and nothing more...but my friend told me that he looked a bit surprised at me (he only saw my back as I was sitting at the table...)...crazy... :p
Sygy said:
im not..going to be in any competetions with the randimiester anytime soon?
randimiester...ha ha ha...emmm...nope...we ended this year's season...even though we could go on a competition but I said no...we need to rest... :p
Next year is a new one...^^

Edit: Have to go now...see ya later! *waves*
Yup, Jeez, it was pretty good...we're gonna do the same thing this Saturday again...^^


Have some new pics for you...first 2 of my class that were taken last week...here you go:



Ummm, the colours are funny cuz my scanner is a bit weird so I have to fiy the colours and it's not working really well...bleh, whatever...

And now some other pics...I took them when I went riding in the nature...I went at the time when it started to darken, lol...you'll see...and yeah, I know it was a bit dangerous... :rolleyes: All were taken of the Randi's back...^^
Oh, some are blury...I haven't got used to this camera yet...





^I love this shot...awww...




^ I think I'm gonna use this for one of my sigs or something... :D






I don't know how I missed that before...I have news for you! Zorzo cut his hair yesterday!!! :eek: When I saw him today I was just like "WTF?!?"...He looks completely different...like a totally diferent person... Damn, I so liked his long hair...and now this short haircut... :confused: But, I'm not gonna back off anyway... :p
And btw, I also found out that Zorzo's name is Andraž and that Zorzo is actually his surname. Yup, I know I'm fast, lol... :rolleyes:
Hehe...nice pics...

And he has short hair now?...How does that look?...*tries to imagine*...
Di!!! Missed ya soooo much!!! *squeeze hugs* My connection has been so shitty lately that I could only pop in for a couple of minutes...Jesus... anyway, I think all's good now...I hope... Anyway...Look at you in those class pictures!!! I mean...I'll ask Jeez...Jeez, isn't Di the most beautiful of all in those pictures? NO BIAS!!! It's true!!! Lol and I DO love the nature ones!!! OMG I am a Taurus I love nature!!! Beautiful scenery... As for Zorzo..sorry, Andraz!!!! yeah I would love to see a picture of him now!!! Oh, I'm curious!!! I hope you post more pictures soon and I also hope you're having a super wonderful time my sweet!!! Take care!! *hugs* :D
^^ to answer your question....I think there are a lot of beautiful girls in those pics...and Di is deffinately one of them...so yeah...you are kinda right....
Jojo, honey, thanks for stopping by! Missed ya too very mucho...*squeeze hugs back*
Awww, thanks...*blushes* But I also think (like Jeez) that most of the girl in my class are beautiful...^^
And thanks, I'm happy you like the pics... :)
As for Andraž...I don't have pic of him having short hair unfortunately...:/

Oh, about that "wonderfull time"...read further...


Ummm...where to begin?...
Yesterday we went outside to town...first we were hanging by the river and stuff...later at about midnight we went in Musicafe...as always...nothing special...it was all good but then I just fell into a really bad mood...I was down...you can only guess why...
cuz of Andraž, of course... :(
Why cuz of him? Well, we haven't talked on msn from Tuesday on...I'm waiting for him to start a convo...and I'll wait for maybe another 2 days or something and if he still won't do it then I'm gonna do it and ask him what now...cuz I'm really sick of feeling down cuz of him! I don't deserve it, I know I don't...especially not cuz of him... And he knows that I like him right from the start..but noooo, he won't do anything! God...

So, yeah, I'm not in a really good mood...but I hope it'll be better in the evening cuz we're gonna go to the same place as last Saturday...you know, playing some cards and having some good time... And maybe Andraž will show up again...
He better starts talking to you on his own...because if not...he's not worth bothering about...

...have a nice time...and take care...