So Minutes To Midnight finally leaked..


Oh Guys it's a hard decision.We know, every true fan shouldn't download it but..We all want to hear it.But it's not bad when we download it but still buy the album.Don't care.We Can't do anything.Everyone who searches right will find the link.The album will still get the number one of the album charts.I'm sure;)
I think the people that didnt like the album will like it more when they make videos for it and start playing it on the radios and stuff
"true fans dont download it"

c'mon guys! ill buy the ****in album anyway!!! and its not sayin that im not a true lp fan if i download it...

ps: im not sayint that if you're not buying it that your not a fan or something...
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ya and the album wont get to africa till ike a month after released so i will downlaod it too
but i have decided to buy this album long before ive heard WID and i will NEVER change my mind even if it did have a ft. Shakira track on it :p
doesent look like MTM will reach even to top 1o of the billboard top album sales :<
even on lpu alot of people are saying the album sux :\
I just can say...

still buy it to support the artist

a lot of people have already pre-ordered matter what...they'll reach nr.1 for sure
arent you just the picture perfect LP fan....

thats what you get for downloading and setting yourself up for dissapointment by thinking LP will just regurgitate Metora/HT sounds

do the band a favor, dont download, you are a) not supporting the band, and b) with peterdeas comments, its only gonna drive potential fans or current fans to think twice about buying the album, negative comments...BEFORE the official release of the album will not bode well for album sales, so if youve heard the album that youve illegally downloaded before the actual release, KEEP YOUR ****ING MOUTH SHUT
Hazi[LP]Tonz;484977 said:
arent you just the picture perfect LP fan....

thats what you get for downloading and setting yourself up for dissapointment by thinking LP will just regurgitate Metora/HT sounds

do the band a favor, dont download, you are a) not supporting the band, and b) with peterdeas comments, its only gonna drive potential fans or current fans to think twice about buying the album, negative comments...BEFORE the official release of the album will not bode well for album sales, so if youve heard the album that youve illegally downloaded before the actual release, KEEP YOUR ****ING MOUTH SHUT
and im gonna say it as many times as i god damned want to! you cant tell me to shut up just because i dont like the album. yeah i downloaded it before the release, but whats difference between downloading it now, and downloading it after the release? there is none!
Im trying to find just the song Given Up, could someone PM me just that song in MP3 format. Im not downloading this whole album but since ive heard given up live lik 435456 times Im curious to check out the studio version.