Gabriel wrote:
> On Apr 6, 1:11 pm, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
> > "Gabriel" <> wrote in message
> > > It's in the Bible. And to act like "its only in a book, so its false"

> >
> > Fine. So where's the objective, verifiable evidence that it's true?

> Where's the objective, verifiable evidence that all the history
> facts from the past few thousand years that you do "believe" are
> true as well?

A red herring.

> And have you seen them? No? And yet you believe
> everything else you gotten the same way: from books, while wanting to
> assume the same methods are not enough and that this particual similar
> method is just flat out completely false when it comes to the Bible!

That you can't figure out why is only your problem.

> People are using circular logic when it's convenient, creating your
> own brand of "hypocritical logic".

Where? Who?

> Are you going to respond with the
> end all "you're a pompous ass" again to make your point? I hope you
> can rise above such hate and ignorance.

Pointing out that you're a pompous ass isn't "hate and ignorance;"
it's accurate observation.

> God Bless!
> Praise the Lord!

You're a pompous ass.
Gabriel wrote:
> On Apr 6, 12:30 pm, "JessHC" <> wrote:
> > Gabriel wrote:

> > This is so sad. You're unaware there's actual documented evidence,
> > some even from eyewitnesses, that George was a real person and was
> > really president? How unfortunate for you.

> Really? Are you unaware that there's actual documented evidence, some
> even from eyewitnesses in the Bible?

Not only am I unaware of it, but so is everyone else. There are no
eyewitness accounts of Jesus in the bible; the stories were written
DECADES after he was supposed to have existed.

> It's all merely "documentation"
> friend, and any fallacy of documentation you ascribe to the Bible
> would also have to apply to every other piece of "fact" you "believe"
> in now that you got the same way.

Which is why we confirm claims with other bits of evidence. It's
called "supporting one's assertion with objective, verifiable

> And continue further back in time to other facts you 'believe' to be
> true about other things and events. 300 years ago. 500 years ago. If
> you do, you'll realize you have the same 'proof' leading ot your
> 'belief' that it's true as we have believing in Jesus Christ and God.

How long will you play this dodge?

> So you can either choose to believe that the Bible is a lie, and also
> believe all others books and documents are lies that you've ever read,

Oh, those are the only two choices, are they?

> as they speak of things you can no longer witness for yourself, or you

Except, of course, there are all sorts of other types of evidence

> can choose to do some soul searching, or you can choose to just throw
> another few dozen insults all in the name of feeling better about
> yourself so that you can remain blind to the obvious. So far you've
> been picking the third choice. I continue to pray for you.

As I say, feel free to waste your time in any way you'd like.

> Praise the Lord!

Praise Zeus!
Gabriel wrote:
> On Apr 6, 12:30 pm, "JessHC" <> wrote:
> >
> > > Praise the Lord!

> >
> > In an atheism newsgroup? Which one do you suggest we "praise"?

> Ask your fellow atheist why he posted in our newsgroup. I was merely
> responding to this thread, and it was one of your friends that cross-
> posted it in bible and religious newsgroups. If you're bothered by
> hearing about Jesus Christ from non-atheists, I would take it up with
> your friend who put it in non-atheist newsgroups to begin with knowing
> this would happen. God Bless!

So because an atheist trolled your newsgroup, you aren't required to
abide by your lord's commandment to shake the dust from your feet?

> Praise the Lord!

Why? You aren't.
Gabriel wrote:
> On Apr 6, 12:30 pm, "JessHC" <> wrote:
> > Gabriel wrote:
> > > On Apr 6, 11:35 am, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
> > > > <> wrote in message

> >
> > > > > Jesus performed miracles

> >
> > > > Really? Prove it.

> >
> > > It's in the Bible.

> >
> > Oops, you lose. Too bad circular logic is a fallacy.

> I guess that means you're wrong when you claim George Washington was
> our first president.

Uh, no; there are eyewitness accounts. There are documents signed by
Washington. We can go to his house. We can talk to his

> Prove it! Oh, it only says so in a book.

Why, no, you're wrong. But feel free to keep dodging and lying.

> Using your logic, that means nothing, and hence it must be wrong that George
> Washington was our first president (using your logic that is, as we
> have no real 'proof').

Where did I say there was no real proof Washington existed? That's a
flimsy strawman of your invention.

> But with the amount of hate you bring in all your posts,

Pointing out your idiocy isn't hate. Why do you keep insisting

> it's obvious
> you're not interested in rational discourse, as I've already pointed
> this example out and you ignore it only to spew insults.

Again, no; I pointed out what a transparently lame strawman it is.
Firstly, I nowhere claimed that using a book to prove a point is
always circular logic. Secondly, I've given several examples of the
kinds of evidence in addition to that found in a book demonstrate the
existence of the first US president.

> Good luck -- in the battle between me and your hate, your hate wins.
> But unfortunately, your hate will consume you as well. Your choice, of
> course. I will pray for you.

Because you think it annoys me and makes you a good person.
Unfortunately, it merely demonstrates your arrogance.

> Praise the Lord!

For killing the firstborn of Egypt!
"Gabriel" <> writes:

>On Apr 6, 11:35 am, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
>> <> wrote in message

>> > Jesus performed miracles

>> Really? Prove it.

>It's in the Bible. And to act like "its only in a book, so its false"
>would simultaneously discredit all other knowledge you claim that's
>only shown in books and no longer around us. "Who says George
>Washington was our first President? Prove it.". So now George
>Washington wasn't our first president, either?

That's before you get to the little detail about there being no known credible
sources of any contemporary accounts of the supposed events...and the first
mentionings of them by writers a couple of generations afterward. (Not to
mention no evidence of a worldwide flood, or the Hebrew exodus, and the
curious wording in the KJV version of Leviticus that rabbits chew their cud,
insects have four legs, and bats are birds. Evidently, your alleged deity
wasn't all that up to speed on natural facts.)

>Check out http://[no web shilling] for
>more information on the same type of proof you have and currently use
>for all the other facts you currently 'believe' as well.

You don't decide what others believe, arrogant git.

>> Been there; done that. Just some chapters in a book. Whoopie doo.

>See above.

Do as you say.

>> > Praise the Lord!

>> Whatever blows your dress up.

>I'm actually a guy. But this response is giving a poor impression
>about where you're coming from.

You're actually taking yourself seriously, and not very cognizant of the idiom
she used.

>Praise the Lord!

....who obviously didn't give you enough common sense to keep your long nose
out of an atheist newsgroup. Braise the Lard! (a few minutes at about 175
"Gabriel" <> writes:

>On Apr 6, 12:30 pm, "JessHC" <> wrote:

>> > Praise the Lord!

>> In an atheism newsgroup? Which one do you suggest we "praise"?

>Ask your fellow atheist why he posted in our newsgroup. I was merely
>responding to this thread, and it was one of your friends that cross-
>posted it in bible and religious newsgroups. If you're bothered by
>hearing about Jesus Christ from non-atheists, I would take it up with
>your friend who put it in non-atheist newsgroups to begin with knowing
>this would happen. God Bless!

You're a Jeezoid, all right...if you're not being persecuted, you go out of
your way to ensure that someone attacks you. Maybe you should have bothered
to figure out how Usenet is organized before coming in to pat yourself on the

Patrick "The Chief Instigator" Humphrey ( Houston, Texas (TCI's 2006-07 Houston Aeros) AA#2273
LAST GAME: Peoria 8, Houston 2 (April 3)
NEXT GAME: Friday, April 6 at Peoria, 7:35
"Gabriel" <> writes:

>On Apr 6, 12:45 pm, Christopher A.Lee <> wrote:
>> On 6 Apr 2007 09:08:59 -0700, "Gabriel" <>
>> wrote:

>> >On Apr 6, 11:45 am, Christopher A.Lee <> wrote:

>> >[All the vicious hate of Christopher's sniped]

>> What "vicious hate", liar?

>If you're going to be so blind that you cannot even see the hateful
>remarks that make up most of your posts, you've already shown you are
>incapable of rational thought. You call someone a moron numerous
>times, which is clearly an obvious sign of hate, and then in response
>you say

>> What "vicious hate", liar?

>You make it abundantly clear you are currently incapable of rational

Stupidity becomes you, incompetent charlatan calling itself "Gabriel".

>I will pray for you and hope God touches your heart at some point in
>your life. The least you can do is start working on your hate --
>whether you believe in God or not, at the very least it's not healthy.
>Take care and God Bless!

Take your religious psychosis to some other newsgroups that care about it.
You're just a carbon copy of the other few hundred religious assholes who came
in to "save" us, and you'll finally figure out that you're giving the finger
to your book while pretending to be holy. (Wholly clueless is a more apt
description, in your case.)

Patrick "The Chief Instigator" Humphrey ( Houston, Texas (TCI's 2006-07 Houston Aeros) AA#2273
LAST GAME: Peoria 8, Houston 2 (April 3)
NEXT GAME: Friday, April 6 at Peoria, 7:35
stumper <> writes:

>Robibnikoff wrote:
>> "Gabriel" <> wrote in message
>>> On Apr 6, 1:11 pm, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
>>>> "Gabriel" <> wrote in message
>>>>> It's in the Bible. And to act like "its only in a book, so its false"
>>>> Fine. So where's the objective, verifiable evidence that it's true?
>>> Where's the objective, verifiable evidence that all the history
>>> facts from the past few thousand years

>> No, no, no. Answer the question. Where's the objective, verifiable evidence
>> that the bible is true.

>Stop crossposting everything to alt.atheism.
>Atheism of your hateful kind is not welcome anywhere.

Patrick "The Chief Instigator" Humphrey ( Houston, Texas (TCI's 2006-07 Houston Aeros) AA#2273
LAST GAME: Peoria 8, Houston 2 (April 3)
NEXT GAME: Friday, April 6 at Peoria, 7:35
On Apr 6, 3:21 pm, "JessHC" <> wrote:
> Gabriel wrote:
> > On Apr 6, 12:30 pm, "JessHC" <> wrote:
> > > Gabriel wrote:

> > > This is so sad. You're unaware there's actual documented evidence,
> > > some even from eyewitnesses, that George was a real person and was
> > > really president? How unfortunate for you.

> > Really? Are you unaware that there's actual documented evidence, some
> > even from eyewitnesses in the Bible?

> Not only am I unaware of it, but so is everyone else. There are no
> eyewitness accounts of Jesus in the bible; the stories were written
> DECADES after he was supposed to have existed.

Really? No accounts of people who were there before Jesus was
crucified? You might want to make sure.

> > It's all merely "documentation"
> > friend, and any fallacy of documentation you ascribe to the Bible
> > would also have to apply to every other piece of "fact" you "believe"
> > in now that you got the same way.

> Which is why we confirm claims with other bits of evidence. It's
> called "supporting one's assertion with objective, verifiable
> evidence."

So, what evidence have you that it was Columbus that discovered
America? Besides reading it in another book, what evidence have you?
What about all the other things you believe simply because you read
about it? How long will you play this dodge?

Listen, you continue to spew the hate and hypocracy all you want. The
fact is, many people know the truth and believe in Jesus Christ, the
son of God being the way to salvation. You are free to believe
otherwise. It's unfortunate your disbelief leads to to act with such
vicious hate. I wish you luck with that. Realize that when you find
out, it will be too late. There are many people that are not as closed
minded and full of hate as you seem determined to be. It is they which
will find an eternal benefit to the truth. But you go on believing
whatever lies you make up that make you feel better. Go ahead and
respond with more hate if it makes you feel better. Good luck and God

Praise the Lord!
On Apr 6, 11:36 am, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> > On Apr 3, 5:27 pm, Jim07D7 <> wrote:
> >> "Bill M" <> said:

> >> There is an "argument from disbelief" as follows, that dispenses with
> >> certain gods, including notably the God of many believers. This is not
> >> to be confused with much weaker arguments from disbelief.

> > This argument from disbelief is flawed and disproves nothing. Let me
> > show you:

> Here's a thought - Prove your god exists. And please back it up with
> objective, verifiable evidence. Look up those words in a dictionary if you
> don't know what they mean.

I guess you didn't like that I completely discredited your "theory".

Here's a thought: prove anything you know was true 1,000 years ago
exists. And please back it up with objective, verifiable evidence. Oh,
that's right -- you're in the same boat.

You will have perfect proof that he exists on the day you die, as will
we all. As it stands now there's more than enough evidence around you.

Rom 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all
ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in
unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in
them; for God hath showed it unto them. For the invisible things of
him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood
by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so
that they are without excuse:

And yet you reject all of it, burying your head in the sand. Read the
Bible, friend. Start at the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
But if you want to reject the obvious:

Rom 1:21-22 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not
as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations,
and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be
wise, they became fools,

But this is not surprising, for few find their way to Him:

Mat 7:13-14 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and
broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which
go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way,
which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Good luck. If you remain true to form, it's now that you'll spew forth
a few more insults to try and assuage the guilt you continue to feel,
the tug of your conscience. You want more proof? Examine your own
hatred and conscience. Psychology points out how telling it is when we
hate something: for it reminds us of something we hate of ourselves.
Good luck and God Bless!

Praise the Lord!
On Apr 6, 3:29 pm, "JessHC" <> wrote:
> Gabriel wrote:
> > On Apr 6, 12:30 pm, "JessHC" <> wrote:
> > > Gabriel wrote:
> > > > On Apr 6, 11:35 am, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
> > > > > <> wrote in message

> > > > > > Jesus performed miracles

> > > > > Really? Prove it.

> > > > It's in the Bible.

> > > Oops, you lose. Too bad circular logic is a fallacy.

> > I guess that means you're wrong when you claim George Washington was
> > our first president.

> Uh, no; there are eyewitness accounts.

You've met these eyewitnesses and spoke with them personally? Oh,
that's right.. another book. But then again, there are eyewitnesses
who's accounts are in the Bible, too. So that means, according to you,
that the Bible is true then?!!

> There are documents signed by
> Washington.

And how do you know it wasn't forged? Did you see him sign it? Oh,
that's right, more documentation, just like the Bible. Of course it
most likely wasn't forged, but you can't claim the Bible is just lies
because it's just a book when that's all you have to claim other
knowledge you cling to is fact.

> We can go to his house.

Have you gone to his house? Have you gone to the house of every other
person you believe existed because you read it in a book? But you
believe it's true they existed? hmmmm. Look up what it means to be

> We can talk to his
> greatgrandchildren.

Have you talked to his grandchildren? Have you talked to the
grandchildren of everyone who existed thousands of years ago? Oh, no
you're just taking it on faith from a book.

> Why, no, you're wrong. But feel free to keep dodging and lying.

It is you that keeps dodging. The fact is, the Bible is no different
than any other method you use to "believe" something's true. The only
difference is, you're choosing to reject it. That's fine. Reject it.
But be careful in the future to not act like "well it's just a book --
there's no proof" when that's EXACTLY what you're doing with a HUGE
portion of your current knowledge that you believe is just fact in
spite of having merely the same type of "evidence" .. books /
documents / call it what you will.

I can see why some people who were witness to Jesus' miracles were
still rejecting him. The lengths some people will go to discredit even
the most obvious of evidence is amazing to say the least. It's not a
question of belief. At least when I didn't believe, I posed
questions .. I never spewed hatred like you and others in this threat
seem bound and determined to do.

It's clearly a question of needing to disbelieve so that you're not
forced to take a closer look at how much of a sinner you really are,
being forced to actually change. After all, change can be painful.
I've gone through many changes. But with the help of God, Jesus
Christ, and the Holy Spirit, you realize it's their strength, not our

It's obvious you cannot allow yourself to believe, or even consider
obvious facts right in front of you, and that's fine. Hopefully others
will benefit from seeing the obvious here, and seeing how some people
who reject it are so full of hate. So I do thank you for showing
others how rejecting God can lead to a severe amount of hatred in
your life. I wish you well. I won't waste any more time as you've
already gone above and beyond showing how much hatred those who don't
believe can end up possessing. And all the evidence and logic you need
is in the other posts, and right under your nose. Read the Bible.

Praise the Lord!
JessHC wrote:
> Gabriel wrote:
>> On Apr 6, 12:49 pm, "JessHC" <> wrote:
>>> Gabriel wrote:
>>>> On Apr 6, 11:45 am, Christopher A.Lee <> wrote:
>>>> [All the vicious hate of Christopher's sniped]
>>>> Why all the hate, Chris?
>>> It isn't hate, it's lack of patience with one more sanctimonious moron
>>> in a long, virtually unending line of sanctimonious morons.

>> And here you are bringing your own hate as well.

> What's the matter, punkin, can't tell the difference? Annoyance at
> your random sanctimonious babbling isn't hate, although I'm sure it
> makes you feel like a martyr pretending otherwise.
>> How interesting that the atheists I've seen so far all seem to have one thing in common: they are full of hatred.

> The atheists you've seen so far are annoyed by the arrogance you so
> amply display. It isn't hatred.
>> I'm sorry hearing about Jesus Christ brings out so much hate in you.

> It's unsupported assertions and ignorant arrogance that annoy. Still
> no objective, verifiable evidence? Too bad.
>> You are free to not believe the Bible is the Word of God.

> How magnanimous of you to allow us to disbelieve something for which
> there is no objective, verifiable evidence.
>> I wish you well in dealing with all the anger you feel when other people are spreading the Gospel.

> If an endless series of long winded gasbags were to come into your
> church SEVERAL TIMES EVERY DAY, take over the lectern, prattle on
> about how you'd be so much better off worshipping, oh, say, Krishna,
> then follow you home and knock on your door asking if you've accepted
> Krishna as your saviour, then demand legislation supporting their
> religious preferences over yours and that their holy writings be
> taught in school, and that Krishna be acknowledged in the pledge, how
> long would your patience last?
> Think about it. YOU came to US. Why should we treat you with any
> respect, when you've shown us none at all?
>> I will pray for you.

> I guess you didn't read the scripture I provided. Experience shows
> you're no different than virtually all of the other arrogant ignorant
> xians who wander in. Here, let me try again.
> Matthew 10:14
> And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye
> depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.
> That means if someone doesn't like what you're saying about your myth,
> you're supposed to leave. Not keep babbling on as if you haven't been
> asked to stop. Why are you disobeying Jesus' command?
>> Praise the Lord!

> How did you narrow it down to one? Dartboard?

Unless you can do Matthew 5:39 (NET Bible)
"But I say to you, do not resist the evildoer.
But whoever strikes you on the right cheek,
turn the other to him as well."
stay away from alt.atheism, please.

The Chief Instigator wrote:
> "Gabriel" <> writes:
>> On Apr 6, 11:35 am, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
>>> <> wrote in message

>>>> Jesus performed miracles

>>> Really? Prove it.

>> It's in the Bible. And to act like "its only in a book, so its false"
>> would simultaneously discredit all other knowledge you claim that's
>> only shown in books and no longer around us. "Who says George
>> Washington was our first President? Prove it.". So now George
>> Washington wasn't our first president, either?

> That's before you get to the little detail about there being no known credible
> sources of any contemporary accounts of the supposed events...and the first
> mentionings of them by writers a couple of generations afterward. (Not to
> mention no evidence of a worldwide flood, or the Hebrew exodus, and the
> curious wording in the KJV version of Leviticus that rabbits chew their cud,
> insects have four legs, and bats are birds. Evidently, your alleged deity
> wasn't all that up to speed on natural facts.)
>> Check out http://[no web shilling] for
>> more information on the same type of proof you have and currently use
>> for all the other facts you currently 'believe' as well.

> You don't decide what others believe, arrogant git.
>>> Been there; done that. Just some chapters in a book. Whoopie doo.

>> See above.

> Do as you say.
>>>> Praise the Lord!

>>> Whatever blows your dress up.

>> I'm actually a guy. But this response is giving a poor impression
>> about where you're coming from.

> You're actually taking yourself seriously, and not very cognizant of the idiom
> she used.
>> Praise the Lord!

> ...who obviously didn't give you enough common sense to keep your long nose
> out of an atheist newsgroup. Braise the Lard! (a few minutes at about 175
The Chief Instigator wrote:
> "Gabriel" <> writes:
>> On Apr 6, 12:30 pm, "JessHC" <> wrote:

>>>> Praise the Lord!

>>> In an atheism newsgroup? Which one do you suggest we "praise"?

>> Ask your fellow atheist why he posted in our newsgroup. I was merely
>> responding to this thread, and it was one of your friends that cross-
>> posted it in bible and religious newsgroups. If you're bothered by
>> hearing about Jesus Christ from non-atheists, I would take it up with
>> your friend who put it in non-atheist newsgroups to begin with knowing
>> this would happen. God Bless!

> You're a Jeezoid, all right...if you're not being persecuted, you go out of
> your way to ensure that someone attacks you. Maybe you should have bothered
> to figure out how Usenet is organized before coming in to pat yourself on the
> back.

You are dragging people into alt.atheism by crossposting
and complain to their ISP when they quote the Bible
against your ridiculous charter.
That's the most cowardly action I have seen on the Usenet.

The Chief Instigator wrote:
> "Gabriel" <> writes:
>> On Apr 6, 12:45 pm, Christopher A.Lee <> wrote:
>>> On 6 Apr 2007 09:08:59 -0700, "Gabriel" <>
>>> wrote:

>>>> On Apr 6, 11:45 am, Christopher A.Lee <> wrote:

>>>> [All the vicious hate of Christopher's sniped]

>>> What "vicious hate", liar?

>> If you're going to be so blind that you cannot even see the hateful
>> remarks that make up most of your posts, you've already shown you are
>> incapable of rational thought. You call someone a moron numerous
>> times, which is clearly an obvious sign of hate, and then in response
>> you say

>>> What "vicious hate", liar?

>> You make it abundantly clear you are currently incapable of rational
>> discourse.

> Stupidity becomes you, incompetent charlatan calling itself "Gabriel".
>> I will pray for you and hope God touches your heart at some point in
>> your life. The least you can do is start working on your hate --
>> whether you believe in God or not, at the very least it's not healthy.
>> Take care and God Bless!

> Take your religious psychosis to some other newsgroups that care about it.
> You're just a carbon copy of the other few hundred religious assholes who came
> in to "save" us, and you'll finally figure out that you're giving the finger
> to your book while pretending to be holy. (Wholly clueless is a more apt
> description, in your case.)

You are the one who is dragging people into your hell-hole
instead of simply removing your alt.atheism from the header.

"Gabriel" <> wrote in message
> On Apr 6, 11:36 am, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
>> <> wrote in message
>> > On Apr 3, 5:27 pm, Jim07D7 <> wrote:
>> >> "Bill M" <> said:

>> >> There is an "argument from disbelief" as follows, that dispenses with
>> >> certain gods, including notably the God of many believers. This is not
>> >> to be confused with much weaker arguments from disbelief.

>> > This argument from disbelief is flawed and disproves nothing. Let me
>> > show you:

>> Here's a thought - Prove your god exists. And please back it up with
>> objective, verifiable evidence. Look up those words in a dictionary if
>> you
>> don't know what they mean.

> I guess you didn't like that I completely discredited your "theory".
> Here's a thought: prove anything you know was true 1,000 years ago
> exists. And please back it up with objective, verifiable evidence. Oh,
> that's right -- you're in the same boat.

No.. there is objective verifiable proof of other things .. and even of
things from around the time of Jesus.

But no proof of God. No proof of the miraculous events in the Gospels.

It really comes down to a matter of blind faith.

> As it stands now there's more than enough evidence around you.

Really .. where?
On Apr 6, 2:13 am, Pastor Dave <> wrote:
[snip preamble]
> ...and the facts are that:
> 1) God did directly communicate His existence.
> Those that were atheists chose not to believe.

Another Standard Lie(TM) from Disaster Dave. That is, until and
unless Disaster Dave can support it with evidence.

Isn't it as hilarious as it is hypocritical as it is pathetic that
Disaster Dave sets himself up as God Almighty demanding evidence from
the evolutionists when there's quite literally mountains of it (from
which he runs and hides every time he's bitch-slapped with it), and
here he is making an assertion for which he can provide not an iota of
evidence or rationale, let alone proof. LoL!

> 2) Atheists dismiss the Bible as some ancient
> fairy tale. But what if this time was the time
> that Jesus came?

Never gonna happen, Disaster Dave. Read on:
Why the Holy Bible Lies #151 - Jesus lies about his return:
Mat.16:28 "Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which
shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his
(Amplified in Mar. 9:1 & Luk. 9:27)
Mat. 23:36 "Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon
this generation."
(Amplified in Mat. 24:34, Mar. 13:30, Luk. 17:25, Luk. 21:32)
So does Paul:
1 Cor. 7:29 "But this I say, brethren, the time is short: it
remaineth, that both they that have wives be as though they had none;"
1 The. 4:15 "For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we
which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not
prevent them which are asleep."

Some 2,000 years later, we're still waiting. This is the single most
serious indictment of the Bible. It's not the word of a person, but
purportedly the quoted words of the son-of-a-god. And he lied.

There's no ambiguity here. He was speaking of the generation then
alive. He was insisting that his return was imminent. According tot
he Bible itself, everyone at the time believed it. Paul preached it.
Look at this in Matthew 10:23: "But when they persecute you in this
city, flee ye into another: for verily I say unto you, Ye shall not
have gone over the cities of Israel till the Son of man be come."

That's Jesus himself again. Lying.

This is the most important story in scripture for the Christians.
It's the life of their savior. It was dictated by the Holy Spirit
according to the Bible:

"Men and brethren, this Scripture must needs have been fulfilled,
which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before..." (Act 1:16)

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for
doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in
righteousness:" (2Tim 3:16)

"For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy
men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." (2Pet 1:21)

Jerome insisted that, for example, the book of Romans was dictated by
the Holy Spirit through the Apostle Paul. Origen insisted that the
scriptures are not the creation of human beings. And Jesus insisted
in Matthew 22 that the Bible contained the direct words of this god

So it's supposed to be the most important communication ever given to
humanity, dictated by the Holy Spirit, yet here we are, finding errors
and lies galore. Why is that? Why does the Holy Bible lie? If it
truly is the word of an omniscient, omnipotent, loving god, dictated
to or inspired in people to record for posterity, why does it lie?
Why are there errors and mistakes?

Is it because this god is incompetent or uncaring? Is it because the
message really isn't that important - or isn't important any more? Or
does the Bible lie because it was not written by, nor inspired by, nor
dictated by any god or Jesus or Holy "Ghost", but is solely,
completely, and exclusively the invention of gullible, primitive
people who didn't know any better?

> Or even if God appeared
> with fire and a cloud of smoke and spoke
> to the people?

Like he ever did! LoL! Does the omniscient and omnipotent creator of
everything-from-nothing really cheapen himself with cheesy smoke-and-
no-mirrors theatrics?

> Let's say that many atheists
> were converted. What would happen to
> atheists who lived 2,000 years from now?
> They would say that the writings written
> today were a fairy tale and that any video
> shot was a fake.

That's because all the evidence points to the Bible being a fake when
it talks about the supernatural, Disaster Dave.

> Thus, what atheists want,
> is not a reasonable reason to believe in God.
> They want God to appear to each and every
> generation.

And he can't? Why is that, Disaster Dave? According to the Holy
Bible, he didn't have any trouble appearing on a regular basis in
person to the Israelites and the patriarchs.

But somewhere along the line, he went WHOOMPH! and completely
disappeared. Now he never appears to anyone no matter how desperate
they are. Why is that Dave? Is it because the unchanging god
changed? Or is it simply because it actually never happened except
in the backward, superstitious minds of Bible writers?

> And then, where is faith, that
> even atheists admit that we must have in
> loving relationships on Earth, but yet, won't
> even consider when it comes to God, which
> makes them nothing more than hypocrites!

Where's the evidence for this god? You're so fond of demanding the
evidence, nay proof, from evolutionists, so why is it when we ask the
same of you, YOU RUN AWAY ?

Remember back on September 13th 2005, Disaster Dave? Let me remind
you: You'd put out a challenge: "A Call For Proof of
Macroevolution" (which I met, providing 666 items of evidence and,
yes, many PROOFS of macroevolution).

You offered to discuss the evidence, and warned challengers to be
prepared to discuss the science, but when I turned up to discuss the
science YOU RAN AWAY . Remember that?

On Septermber 13th I spoofed your challenge and put out " A CALL FOR

Remember that, Disaster Dave? Yet despite my meeting your challenge
and providing 666 items of evidence (including proofs) and being ready
to discuss them, you RAN AWAY from my challenge without even
offering a sham of a pretence that you could support your little


> 3) If God appeared right now, they would chalk it up
> to either trickery, or mass hallucination, which btw,
> doesn't exist.

Where's your "proof" of that assertion, Disaster Dave?

> But you know what?

No! Go on! Tell Us!

> Instead of
> confessing that God exists, the atheists would
> claim that this event was proof that mass hallucination
> is a real event.

Prove the proof, we'll accept it. It really is that simple. As,
evidently, are you. Ask for it in prayer, Disaster Dave. The
mythical Jesus promised unconditionally that whatever you ask for in
prayer, he'll grant. Ask him to provide solid, incontrovertible,
scientific proof right here and now. Go on. I dare you. I double-
dare you.

> So what could we do to convince
> atheists that God is real? Nothing!

No, that's the answer to "what could we do to convince you of
macroevolution". Since 666 items of evidence including unarguable
proofs didn't convince you, what will, Disaster Dave? What would it
take to convince you that the Theory of Evolution has mountains of
evidence and is the only scientific theory which explains the
distribution and diversity of life on Earth?

Hey - did you ever come up with a definition of macroevolution?
remember that I asked you for one in your challenge thread so that we
would know what we would have to do to meet your challenge, AND YOU

> Their mind is set
> on disbelieving and even the appearance of God will
> not convince them!

No, that's you, vis-
"Gabriel" <> wrote in message
> On Apr 6, 1:54 pm, Christopher A.Lee <> wrote:
>> On 6 Apr 2007 10:33:54 -0700, "Gabriel" <>
>> wrote:
>> >On Apr 6, 12:30 pm, "JessHC" <> wrote:
>> >> Gabriel wrote:

>> >> This is so sad. You're unaware there's actual documented evidence,
>> >> some even from eyewitnesses, that George was a real person and was
>> >> really president? How unfortunate for you.

>> >Really? Are you unaware that there's actual documented evidence, some

>> Then provide it.
>> You'll be the first.

> It's in a book. The same place all your documented evidence is: in
> books. Are all the facts you "believe" in false as well because
> they're only verifiable via books? Of course not. Yet you want to use
> this logic to act like it makes the facts in the Bible (a book)
> instantly false. Please realize you are choosing what to believe in
> and what not to believe in. You are choosing to believe all these
> other books are facts. Yet you are also choosing to believe books that
> talk about Jesus Christ are false. Convenience, nothing more. You are
> choosing to reject God. You may choose this all you want. But
> understand that hypocritical logic is not convincing when trying to
> act like the Bible is false. You don't want to believe? That's your
> choice. Try to act like you know the Bible's false? That's flat out
> hypocracy given how you have so many other beliefs with identical
> evidence to base your choice off of.

It is believed that the foundation of the Christian religion, civilization
and morality is the Bibles. This is patently ridiculous because the Bibles
are nothing more than books of myths, fables, contradictions, human and
animal sacrifices, genocide, slaveholding, misogyny, destruction,
barbarisms, and impossible tales. They are not accurate history and
certainly are not the words of any god unless he is an insane and totally
untrustworthy monster. They are not even good fiction.

Religion based on the Bibles are a foundation of quicksand. There are NO
ORIGINALS in existence. Why would God not protect the originals? What are
available are copies of copies by unknown men of questionable veracity
biased by, and dependent on, their membership in the clergy. The originals
rotted and disappeared thousands of years ago. The Bibles were hand written
and recopied more than a thousand years before the invention of the printing
press. And of course we not only do not know what was in the originals but
they were also written and altered by errant biased men motivated to impress
their flock.

The Bibles are claimed to have been written by 56 or more

unauthenticated authors of questionable veracity over a period of several
thousand years.

There is no solid agreement even within the Christian community on the
interpretation of the Bibles. There are 18 English versions alone. There are
thousands of variations and opinions as to the meaning of various Biblical

If Jesus was God, why did he not leave behind his recorded record of his
rules and commands? Why are there NO Biblical documents written during his
time on earth? The Old Testaments were written 'before his birth'. The New
Testaments were written '60 and more years after his claimed death' by men
that could never have known Jesus personally. NONE were written during his
'claimed' life time. NONE were written by Jesus. Was Jesus illiterate?

There is NO objective verifiable evidence as to their authenticity and
veracity. The Bibles contain both historical and scientific errors. They
contain manifest absurdities, unfulfilled prophesies, immoralities,
indecencies, obscenities, atrocities, barbarities, myths, folklore and
legends. They are nothing more than hearsay, myths, contradictions and
implausible tales.

Here is just a small sampling of implausible Bible stories.

The story of creation

A totally illogical Biblical story is the story of creation. It is obviously
pure fiction

Biblically, god created the world about six thousand years ago. Scientific
evidence indicates the Universe, as we now know it, began more than 13
BILLION years ago or more.

In the Bible, the Universe is a firmament and the Earth is a fixed (not to
mention flat) Planet and the Son, Moon and other planets revolve around the
earth. We now KNOW the Earth revolves around the Son and the Universe is
over 20 BILLION light years in diameter and is made up of trillions of Stars
and Planets of which our planetary system is a very miniscule and
unimportant part. There was no concept of a Universe in Biblical times.

Everything beyond our immediate Son and planets was considered Heaven.

In the Bible the earth is created in the first day, before the Son, Moon and
Stars. Objective scientific evidence is that the Earth did not form until
approximately 10 BILLION YEARS after the beginning of the present Universe
and after the formation of the Son, and many other stars.

The Creation of the World


In the beginning of creation, when God made heaven and earth, the earth was
without form and void, with darkness over the face of the abyss, and a
mighty wind that swept over the surface of the waters. God said, Let there
be light, and there was light; and God saw that the light was good, and he
separated light from darkness. He called the light day, and the darkness
night. So evening came, and morning came, the first day. God created light
before he created the Sun and the Moon!

Astronomical evidence shows the Son existed long before the Earth; therefore
the earth was not created before the Son. It is equally obvious that the
writers of that time thought the World was the center the firmament and that
they had no conception of the size and nature of the Universe. Everything
beyond the Sun and Moon was considered to be gods Heaven

God said, Let there be a vault between the waters, to separate water from
water. So God made the vault, and separated the water under the vault from
the water above it, and so it was; and God called the vault heaven. Evening
came, and morning came, a second day.

God said; Let the waters under heaven be gathered into one place, so that
dry land may appear; and so it was. God called the dry land earth, and the
gathering of the waters he called seas; and God saw that it was good. Then
God said, Let the earth produce fresh growth, let there be on the earth
plants bearing seed, fruit-trees bearing fruit each with seed according to
its kind. So it was; the earth yielded fresh growth, plants bearing seed
according to their kind and trees bearing fruit each with seed according to
its king; and God saw that it was good. Evening came, and morning came, a
third day.

And this good and loving God created animals that eat other animals (and
man) and poisonous plants, insects and snakes that kill!

God said, Let there be light in the vault of heaven to separate day from
night, and let them serve as signs both for festivals and for seasons and
years. Let them also shine in the vault of heaven to give light on earth. So
it was; God made the two great lights, the greater to govern the day and the
lesser to govern the night; and with them he made the stars. God put these
lights in the vault of heaven to give light on earth, to govern day and
night, and to separate light from darkness; and God saw that it was good.
Evening came, and morning came, a fourth day.

Ancient man erroneously thought the stars beyond the Sun and Moon to be
Heaven. The Moon was NOT considered a reflection from the light of the Sun
but a lesser light.

God, said, Let the waters teem with countless living creatures, and let
birds fly above the earth across the vault of heaven. God then created the
great sea-monsters and all living creatures that move and swarm in the
waters, according to their kind, and every kind of bird; and God saw that it
was good. So he blessed them and said, be fruitful and increase, fill the
waters of the seas; and let the birds increase on land. Evening came, and
morning came, a fifth day.

And this all loving God created creatures of that kill and eat other
creatures including man.

Archaeological evidence shows that animals evolved from primitive cells over
a period of about four billion years - not in one day!

God said, let the earth bring forth living creatures, according to their
kind: cattle, reptiles, and wild animals, all according to their kind. So it
was; God made wild animals, cattle, and all reptiles, each according to its
kind; and he saw that it was good. Then God said, Let us make man in our
image and likeness to rule the fish in the sea , the birds of heaven, the
cattle, all wild animals on earth, and all reptiles that crawl upon the
earth. So God created man in his own image; in the image of God he created
him; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, be
fruitful and increase, fill the earth and subdue it, rule over the fish in
the sea, the birds of heaven, and every living thing that moves upon the
earth. God also said, I give you all plants that bear seed everywhere on
earth, and every tree bearing fruit which yields seed: they shall be yours
for food. All green plants I give for food to the wild animals, to all the
birds of heaven, and to all reptiles on earth, every living creature. So it
was; and God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Evening came,
and morning came, a sixth day.

And God created animals that need to kill and eat other animals including
man in order to survive. Is this a loving and caring God?

Thus heaven and earth were completed with all their mighty throng. On the
sixth day God completed all the work he had been doing, and on the seventh
day he ceased from all his work. God blessed the seventh day and made it
holy, because on that day he ceased from all the work he had set himself to
do and rested.

Why would a God that is not physical but spiritual, get tired and need rest?

If this creator is such a loving and caring guy, why does he permit totally
innocent children to die at birth? Or worse, be born lacking eyesight, a
fully developed brain, deaf and dumb, missing limbs etc.?

Why are some born idiots and others with super intelligence?

Why does this loving and caring god create Plagues, Tsunamis, Tornadoes,
Volcanic Eruptions, Wars, cancers and 12,000 debilitating diseases and
serious body malfunctions that effect people indiscriminately regardless of
their conduct or religious beliefs? Why does he permit many millions to
starve to death? Why does he permit 2,000,000 innocent children to die each
year of starvation?

These afflict humans indiscriminately - young and old, atheists and members
of all religious beliefs.

Why did he design humans to suffer the decrepitude and malignancies of old
age? Even those that devote their lives to religious leadership suffer these
punishments of old age.

Why did this caring benevolent god create animals that need to eat other
animals to survive?

If there is a god that created the Universe, he is obviously not an
all-caring and benevolent god. The objective evidence is that, if there is a
god creator, he has no concern about the welfare of the creatures on Earth.

Adam and Eve

In the Bible, there are two different accounts of Adam and Eve's creation.

According to the Priestly (P) history of the 5th or 6th century BC (Genesis
1:1-2:4), God on the sixth day of Creation created all the living creatures
and, "in his own image," created man both "male and female." God then
blessed the couple, told them to be "fruitful and multiply," and gave them
dominion over all other living things.

According to the lengthier Yahwist (J) narrative of the 10th century BC
(Genesis 2:5-7, 2:15-4:1, 4:25), God, or Yahweh, created Adam at a time when
the earth was still void, forming him from the earth's dust and breathing
"into his nostrils the breath of life." God then gave Adam the primeval
Garden of Eden to tend but, on penalty of death, commanded him not to eat of
the fruit of the "tree of knowledge of good and evil." Subsequently, so that
Adam would not be alone, God created other animals but, finding these
insufficient, put Adam to sleep, took from him a rib, and created a new
companion, Eve. The two were persons of innocence until Eve yielded to the
temptations of the evil serpent and Adam joined her in eating the forbidden
fruit, whereupon they both recognized their nakedness and donned fig leaves
as garments. Immediately, God recognized their transgression and proclaimed
their punishments-for the woman, pain in childbirth and subordination to
man, and, for the man, relegation to an accursed ground with which he must
toil and sweat for his subsistence. Adam supposedly lived to the age of 930
years! Despite Eve being created from one of Adam's ribs both men and women
have the same nuber of ribs and the same on each side of their bodies.

In later Christian theology, the concept of original sin (q.v.) took hold-a
sin in which human kind has been held captive since the fall of Adam and
Eve. The doctrine was based on Pauline Scripture but has not been accepted
by a number of Christian sects and interpreters. Why should BILLIONS of
innocent people be punished over thousands of years for this not very
profound original transgression that they had no part in?

This is both sadistic and ridiculous!


As the story is related in the Book of Jonah, the prophet Jonah is called by
God to go to Nineveh (a great Assyrian city) and prophesy disaster because
of the city's wickedness. Jonah, in the story, feels about Nineveh as does
the author of the Book of Nahum-that the city must inevitably be destroyed
because of God's judgment against it. Thus Jonah does not want to prophesy,
because Nineveh might repent and thereby be saved. So he rushes down to
Joppa and takes passage in a ship that will carry him in the opposite
direction, thinking to escape God.

A storm of unprecedented severity strikes the ship, and it shows signs of
breaking up and foundering. Jonah confesses that it is his presence on board
that is causing the storm. At his request, he is thrown overboard, and the
storm subsides.

A "great fish," appointed by God, swallows Jonah, and he stays within the
fish's maw for three days and nights. He prays for deliverance and is
"vomited out" on dry land (ch. 2).

Totally implausible. He would have been digested by fish's stomach acids in
those three days!

Sodom and Gomorrah

According to the Bible these cities and everyone in them, except Lot and his
family, were destroyed by fire and brimstone for their sinfulness. Lot's
wife was turned into a pillar of salt for disobeying God's command to not
look back at her city of birth being destroyed.

There is no way that EVERYONE in two cities could be so sinful, especially
innocent children, to deserve destruction by fire and brimstone.

Sodom and Gomorrah constituted, along with the cities of Admah, Zeboiim, and
Zoar (Bela), the five biblical "cities of the plain." Destroyed by"brimstone
and fire" because of their wickedness (Genesis 19:24).

Sodom and Gomorrah probably were devastated about 1900 BC by an earthquake
in the Dead Sea area of the Great Rift Valley, an extensive rift extending
from the Jordan River valley in Israel to the Zambezi River system in East
Africa. When the catastrophic destruction occurred, the petroleum and gases
existing in the area probably contributed to the imagery of "brimstone and

Cruel, inhumane and pure nonsense!

The Tower of Babel

Genesis 11.1 - 11.9

God became concerned that the Tower being built would reach his heaven.

He confounded the builders by giving them different languages so they could
no longer communicate with each other to continue the construction.

Why would this be of any concern to an all powerful God creator and wouldn't
this God creator realize that it was not possible for man to construct a
tower to reach his spiritual heaven?

A totally ridiculous story constructed by ancients that had no real
knowledge of the Earth and the scope of the Universe.

Noah and the Ark

The Bible is claimed to be the inerrant word of God

The story of Noah and the flood is only one of many ridiculous biblical
tales with no authentication or plausibility of any kind. It is an
impossible story.

1. The largest boat ever built to this day could not even come CLOSE to
housing Noah, his sons, wives and two of every type of animal on earth. And
this was a boat built of wood many thousands of years ago. There are 1.7
million KNOWN species of animals on this planet. This story is patently
impossible, using only materials and tools available to Noah, to build an
arch large enough to hold all these creatures, together with suitable
environments for each of them to live in, keeping them all separated so they
don't kill and eat each other. And then provide room and an environment for
many hundreds of millions of known species of insects, plants, molds etc. on
this planet?

2. Where did they house all of the new born during this ten month

3. In addition, the ship would have to carry a TEN MONTHS supply of food
and fresh water for the people and thousands of animals for them to survive.
What would the carnivores have eaten? Whatever prey they ate would have gone
extinct. How did they dispose of the thousands of tons of feces? It must
have been one stinking ship!

4. Now according to the Bible the earth was flooded for ten months. This
would kill off all the vegetation. What did the animals eat for an
additional year or more after the flood subsided?

5. Noah sends a dove out to see if there was any dry land. But the dove
returns without finding any. Then, just seven days later, the dove goes out
again and returns with an olive leaf. But how could an olive tree survive
the flood? And if any seeds happened to survive, they certainly wouldn't
germinate and grow leaves within a seven day period. 8:8-11.

6. And according to this myth, Noah was also over 600 years old!

This is a grossly implausible tale that ranks as a greater tale than Santa
Claus, The Wizard of Oz, The Easter Bunny and The Tooth Fairy!

Genesis 6:6

6 The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was
filled with pain.

7 So the LORD said, "I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face
of the earth: men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and
birds of the air-for I am grieved that I have made them."

9 Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he
walked with God.

Genesis 7

1- The LORD then said to Noah, "Go into the ark, you and your whole family,
because I have found you righteous in this generation. 2 -Take with you
seven [a] of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and two of
every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, 3 - and also seven of
every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive
throughout the earth. 4 - Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth
for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth
every living creature I have made."

6 - Noah was six hundred years old when the floodwaters came on the earth.
7 - And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons' wives entered the ark
to escape the waters of the flood. 8 - Pairs of clean and unclean animals,
of birds and of all creatures that move along the ground, 9 - male and
female, came to Noah and entered the ark, as God had commanded Noah. 10 -
And after the seven days the floodwaters came on the earth.

This is patently ridiculous and impossible. How could they capture and load
over three million animals in a period of seven days???

11 - In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, on the seventeenth day of the
second month-on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and
the floodgates of the heavens were opened. 12 - And rain fell on the earth
forty days and forty nights.

13 - On that very day Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, together
with his wife and the wives of his three sons, entered the ark. 14 - They
had with them every wild animal according to its kind, all livestock
according to their kinds, every creature that moves along the ground
according to its kind and every bird according to its kind, everything with
wings. 15 - Pairs of all creatures that have the breath of life in them came
to Noah and entered the ark. 16 -The animals going in were male and female
of every living thing, as God had commanded Noah. Then the LORD shut him in.

17 - For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters
increased they lifted the ark high above the earth. 18 -The waters rose and
increased greatly on the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the
water. 19 - They rose greatly on the earth, and all the high mountains under
the entire heavens were covered. 20 The waters rose and covered the
mountains to a depth of more than twenty feet. [, 21 - Every living thing
that moved on the earth perished-birds, livestock, wild animals, all the
creatures that swarm over the earth, and all mankind. 22 - Everything on dry
land that had the breath of life in its nostrils died. 23 -Every living
thing on the face of the earth was wiped out; men and animals and the
creatures that move along the ground and the birds of the air were wiped
from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark.

24 - The waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days.

This of course would have also killed all the vegetation on Earth!

Genesis 7:6 (New International Version)

6 Noah was "six hundred" years old when the floodwaters came on the earth.

7 -And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons' wives entered the ark to
escape the waters of the flood

Genesis 8

1 - But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that
were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the earth, and the waters

3 - The water receded steadily from the earth. At the end of the hundred and
fifty days the water had gone down,

4 - and on the seventeenth day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on
the mountains of Ararat.

5 -The waters continued to recede until the tenth month, and on the first
day of the tenth month the tops of the mountains became visible

And what did they eat until all the vegetation recovered from the flood???

Genesis 9 God's Covenant with Noah

1 -Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, "Be fruitful and
increase in number and fill the earth.

2 -The fear and dread of you will fall upon all the beasts of the earth and
all the birds of the air, upon every creature that moves along the ground,
and upon all the fish of the sea; they are given into your hands.

3 Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you
the green plants, I now give you everything.

4 - "But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it.

5 - And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand
an accounting from every animal. And from each man, too, I will demand an
accounting for the life of his fellow man.

Before man learned how to create a fire, he had no choice but to eat raw


Hebrew Shimshon, Israelite hero portrayed in an epic narrative in the Old
Testament (Judg. 13-16). He was a Nazirite (q.v.) and a legendary warrior
whose incredible exploits hint at the weight of Philistine pressure on
Israel during much of the early, tribal period of Israel in Canaan

Samson was claimed to possess extraordinary physical strength, and the moral
of his saga relates the disastrous loss of his power to the violation of his
Nazirite vow. Credited with remarkable exploits-e.g., the slaying of a lion
and moving the gates of Gaza-he first broke his religious promises by
feasting with a woman from the neighboring town of Timnah, who was also a
Philistine, one of Israel's mortal enemies. Other remarkable deeds follow;
e.g., his decimating the Philistines in a private war. On another occasion
he repulsed their assault on him at Gaza, where he had gone to visit a
harlot. He finally fell victim to his foes through love of Delilah, a woman
of the valley of Sorek, who beguiled him into revealing the secret of his
strength: his long Nazirite hair. As he slept, Delilah had his hair cut and
betrayed him. He was captured, blinded, and enslaved by the Philistines, but
in the end he was granted his revenge; through the return of his old
strength, he supposedly demolished the great Philistine temple of the god
Dagon, at Gaza, destroying his captors and himself (Judg.16:4-30).

A truly implausible tale!

God created a three level Universe - Heaven above, a flat World resting on
water. Genesis 1:6-10; 7:11; 8:2; 11:11-9; 19:24; 28:12-13; Exodus 20:4;

Numbers 16:30-33; Deuteronomy 33:17.

God created the Sun and the Moon on the fourth day but created light on the
first day! Genesis1:1-9; 14-19

It is claimed that the Eve, first woman, was created from one of Adam's

Genesis 3:1-5 Men and women have the same number of ribs on each side of
their body? And in any case why would a god that has created the Universe
and everything in it need to take a rib from Adam to create Eve???

The Bibles claim that a talking snake talked Eve into eating the forbidden

The Bibles claim that Adam lived 930 years, Seth 912 years, Enosh 905 years,
Kenan910 years, Mahalael 895 years, Jared 962 years, Methuselah 969 years;
Lamech 777 years, and Noah 950 years. Genesis 5:-31; 9:29

God commanded that every baby boy at age of eight days be circumcised.

At that time sterilization (of knives) was unknown and many died of
infection for which they new no cure. Why did this almighty and all caring
God create baby boys with foreskins on their penis that he then required to
be painfully and dangerously removed?

This all caring and loving God sent ten horrible plagues upon the Egyptians
Exodus 7:14-12:32 and in his loving generosity gave Israel the land of the
Canaanites and the Israelites slaughtered every person of seven nations.

Twenty one million, men women and innocent children, were slaughtered
according to the Bible. Exodus 12:1-2

This is a loving god???

According to the verse, Jesus was being tempted by Satan, for forty
days. Assuming that Jesus is God, we are required to believe that God
was tempted by Satan, who was created by God in the first place.
[NIV, Mark 1:12-13]

Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all
the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. "All this I will give
you," he said, "if you will bow down and worship me." Jesus said to
him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your
God, and serve him only.' " [NIV, Matthew 4:8-10] If Jesus is God,
would the Devil promise him that he will give him the kingdoms of the
world when all the all kingdoms of the world were created by and already
belong to God??


God in the Bibles classifies bats as birds when anyone with an elementary
knowledge of biology knows that bats are flying MAMMALS!

Letiviticus11:13, 19

This God can't control his temper resulting in killing thousands of people.
Numbers 11:31-35; 25:1-9

He and Moses ordered the Israelites to kill all the male and Female
Medianites who had ever had sex but to spare the young women who were
virgins and keep them for themselves to enjoy. Numbers 31:14-1

Jeremiah:16:1: The word of the LORD came also unto me, saying,
2: Thou shall not take thee a wife, neither shall thou have sons or
daughters in this place.
3: For thus saith the LORD concerning the sons and concerning the daughters
that are born in this place, and concerning their mothers that bare them,
and concerning their fathers that begat them in this land;
4: They shall die of grievous deaths; they shall not be lamented; neither
shall they be buried; but they shall be as dung upon the face of the earth:
and they shall be consumed by the sword, and by famine; and their carcasses
shall be meat for the fowls of heaven, and for the beasts of the earth.
5: For thus saith the LORD, Enter not into the house of mourning, neither go
to lament nor bemoan them: for I have taken away my peace from this people,
saith the LORD, even loving kindness and mercies.


According to the unerring Bible, the earth is the oldest object in the
Universe. (Genesis 1:1), snakes can talk (Genesis 3:1-5), and Man had
dominion over the dinosaurs (Genesis 1:26, 28)."

Really??? The Earth did not come into existence until 10 BILLION years after
the Universe. Man came into existence MILLIONS of years AFTER the extinction
of the Dinosaurs.


God is satisfied with his works
[Gen 1:31]

God is dissatisfied with his works.
[Gen 6:6]

God dwells in chosen temples
[2 Chron 7:12,16]

God dwells not in temples
[Acts 7:48]


Jesus' claimed last words on the cross, 'My God, my God, why hast thou
forsaken me?' Hardly seems like the words of a god that created and
controlled the whole world and who planned his entry and exit on earth.

More obvious nonsense!


Additional Bible nonsense too voluminous to quote fully;

Mt.4:8: Gen. 1:6; Deut. 30.4; Job. 9:6,22:13, 26:11; PSA 75.3, 103.12;

1 Sam 2.8; Isa. 13.5, 40.21-22; Dan 4.10-11; Re. 7.1, 20.8; Psa 93:1, 96:10,
105.5Job. 22.14; Rev. 6.14; Acts 10:11; Rev. 6:13, 8:14; Mat. 2:9; Gen 1:16;
Lev.19.27, 11.7,10-12: Mat. 5:17-19; Luke 16:17; Lev. 19.19; Luke 16:1-9;

Amos 3:6; Isa. 45:7; Lev, 18.22, 20.13; Deut. 13.6; Judges 14.20; 1 Sam
16:21-23, 18.1-3; Sam 1:26, 13:3, 15:37, 16:16-17: Mat. 2:13-15; Luke 2:1-7,
21; Gen. 11.6, 18:21, 27:33; Exod. 9:14, 12:12; Num 33.4; Deut. 3.23; Exod.
18:11; Eccl. 9.5-6, 9:10; Job 7.9-10, 13:28, 14:1-2, 14:1-2, 10-12, 21; Prov
2:18-19; Eccl. 10:17, 17:27, 28, 30, 19.3, 44:9; wisdom 2:1-5

This is just a sampling of ridiculous Bible tales. The Bibles are obviously
a mixture of myths, fables, folklore and pure nonsense.

And these Bibles were dictated by God??? Then this God must be a demented
"Gabriel" <> wrote in message
> On Apr 6, 11:36 am, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
>> <> wrote in message

> Here's a thought: prove anything you know was true 1,000 years ago
> exists. And please back it up with objective, verifiable evidence. Oh,
> that's right -- you're in the same boat.

Not at all. Historical information can be confirmed by numerous hsitorical
documents that agree
on dates, places and occurrences. This is not true of the Bibles.

It is believed that the foundation of the Christian religion, civilization
and morality is the Bibles. This is patently ridiculous because the Bibles
are nothing more than books of myths, fables, contradictions, human and
animal sacrifices, genocide, slaveholding, misogyny, destruction,
barbarisms, and impossible tales. They are not accurate history and
certainly are not the words of any god unless he is an insane and totally
untrustworthy monster. They are not even good fiction.

Religion based on the Bibles are a foundation of quicksand. There are NO
ORIGINALS in existence. Why would God not protect the originals? What are
available are copies of copies by unknown men of questionable veracity
biased by, and dependent on, their membership in the clergy. The originals
rotted and disappeared thousands of years ago. The Bibles were hand written
and recopied more than a thousand years before the invention of the printing
press. And of course we not only do not know what was in the originals but
they were also written and altered by errant biased men motivated to impress
their flock.

The Bibles are claimed to have been written by 56 or more

unauthenticated authors of questionable veracity over a period of several
thousand years.

There is no solid agreement even within the Christian community on the
interpretation of the Bibles. There are 18 English versions alone. There are
thousands of variations and opinions as to the meaning of various Biblical

If Jesus was God, why did he not leave behind his recorded record of his
rules and commands? Why are there NO Biblical documents written during his
time on earth? The Old Testaments were written 'before his birth'. The New
Testaments were written '60 and more years after his claimed death' by men
that could never have known Jesus personally. NONE were written during his
'claimed' life time. NONE were written by Jesus. Was Jesus illiterate?

There is NO objective verifiable evidence as to their authenticity and
veracity. The Bibles contain both historical and scientific errors. They
contain manifest absurdities, unfulfilled prophesies, immoralities,
indecencies, obscenities, atrocities, barbarities, myths, folklore and
legends. They are nothing more than hearsay, myths, contradictions and
implausible tales.

Here is just a small sampling of implausible Bible stories.

The story of creation

A totally illogical Biblical story is the story of creation. It is obviously
pure fiction

Biblically, god created the world about six thousand years ago. Scientific
evidence indicates the Universe, as we now know it, began more than 13
BILLION years ago or more.

In the Bible, the Universe is a firmament and the Earth is a fixed (not to
mention flat) Planet and the Son, Moon and other planets revolve around the
earth. We now KNOW the Earth revolves around the Son and the Universe is
over 20 BILLION light years in diameter and is made up of trillions of Stars
and Planets of which our planetary system is a very miniscule and
unimportant part. There was no concept of a Universe in Biblical times.

Everything beyond our immediate Son and planets was considered Heaven.

In the Bible the earth is created in the first day, before the Son, Moon and
Stars. Objective scientific evidence is that the Earth did not form until
approximately 10 BILLION YEARS after the beginning of the present Universe
and after the formation of the Son, and many other stars.

The Creation of the World


In the beginning of creation, when God made heaven and earth, the earth was
without form and void, with darkness over the face of the abyss, and a
mighty wind that swept over the surface of the waters. God said, Let there
be light, and there was light; and God saw that the light was good, and he
separated light from darkness. He called the light day, and the darkness
night. So evening came, and morning came, the first day. God created light
before he created the Sun and the Moon!

Astronomical evidence shows the Son existed long before the Earth; therefore
the earth was not created before the Son. It is equally obvious that the
writers of that time thought the World was the center the firmament and that
they had no conception of the size and nature of the Universe. Everything
beyond the Sun and Moon was considered to be gods Heaven

God said, Let there be a vault between the waters, to separate water from
water. So God made the vault, and separated the water under the vault from
the water above it, and so it was; and God called the vault heaven. Evening
came, and morning came, a second day.

God said; Let the waters under heaven be gathered into one place, so that
dry land may appear; and so it was. God called the dry land earth, and the
gathering of the waters he called seas; and God saw that it was good. Then
God said, Let the earth produce fresh growth, let there be on the earth
plants bearing seed, fruit-trees bearing fruit each with seed according to
its kind. So it was; the earth yielded fresh growth, plants bearing seed
according to their kind and trees bearing fruit each with seed according to
its king; and God saw that it was good. Evening came, and morning came, a
third day.

And this good and loving God created animals that eat other animals (and
man) and poisonous plants, insects and snakes that kill!

God said, Let there be light in the vault of heaven to separate day from
night, and let them serve as signs both for festivals and for seasons and
years. Let them also shine in the vault of heaven to give light on earth. So
it was; God made the two great lights, the greater to govern the day and the
lesser to govern the night; and with them he made the stars. God put these
lights in the vault of heaven to give light on earth, to govern day and
night, and to separate light from darkness; and God saw that it was good.
Evening came, and morning came, a fourth day.

Ancient man erroneously thought the stars beyond the Sun and Moon to be
Heaven. The Moon was NOT considered a reflection from the light of the Sun
but a lesser light.

God, said, Let the waters teem with countless living creatures, and let
birds fly above the earth across the vault of heaven. God then created the
great sea-monsters and all living creatures that move and swarm in the
waters, according to their kind, and every kind of bird; and God saw that it
was good. So he blessed them and said, be fruitful and increase, fill the
waters of the seas; and let the birds increase on land. Evening came, and
morning came, a fifth day.

And this all loving God created creatures of that kill and eat other
creatures including man.

Archaeological evidence shows that animals evolved from primitive cells over
a period of about four billion years - not in one day!

God said, let the earth bring forth living creatures, according to their
kind: cattle, reptiles, and wild animals, all according to their kind. So it
was; God made wild animals, cattle, and all reptiles, each according to its
kind; and he saw that it was good. Then God said, Let us make man in our
image and likeness to rule the fish in the sea , the birds of heaven, the
cattle, all wild animals on earth, and all reptiles that crawl upon the
earth. So God created man in his own image; in the image of God he created
him; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, be
fruitful and increase, fill the earth and subdue it, rule over the fish in
the sea, the birds of heaven, and every living thing that moves upon the
earth. God also said, I give you all plants that bear seed everywhere on
earth, and every tree bearing fruit which yields seed: they shall be yours
for food. All green plants I give for food to the wild animals, to all the
birds of heaven, and to all reptiles on earth, every living creature. So it
was; and God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Evening came,
and morning came, a sixth day.

And God created animals that need to kill and eat other animals including
man in order to survive. Is this a loving and caring God?

Thus heaven and earth were completed with all their mighty throng. On the
sixth day God completed all the work he had been doing, and on the seventh
day he ceased from all his work. God blessed the seventh day and made it
holy, because on that day he ceased from all the work he had set himself to
do and rested.

Why would a God that is not physical but spiritual, get tired and need rest?

If this creator is such a loving and caring guy, why does he permit totally
innocent children to die at birth? Or worse, be born lacking eyesight, a
fully developed brain, deaf and dumb, missing limbs etc.?

Why are some born idiots and others with super intelligence?

Why does this loving and caring god create Plagues, Tsunamis, Tornadoes,
Volcanic Eruptions, Wars, cancers and 12,000 debilitating diseases and
serious body malfunctions that effect people indiscriminately regardless of
their conduct or religious beliefs? Why does he permit many millions to
starve to death? Why does he permit 2,000,000 innocent children to die each
year of starvation?

These afflict humans indiscriminately - young and old, atheists and members
of all religious beliefs.

Why did he design humans to suffer the decrepitude and malignancies of old
age? Even those that devote their lives to religious leadership suffer these
punishments of old age.

Why did this caring benevolent god create animals that need to eat other
animals to survive?

If there is a god that created the Universe, he is obviously not an
all-caring and benevolent god. The objective evidence is that, if there is a
god creator, he has no concern about the welfare of the creatures on Earth.

Adam and Eve

In the Bible, there are two different accounts of Adam and Eve's creation.

According to the Priestly (P) history of the 5th or 6th century BC (Genesis
1:1-2:4), God on the sixth day of Creation created all the living creatures
and, "in his own image," created man both "male and female." God then
blessed the couple, told them to be "fruitful and multiply," and gave them
dominion over all other living things.

According to the lengthier Yahwist (J) narrative of the 10th century BC
(Genesis 2:5-7, 2:15-4:1, 4:25), God, or Yahweh, created Adam at a time when
the earth was still void, forming him from the earth's dust and breathing
"into his nostrils the breath of life." God then gave Adam the primeval
Garden of Eden to tend but, on penalty of death, commanded him not to eat of
the fruit of the "tree of knowledge of good and evil." Subsequently, so that
Adam would not be alone, God created other animals but, finding these
insufficient, put Adam to sleep, took from him a rib, and created a new
companion, Eve. The two were persons of innocence until Eve yielded to the
temptations of the evil serpent and Adam joined her in eating the forbidden
fruit, whereupon they both recognized their nakedness and donned fig leaves
as garments. Immediately, God recognized their transgression and proclaimed
their punishments-for the woman, pain in childbirth and subordination to
man, and, for the man, relegation to an accursed ground with which he must
toil and sweat for his subsistence. Adam supposedly lived to the age of 930
years! Despite Eve being created from one of Adam's ribs both men and women
have the same nuber of ribs and the same on each side of their bodies.

In later Christian theology, the concept of original sin (q.v.) took hold-a
sin in which human kind has been held captive since the fall of Adam and
Eve. The doctrine was based on Pauline Scripture but has not been accepted
by a number of Christian sects and interpreters. Why should BILLIONS of
innocent people be punished over thousands of years for this not very
profound original transgression that they had no part in?

This is both sadistic and ridiculous!


As the story is related in the Book of Jonah, the prophet Jonah is called by
God to go to Nineveh (a great Assyrian city) and prophesy disaster because
of the city's wickedness. Jonah, in the story, feels about Nineveh as does
the author of the Book of Nahum-that the city must inevitably be destroyed
because of God's judgment against it. Thus Jonah does not want to prophesy,
because Nineveh might repent and thereby be saved. So he rushes down to
Joppa and takes passage in a ship that will carry him in the opposite
direction, thinking to escape God.

A storm of unprecedented severity strikes the ship, and it shows signs of
breaking up and foundering. Jonah confesses that it is his presence on board
that is causing the storm. At his request, he is thrown overboard, and the
storm subsides.

A "great fish," appointed by God, swallows Jonah, and he stays within the
fish's maw for three days and nights. He prays for deliverance and is
"vomited out" on dry land (ch. 2).

Totally implausible. He would have been digested by fish's stomach acids in
those three days!

Sodom and Gomorrah

According to the Bible these cities and everyone in them, except Lot and his
family, were destroyed by fire and brimstone for their sinfulness. Lot's
wife was turned into a pillar of salt for disobeying God's command to not
look back at her city of birth being destroyed.

There is no way that EVERYONE in two cities could be so sinful, especially
innocent children, to deserve destruction by fire and brimstone.

Sodom and Gomorrah constituted, along with the cities of Admah, Zeboiim, and
Zoar (Bela), the five biblical "cities of the plain." Destroyed by"brimstone
and fire" because of their wickedness (Genesis 19:24).

Sodom and Gomorrah probably were devastated about 1900 BC by an earthquake
in the Dead Sea area of the Great Rift Valley, an extensive rift extending
from the Jordan River valley in Israel to the Zambezi River system in East
Africa. When the catastrophic destruction occurred, the petroleum and gases
existing in the area probably contributed to the imagery of "brimstone and

Cruel, inhumane and pure nonsense!

The Tower of Babel

Genesis 11.1 - 11.9

God became concerned that the Tower being built would reach his heaven.

He confounded the builders by giving them different languages so they could
no longer communicate with each other to continue the construction.

Why would this be of any concern to an all powerful God creator and wouldn't
this God creator realize that it was not possible for man to construct a
tower to reach his spiritual heaven?

A totally ridiculous story constructed by ancients that had no real
knowledge of the Earth and the scope of the Universe.

Noah and the Ark

The Bible is claimed to be the inerrant word of God

The story of Noah and the flood is only one of many ridiculous biblical
tales with no authentication or plausibility of any kind. It is an
impossible story.

1. The largest boat ever built to this day could not even come CLOSE to
housing Noah, his sons, wives and two of every type of animal on earth. And
this was a boat built of wood many thousands of years ago. There are 1.7
million KNOWN species of animals on this planet. This story is patently
impossible, using only materials and tools available to Noah, to build an
arch large enough to hold all these creatures, together with suitable
environments for each of them to live in, keeping them all separated so they
don't kill and eat each other. And then provide room and an environment for
many hundreds of millions of known species of insects, plants, molds etc. on
this planet?

2. Where did they house all of the new born during this ten month

3. In addition, the ship would have to carry a TEN MONTHS supply of food
and fresh water for the people and thousands of animals for them to survive.
What would the carnivores have eaten? Whatever prey they ate would have gone
extinct. How did they dispose of the thousands of tons of feces? It must
have been one stinking ship!

4. Now according to the Bible the earth was flooded for ten months. This
would kill off all the vegetation. What did the animals eat for an
additional year or more after the flood subsided?

5. Noah sends a dove out to see if there was any dry land. But the dove
returns without finding any. Then, just seven days later, the dove goes out
again and returns with an olive leaf. But how could an olive tree survive
the flood? And if any seeds happened to survive, they certainly wouldn't
germinate and grow leaves within a seven day period. 8:8-11.

6. And according to this myth, Noah was also over 600 years old!

This is a grossly implausible tale that ranks as a greater tale than Santa
Claus, The Wizard of Oz, The Easter Bunny and The Tooth Fairy!

Genesis 6:6

6 The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was
filled with pain.

7 So the LORD said, "I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face
of the earth: men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and
birds of the air-for I am grieved that I have made them."

9 Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he
walked with God.

Genesis 7

1- The LORD then said to Noah, "Go into the ark, you and your whole family,
because I have found you righteous in this generation. 2 -Take with you
seven [a] of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and two of
every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, 3 - and also seven of
every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive
throughout the earth. 4 - Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth
for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth
every living creature I have made."

6 - Noah was six hundred years old when the floodwaters came on the earth.
7 - And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons' wives entered the ark
to escape the waters of the flood. 8 - Pairs of clean and unclean animals,
of birds and of all creatures that move along the ground, 9 - male and
female, came to Noah and entered the ark, as God had commanded Noah. 10 -
And after the seven days the floodwaters came on the earth.

This is patently ridiculous and impossible. How could they capture and load
over three million animals in a period of seven days???

11 - In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, on the seventeenth day of the
second month-on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and
the floodgates of the heavens were opened. 12 - And rain fell on the earth
forty days and forty nights.

13 - On that very day Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, together
with his wife and the wives of his three sons, entered the ark. 14 - They
had with them every wild animal according to its kind, all livestock
according to their kinds, every creature that moves along the ground
according to its kind and every bird according to its kind, everything with
wings. 15 - Pairs of all creatures that have the breath of life in them came
to Noah and entered the ark. 16 -The animals going in were male and female
of every living thing, as God had commanded Noah. Then the LORD shut him in.

17 - For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters
increased they lifted the ark high above the earth. 18 -The waters rose and
increased greatly on the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the
water. 19 - They rose greatly on the earth, and all the high mountains under
the entire heavens were covered. 20 The waters rose and covered the
mountains to a depth of more than twenty feet. [, 21 - Every living thing
that moved on the earth perished-birds, livestock, wild animals, all the
creatures that swarm over the earth, and all mankind. 22 - Everything on dry
land that had the breath of life in its nostrils died. 23 -Every living
thing on the face of the earth was wiped out; men and animals and the
creatures that move along the ground and the birds of the air were wiped
from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark.

24 - The waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days.

This of course would have also killed all the vegetation on Earth!

Genesis 7:6 (New International Version)

6 Noah was "six hundred" years old when the floodwaters came on the earth.

7 -And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons' wives entered the ark to
escape the waters of the flood

Genesis 8

1 - But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that
were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the earth, and the waters

3 - The water receded steadily from the earth. At the end of the hundred and
fifty days the water had gone down,

4 - and on the seventeenth day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on
the mountains of Ararat.

5 -The waters continued to recede until the tenth month, and on the first
day of the tenth month the tops of the mountains became visible

And what did they eat until all the vegetation recovered from the flood???

Genesis 9 God's Covenant with Noah

1 -Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, "Be fruitful and
increase in number and fill the earth.

2 -The fear and dread of you will fall upon all the beasts of the earth and
all the birds of the air, upon every creature that moves along the ground,
and upon all the fish of the sea; they are given into your hands.

3 Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you
the green plants, I now give you everything.

4 - "But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it.

5 - And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand
an accounting from every animal. And from each man, too, I will demand an
accounting for the life of his fellow man.

Before man learned how to create a fire, he had no choice but to eat raw


Hebrew Shimshon, Israelite hero portrayed in an epic narrative in the Old
Testament (Judg. 13-16). He was a Nazirite (q.v.) and a legendary warrior
whose incredible exploits hint at the weight of Philistine pressure on
Israel during much of the early, tribal period of Israel in Canaan

Samson was claimed to possess extraordinary physical strength, and the moral
of his saga relates the disastrous loss of his power to the violation of his
Nazirite vow. Credited with remarkable exploits-e.g., the slaying of a lion
and moving the gates of Gaza-he first broke his religious promises by
feasting with a woman from the neighboring town of Timnah, who was also a
Philistine, one of Israel's mortal enemies. Other remarkable deeds follow;
e.g., his decimating the Philistines in a private war. On another occasion
he repulsed their assault on him at Gaza, where he had gone to visit a
harlot. He finally fell victim to his foes through love of Delilah, a woman
of the valley of Sorek, who beguiled him into revealing the secret of his
strength: his long Nazirite hair. As he slept, Delilah had his hair cut and
betrayed him. He was captured, blinded, and enslaved by the Philistines, but
in the end he was granted his revenge; through the return of his old
strength, he supposedly demolished the great Philistine temple of the god
Dagon, at Gaza, destroying his captors and himself (Judg.16:4-30).

A truly implausible tale!

God created a three level Universe - Heaven above, a flat World resting on
water. Genesis 1:6-10; 7:11; 8:2; 11:11-9; 19:24; 28:12-13; Exodus 20:4;

Numbers 16:30-33; Deuteronomy 33:17.

God created the Sun and the Moon on the fourth day but created light on the
first day! Genesis1:1-9; 14-19

It is claimed that the Eve, first woman, was created from one of Adam's

Genesis 3:1-5 Men and women have the same number of ribs on each side of
their body? And in any case why would a god that has created the Universe
and everything in it need to take a rib from Adam to create Eve???

The Bibles claim that a talking snake talked Eve into eating the forbidden

The Bibles claim that Adam lived 930 years, Seth 912 years, Enosh 905 years,
Kenan910 years, Mahalael 895 years, Jared 962 years, Methuselah 969 years;
Lamech 777 years, and Noah 950 years. Genesis 5:-31; 9:29

God commanded that every baby boy at age of eight days be circumcised.

At that time sterilization (of knives) was unknown and many died of
infection for which they new no cure. Why did this almighty and all caring
God create baby boys with foreskins on their penis that he then required to
be painfully and dangerously removed?

This all caring and loving God sent ten horrible plagues upon the Egyptians
Exodus 7:14-12:32 and in his loving generosity gave Israel the land of the
Canaanites and the Israelites slaughtered every person of seven nations.

Twenty one million, men women and innocent children, were slaughtered
according to the Bible. Exodus 12:1-2

This is a loving god???

According to the verse, Jesus was being tempted by Satan, for forty
days. Assuming that Jesus is God, we are required to believe that God
was tempted by Satan, who was created by God in the first place.
[NIV, Mark 1:12-13]

Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all
the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. "All this I will give
you," he said, "if you will bow down and worship me." Jesus said to
him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your
God, and serve him only.' " [NIV, Matthew 4:8-10] If Jesus is God,
would the Devil promise him that he will give him the kingdoms of the
world when all the all kingdoms of the world were created by and already
belong to God??


God in the Bibles classifies bats as birds when anyone with an elementary
knowledge of biology knows that bats are flying MAMMALS!

Letiviticus11:13, 19

This God can't control his temper resulting in killing thousands of people.
Numbers 11:31-35; 25:1-9

He and Moses ordered the Israelites to kill all the male and Female
Medianites who had ever had sex but to spare the young women who were
virgins and keep them for themselves to enjoy. Numbers 31:14-1

Jeremiah:16:1: The word of the LORD came also unto me, saying,
2: Thou shall not take thee a wife, neither shall thou have sons or
daughters in this place.
3: For thus saith the LORD concerning the sons and concerning the daughters
that are born in this place, and concerning their mothers that bare them,
and concerning their fathers that begat them in this land;
4: They shall die of grievous deaths; they shall not be lamented; neither
shall they be buried; but they shall be as dung upon the face of the earth:
and they shall be consumed by the sword, and by famine; and their carcasses
shall be meat for the fowls of heaven, and for the beasts of the earth.
5: For thus saith the LORD, Enter not into the house of mourning, neither go
to lament nor bemoan them: for I have taken away my peace from this people,
saith the LORD, even loving kindness and mercies.


According to the unerring Bible, the earth is the oldest object in the
Universe. (Genesis 1:1), snakes can talk (Genesis 3:1-5), and Man had
dominion over the dinosaurs (Genesis 1:26, 28)."

Really??? The Earth did not come into existence until 10 BILLION years after
the Universe. Man came into existence MILLIONS of years AFTER the extinction
of the Dinosaurs.


God is satisfied with his works
[Gen 1:31]

God is dissatisfied with his works.
[Gen 6:6]

God dwells in chosen temples
[2 Chron 7:12,16]

God dwells not in temples
[Acts 7:48]


Jesus' claimed last words on the cross, 'My God, my God, why hast thou
forsaken me?' Hardly seems like the words of a god that created and
controlled the whole world and who planned his entry and exit on earth.

More obvious nonsense!


Additional Bible nonsense too voluminous to quote fully;

Mt.4:8: Gen. 1:6; Deut. 30.4; Job. 9:6,22:13, 26:11; PSA 75.3, 103.12;

1 Sam 2.8; Isa. 13.5, 40.21-22; Dan 4.10-11; Re. 7.1, 20.8; Psa 93:1, 96:10,
105.5Job. 22.14; Rev. 6.14; Acts 10:11; Rev. 6:13, 8:14; Mat. 2:9; Gen 1:16;
Lev.19.27, 11.7,10-12: Mat. 5:17-19; Luke 16:17; Lev. 19.19; Luke 16:1-9;

Amos 3:6; Isa. 45:7; Lev, 18.22, 20.13; Deut. 13.6; Judges 14.20; 1 Sam
16:21-23, 18.1-3; Sam 1:26, 13:3, 15:37, 16:16-17: Mat. 2:13-15; Luke 2:1-7,
21; Gen. 11.6, 18:21, 27:33; Exod. 9:14, 12:12; Num 33.4; Deut. 3.23; Exod.
18:11; Eccl. 9.5-6, 9:10; Job 7.9-10, 13:28, 14:1-2, 14:1-2, 10-12, 21; Prov
2:18-19; Eccl. 10:17, 17:27, 28, 30, 19.3, 44:9; wisdom 2:1-5

This is just a sampling of ridiculous Bible tales. The Bibles are obviously
a mixture of myths, fables, folklore and pure nonsense.

And these Bibles were dictated by God??? Then this God must be a demented
stumper <> writes:

>The Chief Instigator wrote:
>> "Gabriel" <> writes:
>>> On Apr 6, 11:35 am, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:


>>>> Been there; done that. Just some chapters in a book. Whoopie doo.

>>> See above.

>> Do as you say.

>>>>> Praise the Lord!

>>>> Whatever blows your dress up.

>>> I'm actually a guy. But this response is giving a poor impression
>>> about where you're coming from.

>> You're actually taking yourself seriously, and not very cognizant of the
>> idiom she used.

>>> Praise the Lord!

>> ...who obviously didn't give you enough common sense to keep your long nose
>> out of an atheist newsgroup. Braise the Lard! (a few minutes at about
>> 175