stumper <> writes:

>The Chief Instigator wrote:
>> "Gabriel" <> writes:

>>> On Apr 6, 12:30 pm, "JessHC" <> wrote:

>>>>> Praise the Lord!

>>>> In an atheism newsgroup? Which one do you suggest we "praise"?

>>> Ask your fellow atheist why he posted in our newsgroup. I was merely
>>> responding to this thread, and it was one of your friends that cross-
>>> posted it in bible and religious newsgroups. If you're bothered by
>>> hearing about Jesus Christ from non-atheists, I would take it up with
>>> your friend who put it in non-atheist newsgroups to begin with knowing
>>> this would happen. God Bless!

>> You're a Jeezoid, all right...if you're not being persecuted, you go out of
>> your way to ensure that someone attacks you. Maybe you should have
>> bothered to figure out how Usenet is organized before coming in to pat
>> yourself on the back.

>You are dragging people into alt.atheism by crossposting
>and complain to their ISP when they quote the Bible
>against your ridiculous charter.

Really? Where have I made a formal complaint? I just posted the abuse
address for YOUR activities.

>That's the most cowardly action I have seen on the Usenet.

I guess you were just delusional, as usual, when you pretended you were leaving...

Patrick "The Chief Instigator" Humphrey ( Houston, Texas (TCI's 2006-07 Houston Aeros) AA#2273
LAST GAME: Peoria 8, Houston 2 (April 3)
NEXT GAME: Friday, April 6 at Peoria, 7:35
stumper <> writes:

>The Chief Instigator wrote:
>> "Gabriel" <> writes:

>>> On Apr 6, 12:45 pm, Christopher A.Lee <> wrote:
>>>> On 6 Apr 2007 09:08:59 -0700, "Gabriel" <>
>>>> wrote:

>>>>> On Apr 6, 11:45 am, Christopher A.Lee <> wrote:

>>>>> [All the vicious hate of Christopher's sniped]

>>>> What "vicious hate", liar?

>>> If you're going to be so blind that you cannot even see the hateful
>>> remarks that make up most of your posts, you've already shown you are
>>> incapable of rational thought. You call someone a moron numerous
>>> times, which is clearly an obvious sign of hate, and then in response
>>> you say

>>>> What "vicious hate", liar?

>>> You make it abundantly clear you are currently incapable of rational
>>> discourse.

>> Stupidity becomes you, incompetent charlatan calling itself "Gabriel".

>>> I will pray for you and hope God touches your heart at some point in
>>> your life. The least you can do is start working on your hate --
>>> whether you believe in God or not, at the very least it's not healthy.
>>> Take care and God Bless!

>> Take your religious psychosis to some other newsgroups that care about it.
>> You're just a carbon copy of the other few hundred religious assholes who
>> came in to "save" us, and you'll finally figure out that you're giving the
>> finger to your book while pretending to be holy. (Wholly clueless is a
>> more apt description, in your case.)

>You are the one who is dragging people into your hell-hole
>instead of simply removing your alt.atheism from the header.

....and you, Seongchun Park, are too stupid to figure out how to post to the
newsgroups you desire to. That's your problem, Spanky.

Patrick "The Chief Instigator" Humphrey ( Houston, Texas (TCI's 2006-07 Houston Aeros) AA#2273
LAST GAME: Peoria 8, Houston 2 (April 3)
NEXT GAME: Friday, April 6 at Peoria, 7:35
"Gabriel" <> wrote in message
> On Apr 6, 12:30 pm, "JessHC" <> wrote:
>> Gabriel wrote:
>> > On Apr 6, 11:35 am, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
>> > > <> wrote in message

>> > > > Jesus performed miracles

>> > > Really? Prove it.

>> > It's in the Bible.

>> Oops, you lose. Too bad circular logic is a fallacy.

> I guess that means you're wrong when you claim George Washington was
> our first president. Prove it! Oh, it only says so in a book. Using
> your logic, that means nothing, and hence it must be wrong that George
> Washington was our first president (using your logic that is, as we
> have no real 'proof').

Get your head out of your imaginary gods ass and get an education.

It is believed that the foundation of the Christian religion, civilization
and morality is the Bibles. This is patently ridiculous because the Bibles
are nothing more than books of myths, fables, contradictions, human and
animal sacrifices, genocide, slaveholding, misogyny, destruction,
barbarisms, and impossible tales. They are not accurate history and
certainly are not the words of any god unless he is an insane and totally
untrustworthy monster. They are not even good fiction.

Religion based on the Bibles are a foundation of quicksand. There are NO
ORIGINALS in existence. Why would God not protect the originals? What are
available are copies of copies by unknown men of questionable veracity
biased by, and dependent on, their membership in the clergy. The originals
rotted and disappeared thousands of years ago. The Bibles were hand written
and recopied more than a thousand years before the invention of the printing
press. And of course we not only do not know what was in the originals but
they were also written and altered by errant biased men motivated to impress
their flock.

The Bibles are claimed to have been written by 56 or more unauthenticated
authors of questionable veracity over a period of several thousand years.

There are tons of physical verifiable ORIGINAL documents like newspapers,
books, government files, printed during Washingtons life, that accuratly
describe the life and accomplishments of Washington.

> But with the amount of hate you bring in all your posts, it's obvious
> you're not interested in rational discourse, as I've already pointed
> this example out and you ignore it only to spew insults.
> Good luck -- in the battle between me and your hate, your hate wins.
> But unfortunately, your hate will consume you as well. Your choice, of
> course. I will pray for you.
> Praise the Lord!
"duke" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 3 Apr 2007 14:59:00 -0400, "Bill M" <> wrote:
>>The simplest and most obvious evidence that there are no gods is the
>>existence of millions of atheists.

> Nah, that's just proof that the world is full of idiots.

Yes like the billions of god worshippers that can't even agree on which god
to worship!

> duke, American-American
> "The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
> Pope Paul VI
Like all typical Christians Pastor Dave relies on his imagination and
ancient myths and fables to prove the existence of his god.

And you counter with tons of factual objective verifiable evidence to
support your claims.

I'll vote with you Budikka666!

"Budikka666" <> wrote in message
On Apr 6, 2:13 am, Pastor Dave <> wrote:
[snip preamble]
> ...and the facts are that:
> 1) God did directly communicate His existence.
> Those that were atheists chose not to believe.

Another Standard Lie(TM) from Disaster Dave. That is, until and
unless Disaster Dave can support it with evidence.

Isn't it as hilarious as it is hypocritical as it is pathetic that
Disaster Dave sets himself up as God Almighty demanding evidence from
the evolutionists when there's quite literally mountains of it (from
which he runs and hides every time he's bitch-slapped with it), and
here he is making an assertion for which he can provide not an iota of
evidence or rationale, let alone proof. LoL!

> 2) Atheists dismiss the Bible as some ancient
> fairy tale. But what if this time was the time
> that Jesus came?

Never gonna happen, Disaster Dave. Read on:
Why the Holy Bible Lies #151 - Jesus lies about his return:
Mat.16:28 "Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which
shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his
(Amplified in Mar. 9:1 & Luk. 9:27)
Mat. 23:36 "Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon
this generation."
(Amplified in Mat. 24:34, Mar. 13:30, Luk. 17:25, Luk. 21:32)
So does Paul:
1 Cor. 7:29 "But this I say, brethren, the time is short: it
remaineth, that both they that have wives be as though they had none;"
1 The. 4:15 "For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we
which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not
prevent them which are asleep."

Some 2,000 years later, we're still waiting. This is the single most
serious indictment of the Bible. It's not the word of a person, but
purportedly the quoted words of the son-of-a-god. And he lied.

There's no ambiguity here. He was speaking of the generation then
alive. He was insisting that his return was imminent. According tot
he Bible itself, everyone at the time believed it. Paul preached it.
Look at this in Matthew 10:23: "But when they persecute you in this
city, flee ye into another: for verily I say unto you, Ye shall not
have gone over the cities of Israel till the Son of man be come."

That's Jesus himself again. Lying.

This is the most important story in scripture for the Christians.
It's the life of their savior. It was dictated by the Holy Spirit
according to the Bible:

"Men and brethren, this Scripture must needs have been fulfilled,
which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before..." (Act 1:16)

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for
doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in
righteousness:" (2Tim 3:16)

"For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy
men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." (2Pet 1:21)

Jerome insisted that, for example, the book of Romans was dictated by
the Holy Spirit through the Apostle Paul. Origen insisted that the
scriptures are not the creation of human beings. And Jesus insisted
in Matthew 22 that the Bible contained the direct words of this god

So it's supposed to be the most important communication ever given to
humanity, dictated by the Holy Spirit, yet here we are, finding errors
and lies galore. Why is that? Why does the Holy Bible lie? If it
truly is the word of an omniscient, omnipotent, loving god, dictated
to or inspired in people to record for posterity, why does it lie?
Why are there errors and mistakes?

Is it because this god is incompetent or uncaring? Is it because the
message really isn't that important - or isn't important any more? Or
does the Bible lie because it was not written by, nor inspired by, nor
dictated by any god or Jesus or Holy "Ghost", but is solely,
completely, and exclusively the invention of gullible, primitive
people who didn't know any better?

> Or even if God appeared
> with fire and a cloud of smoke and spoke
> to the people?

Like he ever did! LoL! Does the omniscient and omnipotent creator of
everything-from-nothing really cheapen himself with cheesy smoke-and-
no-mirrors theatrics?

> Let's say that many atheists
> were converted. What would happen to
> atheists who lived 2,000 years from now?
> They would say that the writings written
> today were a fairy tale and that any video
> shot was a fake.

That's because all the evidence points to the Bible being a fake when
it talks about the supernatural, Disaster Dave.

> Thus, what atheists want,
> is not a reasonable reason to believe in God.
> They want God to appear to each and every
> generation.

And he can't? Why is that, Disaster Dave? According to the Holy
Bible, he didn't have any trouble appearing on a regular basis in
person to the Israelites and the patriarchs.

But somewhere along the line, he went WHOOMPH! and completely
disappeared. Now he never appears to anyone no matter how desperate
they are. Why is that Dave? Is it because the unchanging god
changed? Or is it simply because it actually never happened except
in the backward, superstitious minds of Bible writers?

> And then, where is faith, that
> even atheists admit that we must have in
> loving relationships on Earth, but yet, won't
> even consider when it comes to God, which
> makes them nothing more than hypocrites!

Where's the evidence for this god? You're so fond of demanding the
evidence, nay proof, from evolutionists, so why is it when we ask the
same of you, YOU RUN AWAY ?

Remember back on September 13th 2005, Disaster Dave? Let me remind
you: You'd put out a challenge: "A Call For Proof of
Macroevolution" (which I met, providing 666 items of evidence and,
yes, many PROOFS of macroevolution).

You offered to discuss the evidence, and warned challengers to be
prepared to discuss the science, but when I turned up to discuss the
science YOU RAN AWAY . Remember that?

On Septermber 13th I spoofed your challenge and put out " A CALL FOR

Remember that, Disaster Dave? Yet despite my meeting your challenge
and providing 666 items of evidence (including proofs) and being ready
to discuss them, you RAN AWAY from my challenge without even
offering a sham of a pretence that you could support your little


> 3) If God appeared right now, they would chalk it up
> to either trickery, or mass hallucination, which btw,
> doesn't exist.

Where's your "proof" of that assertion, Disaster Dave?

> But you know what?

No! Go on! Tell Us!

> Instead of
> confessing that God exists, the atheists would
> claim that this event was proof that mass hallucination
> is a real event.

Prove the proof, we'll accept it. It really is that simple. As,
evidently, are you. Ask for it in prayer, Disaster Dave. The
mythical Jesus promised unconditionally that whatever you ask for in
prayer, he'll grant. Ask him to provide solid, incontrovertible,
scientific proof right here and now. Go on. I dare you. I double-
dare you.

> So what could we do to convince
> atheists that God is real? Nothing!

No, that's the answer to "what could we do to convince you of
macroevolution". Since 666 items of evidence including unarguable
proofs didn't convince you, what will, Disaster Dave? What would it
take to convince you that the Theory of Evolution has mountains of
evidence and is the only scientific theory which explains the
distribution and diversity of life on Earth?

Hey - did you ever come up with a definition of macroevolution?
remember that I asked you for one in your challenge thread so that we
would know what we would have to do to meet your challenge, AND YOU

> Their mind is set
> on disbelieving and even the appearance of God will
> not convince them!

No, that's you, vis-
On Apr 7, 11:24 am, "Bill M" <> wrote:
> Like all typical Christians Pastor Dave relies on his imagination and
> ancient myths and fables to prove the existence of his god.
> And you counter with tons of factual objective verifiable evidence to
> support your claims.
> I'll vote with you Budikka666!
> "Budikka666" <> wrote in message
> On Apr 6, 2:13 am, Pastor Dave <> wrote:
> [snip preamble]
> > ...and the facts are that:

> > 1) God did directly communicate His existence.
> > Those that were atheists chose not to believe.

> Another Standard Lie(TM) from Disaster Dave. That is, until and
> unless Disaster Dave can support it with evidence.
> Isn't it as hilarious as it is hypocritical as it is pathetic that
> Disaster Dave sets himself up as God Almighty demanding evidence from
> the evolutionists when there's quite literally mountains of it (from
> which he runs and hides every time he's bitch-slapped with it), and
> here he is making an assertion for which he can provide not an iota of
> evidence or rationale, let alone proof. LoL!
> > 2) Atheists dismiss the Bible as some ancient
> > fairy tale. But what if this time was the time
> > that Jesus came?

> Never gonna happen, Disaster Dave. Read on:
> Why the Holy Bible Lies #151 - Jesus lies about his return:
> Mat.16:28 "Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which
> shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his
> kingdom."
> (Amplified in Mar. 9:1 & Luk. 9:27)
> And:
> Mat. 23:36 "Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon
> this generation."
> (Amplified in Mat. 24:34, Mar. 13:30, Luk. 17:25, Luk. 21:32)
> So does Paul:
> 1 Cor. 7:29 "But this I say, brethren, the time is short: it
> remaineth, that both they that have wives be as though they had none;"
> And:
> 1 The. 4:15 "For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we
> which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not
> prevent them which are asleep."
> Some 2,000 years later, we're still waiting. This is the single most
> serious indictment of the Bible. It's not the word of a person, but
> purportedly the quoted words of the son-of-a-god. And he lied.
> There's no ambiguity here. He was speaking of the generation then
> alive. He was insisting that his return was imminent. According tot
> he Bible itself, everyone at the time believed it. Paul preached it.
> Look at this in Matthew 10:23: "But when they persecute you in this
> city, flee ye into another: for verily I say unto you, Ye shall not
> have gone over the cities of Israel till the Son of man be come."
> That's Jesus himself again. Lying.
> This is the most important story in scripture for the Christians.
> It's the life of their savior. It was dictated by the Holy Spirit
> according to the Bible:
> "Men and brethren, this Scripture must needs have been fulfilled,
> which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before..." (Act 1:16)
> "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for
> doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in
> righteousness:" (2Tim 3:16)
> "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy
> men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." (2Pet 1:21)
> Jerome insisted that, for example, the book of Romans was dictated by
> the Holy Spirit through the Apostle Paul. Origen insisted that the
> scriptures are not the creation of human beings. And Jesus insisted
> in Matthew 22 that the Bible contained the direct words of this god
> himself!
> So it's supposed to be the most important communication ever given to
> humanity, dictated by the Holy Spirit, yet here we are, finding errors
> and lies galore. Why is that? Why does the Holy Bible lie? If it
> truly is the word of an omniscient, omnipotent, loving god, dictated
> to or inspired in people to record for posterity, why does it lie?
> Why are there errors and mistakes?
> Is it because this god is incompetent or uncaring? Is it because the
> message really isn't that important - or isn't important any more? Or
> does the Bible lie because it was not written by, nor inspired by, nor
> dictated by any god or Jesus or Holy "Ghost", but is solely,
> completely, and exclusively the invention of gullible, primitive
> people who didn't know any better?
> > Or even if God appeared
> > with fire and a cloud of smoke and spoke
> > to the people?

> Like he ever did! LoL! Does the omniscient and omnipotent creator of
> everything-from-nothing really cheapen himself with cheesy smoke-and-
> no-mirrors theatrics?
> > Let's say that many atheists
> > were converted. What would happen to
> > atheists who lived 2,000 years from now?
> > They would say that the writings written
> > today were a fairy tale and that any video
> > shot was a fake.

> That's because all the evidence points to the Bible being a fake when
> it talks about the supernatural, Disaster Dave.
> > Thus, what atheists want,
> > is not a reasonable reason to believe in God.
> > They want God to appear to each and every
> > generation.

> And he can't? Why is that, Disaster Dave? According to the Holy
> Bible, he didn't have any trouble appearing on a regular basis in
> person to the Israelites and the patriarchs.
> But somewhere along the line, he went WHOOMPH! and completely
> disappeared. Now he never appears to anyone no matter how desperate
> they are. Why is that Dave? Is it because the unchanging god
> changed? Or is it simply because it actually never happened except
> in the backward, superstitious minds of Bible writers?
> > And then, where is faith, that
> > even atheists admit that we must have in
> > loving relationships on Earth, but yet, won't
> > even consider when it comes to God, which
> > makes them nothing more than hypocrites!

> Where's the evidence for this god? You're so fond of demanding the
> evidence, nay proof, from evolutionists, so why is it when we ask the
> same of you, YOU RUN AWAY ?
> Remember back on September 13th 2005, Disaster Dave? Let me remind
> you: You'd put out a challenge: "A Call For Proof of
> Macroevolution" (which I met, providing 666 items of evidence and,
> yes, many PROOFS of macroevolution).
> You offered to discuss the evidence, and warned challengers to be
> prepared to discuss the science, but when I turned up to discuss the
> science YOU RAN AWAY . Remember that?
> On Septermber 13th I spoofed your challenge and put out " A CALL FOR
> Remember that, Disaster Dave? Yet despite my meeting your challenge
> and providing 666 items of evidence (including proofs) and being ready
> to discuss them, you RAN AWAY from my challenge without even
> offering a sham of a pretence that you could support your little
> fantasy.
> > 3) If God appeared right now, they would chalk it up
> > to either trickery, or mass hallucination, which btw,
> > doesn't exist.

> Where's your "proof" of that assertion, Disaster Dave?
> > But you know what?

> No! Go on! Tell Us!
> > Instead of
> > confessing that God exists, the atheists would
> > claim that this event was proof that mass hallucination
> > is a real event.

> Prove the proof, we'll accept it. It really is that simple. As,
> evidently, are you. Ask for it in prayer, Disaster Dave. The
> mythical Jesus promised unconditionally that whatever you ask for in
> prayer, he'll grant. Ask him to provide solid, incontrovertible,
> scientific proof right here and now. Go on. I dare you. I double-
> dare you.
> > So what could we do to convince
> > atheists that God is real? Nothing!

> No, that's the answer to "what could we do to convince you of
> macroevolution". Since 666 items of evidence including unarguable
> proofs didn't convince you, what will, Disaster Dave? What would it
> take to convince you that the Theory of Evolution has mountains of
> evidence and is the only scientific theory which explains the
> distribution and diversity of life on Earth?
> Hey - did you ever come up with a definition of macroevolution?
> remember that I asked you for one in your challenge thread so that we
> would know what we would have to do to meet your challenge, AND YOU
> > Their mind is set
> > on disbelieving and even the appearance of God will
> > not convince them!

> No, that's you, vis-
Bill M wrote:
> The simplest and most obvious evidence that there are no gods is the actual
> existence of millions of atheists.
> If a god existed that was mean and intolerant it would simply kill the
> atheists and send them to his Hell.
> If a loving and caring god existed it would it would directly communicate
> his existence, wishes and commands to the atheists to convince them of its
> existence. No loving and caring god would keep himself hidden causing the
> atheists to spend eternity in his Hell.

You should be hung.
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 19:10:14 -0700, White Wille <>

>Bill M wrote:
>> The simplest and most obvious evidence that there are no gods is the actual
>> existence of millions of atheists.
>> If a god existed that was mean and intolerant it would simply kill the
>> atheists and send them to his Hell.
>> If a loving and caring god existed it would it would directly communicate
>> his existence, wishes and commands to the atheists to convince them of its
>> existence. No loving and caring god would keep himself hidden causing the
>> atheists to spend eternity in his Hell.

>You should be hung.

He is.
White Wille wrote:
> Bill M wrote:
> > The simplest and most obvious evidence that there are no gods is the actual
> > existence of millions of atheists.
> >
> > If a god existed that was mean and intolerant it would simply kill the
> > atheists and send them to his Hell.
> >
> > If a loving and caring god existed it would it would directly communicate
> > his existence, wishes and commands to the atheists to convince them of its
> > existence. No loving and caring god would keep himself hidden causing the
> > atheists to spend eternity in his Hell.

> You should be hung.

For pointing out how evil your deity is?
Pastor Dave ran from my challenge - again! He's all mouth when he
doesn't have to support what he says, but when you put him in the hot
seat, all he does is yell "Ouch!".

I provided the evidence he asked for - the evidence on which he
claimed he could discuss the science, and he ran from the evidence I
supplied and the discussion I offered.

I asked him to provide the same level of evidence for his religious
beliefs that he demands of the evolutionists (who have provided quite
ltierally mountains of evidence for the Theory of Evolution), and he
even ran from that.

Thanks for proving evolution, Pastor Dave. Thanks for evolving from a
jackass to a chicken right before our eyes. No surprises there.

On Apr 3, 7:19 pm, "flightlessvacuum" <>
> On Apr 4, 8:28 am, "rbwinn" <> wrote:
> > What about a God who sent his only Begotten Son to die for the sins of
> > atheists?

> It's a sin to think?

In no way shape or form is it a sin to think. God wants us to look at
everything he has created and examine it. He would have made a
boring, bland, slab of rock if he didn't want us to think. He wants
us to be creative like him, he wants us to have relationships(the true
reason he made man was to have relationships), we wants us to come to
him like a son/daughter to a father, not because they have to and he
beats them until they do so. Because of love.

I used to be aetheist, I used to think that evolution was cold hard
fact, (its not, far from it actually) and that any loving God would
either show up at my door and tell me He loved me or would squash me
for irreverance. Then I realized He was talking to me, I just chose
to ignore Him. Everyday He is talking to you guiding you to do things
and to think differently, its up to you to hear Him. He gives us a
choice whether to come to Him and ask for forgiveness for the things
we did wrong, or to sit in them pouting and crying about what a
horrible God He is because He let something bad happen to me.

Open your hearts, look at the world around you. The beauty that He
created for us, for you. Ask him in the truest form to infiltrate
your life, do it with all sincerity, its o.k. to be sceptical. He has
already sent Jesus to pay for your sins, (who by the way was not
murdered by His father but people like us), and he had to die as a
sacrifice for all of us. The penalty of sin is death, as said in
Genesis. He died a physical death so that we would not have to die a
spiritual death. Now all you have to do is receive the gift he has
waiting for you. Salvation!
On Apr 5, 5:44 pm, "SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim" <>
> > wrote:
> >> > God did not send Jesus to die. God sent Jesus to overcome death which
> >> > he did. There is a fundamental difference here.

> >> so, are you saying that the christian god is completely ****ing useless
> >> and
> >> couldn't have just waved his magic wand and overcome death without
> >> someone
> >> dying?

> > How would you rise from the dead without dying first?

> why did jesus have to be sent and then to die to overcome death? why didn't
> the SUPPOSED ALL-POWERFUL god just wave his magic wand and instantly say
> "all death is overcome".

Jesus didn't die to overcome death. Jesus was sent as the sacrifice
to pay the penalty for sin. Genesis says that God told Adam the
penalty for eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil would be
certain death. That is so deep this board can't handle it, but the
penalty for sin is death. Jesus paid that price, he spent a couple
days in hell for us. He also was pure and had no sin therefore hell
could not hold him and he rose again. That would be the ressurection,
not easter. Easter is for pegans who want to be more fertile and
multiply like rabbits :).

God could have waved the magic wand but it would have lost all meaning
and significance. There wouldn't have been an actually payment for
sin. On this day almost 2000 years ago my sin ways paid for, so was
yours. There is a gift He wants to give to you, its your salvation
and a wonderful realtionship with the Creator of all things. All you
have to do is choose to accept it, asking God to forgive you for your
sins, or choices that have separated you from Him, and truely
understanding that Jesus paid your penalty. Its something to be
greatly thankful for, I know I am. God bless you, I truely hope you
come to understand and love what He has done for you.
On 8 Apr 2007 07:01:42 -0700, wrote:

>On Apr 3, 7:19 pm, "flightlessvacuum" <>
>> On Apr 4, 8:28 am, "rbwinn" <> wrote:
>> > What about a God who sent his only Begotten Son to die for the sins of
>> > atheists?

>> It's a sin to think?

>In no way shape or form is it a sin to think. God wants us to look at
>everything he has created and examine it. He would have made a

Prove it, moron.

[rest of this question-begging stupidity deleted]

Can't you assholes say anything without preaching?
<> wrote in message
> On Apr 3, 7:19 pm, "flightlessvacuum" <>
> wrote:
>> On Apr 4, 8:28 am, "rbwinn" <> wrote:
>> > What about a God who sent his only Begotten Son to die for the sins of
>> > atheists?

>> It's a sin to think?

> In no way shape or form is it a sin to think. God wants us to look at
> everything he has created and examine it. He would have made a
> boring, bland, slab of rock if he didn't want us to think. He wants
> us to be creative like him, he wants us to have relationships(the true
> reason he made man was to have relationships), we wants us to come to
> him like a son/daughter to a father, not because they have to and he
> beats them until they do so. Because of love.
> I used to be aetheist, I used to think that evolution was cold hard
> fact, (its not, far from it actually) and that any loving God would
> either show up at my door and tell me He loved me or would squash me
> for irreverance. Then I realized He was talking to me, I just chose
> to ignore Him. Everyday He is talking to you guiding you to do things
> and to think differently, its up to you to hear Him.

You have a real psychotic problem. Go see a good psychiatrist.

He gives us a
> choice whether to come to Him and ask for forgiveness for the things
> we did wrong, or to sit in them pouting and crying about what a
> horrible God He is because He let something bad happen to me.
> Open your hearts, look at the world around you. The beauty that He
> created for us, for you. Ask him in the truest form to infiltrate
> your life, do it with all sincerity, its o.k. to be sceptical. He has
> already sent Jesus to pay for your sins, (who by the way was not
> murdered by His father but people like us), and he had to die as a
> sacrifice for all of us. The penalty of sin is death, as said in
> Genesis. He died a physical death so that we would not have to die a
> spiritual death. Now all you have to do is receive the gift he has
> waiting for you. Salvation!
Budikka666 wrote:
> Pastor Dave ran from my challenge - again! He's all mouth when he
> doesn't have to support what he says, but when you put him in the hot
> seat, all he does is yell "Ouch!".
> I provided the evidence he asked for - the evidence on which he
> claimed he could discuss the science, and he ran from the evidence I
> supplied and the discussion I offered.
> I asked him to provide the same level of evidence for his religious
> beliefs that he demands of the evolutionists (who have provided quite
> ltierally mountains of evidence for the Theory of Evolution), and he
> even ran from that.
> Thanks for proving evolution, Pastor Dave. Thanks for evolving from a
> jackass to a chicken right before our eyes. No surprises there.
> Budikka

Next week you have to step up a notch and debate evolution with a rock.
The easy days are over.
On Apr 8, 1:46 pm, "Mike Painter" <> wrote:
> Budikka666 wrote:
> > Pastor Dave ran from my challenge - again! He's all mouth when he
> > doesn't have to support what he says, but when you put him in the hot
> > seat, all he does is yell "Ouch!".

> > I provided the evidence he asked for - the evidence on which he
> > claimed he could discuss the science, and he ran from the evidence I
> > supplied and the discussion I offered.

> > I asked him to provide the same level of evidence for his religious
> > beliefs that he demands of the evolutionists (who have provided quite
> > ltierally mountains of evidence for the Theory of Evolution), and he
> > even ran from that.

> > Thanks for proving evolution, Pastor Dave. Thanks for evolving from a
> > jackass to a chicken right before our eyes. No surprises there.

> > Budikka

> Next week you have to step up a notch and debate evolution with a rock.
> The easy days are over.

Nice one! LoL! Can we get St. Peter to respond, do you suppose?

Budikka wrote:
> On Apr 5, 5:44 pm, "SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim" <>
> wrote:
> > > wrote:
> > >> > God did not send Jesus to die. God sent Jesus to overcome death which
> > >> > he did. There is a fundamental difference here.

> >
> > >> so, are you saying that the christian god is completely ****ing useless
> > >> and
> > >> couldn't have just waved his magic wand and overcome death without
> > >> someone
> > >> dying?
> > > How would you rise from the dead without dying first?

> >
> > why did jesus have to be sent and then to die to overcome death? why didn't
> > the SUPPOSED ALL-POWERFUL god just wave his magic wand and instantly say
> > "all death is overcome".

> Jesus didn't die to overcome death. Jesus was sent as the sacrifice
> to pay the penalty for sin. Genesis says that God told Adam the
> penalty for eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil would be
> certain death. That is so deep this board can't handle it, but the
> penalty for sin is death. Jesus paid that price, he spent a couple
> days in hell for us. He also was pure and had no sin therefore hell
> could not hold him and he rose again. That would be the ressurection,
> not easter. Easter is for pegans who want to be more fertile and
> multiply like rabbits :).

So he didn't actually die; he just took a short vacation.

> God could have waved the magic wand but it would have lost all meaning
> and significance. There wouldn't have been an actually payment for
> sin. On this day almost 2000 years ago my sin ways paid for, so was
> yours. There is a gift He wants to give to you, its your salvation
> and a wonderful realtionship with the Creator of all things. All you
> have to do is choose to accept it, asking God to forgive you for your
> sins, or choices that have separated you from Him, and truely
> understanding that Jesus paid your penalty. Its something to be
> greatly thankful for, I know I am. God bless you, I truely hope you
> come to understand and love what He has done for you.

So god pretending to die was payment to god for the behaviour of the
creatures he created behaving as he made them, but waving a magic wand
would have been insignificant? And we're supposed to be grateful for
being extorted to worship him?
"Mike" <> wrote in message
> On Apr 3, 4:28 pm, "rbwinn" <> wrote:
>> What about a God who sent his only Begotten Son to die for the sins of
>> atheists?

> Oh ho. Sins of atheists you say? So you are a religious crank as
> well as an antirelativity crank. Why am I unsurprised to learn this?

That from and anti-religious "crank" posting to mostly religious NGs?

Posted via a free Usenet account from
"Bill M" <> wrote in message
> The simplest and most obvious evidence that there are no gods is the
> actual existence of millions of atheists.

There are millions of deaf and blind people also, and atheists are deaf
and blind to the truth. There is no "god" of your definition, and we are all
agreed on that.
Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) and we KNOW love and have
SEEN love in Him who died in our stead on the cross of Calvary. There is no
more eloquent communication of God than that, and which is far more
convincing than mere words, though words seem to be what you are looking
Your "god" is an invisible old man in the sky, who doesn't exist, ...a
mere straw man atheists love to trash uselessly and with wild abandon.

Posted via a free Usenet account from
Pastor Frank wrote:
> "Bill M" <> wrote in message
> news:q6yQh.29385$
> >
> > The simplest and most obvious evidence that there are no gods is the
> > actual existence of millions of atheists.
> >

> There are millions of deaf and blind people also, and atheists are deaf
> and blind to the truth. There is no "god" of your definition, and we are all
> agreed on that.
> Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) and we KNOW love and have
> SEEN love in Him who died in our stead on the cross of Calvary. There is no
> more eloquent communication of God than that, and which is far more
> convincing than mere words, though words seem to be what you are looking
> for.
> Your "god" is an invisible old man in the sky, who doesn't exist, ...a
> mere straw man atheists love to trash uselessly and with wild abandon.

We can only comment on what the theists tell us of their delusion,
Frank, since there's no actual evidence on which to comment. That you
disagree with the vast majority of other theists asserting the same
deity is just all the more amusing.