ISLAM,ask your questions.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Good idea, builder... you are now on my ignore list.

You're actually gonna ignore someone instead of fight them? Damn MRIH, you gettin' soft dude. :p
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Good idea, builder... you are now on my ignore list.

Great. Soon the list will encompass all members, and you will **** up and **** off.

Can't wait meself. ;)
Outlaw2747 said:
You're actually gonna ignore someone instead of fight them? Damn MRIH, you gettin' soft dude. :p
What else are you gonna do with a guy when you ask him "What time is it?" and he answers "Eggs come from from birds." His bullshit has no relevancy with current topics, so I might as well argue with a wall.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
**** you, ROM. Who in the hell are you to know HIS will? You puffed up, self absorbed sack of ****! Maybe you're actions are 180 degrees opposite of HIS will, ever stop to think about that, probably not because your a self righteous hypocrit.

Actually I know my Creator's will quite well.
It is I whom you do not know, ...........yet.
I would truly wish to introduce myself to you but, fear, hostility and hatred do not commingle with Peace, Love and Understanding,
therefore one of us must have a change of heart before we would be able to meet at least half-way.
Since "fear, hostility and hatred" tend to repel whereas "Peace, Love and Understanding" attract, I believe it is on your shoulders to change your heart.

This much I do know, "fear, hostility and hatred" has no place in my Creator's Kingdom.

One of the most important aspects of the art of living well are our friendships with others.
We, by building up these small units of human association, can help the world evolve a better social structure.

It can also help us work towards the peace on this planet we all desire.

Friendships have these benefits to our character development:

1. Mutual self-expression and self-understanding.

2. Union of souls -- the mobilization of wisdom.

3. The enthusiasm for living.

4. The enhanced defense against all evil.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
What else are you gonna do with a guy when you ask him "What time is it?" and he answers "Eggs come from from birds." His bullshit has no relevancy with current topics, so I might as well argue with a wall.

Take your teeth out if you want to suck my ****.

There now, isn't that better? Much smoother. Agreed? ;)
builder said:
Take your teeth out if you want to suck my ****.

There now, isn't that better? Much smoother. Agreed? ;)

Stop spewing **** all over the forum! ****ing spammer! Use it or lose it sista.......
Richard Owl Mirror said:
Actually I know my Creator's will quite well.
It is I whom you do not know, ...........yet.
I would truly wish to introduce myself to you but, fear, hostility and hatred do not commingle with Peace, Love and Understanding,
therefore one of us must have a change of heart before we would be able to meet at least half-way.
Since "fear, hostility and hatred" tend to repel whereas "Peace, Love and Understanding" attract, I believe it is on your shoulders to change your heart.

This much I do know, "fear, hostility and hatred" has no place in my Creator's Kingdom.

One of the most important aspects of the art of living well are our friendships with others.
We, by building up these small units of human association, can help the world evolve a better social structure.

It can also help us work towards the peace on this planet we all desire.

Friendships have these benefits to our character development:

1. Mutual self-expression and self-understanding.

2. Union of souls -- the mobilization of wisdom.

3. The enthusiasm for living.

4. The enhanced defense against all evil.

Whoa, I missed this. That was really well thought out. The study of sociology is awesome.
Only a total ****ing retard would think they know more about what one person believes than the person believing it.

LMAO! And what have you being all along? You even said that I'm not a true muslim if I don't do this and that blah blah blah...
Stop being a hypocrite! Doesn't this make you a ''total ****in' retard''? :rolleyes:
LMAO! And what have you being all along? You even said that I'm not a true muslim if I don't do this and that blah blah blah...
Stop being a hypocrite! Doesn't this make you a ''total ****in' retard''? :rolleyes:
Absoultely NOT! you ignorant cum recepticle! You believe what you believe, but according to what you SAY you believe, your beliefs and islam don't always jibe.

for example: You SAID that you don't believe in killing apostates, but the koran admonishes it's followers to do so. I can't know what YOU believe except by what you say you believe, and in this instance what you SAY is not in accordance with true islam.

So please, go join tizz and builder in your illogical stupid parade.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
OK, AIG one more question:
I eat a nice helping of pork every day. While enjoying it's sweet and suculent flavors I give thanks to God for providing me with such a fine meal. I then reflect on the reason I eat pork at least once a day, and it is because I hate islam! So with that in mind, do you and your ****ed-up "religion" believe I am going to hell because I eat pork?

Yes you hate Islam.Boohoo to us all.I remember I posted a verse from one of your bibles that forbade you to eat pork. :rolleyes:
MRIH,don't ask me questions what God has in store for you in the future.
I can't say where you'll end up.

I've finally come to the conclusion that you're one of those hard-hearted people,who concentrate so much on hating that they lead bitter,miserable lives.Your heart is so constricted that you never try to understand anything or even concider the feelings of others.You've shown that you enjoy the downfall of others.Makes you feel good when people suffer.Only because your heart is never open to compassion.

I'm done reasoning with you.The only thing I'll do for you is pray that God opens up and softens your heart and removes all your bitterness and hate.
The only thing I'll do for you is pray that God opens up and softens your heart and removes all your bitterness and hate.
AIG, in all seriousness, that is the nicest thing I have heard in a while. Thank You.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Absoultely NOT! you ignorant cum recepticle! You believe what you believe, but according to what you SAY you believe, your beliefs and islam don't always jibe.

for example: You SAID that you don't believe in killing apostates, but the koran admonishes it's followers to do so. I can't know what YOU believe except by what you say you believe, and in this instance what you SAY is not in accordance with true islam.

So please, go join tizz and builder in your illogical stupid parade.

You pathetic excuse of a human being!It has been explained to you time and time again,that those verses have to do with certain events that took place.
If any person attacked me cos of what I believed and threw me out of my home(which was done to the early muslims).Then YES! I would fight till I win or be killed.

You still say the term ''true Islam''.You think Islam is all about killing and all that is bad.Look at your ****in' religion.You can never lie about the fact that it has caused more distruction than all the other religions existing on this earth put together.What of the sick verses in your bible and the slavery.
And don't say there were muslim traders.The difference is that they were going against what the Quran said,but your fellow christian brethren were just following their ''beautiful'' religion!

And you say that Tizz,builder and I are stupid? We're not the ones who enjoy the death of people.We're not the fools who don't respect other people's beliefs.
You're a ****in' jerk.We'll see if Jesus saves you,since you certainly don't follow what was said to be his teachings.
Richard Owl Mirror said:
Actually I know my Creator's will quite well.
It is I whom you do not know, ...........yet.
I would truly wish to introduce myself to you but, fear, hostility and hatred do not commingle with Peace, Love and Understanding,
therefore one of us must have a change of heart before we would be able to meet at least half-way.
Since "fear, hostility and hatred" tend to repel whereas "Peace, Love and Understanding" attract, I believe it is on your shoulders to change your heart.

This much I do know, "fear, hostility and hatred" has no place in my Creator's Kingdom.

One of the most important aspects of the art of living well are our friendships with others.
We, by building up these small units of human association, can help the world evolve a better social structure.

It can also help us work towards the peace on this planet we all desire.

Friendships have these benefits to our character development:

1. Mutual self-expression and self-understanding.

2. Union of souls -- the mobilization of wisdom.

3. The enthusiasm for living.

4. The enhanced defense against all evil.

I agree with you 100%.There is no room for hate. I can never bring myself to hate anyone. I pity them instead. ;)
I like the way you speak. But sweety,some people on this site view people like us who want peace as weaklings.
Don't worry about MRIH.He'll finally know in a couple of years(God willing) that he has wasted his life with hate when there are far better ways to live your life.
I'm sorry,um..why are you askin' me about what a guy named Abu Mubarak has been saying?

I merely asked you in particular since you declare yourself to be a Muslim as well.
I am not seeking for you to condemn a fellow muslim but, only wish to converse with you on the merits between this persons usage of the Quran in dismissing such things as public forums and free speech, while being an administrator over a public forum for Muslims.

Please review the following from his personal website @
Islamic Manners That Pertain To Speech
The Merits Of Limiting One
As a muslim,there are limits to what you say. It's not about limiting free speech. Maybe,abu mubarak just doesn't want to say something that may directly or indirectly go against Islam.
And I agree that if you are talkative,you normally don't choose your words wisely.

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