GREAT recipes

Here is one i saw and tried on Everyday Italian

1 large onion
1 red bell pepper
1 green bell pepper
1 can diced or crushed tomatoes
1 package any of your favorite brats
butter (however much you used to saute)
garlic to taste
italian seasoning to taste

Put the brats in a skillet, seer...don't cook through, you will put them back in later. Chop into strips, onion, red and green bell pepper and s&p to taste. Saute till desired tenderness. Season w/ italian seasoning and garlic. Add can of tomatoes...i like to use the ones w/ chilies in them or garlic. Cut brats in half, add them back to skillet. Cook brats till done and sauce reduces.

Serve this like it is or, when we went camping, we put this over baked potatoes! Yummy!

I am still tweaking this menu...but the first time i tried it, everyone loved it! Let me know if you have anymore suggestions!
Not to sound to stupid but my son is not a brat and he would'nt taste to good.:rolleyes:

Hmm... what's a brat?
Well hell Phreak! I know what kind of post this is. I've never called any of my food a brat! Is there different kinds? I would've never guessed there were. Hot links and sausage are in my vocabulary.
I wish I had seen this post earlier.. If there is one thing in this world that I can do, its cook..

The best spaghetti sauce in the world is..

1 lb hamburger
1 lb Italian Pork Sausage
1 lg green pepper
1 lg red pepper
1 lg onion
5 cans tomato sauce (8oz)
1 can tomato paste
2 cans of Rotello chili and diced tomatoes
4 tsp garlic salt
2 tbs of Oregano

Fry hamburger and half the onion along with half the peppers in one pan.. Dice up the sausage and using the rest of the onions and peppers fry in another pan..

In a large sauce pan, add all the cans of tomatoes together, bring to slight boil..Reduce to lowest possible setting. Stir it constantly..It will stick..

When hambuger and sausage is no longer pink, and onions are transparent, add them to the tomato mixture.. Also add the garlic salt and oregano at this point..

let it simmer for about an hour, and your done..

This sauce is on the spicy side.. The diced chili's and tomatoes gives it just enough kick.. You can decrease it down to one can if you prefer.. I personally, do not like sweet tasting sauces.. Basil being one key ingredient
that I purposely omit, it only intensifies that sweet taste..
Gallytuck said:
I ****ing love shawarma with tabouleh on it. Shookran.

French Canadian Poutine

French fries
cheese curds
poutine gravy

Place a layer of fries on a plate or preferably some sort of bowl-ish container.
Add a layer of cheese curds on top of the fries.
Add another layer of fries on top of that.
Then, you guessed it, another layer of cheese curds.
Make the gravy pipin' hot then pour liberally over the curds.

You can feel your arteries clogging while you're eating it.

Blegh!!! That sounds disgusting!:x

Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
I have no name for this but w/e. It's just something I threw together one day

5lb of ground beef
1 can of pork and beans
Sweet & Sour maranating sauce. add as desired
Tabasco sauce. add as desired
1 diced Green pepper
pepper. add as desired

Cook ground beef in a saucepan until brown. add the other ingredients and stir together for approximately 10 minutes. Serves two

Serves TWO??? What kind of fatass can eat 5lbs of meat with 1 can of pork and beans and etc. between only two people?!

smutt butt said:
LOL!! I delivered to restaurants for 13 years. I payed attention and asked questions because i love to cook. My favorite are my homemade chicken enchiladas. They just take several hours to make. Followed by some creme brulee'.

Ahh, I LOOOOVE creme brulee.....

Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Sorry. Must have had the damn numbers off

Nvm about my prior comment I guess-lol

Hamza123 said:
Hey try it out man! Lebanese food is great... Ask CES!!

I second that, I also LOOOOVE Lebanese food. There is this one restaurant here in Chicago that I frequent often, it's called Maza in case anyone is ever in town and would like a restaurant recommendation. It is small, but very nice, the staff is great, the owner is ALWAYS present (every single time I've been there). He mingles with the people, is very friendly, but most of all their food is GREAT! If you don't order dessert after your meal, the owner makes it a point to bring you something on the house anyway:)
Yes I'm kidding. I wouldn't really eat my son.
I just thought of it. Is a brat a bratworst

Yes that is what it is...bratwurst..sorry. You can put ANY kind of sausage you desire in it.
ImWithStupid said:
It's more of a "Mighty Kids Meal". Not a small as a Happy Meal, but not Super Sized either.

I'm more of a poptart kinda girl anyway. How do you feel about pasteries with icing?

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