Ravyn's Journal


New member
yay I deserve a hug :D

so you'll be gone for a week huh? hope more good comes out of it than bad, it just sounds like things with your parents are bad, to say the least :rolleyes:



New member
Yeah, my folks split up when I was thirteen but they never actually married, they were defactos. Growing up, both my parents were chronic alcoholics and drug addicts... we didn't have it quite as bad as it sounds, but life still could've been better for my little brother and me (who coincidentally followed in their footsteps for a few years, go figure). Anyway, I carry a lot of anger at my folks because of it. It was nasty growing up in a violent household. My parents used to beat into each other pretty frequently, the last major fight they had was a punch up out front our rental house at the time, in full view of the neighbours, in the gutter, literally bashing each other with fists. My grandmother was with us at the time and me and my bro were locked in our bedroom with her while all this was going on, listening to the screaming and things getting smashed and stuff. I remember when the door was unlocked at some point during it dad ripped the phone out of the wall and threw it at my mum. A kitchen chair too. It was just savage. Mum walked out and dad threatened to kill her if she tried to take us... man, gives me a lump in the throat just remembering it like this. Theraputic though. I know a few others ere have had it far worse than that so I'm not complaining. I came through it all okay all things considered. But it explains why I can't trust/open up to guys in general. Anyway... thats just a sample of some of the baggage I have to reclaim in essence in the next week or so. Happy 30th indeed. *meh*

I'd rather be here online with you guys. This is my family. Awww.

And thanks Sarah. And you Viking, naturally, of course, deserve a hug. :D

Well, makes the issues I'm writing about in the Writer's Thread just plain boring by comparrison, now, huh? XD



New member
Wow...you had it so bad. I honestly can't imagine for a thousand years, hearing loved ones screaming, beating each other and throwing chairs and what not. Just, wow...

I'm really lost for words

makes me feel fortunate for my still not so great family...



New member
Meh, I'm not complaining about it, was a long time ago. Still I grew up thinking that that kind of behaviour was normal - that all families did it. Warped my view of marriage somewhat, you can imagine. ("To love, honor and be his private boxing bag as long as you both shall live"... erm, no thanks. Celibacy works much better as far as I can see, thanks all the same *wink*) Still, I have a tendency to blow up first to situations, more than I really should. For being so short I've always been attracted to much bigger guys but the amusing part is I've never been intimdated by them... quite the opposite, actually. I'm the agro one. Go figure. XD Makes a lot of sense now, doesn't it? (Me being the way I am and all). Should do. Does to me. Heh.


New member
boxing bag? wow you really put things in perspective lol

haha you're the agro one? I can totally imagine that, I've seen quite a few fairly short women, that have, either, A a big erm...temper? think that's the word, or B a lot of charisma (sp?/gr?/vcb?/lol)

like my German teacher. She's quite tiny, but she really dominates the classroom haha :p



New member
wow rav. you had it worse then i do now. well there is the geisha woman (my step mom of course) but man this **** is nothing by yours. *hugs u * hope you have some "fun" or whatever. stay safe and all


New member
I'm sorry - I haven't been in here in ****** ages! XD I'm thinking of all kinds of imaginary excuses but all I really gotta say is that I'm easily distracted.

I spend almost literally all my free time as it is in front of the comp. I write mostly, damned epic it's turned out to be (not that I mind in the least, writing's what I love to do! Think it shows??) but I guess I don't really think any aspect of my daily life is exciting enough to want to type it all out here. I guess I should but some days it's so monotonous I could just cut and paste the previous day's entry cause nothing ever changes. Oh how depressing...

And I have nothing to say really. *meh* Life goes on I guess. That's why I live in the writer's thread lately - at least the 'other' Ravynlee has things going on in her life... me, I have this. And work. And my two cats. And so on and so forth... *sigh*

Anyways, thanks for doing a Lazarus and bringing my Journal back from the dead. :thumbsup: I'll try and keep it going but *meh* I make no promises... that doesn't include the word 'Rob' and 'track down' in it, haha. XD

0_o WTF?

Yeah. *tackle hugs* TC & TTYL,

-Rav :D



New member
Am watching doctor Phil at the moment...

Wanna know what it's about?


People who throw their happiness away just to prove a point. That's me all over. Guess the first couple's story?

A couple willing to end their marriage on the ultimatum that the husband stop following his dream and focus more on his marriage. Uh oh. Where have we heard that one before? XD

*** I love how life imitates art and vise versa... classic!

Oh. Yeah. Thanks Twi. *tackle hugs*

Not sure who'd be interested in the **** that I often dribble in here (and it's been a while) but *meh* what the ****.

*stands on a chair and does the happy dance... just for the **** of it*



New member

Yeah I know how weird it is to see those similarities XD

It truly is all connected

*tackle hugs back and joins you on the chair, if there is enough room*



New member
Listening to: Strange Days soundtrack. Current song; 'I can hardly wait' - Juiliette Lewis. Gotta love it.

Thinking about: I don't wanna go to work. But I do. Haha. And where the Avon Lady is with my order *shifty eyes*

Drinking: Pepsi Max - and wishing it was Bourbon. Haha. *more shifty eyes*

Windows open: All of them. My house stinks, haha. (probably why I'm squinting with shifty eyes) XD

Okay. Just screwin' around at the moment. Figuratively. Am in a semi-good mood. Amused by my own boredom. Thought I was slipping into a depressive state earlier but *meh* apathy took over. Hold up. Song change.

Listening to: hereWEcome - Me Phi Me/Jeriko One :cool:

Yeah. Thinking I need to quit gym today. Or file for it. Takes 30 days to officially end membership. Like the government - anything to get more money out of a person. Meh. But I just don't have the motivation right now - nor the finances. ****. Have to move again soon and I HATE thinking about that let alone have to face it. Aargh! And now I'm thinking about the movie Madagascar. Watched that for the 1st time the other night after work. Got drunk by myself and watched it. I cried laughing at that, well, most of it. Great stuff :thumbsup: But I love kid's animated movies, so it's a given. We Aquarians are like big kids anyway for the most part... yes, look at Mr Shinoda. He is too, um, sorta, when he's not being a workaholic... okay, bad example. Coulda said Joe Hahn but then that analogy would be one of a hyperactive child with an ADHD disorder. So not me. *snores* I'm not Capricornian-comatosed (lazy) and not Aries-energy (for *growl* fighting) but soemwhere between the two. Haha. Need to lay off the sugar free lollies, starting to get psychosomatically hyperactive off the non-existant sugar!!


Anyway. Going okay other than that in RL. Damned quiet tho. I don't really have many friends save for one or two close friends and if it werent for the fact I worked I wouldn't talk to people much at all. Meh. The bar manager at work Amity, the American, she's awesome. We call her 'Canada' for obvious reasons, she calls me 'Ravy,' awww. Sounds like 'Gravy,' awww. Hahaha. The other manager Sarah calls me 'Bumby.' Lets not go there.


Am sitting here waiting for my shift to start. Burning Lavender oil *adore it* and listening at this very moment to silence. Album stopped. Dang. Need to put on something else. Am so dizzy at the moment I almost feel drunk. Funny. Watch me type pressing the backspace key every second letter. Haha. Iron's low. Meh. One more headache I don't wanna deal with today. I don't really have anything constructive to say, I'm just ranting, I guess cause I can. Plus I don't have anyone else here at the moment to talk to and it gets rather depressing sometimes. And my cat is ****** at me cause I'm on LPF so much and not cuddling him. He even has his back turned to me right beside me on the sofa. *sob* Even my cats don't love me! *waaaa*

Okay, I'll shut up now. Oh good, the neighbour's dog has started barking again. Third day straight. Maybe my neighbours are dead or something and he's trying to tell someone? Need to stop watching so much Law and Order. That's nothing, my neighbours on the other side were having another fight earlier. Never heard the word 'C**T' screamed so much by a guy in my whole life. 0_0 And you wonder where my inspiration (to write) comes from?


*tackle hugs*

-Rav :D



New member

I love Strange Days. One of the best movies I've seen, I'd say. Juliette Lewis, Ralph whatever his last name is, and that limmo driver character :D awesome

don't forget the haircut of the guy who betrays Ralph haha :p talk about a fashion train-wreck lol

can't imagine how nice and delightful it would be, for example waking up hearing someone scream the C word repeatedly...o.0



New member
Haha, I watched Madagascar last week for the first time. Only it was in spanish because we watched it in spanish class o_O and I couldn't read the subtitles too much because I was sitting at a rather long distance for my eyes.

Yesh so imagine I would think it's funnier in english ^^;;; But I loved the penguins :p

Aww man it sounds like you're loneeeely! **** the time zones! or else i could talk to you more actively. But its usually like leaving messages on an answering machine here becuase of the time difference XD

Wellll I hope you have a good day!

Oh good, the neighbour's dog has started barking again. Third day straight. Maybe my neighbours are dead or something and he's trying to tell someone?
lmao. I think like that sometimes too. XD

Well talk to you later!! *huggle*



New member
Haha rav, sounds relaxing in a way.

I would start laughing hard enough for them to hear if they were repeatedly saying that word, my friend would probably slap him across the face because she thinks that word is disgusting. Then i would probably roll on the floor laughing.

Enjoy working.



New member
Thanks for stoping by guys. Yeah, it's quiet existence but I'll get over it.


Forgive me... it's like 7:00am ish here #@$%&*! neighbours woke me up! Yeah, went to bed at like 2:00am, woken up at like 7:00. *groan* Some people have no consideration! *screams the C word back again for ten consecutive minutes*

That's why I'm not my usual effervecsent, sarcastic, ranting self. Yet.

Talk to y'all later.

-Rav :D

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