McCain chooses Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for V.P.


New member
Get over it and focus on politics. We aren't' electing her for her family life.
Don't get me wrong, Sarah Palin, the perfect GOP pick, she fits in well.
It's just hilarious how basically scandal after scandal after scandal is popping up about this woman in less then a weeks time as being announced as the running mate.

I still say, McCain could have picked someone decent and not only favored in just Alaska and by hard line GOP'rs and have the Democrats shaking in their boots.

I don't believe ALL GOP politicians are bad, I do feel there were many many worthy ones that could have/should have been chosen.

I do not put any type of liability on the part of Palin, life happens, but there was a total negligence here on the part of McCain on his quest to get the women voters. **** if he wanted the women, he should have been pushing for

Kay Hutchinson or something.

This whole Palin thing is gonna kill the Republicans.





New member
Don't get me wrong, Sarah Palin, the perfect GOP pick, she fits in well.
It's just hilarious how basically scandal after scandal after scandal is popping up about this woman in less then a weeks time as being announced as the running mate.

I still say, McCain could have picked someone decent and not only favored in just Alaska and by hard line GOP'rs and have the Democrats shaking in their boots.

I don't believe ALL GOP politicians are bad, I do feel there were many many worthy ones that could have/should have been chosen.

I do not put any type of liability on the part of Palin, life happens, but there was a total negligence here on the part of McCain on his quest to get the women voters. **** if he wanted the women, he should have been pushing for

Kay Hutchinson or something.

This whole Palin thing is gonna kill the Republicans.



They all had skeletons and they Dem's had a search and destroy team made up for whoever was nominated. Sarah apparently threw the team off guard and this is all they can come up with.



New member
They all had skeletons and they Dem's had a search and destroy team made up for whoever was nominated. Sarah apparently threw the team off guard and this is all they can come up with.
You mean like the John Kerry Swiftboat team?





New member
You mean like the John Kerry Swiftboat team?.

lol yeah I guess. :rolleyes: Actually though the Swift boaters had more time to get ready. These guys are scrambling.

I agree it's all politics.



New member
Don't get me wrong, Sarah Palin, the perfect GOP pick, she fits in well.
It's just hilarious how basically scandal after scandal after scandal is popping up about this woman in less then a weeks time as being announced as the running mate.

I still say, McCain could have picked someone decent and not only favored in just Alaska and by hard line GOP'rs and have the Democrats shaking in their boots.

I don't believe ALL GOP politicians are bad, I do feel there were many many worthy ones that could have/should have been chosen.

I do not put any type of liability on the part of Palin, life happens, but there was a total negligence here on the part of McCain on his quest to get the women voters. **** if he wanted the women, he should have been pushing for

Kay Hutchinson or something.

This whole Palin thing is gonna kill the Republicans.


The left are just making themselves look like fools with their attacks. Please, posting the myspace blog of her daughter's 17 year old boyfriend as a credible arguement.

There hasn't been a single bit of real "scandal" to come up yet. They are only "scandals" the the same kind of mental midgets on the left as the mental midgets on the right that still believe Obama is a "secret Muslim".

It's completely laughable.



New member
Ah, your right, lets focus on the Presidential canidates, not the VP's.. :D

[ame=]YouTube - Former POW says McCain is "not cut out to be President"[/ame]





New member
P.S. Obama is a muslim..

Oh come on, Obama isn't a Muslim. He just hangs out with anti-American racists (Rev. Wright), felons (Tony Rezko), and domestic terrorists (William Ayres). If you want to talk about scandal after scandal after scandal.

It's funny that the obcenely biased media has attacked Palin more vigourously on the petty supposed "scandals" ruthlessly, and hasn't even expected Obama to answer to his own scandals, that have factual basis. But I guess we should just listen to one guys word about who John McCain was over 40 years ago. Assuming this guy didn't just not like McCain.



New member
Oh come on, Obama isn't a Muslim. He just hangs out with anti-American racists (Rev. Wright), felons (Tony Rezko), and domestic terrorists (William Ayres). If you want to talk about scandal after scandal after scandal.
It's funny that the obcenely biased media has attacked Palin more vigourously on the petty supposed "scandals" ruthlessly, and hasn't even expected Obama to answer to his own scandals, that have factual basis. But I guess we should just listen to one guys word about who John McCain was over 40 years ago. Assuming this guy didn't just not like McCain.
Make the point.





New member
Make the point.


My point is, no other candidate, especially a conservative one, would have survived the media onslaught of hanging out with anti-American racists, convicted felons who helped them buy their mansion, or a domestic terrorist whose living room they anounced their candidacy, nor should they. The biased media isn't even asking for explanations for this, but Palin should be accountable for her husband's DUI he got when he was 22, her daughter having unprotected *** with a classmate and things the 17 year old boy blogged on his myspace page.

Domestic terrorist who bombed innocent people and government building and hid from prosecution for years vs. the father of Bristol's baby posting that he didn't want to have children, which could have been posted before he knew. Seems equal. I understand why they ignore the terrorist for the teenage baby daddy. :rolleyes:

No bias in the media.



New member
I still can't believe these claims are the best the left can come up with having the biased resources of nearly every news agency in the nation against them, in favor of the Messiah.

Laughable. :D



New member
The Republican smear team needs to get on the ball and start smearing 30 years worth of bad choices on Biden, I mean every indicator for probably 2 weeks before Obama picked the guy. Plenty of time to dig dirt, now all of a sudden, you have 5 or 6 scandals about this woman popping up in less then a week even though she is a "SURPRISE UNKNOWN" Man, how can this even possibly be?

Already you have REP guys apologizing for her, saying she was picked too soon... this is the REPUBLICANS saying this. If this woman is John McCains soul mate like he claims, then why all the apologies? **** there is even talk of getting rid of her before she accepts the nomination... who is it coming from? MAIN STREAM MEDIA.

Is the main stream media falsly reporting the words of fellow republicans?

You tell me?





New member
The Republican smear team needs to get on the ball and start smearing 30 years worth of bad choices on Biden, I mean every indicator for probably 2 weeks before Obama picked the guy. Plenty of time to dig dirt, now all of a sudden, you have 5 or 6 scandals about this woman popping up in less then a week even though she is a "SURPRISE UNKNOWN" Man, how can this even possibly be?
Already you have REP guys apologizing for her, saying she was picked too soon... this is the REPUBLICANS saying this. If this woman is John McCains soul mate like he claims, then why all the apologies? **** there is even talk of getting rid of her before she accepts the nomination... who is it coming from? MAIN STREAM MEDIA.

Is the main stream media falsly reporting the words of fellow republicans?

You tell me?


Plenty has been brought up on Biden, it just is suppressed by the liberal leaning media...

Let's just take into consideration his foreign policy experience that he has been pretty much wrong on since the failed Carter administration (which by the way was a worse economic situation in four years than we supposedly got in eight years with Bush). Let's look at Biden's foreign policy choices over the last 30 years...

In 1979 Joe Biden agreed with Carter that the fall of the Shah and the rise of the Ayatollahs was an advance for the people of Iran, that it was good for human rights in Iran, appearantly including that whole "American hostage thing" that lasted 444 days under Carter that included a disasterously planned and failed attempt to invade Iran.

In the 1980s Joe Biden was against Ronald Reagan's evil empire speech. He was for d’?tat. If we would have gone with d’?tat, the Soviet empire would have never collapsed.

In 1990 he hemmed and hawed against Kuwait about going in to help liberate an independant nation that was invaded, without any international support, for purely personal and economic reasons.

He voted for the second Iraq war until things got tough, it became unpopular and then he was against it.

Then he said Iraq should be cut into three separate states, essentially calling for the US to split up a soverign nation into three sepearate nations against the will of those people.

Then he said he was against the surge and now he says the surge hasn't even worked, along with Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi claimed the war was lost, but the surge would not play a factor, in spite of the plan orchestrated by General Petreas, and the whole NEWS of the turning over to the Iraqis of the Anbar province (which by the way went pretty much unreported by the liberal biased media. I guess if America is down it's something to report and celebrate, but if America is up it's either not news or not to the media's agenda) just two years after the surge, that changed it from the biggest combatant stronghold and one of the hardest fought for areas of Iraq, into a place where the soldiers who participated in the celebration didn't even wear body armor, wear helmets and carry guns.

What part is Obama going to get from Joe Biden that he doesn't already have? He also, Joe Biden, has called for unconditional dialogue with Iran's radical anti-American leader, just like Obama. There's no experience here that Obama needed to draw from. Obama is the most liberal guy in the Senate. Joe Biden is the third most liberal guy in the Senate. If you wanted experience, I'm sorry but Joe Biden's not the guy to give you the experience. If you wanted experience and you wanted it cut from this, why not go directly to the source. Why not just announce your running mate is Jimmy Carter?



New member
Already you have REP guys apologizing for her, saying she was picked too soon... this is the REPUBLICANS saying this. If this woman is John McCains soul mate like he claims, then why all the apologies? **** there is even talk of getting rid of her before she accepts the nomination... who is it coming from? MAIN STREAM MEDIA.

Is the main stream media falsly reporting the words of fellow republicans?

You tell me?


I guess the liberals and the liberal media were too busy washing Obama's feet and bowing to him to notice then, because I brought up Palin as a person to watch this year, and if not this year, in four years, to my sister back in the spring.

I also brought up Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal as an option. I will wager that same $100 that I'm gonna win from you, about the pictures of Bristol as being a rightious churchgoer, that I'm right.

Proof of media bias printed in a liberal paper. They admit it, admit it looks bad but keep on doing it...

Yea. The mainstream media hasn't proven to be of the utmost bias at all this year. They even admit it...
Obama's Edge in the Coverage Race

By Deborah Howell

Sunday, August 17, 2008; Page B06

Democrat Barack Obama has had about a 3 to 1 advantage over Republican John McCain in Post Page 1 stories since Obama became his party's presumptive nominee June 4. Obama has generated a lot of news by being the first African American nominee, and he is less well known than McCain -- and therefore there's more to report on. But the disparity is so wide that it doesn't look good.

In overall political stories from June 4 to Friday, Obama dominated by 142 to 96. Obama has been featured in 35 stories on Page 1; McCain has been featured in 13, with three Page 1 references with photos to stories on inside pages. Fifteen stories featured both candidates and were about polls or issues such as terrorism, Social Security and the candidates' agreement on what should be done in Afghanistan.

This dovetails with Obama's dominance in photos, which I pointed out two weeks ago. At that time, it was 122 for Obama and 78 for McCain. Two weeks later, it's 143 to 100, almost the same gap, because editors have run almost the same number of photos -- 21 of Obama and 22 of McCain -- since they realized the disparity. McCain is almost even with Obama in Page 1 photos -- 10 to 9.

This is not just a Post phenomenon. The Project for Excellence in Journalism has been monitoring campaign coverage at an assortment of large and medium-circulation newspapers, broadcast evening and morning news shows, five news Web sites, three major cable news networks, and public radio and other radio outlets. Its latest report, for the week of Aug. 4-10, shows that for the eighth time in nine weeks, Obama received significantly more coverage than McCain.

Obama's dominance on Page 1 is partly due to stories about his winning the bruising primary battle with Hillary Rodham Clinton and his trip overseas in July. The coverage of June 4, 5, 6 and 7 led to six Page 1 stories in The Post, including Obama's nomination victory, his strategy, elation among African Americans over the historic nature of his win and his fundraising advantage. Then he made an appearance at Nissan Pavilion with Virginia's Gov. Timothy Kaine and Sen. James Webb, and it became a local Page 1 story. During those few days, there was one Page 1 reference to an inside-page story about McCain going after Clinton's disgruntled supporters.

When Obama traveled to the Middle East and Europe, the coverage dwarfed that of McCain -- six Page 1 stories from July 19 to July 27, plus an earlier front-page story announcing the trip. McCain managed one Page 1 story and one Page 1 reference; the July 25 story said he might pick a vice presidential candidate soon, but that didn't happen. While there was no front-page story about Obama on July 25, it seemed wrong not to count that day because a photo of him in Berlin dominated the front page. I also counted a story about a Post-ABC News poll concerning racism and its potential impact on the election; 3 in 10 of those polled acknowledged racial bias.
Deborah Howell - Obama's Edge in the Coverage Race -



New member
Why are Democrats in a panic over Palin? And believe me, they are.

Yesterday we have the New York Times running stories on Palin, including one questioning whether a mother of five should be working at all!

The whole so-called "troopergate" thing is going nowhere --- after all, she called for the investigation of her actions on her own! People who lost their jobs in that situation are even saying that she had no role. What's more, people have this annoying tendency to side against a state trooper who would taser his own stepchild. Me? Not so much. Probably did him good.

The trouble is that Sarah Palin just too middle-America. She wasn't a community activist .. she was and is a working mother. If Sarah hits a home run tonight look for the attacks ... and that includes attacks against her daughter ... to only increase.

There's something about this lady that scares the left senseless. As if the left wasn't already senseless.



New member
Sorry R.O. I think it's quite opposite, the Democrats are WELCOMING this pick. Alot of them feel that McCain might even be trying to throw the race and whole heartedly dump all the s@#$t mistakes of the past 8 years on his (Obama's) lap, so him, and the other Oil men in whITeY whitehouse can sit back with a smirk and go "SO LONG SUCKERS, HAVE FUN FIXING THIS FUKK UP"



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