Medical Bills, legal bills, same thing. Just like people aren't expecting to get sick, people don't expect to get sued. The only difference is the medical bill problem is on a mass scale.
The point your refusing to address is you can't just stop cancer, the legal bills can be stopped if you let go of the pride.
How much is your pride worth Bender?
How about going the route of a healthcare system that will help you not go to a downward spiral when something unexpected happens? How about that? Stop with the hypocritical double-standard. We're unto you. And since when is getting taken to court expected?? Unless you know you're doing stuff you aren't supposed to be doing - hmm??
Wow, too many things wrong with that lumped together madness.
Staying on topic we can follow trends and see where one fake claim follows another. Sometimes you can see a trend and then you have to make a decision to stay doing the same thing and gettng the same results or just make a change.
Please, it's sad you being persistent with that. Admit you were wrong, grasping for straws and lied already. She told you herself she didn't say that, we can all see she didn't say that and I certainly did not agree with something she never said. How could I have?
Your now telling lies, not me. She just said it again, that Sarah should downgrade to pay for her legal bills. That is what she said and what she meant.
Really? In this post alone:
I'd like to see all these fake claims. Where and what are all of these fake claims, TJ?
From the same link we are talking about, click the link.
Why the **** would I volunteer to pay that lady's legal fees or any other stranger's?
Because your saying she should fight even if she does not have the funds so if your imposing that action on her then you should help pay for it. It is easy to say she should fight when your not the one paying millions of dollars to do so.
Hm, maybe these are some of the 'frivilous' lawsuits that are being brought against her?
Was that a question or an answer? Seemed to lack direction to me. You spoke about her costing money but you never mentioned how Sarah saved the State millions through things like getting rid of her private jet the State was paying to maintain for the previous Govenor.
Also, did she ever return the 150 grand worth of clothes she bought during the campaigning with McCain??
I don't know anything about clothes, and don't care either.
The woman has money to throw away on useless **** like overpriced designer clothes, but is not willing to, to defend herself?
And Mrs. Obama wearing $600 sneekers to volunteer at a soup kitchen is better?
I believe there is a huge difference between spending a grand for some glasses and spending a million dollars on legal fees. The cloths can be reused over and over again. The money spent defending against false claims is lost forever.......
Besides, one is by choice, the other is not. Should anyone who has purchased something "YOU" believe is overpriced be suddenly subjected to massive legal bills? They deserve to lose everything just because they have nicer clothes then you do?