ISLAM,ask your questions.

Yeah, which thread did I "high jack"?

Nasa pisses me off
MRIH: ''And islamic terrorists!''

And the hypocritical united states government pisses me off
MRIH:''Maybe Mohammed(may piss be upon him) ascended out of the infernal regions and told him. At any rate where there is smoke there is fire. So with that in mind, North Korea will not be able to have an overt nuclear program... same as that ****-hole Iran.''

Free piss pot lesson
MRIH:''1. Mohammed's (may piss be upon him) only thought.
2. The koran
3. islamic convert
4. the guy who is making a half-assed attempt of ridding the world of islam.''

no no never has MRIH ''high jacked'' threads.
Nasa pisses me off
MRIH: ''And islamic terrorists!''

And the hypocritical united states government pisses me off
MRIH:''Maybe Mohammed(may piss be upon him) ascended out of the infernal regions and told him. At any rate where there is smoke there is fire. So with that in mind, North Korea will not be able to have an overt nuclear program... same as that ****-hole Iran.''

Free piss pot lesson
MRIH:''1. Mohammed's (may piss be upon him) only thought.
2. The koran
3. islamic convert
4. the guy who is making a half-assed attempt of ridding the world of islam.''

no no never has MRIH ''high jacked'' threads.
AIG, once again you show your utter stupidty and lack of judgement. The thread about the hypocritical us gov't, was atirade on - you guessed it - foreign policy and our dealings with nuclear powers such as that ****-bag islamic country known as IRAN.

The other two are on topic as well.

eat **** you dirt-bag whore.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
AIG, once again you show your utter stupidty and lack of judgement. The thread about the hypocritical us gov't, was atirade on - you guessed it - foreign policy and our dealings with nuclear powers such as that ****-bag islamic country known as IRAN.

The other two are on topic as well.

eat **** you dirt-bag whore.

Right.How smart of you. Stupid me.How could I not see the word ''nasa'' as ''islamic terrorists''?:rolleyes:

MRIH:''Islam at it's finest''
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Don't hate me because I'm better than you... Learn from me because I'm better than you!

How so?

Please teach me to hate so much,till my heart becomes as black as coal and hard as rock.

Teach me to speak of things I have absolutely no knowledge of.

oh please please please,you are the master of these qualities. :rolleyes:
How so?

Please teach me to hate so much,till my heart becomes as black as coal and hard as rock.

Teach me to speak of things I have absolutely no knowledge of.

oh please please please,you are the master of these qualities. :rolleyes:
It should be VERY easy for you, just open up the manual of death (the koran) and read until you are ready to kill, kill, kill!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
It should be VERY easy for you, just open up the manual of death (the koran) and read until you are ready to kill, kill, kill!

Nope.Been opening it for 16 years. Maybe your manual is more suited,since you are a product of it's so-called wisdom. I wanna be like you,not kind,compasionate and respectful.So the Quran just won't do. sigh
Nope.Been opening it for 16 years. Maybe your manual is more suited,since you are a product of it's so-called wisdom. I wanna be like you,not kind,compasionate and respectful.So the Quran just won't do. sigh
It seems your comprehension is not up to par. Try this: Let's try verse 9:111 - "Allah has purchased from the faithful their lives and worldly goods, and in return has promised them the Garden. They will fight for the cause of Allah, they will slay, and be slain." ... now AIG, read this 25 times, after you finally understand that you are supposed to both slay and be slain, then you'll understand why blowing yourself up is a perfectly legitimate option for the faithful.
I think the Islam religion is the most dangerous and the biggest threat to western civilization and Democracy that we have ever faced! Their beliefs are just not compatible with human rights, women have no rights at all, non believers have no rights at all (if not just killed). They hate western civilization, they say its poison to their people and we have infidel ways and are un Godly, the anti-American crowd around the World dont want to see this, they want to believe that Muslims only hate Americans, the Muslims view the west as an evil beast and the USA is the head of the beast and if you cut the head off the beast the best dies, every time you hear Bin Ladin or any extreme Muslim talking they never fail to mention "the west", they mention the USA most because we are obviously the thorn in their ass! We are the ones that are leading the way against their crazy views of the World!

Muslim clergys in the Middle East have for years preached for Muslims to migrate to the west and for the Muslims already living in western Countries to multiply faster than the other race/religions to become the majority in the Countries! There was a pregnant female Muslim in France last year that bragged that her child would one day be a part of the Muslim Government that would lead France! When this happens and the French are under a Mullah type Government and women have to wear sheets over their bodies or else DIE, DONT ASK FOR OUR HELP! We saved you from the Germans and you **** on us in return, but we wont save you from the barbarian Muslims! You make your bed you ly in it...

Im not a religious person but people please, dont compare modern Christains to modern Islam! Christianity 100s of years ago had alot of blood on its hands but today its adapted to civilized, free people, Democracies very well, something Islam seem to cannot do! Some of the suicide bombers in London were born and raised in Britain! Your typical Christian family in the USA is a mom and dad and a few kids, a day will start with taking the kids to School, both parents going to work (a woman would be stoned to death in the middle east for working), after School the mom takes her sons/daughters to Football practice, Baseball/Solftball practice, Volley Ball practice etc., then take the kids for pizza, come home and watch a movie and on Sundays go to Church. Now in the Middle East your typical Islamic family day starts off with the good ol' wife taking your morning beating (now for you western Muslims were woman beatings are prohibited just buy the new book by An imam called "How to Beat Your Wife"), taking the son off to School (not the daughter, she stays home hid with her mother to pray 1500 times a day) to learn even more about the Kuran, dad goes off to work, they go to a Mosque 2/3 times a day, have a nice goat sacrifice once a week.

As for the Kuran teaching love and compassion as some ****ing Muslims say, its just not true, it teaches violence! Theres ALOT of different sects of Islam and the Kuran says there will be 73 (70 something, I think 73) sects of Islam and only one will go to paradise and thats the MAJORITY, this explains why they are always killing each other! And no, Americans dont drive them to it, they have been doing it for CENTURIES!
To me all religious people are sepratist. Islam uses violence to extort power. Christianity uses politics in place of their once violent means of control. Maybe one day Islam will make this transition.

What I find curious about Islam is the hipocracy in their hierarchy. Western culture is labeled as evil due in large part to our dependance on material goods. But the sheiks and other oil rich members of Islamic society are infamous for their extravagant possesions. Ever seen Sadaams palace? Or the fleets of exotic cars owned by Saudi royalty? The biggest slam that muslim people give to Americans is our apedophilation for goods but any time muslims get rich they go ape **** with their spending.

Usualy the muslims that attack Americans for our possesions are the ones who have not a pot to piss in due to their corrupt government. Funny how that works ain't it?
I think the Islam religion is the most dangerous and the biggest threat to western civilization and Democracy that we have ever faced! Their beliefs are just not compatible with human rights, women have no rights at all, non believers have no rights at all (if not just killed).

Our beliefs are not compatible with human rights?
So believing in God,His angels,His books,His messagers,The day of judgement... is not compatible with human rights?

I think holding people as prisoners without trial is not compatible with human rights.
Attacking someone's belief and forcing a girl to go against her religion(banning of hijab in france) is not compatible with human rights.

And women in Islam have more rights than any other woman practicing another religion.

The Qur'an places men and women on a similar relationship before God, and promises both the final goal of paradise for those who believe and do right (see Qur'an 3:195; 4:124; 16:19; 40:40). The Qur'an also speaks of similarity in terms of creation. God tells us that He created a single soul and from it its mate, then He made countless men and women from those two (see Qur'an 4:1) The Qur'an does not contain the belief that the man alone is created in the image of God(as your bible says). Because of this fundamental similarity between men and women, the Qur'an declares that women have rights similar to the rights against them according to what is equitable (see Qur'an 2:228).

In a time when women were devalued and female infants were buried alive, the Qur'an raised the value of women and prohibited female infanticide. Due to the Qur'an, this practice was abolished, but in recent times advances in the science of genetic selection has encouraged some unbelievers to practice a modern form of female infanticide.

The Qur'an also abolished the practice whereby inheritance went to only the oldest male heir. Instead, a woman can inherit from her father, her husband, and her childless brother (see Qur'an 4:7, 32, 176).

In Islam when a woman gets married she does not surrender her maiden name, but maintains her distinct identity. Some Muslim women have adopted the surnames of their husbands, but this is due to cultural influence, not Islam.

In a Muslim marriage the groom gives a dowry to the bride, not to her father. This becomes her private property to keep or spend, and is not subject to the dictates of her male relatives. Any money she earns or receives is similarly her very own.

Under Islamic Law a woman cannot be married without her consent. She has final approval on a marriage partner and she can repudiate a marriage arranged without her consent. She also has the right to initiate a separation from marriage if her rights under marriage are not being granted. Widows have the right to remarry, and they are in fact encouraged to do so.

The Qur'an places on men the responsibility of protecting and maintaining their female relatives. This relieves women of the need to earn their own living. It also means that a man must provide for his wife even if she has money of her own. She is not obligated to spend her money in the maintenance of her family. Incidentally, a woman is also not required to cook for her family, although she may do so out of love and compassion. The example of our noble prophet, on whom be peace, is that although he was such a great leader, he assisted in the housecleaning and mended his own clothes.

In return for the added responsibility, the Qur'an gives men the degree of leadership (see Qur'an 2:228; 4:34). This does not mean that men should dominate women, but rather that they should deal with them in kindness, mercy, and love (see Qur'an 4:19; 30:21).

No rights? I think I as a muslim woman declare your statement as being BULLSHIT!

As for the ''unbelievers''.You have rights.You have the right of not being attacked if you don't attack us.

''Allah does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion nor drove you out of your homes.Verily,Allah loves those who deal with equity''
''It is only as regards to those who fought against you on account of religion,and have driven you out of your homes,and helped to drive you out,that Allah forbids you to befriend them.And whosoever will befriend them,them such are the Zalimun(wrong-doers)''60:8-9

''Not all of them are alike;a party of the people of the Scripture stand for the right,they recite the verses of Allah (God) during the hours of the night,prostrating themselves in prayer''

''They believe in Allah and the Last Day;they enjoin Al-Ma'ruf(Monotheism)and forbid Al Munar(polytheism and disbelief);and they hasten in (all) good works;and they are among the righteous.''

''And whatever good they do,nothing will be rejected of them;for Allah knows well those who are Al Muttaqun(the pious).'' 3:113-115

Im not a religious person but people please, dont compare modern Christains to modern Islam!

Remember,there is no ''modern'' Islam.We chose not to change the words of God to suit us.

Christianity 100s of years ago had alot of blood on its hands but today its adapted to civilized, free people, Democracies very well, something Islam seem to cannot do! Some of the suicide bombers in London were born and raised in Britain! Your typical Christian family in the USA is a mom and dad and a few kids, a day will start with taking the kids to School, both parents going to work (a woman would be stoned to death in the middle east for working), after School the mom takes her sons/daughters to Football practice, Baseball/Solftball practice, Volley Ball practice etc., then take the kids for pizza, come home and watch a movie and on Sundays go to Church.

Oh how sweet. Sin your way through the week and repent on sunday.And the cycle continues.What a perfect religion.You are definately going to heaven for sparing 1-2 hours of your week.

Now in the Middle East your typical Islamic family day starts off with the good ol' wife taking your morning beating (now for you western Muslims were woman beatings are prohibited just buy the new book by An imam called "How to Beat Your Wife"), taking the son off to School (not the daughter, she stays home hid with her mother to pray 1500 times a day) to learn even more about the Kuran, dad goes off to work, they go to a Mosque 2/3 times a day, have a nice goat sacrifice once a week.

um 5 times a day actually.And the men have to pray the same amount.
You are certainly full of Islamic knowledge. :rolleyes:

As for the Kuran teaching love and compassion as some ****ing Muslims say, its just not true, it teaches violence! Theres ALOT of different sects of Islam and the Kuran says there will be 73 (70 something, I think 73) sects of Islam and only one will go to paradise and thats the MAJORITY, this explains why they are always killing each other! And no, Americans dont drive them to it, they have been doing it for CENTURIES!

Oh please please,name the verse.

''And be not of those who divided and differed among themselves after the clear proofs had come to them...''3:105

You guys love the 70's.72 virgins,70/73 sects..and both are claimed to be from the Quran.If so,why not share this knowledge of verse and chapter.hmmm?
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
AIG... that's 36 hours and no answer... I guess she went and blew herself up!

Sorry to dash your hopes,I'm still here.

9:111 - "Allah has purchased from the faithful their lives and worldly goods, and in return has promised them the Garden. They will fight for the cause of Allah, they will slay, and be slain."

It says ''FIGHT for the cause of Allah''.
When you fight,there has to be an enemy combating with you.
Blowing yourself up,doesn't fit into the criteria.If you had a brain filling that empty void of a head of yours,you'd think carefully about it!
What I find curious about Islam is the hipocracy in their hierarchy. Western culture is labeled as evil due in large part to our dependance on material goods. But the sheiks and other oil rich members of Islamic society are infamous for their extravagant possesions. Ever seen Sadaams palace? Or the fleets of exotic cars owned by Saudi royalty? The biggest slam that muslim people give to Americans is our apedophilation for goods but any time muslims get rich they go ape **** with their spending.

The hypocricy is in the men who do this.Islam has nothing to do with it.
Islam forbids extravagance.Charity is one of the 5 pillars of Islam.
Allah is the only King and it's wrong for any human to give themselves such a high status.
That's why I dislike royalty so much.
Charity in the Quran:see verses 2:196,263,264,270,271,273; 4:114;9:58,75,76-79,103,104;57:18;58:12,13.

I would appreciate it if people stop using Islam to describe what is commited by man.
It says ''FIGHT for the cause of Allah''.
AIG, we are right here and reading it says slay and be slain! Damnit!

...If you had a brain filling that empty void of a head of yours,you'd think carefully about it!
If you had a brain, you wouldn't be involved in that sick murderous demonic cult you're in!
AIG, a serious question (once you are finished fighting with the angry young men on here, that is) and I am sorry if you have answered this question previously:

What do you think of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and her statements about women being oppressed?
Anna Perenna said:
What do you think of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and her statements about women being oppressed?

I'm not gonna deny the fact that some women are oppressed,cos they are.But I don't get why people would blame a religion cos of the actions of misguided men who only want to dominate.

Since this thread is about Islam,do you believe it's Islam doing the oppressing or men who misinterprete everything to suit their desires,anna?

I don't know what to say about Ayan Hirsi.Partly because I haven't read everything she's said.

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