Read any good books lately?

angie said:
You know, I really don't like John Steinbeck. "The Pearl" and "The Red Pony" did absolutely nothing for me. "Of Mice and Men" was decent, but 2 outta 3...doubt I will read much more, if anything, by him.

If you didn't enjoy those two you really won't like, The Grapes of Wrath" and "East of Eden", yet I still would say, "read 'em!" Good god, the endings are not uplifting - yet they're really quite powerful stories. I agree that Cannery Row is a wonderful read - as well as it's sequel, "Sweet Thursday".
One of my very favorite recent reads is, "The Day the World Came to Town". What a love of a book! It's about this little town in Newfoundland, - Gander -where over 100 planes were routed for landing after the attacks of 9-11. The book details how the whole town - and surrounding towns - turned out to aid the passengers. My favorite little bit involves a lady offering some passengers the use of her car - she'd be at work and if they wanted it they could just come over to her workplace and pick it up, the keys would be in the car.....

The townsfolk invited the passengers into their homes, their bars and was such an uplifting book. I've bought three copies so far from Amazon to give to friends. :)
Definately a good book SG!!!! I loved it!

Anyone ever read "time pressure" by spider robinson? It's the ONLY sci-fi I have ever read and actually liked.
skategreen said:
If you didn't enjoy those two you really won't like, The Grapes of Wrath" and "East of Eden", yet I still would say, "read 'em!" Good god, the endings are not uplifting - yet they're really quite powerful stories. I agree that Cannery Row is a wonderful read - as well as it's sequel, "Sweet Thursday".

OMG I LOVE East of Eden but then I also have an unhealthy obsession with james Dean so that MIGHT be part of it
tizz said:
OMG I LOVE East of Eden but then I also have an unhealthy obsession with james Dean so that MIGHT be part of it

yes...I loved it as well...and read it several times - but wasn't it rather depressing after all?
tizz said:
Definately a good book SG!!!! I loved it!

Anyone ever read "time pressure" by spider robinson? It's the ONLY sci-fi I have ever read and actually liked.

Are you referring to "The Day The World..?" Didja read it? Really? Wasn't it wonderful? Wasn't it just sooo sweet?
If I can picture James Dean while I read it can't be depresing LOL

Anyone ever read "until the end of the world"?
James Dean is my favorite form of cool.

I mean, if you have to check out of the planet, what better way to do it than in a blaze of glory in a massively fast Porsche!?! Shitttttttttttt.... :p

There is no substitute!
Ya but I still wonder what he would have done. (Or at least how many more rolls I would have had wet dreams to) OOPS TMI again?
tizz said:
Ya but I still wonder what he would have done. (Or at least how many more rolls I would have had wet dreams to) OOPS TMI again?

This was either a wonderful mistaken spelling error or a fun play on words! :)
hugo said:
Tortilla Flat, IMO, is Steinbeck's best novel. For some reason all the Steinbeck they made you read in high school were his worst novels. Cannery Row was also excellent.

True that. I read a handful of Steinbeck's novels, and...they sucked. Yet people keep telling me I haven't read his best works. sigh
Just read "My life story so far" by Damien Echols the other day. Nice read and very interesting if you are into the WM3
Here's my hate list on books:
-All of the Dragonlance. I mean, how much more DUMB can you get?
-Stienbeck. He was pathetic.
-Harry Potter. Excuse me, but why did all of the world lower themselves to a fifth grade reading level??? I mean, I read the first book when I was a kid. I hated it, but a friend coaxed me to read the next book. I hated that one equally, if not more. Who the hell is THAT interested a preteen running around getting bludgeoned by flying broomsticks? I mean, you must be really pathetic and in need of a life if you camp out as an ADULT to buy this children
Ruse said:
Here's my hate list on books:
-Harry Potter. Excuse me, but why did all of the world lower themselves to a fifth grade reading level??? I mean, I read the first book when I was a kid. I hated it, but a friend coaxed me to read the next book. I hated that one equally, if not more. Who the hell is THAT interested a preteen running around getting bludgeoned by flying broomsticks? I mean, you must be really pathetic and in need of a life if you camp out as an ADULT to buy this children’s book. People are lowering their IQ by reading these books, I swear.

Whether or not you like the HP books, I don't care. But, just because an adult reads them doesn't make them less of an intellect :p The same people I know to read scholarly or intense novels could also pick up Harry Potter.
Just remember that your choice of novels doesn't make you seem more intelligent. Especially by the way you judge someone else reading lower reading level literature.
TheJenn88 said:
Whether or not you like the HP books, I don't care. But, just because an adult reads them doesn't make them less of an intellect :p The same people I know to read scholarly or intense novels could also pick up Harry Potter.
Just remember that your choice of novels doesn't make you seem more intelligent. Especially by the way you judge someone else reading lower reading level literature.

I'm not saying that I'm more intelligent because I read something of a higher maturity. I'm saying that pathetic. That has nothing to do with my view of their intelligence. I'm saying they are insulting their intelligence by picking up that book. I know someone who is as intelligent as the best of them, but memorized a couple pages of the book. I just pitied them.
As I said, "Excuse me, but why did all of the world lower themselves to a fifth grade reading level???" That would be an insult to their intelligence. What a pity.
Oh, well. That would be my list.
Ruse said:
Here's my hate list on books:
-Harry Potter. I read the first book when I was a kid. People are lowering their IQ by reading these books, I swear.

If you insist, I will accept this as your excuse for your comments.

Just because you read one or two "as a kid" :) and didn't like them, and just because ADULTS are reading books ostensibly written for children, does not mean IQ genocide is perpetrated.

Reading does not lower IQ, unless one is reading above one's reading level, and is simply drowning in words they don't know the definition of. This makes one feel thick headed and dull, and does lower the IQ.

One who reads a wide variety of material tends to be much more interesting than one who's reading track is a narrow road. Don't you agree? How long do you spend discussing books with someone who's shelves are only full of Harlequin Romance or Antique Collecting in Lower Connecticut?

You loved Ayn Rand, so you and I could sit through several pots of tea on a sunny afternoon. "Atlas Shrugged" and "The Fountainhead" sit in first edition hard cover glory on the top shelf of my most favored book shelf. ... Right there with all three volumes of the Collected Works of Robert W. Service, Mark Twain, and 3 volumes of antique clock repair. ...ABOVE my cherished volumes of "The Egg and I", "The Secret Garden", "A Little Princess", "Cheaper by the Dozen", "Little Women", "Trustee from the Toolroom"...and "One Fish Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish"....
you gettin my drift?

HP is popular for a reason.

so take it back...MALFOY!!!