Ravyn's Journal


New member
I'm glad you got a laugh out of that :D

sure you can make that a sig :p I have no disputes ^^;;

Aww hon, doesn't sound like things are going too good. *sigh* I hate when people leave. It makes me feel like **** and lonely and all that drama. so I know how that must feel. :( I'm sorry *super big squishy hug*

I'm glad that you're not going to harm yourself though, I can't stand to see friends hurt. There's always a healthy alternative, and I'm glad you realize that :) creative writing sounds like a superb idea, I wish I had time too. I think you are a GREAT writer :D

aww well *group hug* you'll always have us here on LPF ^_^ corney as that sounds :p it's true



New member
Thanks. Yeah, he is fun. Too bad for me he's going though. As strange as it all is he's the first guy I've known in a long time that I'm not scared of/intimidated by, and given he's a lot bigger than me, both physically and personality, it's bizzare. But *sigh* for whatever reason it was not meant to be. Things change I guess. Best not make waves but let the current take me... well. Thanks for the compliment, my Viking. *hugs* You also are someone I feel I can talk to about pretty much anything and that's a humbling feeling. Just a shame we're continents apart. Prolly a good thing? :D

But thanks. *wink*

that must be so bad for you, to see him leave, being how he is...

thank you :)

haha maybe that's true, and well I'm not exactly sure but it might be, that Iceland and Australia are on the exact opposite places on the earth. Like if you were to take a model of the earth and pierce it with a stick, I think it might go in in Iceland and come out in Australia lol

but I'm not so sure, I'll dive into that some time soon :D



New member
Like if you were to take a model of the earth and pierce it with a stick, I think it might go in in Iceland and come out in Australia lol
Dude, thanks for the visual! I had this vision of a ***-like 'being' doing exactly that with like a wooden skewer and going 'Hmm, let's test that theory' and stabbing the planet through respective continents... seeing a big damned skewer coming at you through the clouds would be a helluva sight to see me thinks... hmmm... need to ease up on the Red Bull too by the sounds of that! :rolleyes:
As for the thanking me... it's all good. True, though. *winks*



New member
Todah Rabah!


Yes - speaking in tongues, Hewbrew to be exact. Found out tonight that means 'Thank you very much' in Hebrew, there ya go. And why do I know? I created a kippot/kippah for Sims to wear and uploaded it to MTS2.com, specifically for my Jewish sims to wear. My Jewish Sims being Rob and Brad and now their resident Rabbi, Rabbi Levi *smirk* *** bless the Sims. Awww.

Anyway, not bad for a first upload. Made me feel special... for a few minutes at least.

Well, not a great deal going on I guess. I went to the hospital today to visit my bestest friend in the whole wide world Chrissy, who's got a nasty liver infection... she looks like a human character from The Simpsons right about now... almost funny. Almost. But yeah, if nothing else I guess I can take that experience with me to my writing so looking for the positive really. She's okay. Due to the current health crisis in QLD and shortage of hospital beds she's being transferred to the kids ward of all places tonight to get some rest. She's nearly 40 years old and as much a big-kid at heart as I am (and that's saying something! :D ) but sure she'll come through this alright.

2 days off work. Am bored but not really. Wrote for like 7 consecutive hours yesterday on the fic here (y'all should know the one I'm refering to in Writer's Thread) and I'm super-psyched it's had just over 1000 hits since posting... not bad for a few weeks work huh? *big stoopid grin* There I go feeling all special again... awww... More soon. Probably.

Been having issues with myself - and the guy I work with (one of my bosses) named Nate. It's hard to explain and I'm really not gonna try save to say one minute I really really like him and the next I just wanna slap him silly... he drives me crazy in all kinds of ways, and though we're just good friends I'm in limbo as to whether or not we're ever gonna be more than just good mates. And given the fact that in just over two weeks he's leaving *sob* I'm running out of precious time to get closure either way...

Men! Gah! :rolleyes: Can't live with 'em, can't successfully hide the bodies, whoops! I mean, can't live without 'em, hehehe... hmm.

Anyway, the dramas with one ex-LPFer JammerG continues. I had jack of feeling used so in essence I kind of gave her the cold shoulder as of late. I've cut ties. We aren't talking or visiting or anything like that, as much as we haven't done so for a while lately anyway. I feel bad for doing so but in my heart, as much as it hurts, I feel like I'm doing the right thing. I'm tired of feeling invisible around her and I'm tired of watching her treat herself without any respect - she only really gets in touch with me thesedays when one of her boyfriends (whom she knows I can't stand) arent around (to treat her like garbage). Friends should be there for each other but at this point in time she's more content to watch herself in a mirror than watch my back. So much for being sisters. :( Anyway, hopefully she gets the message before I end up blowing up... I don't want to end our friendship after all these years and everything we've gone through etc on such a bitter note but it feels like she's not gonna snap out of her own self-depreciating BS any other way... and I'm tired of watching that. So I'm gone.

Anyways... time will tell on that score I guess.

Played Sims last night from scratch. Set myself a goal to play without hacks or cheats and try and fulfil my Sim Rob and Sim Rav's lives like a real life scenario. Jesus, I bit off more than I could chew. After less than a week (Sims time) they have 2 boys, a toddler named Benjamin and a newborn named Kristjan (an obvious reference! *wink*) and he's (Sim Rob) working as a roadie to try and fulfil his dream at being a career musician. He had to sell his drumkit before Kristjan was born to afford a second crib and they are both so exhausted Sim Rav is suffering depression and constant nightmares... Jesus. My poor Sims are suffering... *evil laugh* And Sim Rav wants 6 kids to fulfil her lifetime aspiration (goal - predetermined by the game, not me) but I can see already that Sim Rob has already had enough at playing daddy... sound familiar does it? Love how (Sim)life imitates (LPF)art, and I didn't even have to try, go figure! Now, if she can manage to pull off twins for the next two kids (girls) and Sim Rob keeps neglecting everything else for his 12 hour days and work comittments, I can see Sim Rav paving the way for a torrid affair with Sim Chas (who's been ringing at odd hours of the night anyway when Sim Robert's at work - uh oh! :rolleyes: ) And then we know what happens, don't we kiddies... *evil smirk* Sim Fox! Ahahaha... hmm.

Anyway... as for RL... apart from all that things are usual. Am sick again, coming down with the flu or something, but back to work tomorrow - I shall sweat it out come **** or high water! 0_o

Apart from that... not much else to say. Wanted to update my journal, it's been a few days, even though I didn't really have anything terribly enlightening to say. Never do. But never stops me ranting. I am an audience unto myself... I wonder can I boo myself off stage? Hmm.

Now that I'm talking **** I'll take my que to leave and go see if anyone's logged on that I can harrass or has updated their stories yet.

Take care, talk again soon!

*crash tackle hugs*

-Rav :D



New member
Those 1000 hits are not a coincidence you know ;)

But haha that Sims thing really cracks me up :D

not just the name of the new born, but also just the whole thing, and the fact how striking resemblance it bears to the fanfic :eek: haha :p



New member
Thanks Vi!

*squeeze hugs*

I'm just chuffed anyone would read my ****... I like my ****... most days.

And yeah, I didn't plan that Sims thing at all... kinda eerie how it's playing out (besides the whole 'Ben' thing - cause he didn't exist at all in said fic) but shall see what the next kid happens to be. Ahh... *** bless Sims life! And the best part is when things get too much in Sims you can just pause your game or quit without saving and walk away... ****. Pity RL weren't like that... *sigh*



New member
You're welcome

eerie...ah there's that word :D my vocab sucks haha

anyway yeah life would be so much easier, I'd like that "stop/exit" button sometimes...well there's always the option of walkin out the door, but that one only goes one way (we like to think so at least) so that's not really an option...



New member
You're welcome
eerie...ah there's that word :D my vocab sucks haha

anyway yeah life would be so much easier, I'd like that "stop/exit" button sometimes...well there's always the option of walkin out the door, but that one only goes one way (we like to think so at least) so that's not really an option...
Sound familiar does it? *smirk*
Having said that, I totally agree. But your vocab is fine. Like I said in your journal a while back, if I didn't stop and remind myself sometimes I think English is your native tongue anyway, so don't fret about it. It's all good! :D



New member
Hey y'all, been a while since I've done this. Anyway, things haven't changed so much really since I last posted. I work, I chat here on LPF and on my free time I write more of my fics or when I'm feeling adventurous enough head off to gym, that's still pretty much my life in a nut shell.

I'm 30 in 5 days and freaked about it. I know it's just a number but lately I've been reflecting a lot, past lost oppertunities, what could have beens, and its hard to face the fact I'm not even considered young anymore. I feel and look a lot younger than I am, but maybe it's the hype of the number that has me more freaked than the actuality of it.

My brothers (I have 4, one younger, 3 half bro's all older) all have kids and families of their own. I'm the only girl, the only one single, I don't have a great deal to account for. I don't own my own home or car or bike, I'm nothing hugely successful, I guess in some ways I feel like a failure. While that depresses me along with it comes acceptance. Years ago in the impetuousness of youth I'd fly off in a self-induced rage when I got down, now I can sit back and just kind of bear it. Maybe I'm finally growing up? Dang. I thought I'd be a child (at heart and in stature) forever. RL sucks at times.

Having said that I'm more at ease with who I am now than I've ever been (when I stop comparing myself to everyone else). I'm going on holidays in afew days for a week to see my mum and stepdad and see the old town where I spent a good part of my life as a kid (we moved around a lot).

I haven't been back there in over ten years. It's a small dustbowl in outback NSW called Coonamble. Dreary, hot, nothing to do but drink all day kind of place. I haven't seen my mother in like 2 years and I haven't seen my real dad in like 4. He lives nearby. My folks have a hate-hate relationship. To give you some idea on how much she hates him, my mum once stabbed my dad in the chest with a kitchen knife... it's worth noting he was sleeping with her sister at the time. He lived. Yes, for the record my family is just as discombobulated as the fictional one (only that written one is alot 'nicer').

Anyway, I'm hoping to see them and deal with a few issues (I have so many I don't know where to start) but the good thing that comes with age is realisation.

Just the other day I came to realise that despite the fact my parents were at one stage all ominipotent figures that encapsulated my entire universe and made the sun shine for me as a kid that really they're nothing special. I've come to identify with them now as people just like me who made strange decisions and mistakes and really could be just someone I'd meet any other day at a party. Wow. Makes talking to them easier too. I disagree I can say it now rather than shy from it. Parents don't always know best, they have opinions like us and they screw up. Man, I'm maturing!

Work is as it usually is. I'm not so much a dishy now as a cook. Step up Ravyn. I pretty much run the kitchen now, sometimes, and even though the place has been sold things look good I should be staying on at least for a little while longer. ***, I hope so, need the moolah. I usually work from 3:30 in the arvo til around 10:30 at night. Last night it was til 11:30. It's midnight by the time I walk home and have tea and crawl into bed. There's just not enough hours in the day anymore. I don't have many friends which is a good thing in a way, but the friends I do have are mostly stay at home mums. Makes it difficult to catch up. Thank *** for SMS texting.

I bought a laptop last week. I'm typing on it right now as we speak. Saved up for six months to get it so now I have it I feel stoked about that. Means I can take LP and LPF with me everywhere I go. Also means I can write wherever I go too, that's the main incentive behind it. Miss writing. Would sit down and do it all day if I could. *sigh* Anyway. Back to reality. Have to get ready to go shopping soon, make sure things are ready for when I leave on Monday. Probably won't be back til the following Monday but as for no internet? I'll have to wait and see... my mum absolutely hates computers so she's gonna flip when she sees me rock up with this little beauty, let alone try and dial up on her landline when she's asleep! *laughs* I'm evil.

Anyway, just had to update. Dr Phil's on in a few minutes, gonna watch that then go over town. Then go to gym. Then go to work. Late shift tonight. Be back on later/tomorrow morning. Miss everyone... (in fact, anyone reading this and has gotten to this part of my spiel. You deserve a hug).

*squeeze hugs*

Gotta go. Take care and talk again later.

-Rav :D

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