Heart LP´s Journal


New member
ugh same here. It's preety unfair actually. Even the test costs here :eek:
oh lol I thought it would be pretty much the same there but I guess not then.

Good for you :p
yeah I think so too...everything costs...and not little, no, it always has to cost a lot...****...something...lol


and well if you're driving in Reykjavík then it's kinda complex sometimes, but anywhere outside the capital area is simple as **** lol



New member
lmao sry :p ok, I have the agreement problem! lol

yep, most of my freinds get mad at me for no reason o.o then they shout all their problems on me, then they say sry...riiiight

pretty used to it :rolleyes:



New member
ah there's the word ^^ haha

yeah it is, isn't it? :p

nah I dunno...I've never driven outside Rvk...but it'll be nice, like when you drive to another part...it's only one road...and one lane each direction...lol

it's even called "Road 1" lmao



New member
well yea!

I was thinking of writing that it would be cool if there was no traffic but you can just tell ppl to get the **** out of the road just cause you wanna drive with that music video-ish feeling o.0




New member
aah I thought so! :p

well, I know that I would like to have someone to really tell what's bothering me without worrying about it so I'm here for them if they need me. some ppl shout and some talk, I guess.



New member
Yeah that's a good way of going through life.

I believe I was Jesus who said that.

I should really know that, after all I'm christian and all lol



New member
yep, it was Jesus! I had this mini bible thing when I was a kid...I actially learned something :p

ok, before I start talking again, I'll go lol

otherwise there'll be a loong convo again XD

Sjaumst lol



New member
hey me too! ;)

lol okay, yeah I think we would have one of those...again XD

which I like, but hey, I really want you to get some sleep tho :)

see ya around :)

ttyl ;)



New member
haha :p

well it's gonna sound cheesy but I was kinda just admiring the weather...sun and a slight breeze...marvellous

and listening to Hoppípolla, ever hear that? anyway those two things just give me a great feeling ^^



New member
Not chessy at all. That's how I am when it rains :p

I've heard that song but as much as I love it, it makes me er..well cry everytime I listen to it. So unless I really need to get it all out, I dont listen to it much XD

I cant help it :p

btw what does hoppípolla mean?

I'm sure it's neither hope nor jump -.-'



New member
ah nice :)

oh you do...well I understand that. different people have different feelings from songs, especially when you don't understand the lyrics...

but for me...it's for the lyrics I guess...it's just this really happy song about being a kid and having fun...but of course, people are different :)

hoppípolla is "hoppa í polla" shortened and fused together...when you say "hoppa í polla" you skip that A and say "hoppípolla" (unless you're emphasising it or speaking very clearly :p )

and yeah it means jumping in (or into) puddles ^^ I remember having so much fun doing that...



New member
yes, that's true. It's just the music that affects me.

yaaayz atleast I got one word right :p

that's the reason I like rain so much XD



New member
Hey Basmah hon! :D

I missed you too!

I've been fine, same old same :p

I hope you're fine!

*hugs and smooches*

I'll update later cause I'm gonna watch mtv, there's lika new program where you have to be like the 70's and it's so funny! XP





New member

yes you did ^^ you're becoming very good at icelandic XD

rain is good...it's so...I dunno, I just like watching it, especially when it's pouring outside... :D



New member
haha yaayz I got one word right!

I'm tolally ready to take the exam for being a proffessor in Icel! XD

well it's definetly better outside than inside :p

anywho, I get what you mean. It's er..relaxing?



New member

exactly :p

XD yeah trust me not good when it rains inside ^^

yeah relaxing...and soothing...something wonderful about it

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