Todah Rabah!
Yes - speaking in tongues, Hewbrew to be exact. Found out tonight that means 'Thank you very much' in Hebrew, there ya go. And why do I know? I created a kippot/kippah for Sims to wear and uploaded it to, specifically for my Jewish sims to wear. My Jewish Sims being Rob and Brad and now their resident Rabbi, Rabbi Levi *smirk* *** bless the Sims. Awww.
Anyway, not bad for a first upload. Made me feel special... for a few minutes at least.
Well, not a great deal going on I guess. I went to the hospital today to visit my bestest friend in the whole wide world Chrissy, who's got a nasty liver infection... she looks like a human character from The Simpsons right about now... almost funny. Almost. But yeah, if nothing else I guess I can take that experience with me to my writing so looking for the positive really. She's okay. Due to the current health crisis in QLD and shortage of hospital beds she's being transferred to the kids ward of all places tonight to get some rest. She's nearly 40 years old and as much a big-kid at heart as I am (and that's saying something!
) but sure she'll come through this alright.
2 days off work. Am bored but not really. Wrote for like 7 consecutive hours yesterday on the fic here (y'all should know the one I'm refering to in Writer's Thread) and I'm super-psyched it's had just over 1000 hits since posting... not bad for a few weeks work huh? *big stoopid grin* There I go feeling all special again... awww... More soon. Probably.
Been having issues with myself - and the guy I work with (one of my bosses) named Nate. It's hard to explain and I'm really not gonna try save to say one minute I really really like him and the next I just wanna slap him silly... he drives me crazy in all kinds of ways, and though we're just good friends I'm in limbo as to whether or not we're ever gonna be more than just good mates. And given the fact that in just over two weeks he's leaving *sob* I'm running out of precious time to get closure either way...
Men! Gah!
Can't live with 'em, can't successfully hide the bodies, whoops! I mean, can't live without 'em, hehehe... hmm.
Anyway, the dramas with one ex-LPFer JammerG continues. I had jack of feeling used so in essence I kind of gave her the cold shoulder as of late. I've cut ties. We aren't talking or visiting or anything like that, as much as we haven't done so for a while lately anyway. I feel bad for doing so but in my heart, as much as it hurts, I feel like I'm doing the right thing. I'm tired of feeling invisible around her and I'm tired of watching her treat herself without any respect - she only really gets in touch with me thesedays when one of her boyfriends (whom she knows I can't stand) arent around (to treat her like garbage). Friends should be there for each other but at this point in time she's more content to watch herself in a mirror than watch my back. So much for being sisters.
Anyway, hopefully she gets the message before I end up blowing up... I don't want to end our friendship after all these years and everything we've gone through etc on such a bitter note but it feels like she's not gonna snap out of her own self-depreciating BS any other way... and I'm tired of watching that. So I'm gone.
Anyways... time will tell on that score I guess.
Played Sims last night from scratch. Set myself a goal to play without hacks or cheats and try and fulfil my Sim Rob and Sim Rav's lives like a real life scenario. Jesus, I bit off more than I could chew. After less than a week (Sims time) they have 2 boys, a toddler named Benjamin and a newborn named Kristjan (an obvious reference! *wink*) and he's (Sim Rob) working as a roadie to try and fulfil his dream at being a career musician. He had to sell his drumkit before Kristjan was born to afford a second crib and they are both so exhausted Sim Rav is suffering depression and constant nightmares... Jesus. My poor Sims are suffering... *evil laugh* And Sim Rav wants 6 kids to fulfil her lifetime aspiration (goal - predetermined by the game, not me) but I can see already that Sim Rob has already had enough at playing daddy... sound familiar does it? Love how (Sim)life imitates (LPF)art, and I didn't even have to try, go figure! Now, if she can manage to pull off twins for the next two kids (girls) and Sim Rob keeps neglecting everything else for his 12 hour days and work comittments, I can see Sim Rav paving the way for a torrid affair with Sim Chas (who's been ringing at odd hours of the night anyway when Sim Robert's at work - uh oh!
) And then we know what happens, don't we kiddies... *evil smirk* Sim Fox! Ahahaha... hmm.
Anyway... as for RL... apart from all that things are usual. Am sick again, coming down with the flu or something, but back to work tomorrow - I shall sweat it out come **** or high water! 0_o
Apart from that... not much else to say. Wanted to update my journal, it's been a few days, even though I didn't really have anything terribly enlightening to say. Never do. But never stops me ranting. I am an audience unto myself... I wonder can I boo myself off stage? Hmm.
Now that I'm talking **** I'll take my que to leave and go see if anyone's logged on that I can harrass or has updated their stories yet.
Take care, talk again soon!
*crash tackle hugs*