lolwhoaa when you said "på ett bra sätt typ" I was like "wtf are you?" lmaoI'm chatnig with my my swedish freinds and suddenly you talk swedish...confusing
well I'm in a better set so does suck but it does not suck that bad lol weird but I still think it sux
lol well my parents pay for the thing so..*shrugs*
naww but um..everyone in the family uses internet alot so it would be cheaper for us this way...I guess..
well I dont mind really. I'm one of those persons that finds things like self injury amusing o.0lmao great way to wake up except for the falling
I just meant the laughingoh then what did you mean? XD
well I dont remember o.0
I was too busy laughing I guess
aaaaahh..okies.I just meant the laughing okay then that's good ^^
lol hurting yourself is sometimes hilarious that's true XD
oh hahareplying..I think o.o'not sure...err nvm
me? oh, usuall icon making and stuff. Nothing special, I swear
and you? ooh how are driving lessons going?
yeah...I'm lucky though, Iceland's small...we don't have a complex road system loloh good
well that's great!
although the theory part suckz ><'
too many rules and roads!
do you have to pay there to get a license?