Listening to: Strange Days soundtrack. Current song; 'I can hardly wait' - Juiliette Lewis. Gotta love it.
Thinking about: I don't wanna go to work. But I do. Haha. And where the Avon Lady is with my order *shifty eyes*
Drinking: Pepsi Max - and wishing it was Bourbon. Haha. *more shifty eyes*
Windows open: All of them. My house stinks, haha. (probably why I'm squinting with shifty eyes) XD
Okay. Just screwin' around at the moment. Figuratively. Am in a semi-good mood. Amused by my own boredom. Thought I was slipping into a depressive state earlier but *meh* apathy took over. Hold up. Song change.
Listening to: hereWEcome - Me Phi Me/Jeriko One
Yeah. Thinking I need to quit gym today. Or file for it. Takes 30 days to officially end membership. Like the government - anything to get more money out of a person. Meh. But I just don't have the motivation right now - nor the finances. ****. Have to move again soon and I HATE thinking about that let alone have to face it. Aargh! And now I'm thinking about the movie Madagascar. Watched that for the 1st time the other night after work. Got drunk by myself and watched it. I cried laughing at that, well, most of it. Great stuff :thumbsup: But I love kid's animated movies, so it's a given. We Aquarians are like big kids anyway for the most part... yes, look at Mr Shinoda. He is too, um, sorta, when he's not being a workaholic... okay, bad example. Coulda said Joe Hahn but then that analogy would be one of a hyperactive child with an ADHD disorder. So not me. *snores* I'm not Capricornian-comatosed (lazy) and not Aries-energy (for *growl* fighting) but soemwhere between the two. Haha. Need to lay off the sugar free lollies, starting to get psychosomatically hyperactive off the non-existant sugar!!
Anyway. Going okay other than that in RL. Damned quiet tho. I don't really have many friends save for one or two close friends and if it werent for the fact I worked I wouldn't talk to people much at all. Meh. The bar manager at work Amity, the American, she's awesome. We call her 'Canada' for obvious reasons, she calls me 'Ravy,' awww. Sounds like 'Gravy,' awww. Hahaha. The other manager Sarah calls me 'Bumby.' Lets not go there.
Am sitting here waiting for my shift to start. Burning Lavender oil *adore it* and listening at this very moment to silence. Album stopped. Dang. Need to put on something else. Am so dizzy at the moment I almost feel drunk. Funny. Watch me type pressing the backspace key every second letter. Haha. Iron's low. Meh. One more headache I don't wanna deal with today. I don't really have anything constructive to say, I'm just ranting, I guess cause I can. Plus I don't have anyone else here at the moment to talk to and it gets rather depressing sometimes. And my cat is ****** at me cause I'm on LPF so much and not cuddling him. He even has his back turned to me right beside me on the sofa. *sob* Even my cats don't love me! *waaaa*
Okay, I'll shut up now. Oh good, the neighbour's dog has started barking again. Third day straight. Maybe my neighbours are dead or something and he's trying to tell someone? Need to stop watching so much Law and Order. That's nothing, my neighbours on the other side were having another fight earlier. Never heard the word 'C**T' screamed so much by a guy in my whole life. 0_0 And you wonder where my inspiration (to write) comes from?
*tackle hugs*