The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
Im making Rob shaped pizzas for the plane ride. We gotta have food because if we are kidnapping Rob and having our way with him, we're gonna need all the energy we can get. *nods head*


New member
Haha No as much as we say we are sisters, unfortunately Jojo and I aren't biological sisters, we are just very similar people and very connected so we liken each other and our 'connection' to a sistership. But no, its not literal. Dang. She IS in Greece and I AM in Australia. A long distance relationship as far as families go huh? :D

As for Australia being refered to as little America? If you lived in Australia you'd get the reference. We're so 'Americanised' we may as well be another America, albeit a little, bastardised sister really. PM Johnny Howard is Bush's loyal lap dog so wtf not? Okay so we aren't really little America, more little America wannabe, but meh... you get the idea. And if you don't... :p

Meh, America aint all bad. It gave us enlightenment; religion. ***. Our lord in Cali. Rob. Amen to that I say! Hahaha. :thumbsup:

(Insert photoshopped image of Robbie draped in the stars and the stripes and nothing more ;) *muahahahaha* *ahem* *halo*)



New member
wow, know what i just realized? *is slow* I had pizzaa for dinner XDD

i don't care, I <3 pizza, bring it on! especially Rob-shaped pizzas!! they must be extra-delicious XDD

-edit- ^ lmao


crazy robster

New member
Haha No as much as we say we are sisters' date=' unfortunately Jojo and I aren't biological sisters, we are just very similar people and very connected so we liken each other and our 'connection' to a sistership. But no, its not literal. Dang. She IS in Greece and I AM in Australia. A long distance relationship as far as families go huh? :D [/quote']WHY DOES THE EARTH HAVE TO SUCK SO MUCH??? Yeah Ravyn and I aren't biological sisters but we are so connected that even true biological twins would envy us!!! Love you sis!!! *squeeze tackle hugs*


New member


and yeah, almost forgot to mention



<3 CoB, CoBites, Bourdonists, Bourdonemics, Bourdie *******, Lord Bourdie Luvers and so on <3


Bless us ;)



New member
Haha nice twi! It'll be an ol' country CoB rodeo! yeehaaw!

You guys can have what ever you want on the, or...Ice cream

edit: Haha, above the forums, theres ads for pizza! on my computer anyways, I thought that was funny



New member
See? THIS is why we are still going strong after all these years. Others have come and gone and still we remain strong... well, strong-ish. Even big burly types like our beloved lord *amen* needs a break from time to time ;)


We always come back!

See, if that aint love/****/infatuation/a giddy schoolgirl crush/groupitis/obsession/anything else you'd care to label it then I dunno WHAT is!


(See, it aint ALL physical, its only ALMOST all physical! ****** twice* It COULD be sth more deep and meaningful if only you'd just open your mouth and say something every once in a while instead of letting everyone else do the speaking for you, you gorgeous hunk of reserved human perfection!) :rolleyes:



New member
*lol* You guys! Hehehe, this gang-bang club thing is great, progressing nicely I see. Specially the part about riding Rob like a pony *omfg!* Oh-oh! I wanna be Rav-the-Rob-Rider too! *laughs insanely* Heck, I'm shooting in the breeze here, damnit! But the inflight movie is great, the pizzas are delicious, and the company is awesome, so I don't care if I get caught after we're done now, making the need for a 'code name' kind of redundant, afterall, I'd have lived my dream so what happens after that matters not to me... *sighs dreamily*

Anyway, I had an alterior motive for jumping online quickly (my shift at work starts in like an hour or so, so I've gotta hurry) I've spent much of today painting *yay-ness!* Remember how I promised I'd upload a portrait of Rob if I ever got around to doing one? Well, I've done one, or should I clarify, it's currently still a WIP, but I'm rather pleased with how it's looking so I thought I'd upload for my fellow CoB'ers to have a look-see.

This is a thumbnail, the actual canvas size is almost 2 feet x 1 foot (what's that converted?) anyhoo, this upload is half the original size, so click to view if you wish. Here's the pic;


And here's the original I'm basing it on;


It's not 100% but it's okay considering I haven't painted a portrait in about a year or so, so I'm a bit rusty. Hope y'all like it! Is it drool-worthy? Think He'd approve? *shrugs* Guess I should ask him once we untie him from, wait, where IS our hostage, I mean, our willing plaything at this moment? *looks around perplexed* Been gorging myself on these delicious Rob-shaped pizzas (thanks to our great chef and waitress) and feasting my eyes on the FP bus scene I forgot about everything else...

Oops. Where's Rob? Did we just have a 'Home Alone' moment and leave him behind??? *raises eyebrow*

Take care guys, gotta rush off to work now or will be late. Convenient I'm kitchen b*tch at a Mexican restaurant of all places, huh? *grins* Anyhoo, depends how I feel at end of shift tonight may get back on again later. Regardless, talk to y'all again real soon, promises!

*big Gang-Bang-Bourdie bear hugs*

-Rav (the Rob-rider! Yeeee-Haaaw!)

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Hey Rav, just stopping by to say nice job on the paintng, I haven't had much to update on recently for here or my journal... I'm boring. Well, take care & I'll talk to you later,



crazy robster

New member
Rob is the best, Rob's our Lord, he is the one who brings people together, he is the one who gives us a reason to drool, he is the one to love people!!! Wake up to his brilliance!!!! LOVE YOU ROB!!!!!! We love you for all your perfection and banging abilities and inconceivable sexiness and love you radiate and even for your divine goatee!! (I won't go further to other parts of you my Lord this isn't the time nor the place...LMAO) BLESS OUR BOURDIE!!!! <3


New member
Rav!!! ^__^ yesh, it definatly had been interesting here!! and as for the Rob-riding, well,... we'll take turns ;) lmao

I must insert a 'wow' here.

that painting is really amazing!!! :eek: AMAZING I say! lol DEFINATLY drool-worthy!

As for oyr Bourdon play-thing,

I was wondering the same thing XD


crazy robster

New member
Sorry for the double post but I had to say it... Today is our Lord's birthday!!! It's BOURDONMAS!!!! (sth like Xmas!! lol)

Happy 28th birthday Robbie!!! We love you!!!!

Let us all pray!! This is a day dedicated to our Lord, this is the 28th year of his divine presence on this planet. Bless our Bourdie!!! *gives Rob a set of new drumsticks wrapped in a red ribbon* May your banging always be as heavenly as it is now... Long live our Lord!! Long live the Robsters!!!!

*fireworks in the background* I hope my sis has remembered to prepare the big Bourdie cake for the occasion...

WE LOVE YOU ROB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



New member
*runs to the kitchen to help billy (or meteora500 ;) ), but stops dead in her tracks* wow, rav!! that's gorgeous! amazing. i also draw a lot, and i was wondering what kind of material you used? is it charcoal mixed with paint? or just paint? i can't figure it out...i usually use those pastel crayons in life colors and charcoal <- my fav. *hears billy rant something in the kitchen* I'M COMING! *runs to the kitchen* lol... btw..i love all these names :D . and rob is not on the plane...he's still in the hotel room.... tied to the bed *grins evilly**sees how everybody lookes ****** off at her* what?? ask BlueRapist! we're in this together...and besides, we can't take rob anywhere, the law will just find us quicker


New member

Are you kidding? I had to climb OUT of the cake just to reply to this thread! *******




Anyone see that episode of the Simpsons where Mr Burn's comes out of Mr Smithers' cake wearing nothing but a sash and a cheeky eyelid-fluttering smile singing 'Happy Birthday Mr Smithers' all Marilyn Monroe-like? - well that'd be me. Except replace the wrinkly naked old yellow millionaire with me and have me singing 'Happy Birthday Mr Bourdon' or the like and THEN we're on the same page. I have presents to give him but... um... well, let's just say Australia Post would lose itself in a paper bag so I aint sending nothing! Haha.

Sorry Robbie. Maybe next year, 'eh? :D

*drops to knees and bows and genuflects and says at least 2 million Hail Bourdie's before she passes out in a twitching giggling drooling puddle of obsessive insanity (as like every other day really) then manages to drag herself up long enough to lead the congregation in a vociferous rendition of 'Happy Birthday Lord Bourdie,' until the roof collapses from the sheer noise of it!


Yeah! How's that for a happy birthday wish? Have all your followers crushed to death beneath the roof of your unofficial church while celebrating the day you were spat out into the world, not even a celebrity or a drummer, just a nekkid screaming bundle of joy yet to test his parents' limitations on everything from anxiety thanks to your daredevil-nature and tolerance for noise - thanks to having at least two kids in the family beat things for fun that can't fight back - and THEN get famous for it! ****... what a rant! So... I dunno... Maybe I'm just excited for our Lord and letting my usual overactive imagination run way too far ahead of me - and then, just as likely (if not more so) there's just not enough air in that cake of his I was hiding in... and I'm starting to skitz out (starting to??) through lack of oxygen...?

Hmm... IT'S ALL GOOD!!

ANYWAY - Hope Robbie's having a great day whatever he's doing. Hmm. If I were to bet I'd say 1) sleeping in. 2) catching a few waves with friends. 3) dining out somewhere. 4) getting more damned practice in on his kit... or thinking about it while he does numbers 1-3!

Bless Ya Bourdie. Hope you have many more, whether in the spotlight, chilling another 10years with LP, doing the domesticated thing or not.

*Suffocating Tackle Big Bourdie Group Bear Hugs*

<3 <3 <3

:D <3 <3 <3Love ya Bobert


Oh and BTW, it'd be great too if those of you LPU members went to his 'Happy Birthday Rob' thread and spread B'day wishes there. At least there he MAY read them... prolly... maybe... well can't hurt anyway can it?? Spread the love - let him know he's loved even if he aint the focal point of the band. Meh. That role's way overrated anyhoo! Haha ;)



New member
lets just call for a hotel conference room and call it a night. lol. oh and awesome work on the pizzas. (munches on a foot.) you right they will find us faster if we take him somewhere, or we could take him to one of our houses, i know my dad wouldnt mind. heh heh heh. so when do we start?


New member
okay so yay! we have our location...phi's house!! (and uh...could you, por favor, make sure there is nobody there that may possibly be friends with the law?) we'll start as soon as we have everyone's names...then we're off to destination wonderland...or bourdie-torturer land. (wonderland sounds nicer) :p ...until then, we'll just enjoy frat party, rob tied to a bed, our imagination AND the pizzas!...what more could a person want? *sigh*


New member
hellooo fellow rob lovers :]

does anyone no if robs still with vanessa lee evigan?

sorry to ruin the birthday mood

but ill say it again HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROB!



New member
oh well its all good the only ppl in this neighborhood are doctors. its all good and when we get him up to my room, he can see all 400 of the rob pictures on my wall. besides I have survalence cameras for my room (blame my brother for that) so we'll be able to see who is coming in. i have a bunch of LP dvds too. just let me kno if all things are go?


New member
hellooo fellow rob lovers :]
does anyone no if robs still with vanessa lee evigan?

sorry to ruin the birthday mood

but ill say it again HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROB!
Yes he is, Mrs Bourdon (loving the name btw) :D Check out for the details. You're lucky. She (Vanessa) was almost Mrs B. when someone got their details screwed up and thought they were married! Haha. What's so funny I hear you ask? No one told him! Haha. No they aint married (yet) but I dare say it's just gonna be a matter of time. It's unfortunate for us who wish to live in an alternate reality with him (without actually 'knowing' the man) but unfortunately life sucks.

Oh well. Long story short; yes.


Hope that clears it up for ya.

And for those of us still stuck in the fantasy;

Viva La Bourdon!

<3 <3 <3

~Love the drummer~

Bordaly? *lmao* Haha - priceless ;)

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