Help To Change LPF


New member
Yeah it reminds me of the Meteora days...not that its wrong or anything, It would just be awesome to see something freshhh!


New member
well i tried to contact coredump but its kinda hard, i dropped him a pm if he ever logs on and gave him a windows instant message. but that bout it :<

I tried talking to him on MSN the other night but he didn't reply.

edit. I talked to Suicide King on Aim today. Here's the convo.

MaynardsSarah: hi

PayablelonlDeath: hello

MaynardsSarah: sk right lpf?

PayablelonlDeath: umm once i was yeah

MaynardsSarah: well. lpf is in the process of revamping and you're still mod

MaynardsSarah: now. i kindly ask you to come back on.

PayablelonlDeath: eh

MaynardsSarah: I don't mean to be rude or anything but you are a mod and you have to come back since you've been inactive for such a while

MaynardsSarah: The only active mods we've got are Jeezy, Azem and Hahninator.

PayablelonlDeath: hmm. what about admins and such?

MaynardsSarah: Hardly any active admins.

MaynardsSarah: Vash has left and Dave does jack all.

MaynardsSarah: Qwest, coredump and ATLien have ****** off to other sites.

MaynardsSarah: There are only a handful of elites still active as well. There are a number of issues arising as well and Jeezy agrees that we need the mods back on to try and help with the revamping as well as admins.

PayablelonlDeath: maybe.

MaynardsSarah: I'm sorry but you're still a mod and you have a right not to let LPF to go downhill. It's still a good site it's just in dire need of some major reforms.

MaynardsSarah: I don't know about you, but LPF has a lot of spirit and patriotism amongst its active members

PayablelonlDeath: i guess so

MaynardsSarah: so are you going to come back and work with the other mods to try and improve the situation?

PayablelonlDeath: probably not

MaynardsSarah: okay...

PayablelonlDeath: i lost all my interest in forums and even linking park all together, so i see no point in wasting time there anymore. sorry. i mean, it had a good run..

MaynardsSarah: my fav band is the smashing pumpkins and there are a heap of people on LPF that don't like LP but stay on it for a heap of other reasons. look. i can't try and persuade you and if you change your mind, post in the "Help Change LPF" thread.

PayablelonlDeath: will dooo

MaynardsSarah: thanks for your time



New member
I think the ownership of this site needs to change if people like coredump & ATLien have ****** off, i think mods/elites should be re-assigned (keeping all the current admins and elites etc who are constantly here/active or promoting them) and we need a fresher look. v.4 is too dark, we need a brighter style. Think MTM-ish background would kind of work, but how about we hold a LPF wide competition where each of us take the homepage and create (using photoshop or summat i dno) our idea of how we want it to look? Some kind of member-wide comp to create ideas for the site, and we each vote for the winner, which gets incorporated into v5?


Active Members
I think the ownership of this site needs to change if people like coredump & ATLien have ****** off, i think mods/elites should be re-assigned (keeping all the current admins and elites etc who are constantly here/active or promoting them) and we need a fresher look. v.4 is too dark, we need a brighter style. Think MTM-ish background would kind of work, but how about we hold a LPF wide competition where each of us take the homepage and create (using photoshop or summat i dno) our idea of how we want it to look? Some kind of member-wide comp to create ideas for the site, and we each vote for the winner, which gets incorporated into v5?
We need Coredump to change the design...I think no one else can do it.

And if he want's to keep the site like it is right now....

we can't do anything against it



New member
*sigh* well coredump needs to comeback - if only for 10 mins to realise we want something done. he wouldn't even have to do much, we could give him the ideas/design.


New member
LOL pure genius, let's do it! XD well, we need to try and get coredump to see we all want a change, it's not as if we're all ******* off, we all are loyal enough to LPF to stay, even though we're grumbling :p all we want is a change of some stuff to freshen it up, just a lighter colour would do!


Active Members
There's something in the works

hopefully it will go through

and honestly this thread should probably be in Site Talk

but in General Talk it get's more attention I guess

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New member
There's something in the works
hopefully it will go through

and honestly this thread should probably be in Site Talk

but in General Talk it get's more attention I guess
Feel free to move it, no point breaking rules for this, especially when we're trying to establish/reaffirm them, right?

And I know it's still relatively early days but... care to elaborate what this something might be? Any ideas floating around the proverbial office yet you could maybe clue us in on? Just wondering is all.

Thanks :)



New member
I think this bypasses that rule, or I mean it needs to. it needs to get as much attention as possible

I mean I am still leaving but I don't want this place to burn out...



New member
I swear I just saw Qwest post here. Maybe I've got my hopes up too high at such an early stage of my awakening both physically and LPFingly.


Active Members
And I know it's still relatively early days but... care to elaborate what this something might be? Any ideas floating around the proverbial office yet you could maybe clue us in on? Just wondering is all.

Thanks :)

a small version of the LPF Awards with probably 10 categories

that's pretty much all I can say right now



New member
How many catagories did the original LPF awards have?

There won't be much competition for writer's corner with "best story". Lol. Like Rav said before, there are pratically only hers and mine that are updated daily, unless you just wanna chuck Foxx's in for the sake of having some ...... competition.

But I wouldn't mind if Best Story goes ahead. But I wouldn't mind seeing also, seeing DS against MS. Just for the sake of it. Two big stories up against each other. Sounds ******* awesome to be honest. Lol. I should get the "member who makes the most dodgiest sigs" award. Jk. :D



Active Members
How many catagories did the original LPF awards have?There won't be much competition for writer's corner with "best story". Lol. Like Rav said before, there are pratically only hers and mine that are updated daily, unless you just wanna chuck Foxx's in for the sake of having some ...... competition.

But I wouldn't mind if Best Story goes ahead. But I wouldn't mind seeing also, seeing DS against MS. Just for the sake of it. Two big stories up against each other. Sounds ******* awesome to be honest. Lol. I should get the "member who makes the most dodgiest sigs" award. Jk. :D
there hav been like 24-25 categories on the original LPF awards



New member
a smaller awards thingo would be good

and perhaps for us to nominate people for categories? cause i can be honest to you that for 1 or 2 categories i didnt know ANYONE competing in those categories...and the nominations to carry on for a month? with reasons and like...say for LPF story writer or w.e, the stories are put up for members to read? instead of nestled in the LPF writers corner? cause i can be honest here and say i DID NOT read jack when i voted...

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