diana's journal

Di.... you naughty girl seems like you had the time of your life last night right? Well, apart from the "getting high" thing that is not something you should get used to *Robbie frown* I'm glad you had a good time and also that you had this...errrm...close encounter with a guy... Did you like him? Well, I bet you did since you kissed him. The shoes are beautiful I love them!!! Take care ok? *hugs* :D
crazy robster said:
Di.... you naughty girl seems like you had the time of your life last night right? Well, apart from the "getting high" thing that is not something you should get used to *Robbie frown* I'm glad you had a good time and also that you had this...errrm...close encounter with a guy... Did you like him? Well, I bet you did since you kissed him. The shoes are beautiful I love them!!! Take care ok? *hugs* :D
Yeah, naughty girl...I know...sometimes you just have to be... :p
Yup, yup, I had some awesome time...^^
Well, the guy is not that bad... ;) Yesterday I look at him that way for the first time...I don't know why...ain't it strange? He he...we are so full of surprises...
Thanks, I'm happy you like them...^^

You take care too! *hugs*
Sygy said:
di, its a bad thing when sygy tells you to cut back on the ****, k? CUT BACK!!! are you aware that there is a picture of trainers in your journal?
Sorry, but I think I don't get it...lol...


Anyway, that guy (Rok) finally added me at MSN...hope there's gonna be some talkin... :p
MrRandomGuy said:
or give him your phone number
Well, I don't know...for now let it be that way...and if we won't talk today here at msn then I'm hoping to see him tomorrow at school...we'll see...I just wanna know what he thinks about the whole thing...if he was just playing or is there something more...
diana said:
Well, I don't know...for now let it be that way...and if we won't talk today here at msn then I'm hoping to see him tomorrow at school...we'll see...I just wanna know what he thinks about the whole thing...if he was just playing or is there something more...

well, I hope it goes well for you :)
diana said:
Yeah, me too...thanks...^^

Damn, I'm so angry at myself for getting so easily confused...it sucks!-.-

I get confused easily as well, especially with directions to someone's house or something like that. I almost always get lost.
MrRandomGuy said:
I get confused easily as well, especially with directions to someone's house or something like that. I almost always get lost.
He he...lol...that confusion is not that bad... :p
It's shitty that I seem to easily fall in love or something...even though I know it's not cool but...damn... :confused: