Jojo's gallery

Sis! Someone's been busy lately, huh? Wow, now even if I aren't a GC fan the sig of the twins together I gotta admit is sweet. Love the monochrome, I ain't a huge fan of garish colour, otherwise its too distracting, detracts attention, loses focus (kinda like my rants really, haha o_o ) but this is sweet. I love the sig of you two together, but then of course I can't give an unbiased opinion on that score can I? And the JM does indeed look like he's resting, but overall it's a nice effect. Subtle, dare I say it.
Talent abounds. But again, you already knew I was gonna say that, huh?
*taps temple knowingly*
Twinsies XD
*squeeze hugs*
Awesome work my sweet. Look forward to more Robiliciousness soon.
My sweet!!!! So happy to have you back here in my little thread!! No need to tell you that I immensly appreciate your comments and YES don't worry about Robliciousness!! You're talking to the Crazy Robster, remember? How can a day pass without Robbie??? Impossible!!! Hahaha!!! More Robliciousness soon!!!! :D *hugs her sis*
Bourdiliciousness right here, as I promiced to my beloved sister!!! Bless our Bourdie!!! Yay!!!


My Robsession is getting out of control!!! Rob = Jojo faints - swoons - collapses...
Damn I'm gonna have my Au de Rob again to recover from the crisis... Where are you sis? Bring the bottle!!! NOW!!! lol Hehe..;)
Haha, I have the bottle, but it's in another location (think; Games Thread ;)) so as not to overpower everyone here... haha. :thumbsup: It's all good.

But - :eek: *gasp* and *drool* - Bourdiliciousness just for lil ole me? *faints*
Oh, that be one fine specimen of perfection there sis... the guy in it aint so bad neither ;) Just kidding, haha. LOVE IT! *hugs* Oh, just wait, when I kick this Bam-habit (and it's only a matter of time) I'm gonna be looking for another Rob-sig and I reckon I'll be requesting your sig-making skills every 30 seconds or so when that day comes... hahaha... oh, have mercy!
Thanks sis. Glorious as always (and you mightn't have thought I noticed but I did - the monochrome! I despise overly colourful/happening/garrish sigs, but then that's just my opinion, subtlety is best I reckon, but each to their own!) Oh, props for that my sweet. Love it.
Haha, my sis!! *squeeze hugs* yeah actually all this Bourdiliciousness is primarily for you!! My sweet twin!!! And yeah, some things are self understood my sweet, ANY TIME you need a new Robbie sig, Jojo is here for you...I can make hundreds of Bourdie sigs just for my sis... and thanks for the comments sis, I know how sincere they are since they come from you!! *Big Bourdie Bear hugs*
One of the sigs I made for my sis for when she decides to place the glorious face of His Holiness under her name again!!! LOL I'll make more sis, whenever you feel like it lemme know...but for now, I've made this...;)

Here's an LP sig "in flames"!!! :D


I usually prefer monochrome so I thought I 'd make a change this time and create something vibrant and colourful... ;)