The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
you should get them tattood in a star shape on your shoulder :D i don't even know if it's possible, but it sounds cute, right? let us know, i have a fetish for tattoos (no, don't have any, but in 1 month i'm allowed to get one without parents' permission ;) )

edit: you guys are mean! rav is the only one who remotely said "I love you too" :( :( allison, hil and ruth don't love thelea :( :(



New member
Awww I love you Thelea!!!!!*hugs* I LOVE YOU ALLLLL!!!!!*spreads the love*

haha....Im glad I made you laugh rav...its fun to let your imagination run wild once in a while...haha, lots of good thoughts cam come out of times like that...*daydreams about ***-Mas with rob*

Hahaha....Rob and a Christmas tree!I have no idea why, but I found that extremly funny...oh dear. But its is kinda early to be thinking about Christmas...well not really early...bah nevermind. Though theres still another month and a half...Augh...I hate shopping for gifts.

I <3 tattoos!!!!!! I really want one but parents...ya know? Well that and Im quite young yet.



New member

But of course, y'all already knew that... and if you didn't, means you haven't been in here enough, huh? *grins* Nah, spreading the love too. All love, all the time. That's the CoB difference... hehehe.

Rob and a Christmas tree funny? *raises eyebrow* Okaaaay. I'm assuming because he's a Red-Sea-Pedestrian right? (Jewish, if I know my Monty Python lingo :D Sorry, was watching 'Life of Brian' earlier today, classic English comedy from the late 70's. MP rocks! Man, showing my age, now huh? *oops!*) Ahhh it's all good.

Yeah, I sometimes wonder what the rich 'n famous do over the holidays, I know they're really like us 'normal' people (except richer, and so forth, or so they'd have us believe! *laughs*) so probably all the things we do, but I wonder on little things like; what they do on their weekends/days off? Do they vaccuum their own floors/wash their own dishes/cars/change their own toilet roll holders and so forth? What's the first thing they do on Xmas morning? What are their family traditions? What music do they listen to when they're happy/sad/bored etc? What do they think of/tell themselves when they first look in the mirror every morning? *sigh* Yeah, all deep and meaningful, like, but I wonder... Like, I wonder what Rob was thinking during the exact moment that previous pic next to the Xmas tree was thinking... '***, this sucks. I wish I was at the beach right now. What the **** is she looking at? ****** press... *sigh* :rolleyes:

As for Xmas shopping - I hate the crowds. Man, that's the worst! Luckily, I have paid off a few presents through the year using the Chrisco Christmas club, so my Mum, Stepdad, brother and his finace are all done, around $600 later may I add. Oh well, thank *** it's only once a year... unless you're a yuppie, but we've had that conversation before too, so... yeah.

As for the tats, grand idea; a star! I was thinking about getting it on my *** but the notion makes me laugh a little. I remember reading an interview from Rob where he said he refuses to sign anyone's *******/buttocks etc because that's someone's (16yr old) daughter and he'd be horrified if that were his daughter flashing her breast in such a way, so yeah... Imagine his face at a meet and greet when I rock up and go, 'No thanks, I already have your signature... wanna see it?' And then proceed to pull down my dacks for the whole band to see and laugh at! Mad! *laughs insanely*

I do already have a few tats, coincidentally I have a blue shooting star in my innerleft wrist, a 3-headed dragon celtic-ish wristband on my right, a black celtic sun on my upper right arm and a black celtic cross on my right ankle (yes, a theme or two there, I know). I also have a green and red dragon on my left breast... that's my baby, but I've had it for like 2 or so years now, so no biggie, really. I also have my nose pierced (right hand side) and my lip (aka, early Chaz-influence) and my top, middle and lobe of right ear (just one on my left), so I'm all over the shop, really. Rebellion was never my bag, baby (too much Austin Powers?) but as I got older I appreciated the fine art of body modification somewhat. Tattoos are addictive, let me tell you that much. Literally, you cannot stop at one. It's awesome, the beauty, the pleasure, the pain... it's awesome, I totally reccomend it. But having said that, BE SURE the design you chose is really what you want. I went through a period of literally drawing proposed designs on myself to get used to the idea and often changed my mind about them, but I could wash them off and reconsider. Trust me, though, it's great. People ask 'does it hurt?' To answer that honestly, in a word; yes. But it depends what you can tolerate and where you're gonna get it. Anyway, LONG conversation in itself... I'll tell you more about that later. I'm wrestling with my cats at the moment (they're both on my lap as I type this so it's a bit mad at the mo, sorry!)

Well, take care guys, *big Bourdie bear hugs* TTYL,





New member
Wow...talking about body art. On that sims thingy that's supposed to be you, I think I saw a lip-ring, but I thought meh..maybe you're just making yourself how you want to be or something haha, but it's awesome that you have all of that! I heard that tattoo's are addictive, but I always get the feeling that you become somewhat of a *********. Seriously...pleasure in pain? You don't even know where the pleasure stops and the pain begins and vice versa lol.

I think piercings or addictive. No..I KNOW piercings are addictive. I wanna become a tattoo/piercing artist, that's my dream, but I got told that it'd be better to do that as a hobby. Which is fine by me :)

THANK YOU HILL!!! *squeezy huggg* :D you're the shiznit!! <33



New member
"I love you Thelea!!" :D

Awww X-mas Rob <3

Wow, tattoos... I could never have a tattoo- too painful for wussy old me :p And I also don't think I could have anything else pierced (already have the standard ear peircings)



New member
THELEA!!!!! thats from Chicago!!!!! Mr. Cellophane!!! (im talking about the little quote in your sig btw...) I fricken love that movie!! ack....


New member
yes yes yes yesss!! LMAO! it IS from Chicago and that's my favorite movie (next to Saw and Donnie Darko) and that's my favorite song in the movie :D .

I heart poor Amos.



New member
Hello again! *hugs - spreading the love, CoB style* :D

I must admit, I haven't seen Chicago, Donnie Darko or Saw (and feel like I've lived a somewhat sheltered existence up to this point, so I can see) so you'll have to forgive my ignorance with regards to these films. The head chef at work Nate has been raving on about Donnie Darko all week (last week, my working week is different to the regular working week) and seems to be a tad obsessed over it - the music and stuff. I should see it but have no means to do so yet (owe too much money at video store from last place I lived in - oops!) and Saw I'd wanted to see since it's release here ages ago, but just never got around to it. See Saw 2 is coming out? Well, you probably already have it, but it's only just been released here in Australia (this week I think) so now I'm gonna have to see them both and get into the swing of things.


Started watching The Island of Doctor Maureau last night with Val Kilmer and Marlon Brando in it (on TV) but couldn't get into it. Played Sims for the first time in a week *gasp!* then crawled in to bed at like 4am to read and crawled out again at 12, lunch time. Life's good huh? *laughs* Last day off, back to the rigmarole tomorrow... *groan*

Hey, here's a thought. If you were to typecast Rob into a movie role, what movie would it be and what character would he play, and why? I'm asking out of curiosity. Anyone remember the late singer/songwriter Jeff Buckley who drowned in 1997 *sob* He was asked once to do a cameo in the movie 'The mirror has two faces' staring Barbara Streisand, but turned it down, citing that his music was more important. Bless the man. Such talent. What a loss. :(

Well, take care guys. *big Bourdie Bear hugs* as always. Hope you're all having great days/nights/lives, hehehe... be good. If you can't be good, be good at 'it'. And if all else fails, just be yourself. TTYL,


(Edit: Found this amusing, so thought I'd share it with y'all. Over at MTS2 a creator has uploaded the LP - ITE video for the Sims to play/watch in game on their tv's. How much does that rock??? As it is I already have LP characters - of course - LP posters, bedding, Rob's drumkit, their music playing on stereo, and their skatewear clothes, so THIS has just made my day... *laughs fit to kill herself* How dope is that? Rob on TV... I must be psychic... hehehe) :D

Peace out.



New member
thanks for the WB. I can tell you theres no place like home. (clicks ruby slippers) ok ok enough of that. I think the pic of rob and the tree is awesome. the tallywacker idea is hilarious XD not that I would mind (drool) I'm making it a point to try and return every so often that I dont collect dust and what not. but.... I think my little sister is getting a crush on Rob that was so unexpected. but a nice choice. well big burdon hugs to everyone .




New member
Hmm... Rob in a movie. I see Rob as a kind of silent killer, so I'd probably put him as some lone serial killer. Hmm... *thinks* I've not seen many horror films.. erm... I dunno, but I'd put him as a crafty genious lone serial killer ^.^


New member
*laughs @ Phi's sister* Yeah, I understand that. Remembering that I was chaz's gal for four years before I 'suddenly' awoke to the Bourdon Briliance... yup, just literally like that *snaps fingers* Yeah, agreed, good choice. Rob rocks. Naturally. Else I would'nt be here so 'religiously', huh? :D

*laughs again @ Black_Angel* I think that's just perfect. XD He is the quiet type and it's the quiet one's you've gotta watch or so they say. I bet he's got a vicious temper too when provoked, but something tells me you'd really have to push him relentlessly to get a reaction, he's probably more inclined to shake his head and walk away from a mouthful of abuse before he lashed out in any form I'd think. (It's the Capricorn crede, trust me, my brother and step father are both Astrological goats and I know how frustrating they can be!)Having said that, I can so totally see Rob playing a psychopath in a movie. He'd be very good at it too. The 'look,' it's that perpetual frown man, *shudders* beautifully savage. *drools* Not to mention it doesn't hurt he's built like a brick sh*thouse, six and a half feet up and three across, big gentle giant that he is... *swoons* *** he's lovely.

As for an actual 'character' in a movie? Hmmm... *thinks long and hard*

That's a very hard quest. He's not the Arigorn type and I don't see him in a Bruce Willis type movie, either, so looking at 'darker' films maybe he'd be good in a 'High Crimes' type movie. Was that the one with Ashlee Judd in it? He could pull off the executive type for his good legit front and be the menacing stalking psychopath lurking in the victims' garden when he gets all pumped up, like he does on stage. Man, that alone would be enough to make me scared. *** ****, he's gorgeous... *laughs* Rob's a hot tomale.

Amusingly enough though, and I think I've mentioned this once or twice before, but he'd also look good in a period piece. Namely a religiously themed period piece, like, dare I utter it, a Jesus movie. Now I'm not religious, but when Rob gets all Lumber-jackie ;P both he and Brad look frighteningly 'archaic.' I can just see it, them both robed up in sandals following the Messiah all over the countryside... Yep, Rob would make a good Messiah, maybe even one of the Romans that persecuted said son-of-***? *s******s*

Forgive me, I've been 'studying' Judaism the last few days for my latest LP fanfic, part 2 (technically 3) to the last epic I penned, a romantic/erotic drama called 'Somewhere I Belong' in collaboration with ex-LPFer JammerG. Anyway, I'm not converting, not by a long shot, but I do have a newfound respect for their beliefs. It makes more sense in a lot of aspects than the Catholocism I was 'raised near.' Well, I'll get over it. But it's a heavy read. So's the story. *sob* Anyway...

As for the psychopath pose; check this out for a picture... XD

Or this;

or this well known one;

*shudders* Man, makes me freak... he does look evil... but still... *wipes chin*

And a 'Jesus' one? Sheesh... Brad's easier to envision, but if you use your imagination, try this...

or maybe;

****, anything with a beard really. *laughs* He's got that rugged look downpat. Bless the big guy.

Okay, that's enough for one day. *Big Bourdie Bear hugs*

Take care guys, be good etc. Hope y'all enjoyed the drooling session, now go rehydrate yourselves before the next imminent drooling session :D .



Do they vaccuum their own floors?
That reminded me of Scary movie...and Dewy (sp?) is like "Don't distrub me when I'm cleaning my room" heheheh :S:S:S ewww

I LOVE YOU THELEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at the 'Jesus' Rob...that should be the picture outside of CoB... ;) if you get my drift

Man, speeking of CoB, a girl in my year had a T-Shirt (I only saw it from the back) but it said CoB!!!! I stared for about half an was a cool T shirt...nothing to do with Rob though :(



New member
i can totally see Rob in that type of role. silent but deadly. reminds me of a fart in an elevator. (remind any one of anything) but i can see him as playing the dude from one story I red about a silent mass murder or yeah the silent crazy guy. (the hot crazy guy might I add.)

I have to agree with Rav on the temper thing though. After having three brothers and three sisters, it takes alot to get under my sking but I have a temper if you keep nit picking again and again. He does seem to me like the kind of guy to just shake his head and walk away. That just makes him more loveable. Its sweet kind of. (atleast I think so) well bye for now




New member
Omg he looks ****** scary in those pics o_O And in the first one it looks like hes posing for his prison convict photo (or whatever they're called). Major droolage at the last pic though...

Wow Ruth thats so cool ^.^ You should totally steal her shirt lmao



New member
*feels soooo loved by everyone saying that they love me :D :D :D ...BIG HUGE squishy hug for you guys* hey rav...have you seen Donnie Darko yet? if you are, you should have atleast 24 hours to watch it. i had to watch it 3 times in order to actually GET the **** movie and i really really can't explain it :p .

what? we're talking about rob being in a movie? *huge smile* well, that's an image i can keep myself busy on.



New member
Hey guys!

Hey, love you Thelea! *laughs* Everyone else is saying it! *cough* sheep *cough* Hehehe...

Rusu, that cracked me up, the whole "Don't disturb me when I'm cleaning my room!" thing.... *laughs* Though something tells me maybe Rob as a teenager may have actually said something along those lines once in a while, hehehe... And the whole Jesus pic out front of the CoB thing; yup, I agree, if I get creative I might splice together a few images and see if I can 'recreate' Rob's image more suitably to this theme *evil s******* Should be good for a laugh.

The CoB tee-shirt thing would have been freaky... wow... I'd almost forgotten about Phi ages ago I think it was tossing about plans to actually draft up something more official, so to see it, even when it doesn't actually pertain to 'us' collectively would have been freaky, if any of that makes sense? *raises a sceptical brow*

*Bursts out laughing @ Phi's fart in an elevator gag... literally!*

Man, that just cracked me up! And the temper thing, yeah, agreed, it's sweet to think he appears the kind of guy (mind you, this is all purely conjecture as I've no idea) to not just blow up and be all hot-tempered like many guys I know who react first then think later. Dumb. But you know the old adage; it takes a bigger man to walk away than to stay and fight? I'd like to think that has some merit. And let's face it, have you seen Robbie lately? He's a big (not fat but brauny) man... don't get much bigger, hey? *grins* He's a sweety. Looks like a mean motherf... but I reckon inside he's like a big kitten... look at his smile sometimes, you can just tell... *awww* :rolleyes:

Black_Angel, prison pose looks appropriate. Hadn't thought about that before! *laughs* Very perceptive. Another good point; he could play a 'wrongly' convicted man in a jail movie, where he's all sweet and innocent (or appears) to begin with but as time progresses turns out to be a right-royal psychopath, that just needs the right button pushed if y'all get my drift... yeah... classic thriller there... hehehe

And brokenangel, no I have not yet seen the movie. I owe too much money at the video store so until there's another fine amnesty I probably won't be able to, either! *chuckles* Bad Rav, bad Rav! But I've taken your advice on board... I feel I have to watch it now, I'm intrigued, but when I get the chance I'll do my best to 'absorb' what I can. Make no promises tho! :D

Hey, anyone picture Rob in a romantic comedy? *laughs* It may be possible... he's got a loveable geek side. But he'd have to be cast well. Not so much a Harry met Sally thing, maybe... I dunno... more... *looks vague* Heck, I never said romanic comedies were my cup of tea! But still... I can see a forum full of women wanting to play the female supporting role opposite him, huh? *evil smirk* Go ahead, but I'll direct. And I get first dibs on the casting couch! *laughs manically* I'm so disgusting at times... hehehe

Well, take care guys. *big Bourdie Bear hugs* Who knows, maybe one day at a meet and greet one of us may actually get to recieve a real one, huh? *sigh* One day. Love to all,





New member
Hi guys!!!!! I'm sorry for my inactivty, i hope you haven't forgotten meee!!! >.<

It's school, BLAME THE SCHOOL. .. I've been kind of lacklluster and machine-like anyway lately... so I haven't been myself... >.>;;

I missed yall tho!

aww, that's a cute Idea Rav ^_^, I'd be interested in playing a mivor roll ^_^;; because I'm lame like that lol,

well, much love to you guys!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs and Bourdie cookies* <3



New member
Hmm..I missed a bit didnt I.


hehe....sorry for the caps, I just needed to get the point across. But Donnie Darko is my all time favorite movie! I <3 Jake Gyllenhaal! hehe...not as much as Rob, or any of the LP guys for that matter but yeah...still a hot mama...dada.. hot dada. That dosent sound right. meh

As for movie rolls...hmmm...maybe the charactor that lurks in dark shadowy corners, and randomly sneezes. Heh...yeah. Dark and shadowy, so I can sneak up on him...and rape his soul. Hehehehehehehehehehehehehe. No no. Thats not right. So I can walk up to him, and have a nice civilized conversation over tea, that just randomly appeared in the dark shadowy corner...yeah. ook... I think Im gonna stop now.

OH! Harry Potters coming out on Friday!!! wOOOOOOOOOt!

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