Help To Change LPF


New member
I think it s a great idea! I'm am 100% for it! whether it goes ahead or not, thanks for being willing to do this!


New member
If I do this, you wont keep anything, it will be a 100% fresh.
Clean is the way to go, I mean clean slate. We all start off again and build it from the ground up, leaving our reputations, our post counts, and previous hangups here.I think this would be best, that way those of us who wish to stay here can do so and those that wish to frequent both can also, with a clear distinction between the two. I don't think Chris means this new site as LPFs sister site, it's a NEW site, so therefore it should start NEW.

Just my two cents.

Bravo again. I can't program my way around a cereal box, but I'll help where I can :D



New member
Does it mean also I can get rid of my ****** 4 year old username and start over with a name that doesn't involve an ego from a teenage girl loving Linkin Park?


New member
Wouldn't see why not but again that's up to Chris.

And that's a new thought... a new name... am so used to Ravyn, could I be anything else?! :eek:




New member
LOL I'd have a few names to consider:

Peterdea (of course)






But I think Peterdea would win...

And I'd be willing to help do whatever is needed assuming I can learn how to do whatever that is. Let us know!



New member
i think itd be a great idea, starting afresh is always good

although, the thing that draws people to forum is the specificness of the forum, if we're starting afresh, we still need something that draws people, having a general..."forum" just wont cut the mustard as noone will join as they have no idea as to what its about

oh, be good if the members here can prechoose usernames so we can at least know who we are, cause itll be hard to decipher whos who if we're choosing new names, certainly id like to change mine

and in this "new forum", we're gona need an LP section i think thats for certain, i mean regardless the new place will firstly be made up of LP members from this forum, or at least an..."LPF members/community section"



Active Members
Tonz;588254']i think itd be a great idea, starting afresh is always good
although, the thing that draws people to forum is the specificness of the forum, if we're starting afresh, we still need something that draws people, having a general..."forum" just wont cut the mustard as noone will join as they have no idea as to what its about

oh, be good if the members here can prechoose usernames so we can at least know who we are, cause itll be hard to decipher whos who if we're choosing new names, certainly id like to change mine

and in this "new forum", we're gona need an LP section i think thats for certain, i mean regardless the new place will firstly be made up of LP members from this forum, or at least an..."LPF members/community section"

Clean is the way to go, I mean clean slate. We all start off again and build it from the ground up, leaving our reputations, our post counts, and previous hangups here.I think this would be best, that way those of us who wish to stay here can do so and those that wish to frequent both can also, with a clear distinction between the two. I don't think Chris means this new site as LPFs sister site, it's a NEW site, so therefore it should start NEW.

Just my two cents.

Bravo again. I can't program my way around a cereal box, but I'll help where I can :D
I have thought about the same thing you did concerning the general-ness of a forum not drawing people in.

No, LPF section. 100% fresh start! I am not sure if I am going to do this, it is just an idea. I would like to get more of ya'lls feedback.



New member
LOL I'd have a few names to consider:peterdea (of course)






But I think Peterdea would win...

And I'd be willing to help do whatever is needed assuming I can learn how to do whatever that is. Let us know!
Thanks to my username people have mistaken me for a guy so I'm gonna get just plain old Sarah as my username and we'll see then who mistakes me for a guy.

I think that idea to clean up everything is pretty good :thumbsup:

It wouldnt just like fresh up LPF we'd also get rid of millions of random useless spam threads etc

and I'd also be for a new layout something with more color... the grey and black is kinda depressing after a while =S dunno...

and bout the usernames Idk its possible to change but like in Sarah's case I guess she really dislikes her username so she'd either be able to change it or like if we start from point zero with 0 rep etc she'd be able to register again (if no username changing is possible)

so yeh ^^ lol



New member
Why not sticky this back out front on home page / news page again?

Yes I know it's a little distasteful in being this is LPF and for the most part we're talking about branching off elsewhere (I don't mean literally, but mutany is such a harsh word! XD) to a new site, but since there is no reason to divide loyalties (meaning we can be members of each) then I don't see why bringing this to more people's attention can't hurt.

No insult intended to the owners here as this has been one of my most frequented sites over the years, but the fact they aren't around that much and their finger's not proverbially on the pulse here anymore (maybe going somewhere else where there is more interraction we can cut down much of these frustrating spam-bots as was noted earlier) would be a good incentive to shift. That and let's face it, until LP brings out albums the less than hardcore fans flitter in and out of this place with nothing to really 'keep' them here.

I'm all for spreading the word - and as I say I mean no disrespect to LPF because I still love it. It's just... lost it's sheen a little.



New member

a few months ago I thought I'd be all dramatic and leave and not come back for x number of years.

as you will have noticed the world's financial policy of greed is grinding to a halt, nowhere has it been worse than where I live.

so at grave times you start thinking about what's important and I realized I really care about this place, the people of this place and my friends here

I thought of all the friendships I've made here, all those that I have lost and how much I don't wanna lose any more friendships.

I really like this idea of a new forum with a clean slate. anyone here besides ATLien remember ? it was a really cool place with members from here mostly, talking about stuff not related to LP and it worked out fine, at least for a while.

I remember hearing about how lpf's pretty much dead right now and how this idea came from Chris to do this and I thought what the ****. I wanna come back and be a part of this again, especially if we start over and really do something new and great.

one main theme could be nice, television, visual arts, music, whatever. something that draws new members. promotion will be needed, and I'm pretty sure I could lure some of my friends that have like me, left this place, to go visit the new one. I know I'd be excited about it...



New member
OMG Vi !! :eek: I'VE MISSED YOU!! Where have you been, man?! Well while I'm not glad the elements pushed you to it, I am thankful at least something 'good' came from it, selfish I know, but I agree with your sentiment, when you stop and tally up what's really important in life you see things a little clearer - and I for one am glad to see your username back in this place again! Yay!

Having said that, I don't know what else Chris has in mind, he did mention the fact whatever he was thinking might not be possible, I sincerely hope he can work around it, but til then I guess we just have to wait and see.

Still stoked to see you back though. Regardless how long (or brief) it is.

I suppose of course the alternative would be to go to another small social site already established and strike root there? But anyway, like you, hope to see something new start up. Not that I want to see this place go under, I'll still be here as always, but a breath of fresh air would be an awesome step in the right direction too just quietly ;)



New member
I'm all for this too! Whilst I'm still a Linkin Park fan, I find myself lurking and posting more in the General section now than any Linkin Park ones.


New member
OMG Vi !! :eek: I'VE MISSED YOU!! Where have you been, man?! Well while I'm not glad the elements pushed you to it, I am thankful at least something 'good' came from it, selfish I know, but I agree with your sentiment, when you stop and tally up what's really important in life you see things a little clearer - and I for one am glad to see your username back in this place again! Yay!
Having said that, I don't know what else Chris has in mind, he did mention the fact whatever he was thinking might not be possible, I sincerely hope he can work around it, but til then I guess we just have to wait and see.

Still stoked to see you back though. Regardless how long (or brief) it is.

I suppose of course the alternative would be to go to another small social site already established and strike root there? But anyway, like you, hope to see something new start up. Not that I want to see this place go under, I'll still be here as always, but a breath of fresh air would be an awesome step in the right direction too just quietly ;)
missed you too, it's great to see that there are at least some good old friends on here =)

I could go on for long about the mixed feelings Im having right now but I dont wanna hijack the thread :p

I hope this will be possible, but I mean if Chris can't, surely someone else can. I think I remember Gradon talking about donating and stuff, so

Ill keep my hopes up anyway



New member
Hi Sir Fri! *waves*

Anyway yeah I think another forum is a good idea too, it will give me the chance to change my rubbish year 9 username!! And we can get more people there too indead of just specifically LP fans (even though alot of us here aren't anymore).



New member
I think if a new forum starts up and im in full support for one it should still be LP centered. Just more flexible. There are a lot of fansites that have a lot of catagories and a lot of other things to do besides just LP but they still have thoes sections and when new cd's or interesting news comes up they are always boomin. main reason i say we should have it LP themed is because a lot of our members who are still LP fans come here not just for the community but they know about LP and when news comes around they come here and give it to us first. If we make this general forums site we compete with almost every other forum in the world. if its LP themed theres a select few so we have a better chance of pullin in more members.


New member
Lol ok so i made a basic conceptual layout of how i thought the forums could look

everything u see on here is conceptual including the name

i stole the basic forums stuff from another web page, mainly cuz itd take waaay to long to make all of that lol but like i said conceptualize



New member
Lol ok so i made a basic conceptual layout of how i thought the forums could lookeverything u see on here is conceptual including the name

i stole the basic forums stuff from another web page, mainly cuz itd take waaay to long to make all of that lol but like i said conceptualize

Will it be in english?



New member
Hi Sir Fri! *waves*
Anyway yeah I think another forum is a good idea too, it will give me the chance to change my rubbish year 9 username!! And we can get more people there too indead of just specifically LP fans (even though alot of us here aren't anymore).
hellooo whatsup:D

yeah I'd really like that. I'd try and scrape the barrel for a new username for myself as well, this one hasn't really worked well, although I guess it's easily recognized lol

Im not sure about this idea of making the new forum LP themed somehow. and Im not just saying that cause Im not a fan anymore, Im mainly saying it cause this site being still LP themed doesn't seem to rake in any new members...

so in that way it doesn't make any sense making a new site just to have it be exactly the same. if we're gonna keep the same themes and things we might just as well keep being here. the only thing we'd accomplish would be getting away from the rule of Coredump or whoever it is that runs this site now.

but yeah okay I mean if that ends up being the case, a new site with a partial or full LP theme I won't complain, I just want something to happen with this place or a new place. some action, old friends reuniting, making new friendships and so on

myehangout was working fine and the general theme there was something like entertainment, like TV and music and what not. the only thing that collapsed myehangout in terms of sociality was the fact we still had LPF so there was no point in being discussing the same things in two places. now if we were to all move over to a new forum or if this place simply were not to exist anymore that problem would be solved and we could enjoy a new forum. or what? Im just thinking out loud here, brainstorming

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