The Republican smear team needs to get on the ball and start smearing 30 years worth of bad choices on Biden, I mean every indicator for probably 2 weeks before Obama picked the guy. Plenty of time to dig dirt, now all of a sudden, you have 5 or 6 scandals about this woman popping up in less then a week even though she is a "SURPRISE UNKNOWN" Man, how can this even possibly be?
Already you have REP guys apologizing for her, saying she was picked too soon... this is the REPUBLICANS saying this. If this woman is John McCains soul mate like he claims, then why all the apologies? **** there is even talk of getting rid of her before she accepts the nomination... who is it coming from? MAIN STREAM MEDIA.
Is the main stream media falsly reporting the words of fellow republicans?
You tell me?
Plenty has been brought up on Biden, it just is suppressed by the liberal leaning media...
Let's just take into consideration his foreign policy experience that he has been pretty much wrong on since the failed Carter administration (which by the way was a worse economic situation in four years than we supposedly got in eight years with Bush). Let's look at Biden's foreign policy choices over the last 30 years...
In 1979 Joe Biden agreed with Carter that the fall of the Shah and the rise of the Ayatollahs was an advance for the people of Iran, that it was good for human rights in Iran, appearantly including that whole "American hostage thing" that lasted 444 days under Carter that included a disasterously planned and failed attempt to invade Iran.
In the 1980s Joe Biden was against Ronald Reagan's evil empire speech. He was for d’?tat. If we would have gone with d’?tat, the Soviet empire would have never collapsed.
In 1990 he hemmed and hawed against Kuwait about going in to help liberate an independant nation that was invaded, without any international support, for purely personal and economic reasons.
He voted for the second Iraq war until things got tough, it became unpopular and then he was against it.
Then he said Iraq should be cut into three separate states, essentially calling for the US to split up a soverign nation into three sepearate nations against the will of those people.
Then he said he was against the surge and now he says the surge hasn't even worked, along with Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi claimed the war was lost, but the surge would not play a factor, in spite of the plan orchestrated by General Petreas, and the whole NEWS of the turning over to the Iraqis of the Anbar province (which by the way went pretty much unreported by the liberal biased media. I guess if America is down it's something to report and celebrate, but if America is up it's either not news or not to the media's agenda) just two years after the surge, that changed it from the biggest combatant stronghold and one of the hardest fought for areas of Iraq, into a place where the soldiers who participated in the celebration didn't even wear body armor, wear helmets and carry guns.
What part is Obama going to get from Joe Biden that he doesn't already have? He also, Joe Biden, has called for unconditional dialogue with Iran's radical anti-American leader, just like Obama. There's no experience here that Obama needed to draw from. Obama is the most liberal guy in the Senate. Joe Biden is the third most liberal guy in the Senate. If you wanted experience, I'm sorry but Joe Biden's not the guy to give you the experience. If you wanted experience and you wanted it cut from this, why not go directly to the source. Why not just announce your running mate is Jimmy Carter?