Request: Renomination / public nomination for LPF Awards

Should the awards be done over with the members being able to nominate?

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Friðbjörn said:
And jesus man...YOU'RE COMPLAINING, about being bitched at? could you be more of a hypocrite...

and lastly, since you seem not to "give a ****" why are you making such a ****ing big deal about this?

TOLD! :p
I think this is pointless and should be closed and next year have a vote on weather to have the awards or not after everyone cools off. Its getting old fighting, and truthfully both sides have there points.
Mods: Thanks for hard work.
Mark: You have a freedom of speech and can say what you want but please just let this fight die.
How unsurprising to hear that Hahninator is upset about the fact he didn't get nominated for 'this and that', because in the end thats what it all comes down to in this thread, isn't it Mark?
You need to let some air out of that enflated ego of yours. You are showing real ugly side here, dude...and on top of that, you are losing alot of respect. I understand your idea but promoting it for your own gain is a far greater injustice then anything the mods have done here.
How selfish of you. You are basically throwing a temper-tantrum because you didn't show up on the list as much as you thought you would know that, right? I guess, all I have to say on this is...

Too bad, Mark! Better luck next year.
I tried. Doesn't work.

Clogz, don't be so harsh.

EDIT: Judging by the number of votes of 'yes' in the poll, I think it's a wise choice to listen to Mark and the other majority of people that voted yes.
We aren't calling it off now! People have put SO much work into this! And just because some people didn't get nominated...they want us to throw all that work down the drain? How selfish! I mean really? No what...I don't even know why I'm posting in body is listening to anybody anyways.
sorry the majority have spoken.

If you are not going to have it next year, you may as well call it off for this year and ban the whole damn thing if the majority of people and opinions aren't heard. Because as we are learning now people, it has repurcussions.

edit: using the voting accounts to vote is called cheating.
woodyloveslinkin said:
sorry the majority have spoken.

If you are not going to have it next year, you may as well call it off for this year and ban the whole damn thing if the majority of people and opinions aren't heard. Because as we are learning now people, it has repurcussions.

edit: using the voting accounts to vote is called cheating.

Well, I'm about to be harsh again. I'm going to put it simply: the majority of the people did not slave away for eight months to make these awards, and so they should have no say in this matter.
Well not according to the elite members in our favour.

EDIT: Well if it was 8 months that you slaved over, maybe more time could have done no harm of looking for real potential for an award.
azemkamikaze03 said:
Yes you have no opinion. It's not your thread. It his. It's not your concept. Its Shinodabear and the mods. If you don't like it suck it up

Looks like you were wrong, so be quiet. UM0 said I could silly.

Keza, you really hurt my feelings... you've changed since we used to talk.

Thanks UM0, I like that someone is being mature about this. I really appreciate all the work that went into the awards, I'm sorry if I didn't specify that before.

Some of the elites and Mark are taking this way... waaaaaay out of preportion.. I mean holy ****, calm it down people.. stop taking it personal. These are forum awards, not nobel prizes... state your opinion (like I did) and leave... there is absolutely no excuse to flame and argue (and act childish) the way some of you are.
^ to vash

im completing ignoring that Im just here cos Mark had the balls to say something and Im just backing him up. And HEY! look ! More people are sticking by him. Doesn't that tell you something?
woodyloveslinkin said:
^ to vash

im completing ignoring that Im just here cos Mark had the balls to say something and Im just backing him up.


I hate to say it... but alot of the people here are whiney suck-ups that won't say anything if it contradicts a higher-up... and that is kind of sad that it has to be like that :(
You know what, the last thing I said on the subject in the voting thread, I am saying now.

If anyone continues this stupid arguement, I will issue a 3 day suspension.
I'm done here. Anyone else who want's to complain(bitch) about the awards, take it up with me over PM. Then see how far you can push your luck.
So this is pretty much what it boils down to.
Anybody who didn't get what they want has become very childish. And by everybody, I mean everybody who's actively voiced their opinion. Woody is 'backing up Mark' because he had the 'balls to step up'. When in reality, Woody is backing up Mark, because of his arrogance, and she didn't get her story nominated.

Woody ~ did it ever cross your mind that your story may not be so good?

I'm not trying to be harsh here, but Jesus, everybody thinks their **** is oh so great, News Flash people, your stuff can suck just as much as anybody else's, get used to it.

Now, I guess you can say I'm not complaining because I got three well deserved nominations that carry more esteem than a nomination for "most dorky." But you're dead wrong, I don't care if I win, or lose, or was never nominated at all. Want to know why?

Because I'm more mature than being a little whiney bitch over an imaginary awards ceremony.

You guys say you don't like it and you're not going to vote. That's enough for me, shut your mouth, stop typing, you're done. You just gave up your voice for argument. Don't participate in the voting, don't participate in the bitching.

You say call it off for this year, since it's already called of for next year? Shut the **** up, everyone knows you're already bitching because you're not in it for what you want to be, what more could satisfy you than to put a great deal of mods and other members into a slightly sad state, because you didn't get your way.

Frankly, I am appaled and sick of the way you people [whiney bitches] are acting.

Mark ~ You're a ****ing news caster. News flash bud, that's more recognition than a ****ing award. Some newbie comes to the boards, they don't jump to the awards, they don't go "Hey look, this kid got nominated for most dorky, what a loser."
No, they see your name in orange and instantly understand that you're a member of importance on the boards. Get that thru your head kid, you're biting off more than you can chew.

Woody ~ I have nothing to say to you. You lost your elite for a reason. End of story.

Anybody else have beef? Try me. I'll put you to shame with word choice and logic.

And there's nothing you can do about it.
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