well i tried to contact coredump but its kinda hard, i dropped him a pm if he ever logs on and gave him a windows instant message. but that bout it :<
I tried talking to him on MSN the other night but he didn't reply.
edit. I talked to Suicide King on Aim today. Here's the convo.
MaynardsSarah: hi
PayablelonlDeath: hello
MaynardsSarah: sk right lpf?
PayablelonlDeath: umm once i was yeah
MaynardsSarah: well. lpf is in the process of revamping and you're still mod
MaynardsSarah: now. i kindly ask you to come back on.
PayablelonlDeath: eh
MaynardsSarah: I don't mean to be rude or anything but you are a mod and you have to come back since you've been inactive for such a while
MaynardsSarah: The only active mods we've got are Jeezy, Azem and Hahninator.
PayablelonlDeath: hmm. what about admins and such?
MaynardsSarah: Hardly any active admins.
MaynardsSarah: Vash has left and Dave does jack all.
MaynardsSarah: Qwest, coredump and ATLien have ****** off to other sites.
MaynardsSarah: There are only a handful of elites still active as well. There are a number of issues arising as well and Jeezy agrees that we need the mods back on to try and help with the revamping as well as admins.
PayablelonlDeath: maybe.
MaynardsSarah: I'm sorry but you're still a mod and you have a right not to let LPF to go downhill. It's still a good site it's just in dire need of some major reforms.
MaynardsSarah: I don't know about you, but LPF has a lot of spirit and patriotism amongst its active members
PayablelonlDeath: i guess so
MaynardsSarah: so are you going to come back and work with the other mods to try and improve the situation?
PayablelonlDeath: probably not
MaynardsSarah: okay...
PayablelonlDeath: i lost all my interest in forums and even linking park all together, so i see no point in wasting time there anymore. sorry. i mean, it had a good run..
MaynardsSarah: my fav band is the smashing pumpkins and there are a heap of people on LPF that don't like LP but stay on it for a heap of other reasons. look. i can't try and persuade you and if you change your mind, post in the "Help Change LPF" thread.
PayablelonlDeath: will dooo
MaynardsSarah: thanks for your time