diana's journal

MrRandomGuy said:
and how is the lovely Di today?
Awww, hey!^^
I'm...well, I'm fine now...I'm over with studying for today...I've studied Math for more than 3 hours...omg, it was so exhausting...in the middle I've almost lost my mind! I'm not used to that kinda efforts... :p
And how are you?
diana said:
Awww, hey!^^
I'm...well, I'm fine now...I'm over with studying for today...I've studied Math for more than 3 hours...omg, it was so exhausting...in the middle I've almost lost my mind! I'm not used to that kinda efforts... :p
And how are you?

I don't really know, lol.
MrRandomGuy said:
thankies :)

How are ya today?
I'm a bit tired...had dancing lessons today for a school dance (last-year classes) that's gonna be at the end of February... ;) But in general I'm fine...
I'm goin out today again...hope to see Rok anywhere but...we'll see... And tomorrow we're goin to a punk concert...we already got the tickets...and Rok will be there also...hope somethin will happen...but I don't wanna hope too much since I don't wanna be too disappointed...bleh, whatever...
I think I'll take a nap right now cuz I don't wanna look too exhausted this eve...plus, I have nothing else to do...in 5 minutes my sis is gonna take over the computer... :S

However, that's it...and how are you?
diana said:
I'm a bit tired...had dancing lessons today for a school dance (last-year classes) that's gonna be at the end of February... ;) But in general I'm fine...
I'm goin out today again...hope to see Rok anywhere but...we'll see... And tomorrow we're goin to a punk concert...we already got the tickets...and Rok will be there also...hope somethin will happen...but I don't wanna hope too much since I don't wanna be too disappointed...bleh, whatever...
I think I'll take a nap right now cuz I don't wanna look too exhausted this eve...plus, I have nothing else to do...in 5 minutes my sis is gonna take over the computer... :S

However, that's it...and how are you?

oooh, have fun at the concert!

Me? I could be better, but I haven't felt as bad as I had the past few days.
MrRandomGuy said:
oooh, have fun at the concert!

Me? I could be better, but I haven't felt as bad as I had the past few days.
Well, yeah, these kinda days always come...but they also go away... :)


Ummm, yesterday we went to the town, stopped in some pubs, then Mato and me smoked some marijuana...in general it was nothing special...it sucked a bit cuz it was raining...and it still is... :confused:
However, at Musicafe wasn't that great...Rok wasn't there...but it was my ex-bf Blaž...we were dancing like crazy...or should I say he was... :p So, it was fun anyway... :thumbsup:
I came home at about 3.30am and woke up at 7.30am...I had to cuz we had dancing lessons at 9 am so yeah, I've slept for only 4 hours...yup, I'm a bit tired but exited about today's concert...I don't really know how I'm gonna survive but I should be fine... ;)

Uh, miracle happened! Rok started a convo at msn! I think it was mainly cuz I had written something like that: "Hmmm, why do people want my msn address if they don't start a convo? lol....whatever...". Yeah, so I guess he figured it out it was meant for him... :p As I said before, Rok's gonna be at that concert too so he asked me when we're comin and stuff...and he told me that it starts at 7 pm and I always though it started at 9 pm, lol...so, we're gonna be late to it cuz at 7 pm we're just leaving home... I'm expecting a delay anyway...
And he also told me that he's gonna get drunk so it should be interesting...I hope so, though... :eek:

Ummm, yeah, that's it for now...have fun! :thumbsup:

Ummm, yesterday... The concert was okay, pretty crazy but I wasn't really in a mood...was too tired...you know...
Anyway, what happened? At the beginning Rok was just like he was ignoring me...later we somehow got together but for only about 5 minutes...without talkin, lol, if you know what I mean... :p He just walked away from me and said nothing...I was like "wtf?!"...
After the concert there was an after party at Musicafe...damn, there were so many people! We were dancing...actually I was beside Rok but he didn't pay any attention on me and danced with his buddy...so I walked away and continue dancing with my friends... At around 2 am we decided to go home and I had only 10 minutes left so I walked to Rok, said to him: "Hey, can I do something?" and kissed him. We took his jacket and went outside. I did the same and there he was, waiting outside for me... I think I don't need to explain further, right? ;)
Then we went home together...Mateja's sis came to pick us up...

Anyway, I'm a bit confused about Rok, though. I don't know what he thinks about the whole thing. Is he just playin with me or...? Cuz, it's funny...we like don't talk, we just keep our mouth busy the other way... :p But there's a little thing that confuses me: he was like holding my hand while we were walkin towards the place where we were waitin for the ride... What do you guys think this mean?
Oh, and of course I have to mention that we was drunk and probably high too...but, I think he knew what he was doin...he should, though...

Ummm, nothing much is goin on except that it got colder...and actually it was about time...in the morning there's about -5°C...brrr...

Anyway, I think I haven't posted some pics from my bd yet...they're nothing special really but...whatever...

^ Me and Nina...oh, and wine... ;)

^ Mateja (Mejty) and me...

^ Meee... :p