The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
Farts in the shower stink...don't do it :S
o_O ...heh...ok...hehe...your awesome ruth...and so is everybody else! (just so nobody feels left out)

I lurve the sig Lea...Mind if I call you Lea? I need a sig as you may be able to tell.

Oh...and its good to see you active again Twi! :D



New member
...farts in the shower... raping his soul...? WTF???

Hehehe... man, you guys just crack me up! I love comin in here and having a laugh, that's always guaranteed... sometimes, Hehehe. :(


But yeah, new Rob sig, that's the way to go. I'd love one of those moving video in pic sigs, but I'm just not that clever. Standard pic sigs I can do... I just never change it, that's all *grins* Cause that's a cute face and I just melt when I see it... *looks at her own sig and drools* Pathetic, huh? Ah, Idontgivashit... hehehe

Have been listening a lot to Fort Minor's new album lately, The Rising Tied. Man, it rocks. I have to say it, I'm impressed. I'll be interested to see how much of an influence this has on LP's next in-production album. Where'd you go is a beautiful song, I've said it. Yup. I can beleive that Anna cries when she hears it, it makes me misty too and I can't even relate to what she or Lyndsay or Talinda or Susan or whomever the LP guys are dating go through when the guys go on tour for 11/12+ months a year. Man, talk about hard. Anyway... it rocks. Really. Go listen, it's all good! Kenji and Highroad also brilliant. Check 'em out, y'all!

Well, got slack and took the night off work tonight! *uh-oh!* Nah, I have one more day then I get two days off anyway, but I just needed a break, the long nights are killing me... I'm getting old, you'll have to excuse the old girl here *laughs* plus I'm so into my latest fic that I'm kinda at the obsessed point. Must be, haven't played sims for a bit now. For anyone that remembers the old sims (sims 1) a talented artist over at MTS2 (the other website I frequent as much as this place) called Melly_Sim is recreating that old neighbourhood from old town, hot date, unleashed, superstar, making magic etc. Very, very awesome. But for now I just write and listen to Fort Minor. And LP's Rock am Ring 04. Man, Rob so rocks on that concert it aint funny. Is is droolworthy. *licks the tv screen then coughs as she chokes on the dust* Hehehe... take that Mr Bourdon... :rolleyes:

Heya Twi! WB *hugs*

Hiya Hil, Thelea, Ruth, *** **** it, I can never remember everyone's REAL names *feels bad* I'm confused enough with having two active names at work, three if you count my lesser known 'nickname' that a waitress kindly bestowed upon me *cough* Bumbie *cough* (as in bumble bee, why I have no idea, she's nuts! *chuckles*) Rachel and Ravyn. Weird. I have three faces. Four when I get home. I used to have schitzophrenia but we're okay now *laughs* Read that somewhere... cracks me up.

Anyway, hugs to all. Oh, *big Bourdie bear hugs*

Take care y'all. Enjoy your weekend. Be good, and if y'all can't be good, just be yourself. That should leave it way open, huh? *grins*

And, I guess... here's something to kick off your Thanksgiving parties (Thanksgiving? When is that? Forgive me, I'm an uneducated Aussie, hehehe)

I like to call this pic "I'm not lookin' at her ***!" cause that's the first thing I think when I see the expression on his face... man... talk about lurking in dark corners... hehehe... yeah Robbie, WE know what you're REALLY like, bud. You look innocent... yeah... *grins* Nice try.

This pic just validates the theory... he's seen the same chick's *** again (or someone with a nice appealing *** to him, I'm assuming), look at the grin!

And this pic is when he finally owes up to it. The "Yeah, I was looking" pic. Imagine the guys ribbing him for it. This is what you'd get.

So there y'go, Rob being naughty! *laughs* That was fun... making a story out of the pics... man, this writing bug has bitten hard this time, huh? *laughs*

Y'all take care guys. TTYL, peace out, end of transmition, this message will self destruct in five seconds... *idiot* :rolleyes:


(aka, Rob's ranting storyteller)

^ you live in Aus right??? FORT MINOR IS OUT HERE???? I mean I heard believe me on the radio but I didn't know it was actually out! **** I'm slow!

Just call me Rusu if it's easiest for you, it's my nick name anyway...

*drools majorly at the pics, especially the last one* heaven is in CoB



New member
XD you guys are friggen nuts. but i love the little captions. my sister rearange me pics and now everymorning when i wake up i have an angel lookig at me right in the face (drools.) *** its a great wake up for any day to have rob's gorgeous peepers to look at in the morning


New member
I made a vow to myself not to download any of the songs off FM before I get my actual hands on the actual Ive only heard RTN, Petrified, Believe Me, and Spraypaint and Ink Pens so I only have to wait 3 more days!!!! woo! *dances*.

Yeah I sould get a Rob sig...Id have to have Chester in there too, I actually requested a sig with the two of them but it never got made *cries* anybody here willing to create one? Id give you a biiiig fat hug if you do! :D

But I hafta go, my friends are nagging at me, because they wanna leave to the Potter movie...

I'm not good with photoshop, so you don't want me making you a sig ><

so, FM isn't out??? I saw the MV for Believe me, ******* rocks...say who sings the chorus for that song???



New member
No, The Rising Tied isn't out yet, yes I did download it, well, 13 of the 16 songs anyway (my media player wont open .wma files *sob*) And yes I AM buying the album when it hits stores here Monday. Make that Tuesday. I get paid Monday night and the stores will be shut by then, so... yeah, Heh.

'Where'd you go,' is by far my A1 choice song there, you'll love it. Trust me *wink* But only hearing it makes me want the real thing even more. Mike's a very smart man, the way he's organised this release and strung us all along like puppets on a string... I wanna be a puppet... but Rob can be my puppetmaster, *grin* He already pulls my strings if you get what I mean, *dirty s******* :D

Anyway... Friggen nuts is right. Well, I am anyway. Can't speak for anyone else.

Hey, Hil, I can make you something if you'd like. I can't do moving ones, just standard pictures, but I can do something regardless. Tell me what you want or send me some pics or tell me where to find the pics or something and I'll take a stab at it. I'll give it the old psychotic try! That's the spirit! :rolleyes: Can't hurt to try, right?

I have a few old ones, not all Rob believe it or not, one I have of Mike, Rob and Chester all together that I manipulated with Ulead and made it all kinda misty and sad... that was pretty. Should see if I can find it and post it one day. We'll see. Hehehe. That was when I was in my 'Bourbennoda' phase of Linkin Park. (Don't ask). Now it's considerably shorter to just 'Bourben' or as I like to think of it, 'Bourbon,'... Mmmmm, delish. Jim Beam white label, great stuff. But back to the band for a minute...

Ruth - If you listen to Believe Me with one speaker (tried it on headphones) you can actually hear Mike's baritone singing the chorus, but he's not alone. I think it's Mike and Ryu actually singing that, I can't hear Tak. Having heard both FM albums quite extensively these past few weeks I'm pretty sure it's Ryu and Mike. I could be wrong. Try it and see if you can extract the different sounds of each singers pitch, quite an amusing trick if you ever get sick for something to do... hehehe.

Having said that - On each of the LP albums all of the bandmembers are creditted with singing backing vocals but as hard as I try I can't distinguish one from the other, save for Mike and Chaz. Jammer told me she even saw Rob singing at the drums during a concert (LIT I think) but he's too busy beating the **** out of them and pulling faces to sing, I think. I could be wrong there too, never know, camera never stays on him long enough to actually see really *shakes fist at all the dodgy cameramen who've shot LP throughout their career* Y'all need to focus on Rob more, and I'm not talking about his nose of his hands (although...) like was done by some **** weilding a camear in RaR04. IMBECILE! *clears throat* Anyway...

Besides, given the low tenor of his normal speaking voice, Rob's singing voice would register low naturally and I don't hear that on any of the albums. Maybe he sings like Michael Bolton? *cough* Hack *cough* I'm gonna stab myself in the chest for having said somthing so profoundly insulting, sorry Rob, forgive me...!

Man I talk some sh*t. Makes me laugh though so I guess that's cathartic, right? And you're right Ruth; Heaven is in CoB. *sighs dreamily* The face of ***... well, our ***, my ***, Lord Bourdon of the Drumkit, *** of rhythm, Matix apparel, water imbibing and sculpted eyebrows that even Michelangelo himself could not have emulated better! Ha Ha!

Yes, well... have to go now. Filled my quota of bullsh*t for this post. *laughs*

Take care guys, *Bourdie bear hugs* TTYL,

BTW, Phi/Phi's sister, keep drooling at those pics hon, just keep drooling and know that I'm drooling there right along side you in spirit! We all are! Long live the CoB! Long Live Bourdie! *drops to knees and grovels at Rob's feet*

Don't worry, he's probably used to it :D




New member
i had a weird instance in art class the other day. I was working on my final projkt and i was in the 'zone' and i looked up and I swear on our great lord's feet that he was standing in the door way. and it was extreamly embarrassing because it was this kid named Jase that graduiated like three years ago but he looks like the spitting image of our lord in the earlier LP days >< so i can tell you that i was bright red.

On a different note, im going to be posting a new story about Rob and an OFC. if any one wants a part in the story, just PM with your name I need maybe about two people. hope y'all will check it out and hopefully like it. well im out for now,





New member
Yay for droolage pics with funny captions!

I went to see the new Harry Potter film yesterday, it was pretty good, I really enjoyed it considering I'm not the biggest HP fan in the world. RON'S HAIR!!! :D

^ahhh I want to see that! I'm not expecting much, considering the book is so huge and how much they cut out of the other films. But, still, I'm easily impressed.

Okay, I'm incredibly slow...what is the difference between the Rising Tied and Fort Minor? I thought they were the same thing T__T

I'll be sure to check out your story, Phi. I'm sure it's going to be hella good

<3 to all (couldn't be screwed trying to remember anyones names)



New member
Harry Potter was awesome! I <3 HP, almost as much as LP but not quite...

i had a weird instance in art class the other day. I was working on my final projkt and i was in the 'zone' and i looked up and I swear on our great lord's feet that he was standing in the door way. and it was extreamly embarrassing because it was this kid named Jase that graduiated like three years ago but he looks like the spitting image of our lord in the earlier LP days >< so i can tell you that i was bright red.
Did you like freak out or something? Hehe...that would be funny, you freaking out over some stranger...heh...yeah...

And Rav if you could make me one, that would be great! I'll just pm you with details ok?



New member
so would any one like to take the offer to be in my story? ah well its all good. ooo.... rob's on the TV now. (drool) hes gorgeous. I wuv him. *** hes a real piece of work. I wonder what do you think he'd say if he stumbeled on this little place? in all real ness and what not. I think he'd either Die of laughter or slap a restraining order on all of us. XD.
LOL! hahahaha I'd be very embarrrased if he came in here, but all the same, I'd laugh. I think he'd think we're all freaks, but be flattered at the same time. I mean alot of LP fans are mad for Chester or Mike. So, he might be grateful that he has us, even if we are a bit...dsfafhoeairhjelkj in the head ^^


New member
we're just slightly insane but not too bad Yeah but I bet you can saftly say that we are probably some of the most dedicated Bourdie-boppers out there


New member
yes, it would be embarassing if he came in here...but it would be increadibly(sp?) cool if he did. Id probably **** my pants...heh...


New member
LOL! hahahaha I'd be very embarrrased if he came in here' date=' but all the same, I'd laugh. I think he'd think we're all freaks, but be flattered at the same time. I mean alot of LP fans are mad for Chester or Mike. So, he might be grateful that he has us, even if we are a bit...dsfafhoeairhjelkj in the head ^^[/quote']
I burst out laughing when I read that (the dsfafhoeairhjelkj in the head part) you're probably right, I know I'm probably the WORST culprit for carrying on in this place... but *meh* Y'get that I suppose. We're all mad on someone, so I guess I'm just glad it's him. He doesn't appear to be a 'jerk' type, so yeah, he'd probably be flattered... or concerned... probably a little from column A and a little from column B, but for the most part I'd HOPE at least he'd laugh.

Then slap a restraining order on us. :D

I really can't see him reading too much of it though, we'd probably lose him. How much could you read the word 'drool' in the context that we use it and be that comfortable with it for like, how many pages are we into now here? Anyway, a lot. He'd probably blush, scratch his head, then go back to the Matix apparel website, that's Rob for ya! *laughs*

If by some miracle he did I can't imagine he'd ever reply cause we'd (I'd) go nuts, and really, what could he say? Thanks? Stop it? I'm having you all arrested? Like anyone would ever believe it was him anyway, even if he did sign in as Rob, Rob_Bourdon, Rob_Your_Rock_God, Me. *laughs again* We'd bag him, give him sh*t for his apparent 'blasphemy' and go back to drooling and carrying on. I know I would. I'm safe in my anonymity. How in His-own-name could he even prove who he was? Would he want to? I'd rather stalk in the shadows and laugh to myself. It would be a little ego boost for times when the reality of Hollywood and it's associated dramas got a bit heavy. That's my opinion. It'll probably change again in 6 seconds. *shrugs*

Phi, I envy you. I'm laughing at you, but I envy you. Wow, what a vision. Someone in real life who even looks like our dear sweet salivation-come-salvation lord (that made no sense, but I stand by my convictions!) All I got are a heartful of dreams and a headful of images that will never develop *sobs in her milo*

But seriously that would have been hilarious... hilariously embarrassing for you, and hilariously amusing for anyone watching you if they knew why. *laughs* We know why, and I'm still laughing. Bless your poor little cotton socks. *hugs*

Ruth, Fort Minor is the band. The Rising Tied is their official album. The Fort Minor - We Major Mixtape is songs that didn't make it on to the album but were 'worked on' in the interest of fun and promotion in the studio and intended as a separate piece. That's as far as I know, hope that clarifies things for ya. *wink*

Harry Potter - what does one say? I haven't seen the Prisoner of Azkaban yet, so I'm like waaaay behind the 8 ball here. It's visually good, but I'm not a fan of the HP dynasty. I can't get into the books. Lord of the Rings stumped me. I tried reading War and Peace and fell asleep. I did read North and South and that was impressive. Hehe. Hope the movies rock your socks. Go socks, I'm all sock-mad. Dunno why, it's like 30 degrees here at teh moment and I'm as hot as buggery. Is buggery hot? This isn't the forum to discuss such matters, but Rob, if you're reading this, PM me and we'll discuss the matter further. *laughs* *** I'm twisted. XD

Well, a picky. What picky do I post? Let me lookie. Gimmie seckie. :rolleyes:

Hey the story telling post before was fun. Think I'll do a This is what Rob thinks when he saw the forum thread story today. Here goes...

This is Rob's first impression when he's told about this thread by a fan. The Oh, ***, not another one... look.

This is Rob's reaction to the amount of drooling he's read about so far. Look at the shocked expression on his face. He's even pointing it out for us, Lovely guy he is *Ravyn's blowing kisses at him again* (use your imagination for the 'soundbytes' images on his screen, imagine this longwinded post, if you will).

He's thinking about some of the comments he's read for a few days and he gets frustrated/uncomfortable. It's the I know who you are and I'm gonna sue you when I find you look. *laughs* Maybe the guys have been ribbing him about it. He's never been comfortabe with being tagged a heartthrob... aparently.

This is the You! or threatening pose. The stop drooling about me look that follows after the one above... :rolleyes: Maybe it's even the You all want me but you know you can't have me, nah-nah look. Yeah. That's Rob's cheeky smirk coming through now.

Finally its the 'if you can't beat them, join them' look. Rob shugs. Sorry gals, I'm taken, but go ahead and drool anyway. It's all good.

The end.

Hehehehe. I'm an A-grade moron, but I'm an A-Grade moron with lots and lots of Rob pictures, so that makes me a happy moron none the less. :D

Hope y'all enjoyed story time at CoB. Now, in the interest of fairness, lets go see if we can track down Phi's story.

Hey Phi, can I be there too somewhere? Slinging coffee or something like our dear lord once used to... walking in the shoes of a master, which isn't easy cause I buy my shoes in the kids section (no joke!) I'm size 5 and he's like... huge!

Well, peace out y'all. *Bourdie bear hugs* Take care and TTYL,


The Official scatterbrained CoB storyteller. And ranter. And... soon to be defendant. XD


New member
dont worry rav, of course you can be in my story. I'd love to have a bunch of CoBers in my story as some of the friends I befriend in school. other then the siblings and idiot mr 'im-26-and-am-back-in-a-normal-highschool-yet-i-hang-out-with-a-bunch-of-teenagers' but of course. You can rope me into the whole Cob thingy and yeah we'll meet rob too (evil grin) oh and if u get in trouble with rob can I be your lawyer? I promise I won the case in civics class so i know I'm not that bad, besides I've been in court numerous times my self, you know trespassing, resisting arest, skateboarding fines, excess of droolage, you get the drift. but yeah you should become a story writer. i died laughing of those storys


New member
Hey, yeah! Sure you can defend me... I may need some bail money too *cough-cough* But then again, not sure. Seeing as how I'm a repeat offender when it comes to 'stalking' (Rob, of course, and on this thread, not RL, though at times I sometimes wish... kinda :D ) I'll probably have the book thrown at me. But on the upside, at least we get to see the big guy - if only giving us death stares in a court of law! *bursts out laughing*


As for the story role, I'm like so there! I don't care where I fit in (Rob's shirt would be a nice place to start, as long as he's in it too *cackles*) but given the story's direction, I'm sure you'll find a more appropriate place for me. CoB are taking over your story... hehehe. Nah, it's all good. Nice. Visual. Visually nice. Think I'll stop now....

BTW, glad you liked my story. Have an idea for a CoB story? (CoB stories are more 'picturebooks') Please post it. I'm sure I'll have a pic or two to correlate... and if not, I'll make one up. Still have to do that pic of Rob doing the Jesus/diciple in the desert pic that I was talkin' about a few weeks back. That's funny... ahh... it's a good thing he's not a frequenter of these boards... and if he was... er... Hold up, are YOU Rob? *points finger at Phi* No, wait that's all wrong, Phi = Phi. We're looking for Rob. There's plenty of Chaz's and Mike's on this forum, now we just need for Rob's name to pop up... yeah... Here kitty, kitty... *insert evil laughter here*

Mental note to self - unplug for a while. You're starting to sound manic. XD

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