Ravyn's Journal


New member
Sure! *hugs for Woody*

But tell me... who's Anthea and who's Yvette?!? (I just came from Phi's journal... how come I've never heard of these guys before?!?)



New member
Not much happened the last few days. Just the usual - work, LPF, not much else. Haven't even been to gym, as much as I've been meaning too. Been down a bit; maybe it's because of the rain (seasonal blues?) or maybe something else (midlife crisis?) but either way still quieter than usual.Have been thinking a lot lately about where I fit in in the world, the deep and meaningful philosphical biffo I had with Viking the other night had something to do with the current mindset I'm thinking.

I got to work yesterday afternoon and just sat out back and cried... don't know exactly why. Did again when I got home too. Was weird. Haven't been like that since before I came off my medication. I'm feeling normal in most other respects (normal?) but I guess, at the heart of it, without this place my life is just very lonely. It's almost pathetic at times. I don't have many friends - I don't really get out much at all, and everyone else is busy. It's their lives, so be it. I usually cope fine but these last few days I'm starting to wonder what the point in all this is again - life in general. My life. I don't feel like I'm making a contribution in any significant way to the human race; and if I passed on tomorrow who'd even know I was gone? *shrug*
congrats on the 1000th post *super big Twisome hugs* <3

I have days like that, where you just cry for no reason. It sucks. I'm sorry hon, it's just emotions though, and they've never been quite accurate >.>;; if it's not though, maybe you need a change in your lifestyle, sometimes I try changing my habits and it makes me feel better.

I know exactly how you feel about not contributing to the human race, and I can sympathize with that. I thought that many times, like I'm just one person out of billions and billions, what are the chances of me actually doing something worth the human race's time? Well I figured it's less than calculable. But once I think about it, what has the human race done for me? what makes me want to give them something spectacular? they don't deserve it. Most of the population is idiots, bastards, genuinely bad people, or ignorant people. Whatever accomplishments I make, good or bad, they will be for me, and the people I love.

Well, that's my take on it anyways.

Sorry for ranting in your lovely journal *sweatdrop*

Love ya, take dare




New member
Aww *squueze hugs 4 Twi*

You have a unique perspective on things - didn't think of it that way. Thanks.

Wow. Don't know how to feel about that. It's different, giving me another way to look at it :thumbsup: thanks.

Hm. I know I'm an emotional trainwreck of a person. I can be, but not always. Guess life has a way of doing that to a person I suppose.

Anyway - feeling a bit better today.

Thanks for the superawesometwihug! *wicked grins*

You're an awesome hugger.


Much <3 Twi!



New member
Well I'm glad I could offer a different perspective :) I hate having only one path to follow, I like to have different views and opinions to things.

Aww, emotional train-wreckage or not, we still love you anyways :D

Wow, what colorful hug techniques XD

*superdupercalafrajalisticcantspellthisdamnthinghugs back* lol



New member
Aww, thanks guys. But no one's as evil as me. I may seem all sweet to you lot but I know I'm pretty out-there. *evil smirk*

And that conversation in Sarah's journal cracked me up big-time! Still wiping my eyes. Ahh, the allure of superstardom. "Hello Mr Bou-reeeetch! Take that, mr rockstar!" *laughs and rolls eyes* Scary thing is he's probably already had fans throw up on him before so I wouldn't even be memorable for that *sigh*

Come to think of it, would you want to be remembered in that light? 0_o? Weird conversation. Definately. :rolleyes:




New member
lmao, yeah. I mean, how rabid fans keep their composure, I'll never guess. It must need to be mastered, or something to that extent. There should be a whole course on how to behave in front of your SEXIEST DREAMS.


New member
That's just disturbing! *cracks up laughing*

But if Rob burst out a cake wearing a sash and started singing happy birthday...?

*refer to the list again and repeat*

I'm nothing if not predicatble, that's for sure! XD



New member
smithers:*imagines mr burns coming out of a birthday cake naked*
*eyeballs deteriorate and burn like eggs on a skillet at the image*

That's some powerful stuff there, are you sure you should be tampering with those kinds of images O_____o for the love, or hatred, of humanity!



New member

and then you would say "My, what are you to do about all this mess?" and then you would provide him with a solution, if you get my drift.



New member
lmao and then you would say "My, what are you to do about all this mess?" and then you would provide him with a solution, if you get my drift.
Funny thing was we actually had this exact conversation not 5 minutes ago on AIM... scary.

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