The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!

Actually I have to say that I don't like Vanessa... idk somehow theyre not maching... in my opinion... ok i dont know her personality etc but she seems a lil fake to me...

im not jealous... robs cool and stuff but i dont love him like idk... plz dont get me wrong...



New member
i have three of them one in the hall downstairs to my stairway, one in the hallway between my dads room and my room, and the third is in a corner of my room. they aint just for looks (wink wink) yeah we can have some fun. but everything is all good.

crazy robster

New member
Who likes her? I love Rob and I want the best for him. But this woman has something so fake and "cold" about her that just makes her inappropriate for our Lord (to put it politely). I'll never forget that scene from Frat Party (they are in the backround, behind Chester who's talking) where he tried to hug her and her response was at best COLD if not non-existent!! Anyway, personally I'd rather we dropped this because it's not the most pleasant topic of discussion to me. Sorry guys... We'd better focus on Rob and his brilliance! Come on! Drool some more people! Our Bourdie needs our love and definitely deserves it!!! <3 <3 <3




New member
Hello my fellow rapists.

What has been going on here? Im too lazy to read it all,lmao.

And does everyone have there secret names?*BlueRapist!*



New member
AWW Thank you guys so much for replyingg

you guys are awesome

::siighh:: oh robbie

ok now i really want to see that frat party dvd

i saw some on youtube but it didnt have that scene

if someone has the dvd can they rip it and youtube it pretty please?

i wish we can clone robsters so everyone can have a piece of him :D

thanks so much for replying

you guys/girls..err PEOPLE are so sweet!



New member
howdy partner (always felt like saying that hehe)..well, so far, we got more people joining us, we got pizzas, we've got phoenix's house for our secret 'location' to do whatever we want (plus she's got camera's...who knows what we can do with those hehehe), and uhh...well i think that's it, but to make sure you're up to speed you're gonna have to read it..most of them are discussions about pizza's and on-plane movies and riding rob like a pony *looks innocent* hehe


New member
I dont wanna dis his other half, *** knows its a public forum and as impossible though it may be (no, not impossible as much as it is improbable) that Rob himself or Vanessa or one of their friends or whomever ever read this thread, the last thing I would want to do is cause any undue friction, grief or ill-will between us (the adoring public) and them (the out-of-our-league, in-a-world-of-their-own celebrities), and not only that but we walk a fine line between voicing our opinion and slander. I don't know her, I don't know him, I don't know what it is they have or what force brought them together or whatnot, and as much as I can (and generally do) agree with my sis and Jos and so on I won't because 1) it isn't my place as a fan to say and 2) it's inconsequential.

I will say one thing though, at the risk of having a mod or someone come in and tell us to stop bashing our timidly labelled 'idol's' significant other;

I DO agree with the general consensus here. I find something amiss between their so-called connection. They aren't all that close or physical (strange in itself for a young couple in love to do) and while that in itself might be just shyness or the way they were raised or just a deliberate tactic to keep their private lives just that; private, I have watched them from afar for years now and they are almost like siblings or something the way they are sometimes spotted together but not together, not in the atypical way. Its like watching an old married couple sometimes. But whatever works for them. I do find it strange sometimes though, wondering how they merge together as they have now for the last few years. He seems so quiet and unfazed and she seems quiet but somehow a little quirky too - but I mean that in a good way. I have to be fair and not go running off at the mouth like a doe-eyed 12yr old with a crush on her teacher or something, and have tried for what it's worth to learn as much about her as I can too, not for my own sordid amusement but to get a better idea of who she is and then who he is too, this man who plays drums and earns lots of money and respect and fans for doing so. And honestly I have to say I don't hate her. I watched a clip of her from 'How I met your mother' a TV show here and it sincerely cracked me up. She might not be our idea of the perfect woman for Rob but for whatever reason she is his choice in partner and for that if nothing else we need to respect his decision and back off a little. I aint nagging or looking to start a fight, especially when it's pretty well known I'm a hardcore Rob fan, but really at the end of the day they're just people like us in a position we'll never be in. As much as that sucks (and believe me it does) we just have to grin and bear it. If someone were bagging out anyone I cared about I'd be majorly ****** - I don't think Rob for all his laid-back nature and coy-naughty-boy-smile would really deep down be any different.

We are his fans not his family. We dont have a right to judge, we're just here to love him for what he does and what we think he is and hope and pray that whatever choices he makes are ultimately the best for him and make him happy. That's all we should want. That's what we would ultimately want if we were him (or her) huh?

And now that THAT rather substantial soap-box rant is over let me get back to my usual sermon preaching everything there that I didn't say above about drooling myself silly over someone else's boyfriend and carrying on in my normal over-the-top and less than constrained manner about what else but our tall dark and ever-the-walking-cliche handsome lord, dear lord Bourdie!

*drops to knees and bows at his feet - or the feet of his golden statue (who said idolatry was a sin? Sin is all we do at the CoB dagnammit! haha)*

"Oh lord, forgive us for we know not what we do! Or... maybe... we do... we just... choose to ignore that sometimes... conveniently... Amen."


And ****, it just occured to me I shared my opinion anyway. But as far as thanking us for replying goes? Dont sweat it. It's Rob lovin', all the time. You're with friends here 'Mrs B.' XD



New member

PIZZA! Im so hungry. I must have some*dies*

Thanks for telling me that bud. *goes and eats Rob Pizza*



New member

i dont know where this was but it's pretty recent i got it from an incubus forum. just looking for some brandon boyd pics when i stubbled along this...he;s behind Jose (guy with PIMP cup) BTW


crazy robster

New member
Thanks for that chel4mdavali! Our Lord likes to hide in the background doesn't he? And that frown of his...*sighs* Classic! I guess someone upset him though, he looks kinda mad!! Who upset our Lord??? WHO?? *gasp* I think I know what happened... he read my comments from earlier... :eek: Lol Sorry Lord Bourdie I humbly apologise! You know I'm too passionate when it comes to you!! *bows and worships the holy temple* <3 <3 <3 <3

Keep up the good work guys, keep posting pictures of Robbie we always need more!!! Thanks again for this one!! :thumbsup:


crazy robster

New member
Thanks my sweet Josi! Actually I made this sig a while ago but for some reason neither posted it in my thread nor used it. It's Lord Bourdie talking about his brilliance!! Lol :D Hahaha thanks for your comment anyway!!


New member
"it's shaped like you, perfection...i hope you can feel every curve of your own body in your mouth" .. o_O ..that sounds really dirty..the truth...but really dirty ;)'s the names we have so far-

FadedBlue- BlueRapist (leader of the 'gang-bang bourdie-clan)

BrokenAngel- BrokenTorturer (co-leader and Billy's helper)

Phoenix- Sticks (person in charge of what we're supposed to do and in charge of the location)

Deryk- (keeps the whole situation innocent)

Twilightcrimson- Xellia (cool name :p )


Meteora500- Billy (proffesional chef)


Woodyloveslinkin- Begger (you wanted to be begger, so we'll just call you that...if you don't have another name ;) )

Ravynlee- (transportation if needed)

everybody else just enjoys the **** out of this :p haha

oh another thing, rav...if this is by any chance messing up the original idea of the CoB... we'll just make a different thread or continue it somewhere else... eventhough this IS the bourdie-place-to-be :) just let us know



New member
wow quite a gathering here... anyway, i cant think of a name so i just dont hav one................. plus i cant think of anything to do for this "special" club so i dont do anything..... if u think of a name for me, or something for me to do, just tell me and i'll do it...


New member
woooa i never seen robbie put such a face like that

**** i dont even no if hes mad or i really dont no!


-crazyrobster lmao! i love you!

that gif is AWESOME!!

its soo funny...crazy robbie, so busy chewing his gum and talking at the same time

thats awesome!

i want more!



New member
lmaooo wow XDD

hah thanks brockenangel..erm, BrokenTorturer!! Xellia is my more sadistic, micheivious and dark side! MUAHAHAHA *cough*

soooo what equiptment do we need? ;)



New member
Holy Cow, mad lord Bourdie! Mad lord! **** hath no fury like one ****** off lord huh? *lmao* Great pic Chel. Bless ya. It's rare to see a pic I dont have but that was one of them and it made my day! Thank you so much! *squeeze hugs the screen*


Anyway, a little excited by that, but its all good. And just finished watching the video where you got your new sig sis! haha - aww he's so awesome in that clip and not for his drumming or his intense strike-a-pose self, it was cause it's just him being himself. So laid back, having an interview and trying to peruse a magazine while he's sposed to be answering questions. He's so cute. And I think he has a cold or jetlag or sth, doesn't sound altogether with it (though in his own defence he does say he's been crazily flying around and stuff so it makes sense) but yeah... and I think he's eating chips. I tried to get a pic of the packet but to no avail. Trust him to be munching away as the camera turns on. Poor man had nowhere to run there did he? Haha.

Aww. And what was with those questions?? Talk about deep! Give him a break! He's tired and hungry and cold, leave the man alone for Pete's sake! (I wouldn't! *muahahaha*)

*ahem - again*

Anyway my beloved LOVE that sig! Robbie is awesome anyway but a MOVING Robbie is just fanfreakintabulous! You're a master now. Look at my sig you made, I'm still infatuated with it, everytime I look at it I just... forget what I was saying and stop and stare and...


what was I talking about again?


****! Hate when that happens... kinda slip out of focus there for a sec... assuming of course my mind is ever in focus, but I digress... what was I blabbering about as per usual? Oh yeah, Rob. D'uh. Damnit I could sit here and stare at your sig all day sis... don't tempt me! Okay, then don't tempt me further! *******



crazy robster

New member
Hahaha thanks so much for the kick *** comments guys!! LMAO my sis, your rantings rule as always!!! And I'm happy you're so thrilled about my sig...and YOURS!!! *coughmadebymecough* Hahaha awww... So Robbie is eating chips huh? Got him!!! He and his healthy life!! How could he do it??? HOW??? *shakes head at Lord* Nah it's all good! And when he tells me he's not mad at me for ummm..critisizing his ummm...girlfriend then it'll all be better!!! Love you Robbie!! Don't be mad at your poor devoted Jojo!!! *snuffle* ;)


New member
lmao you guys are crazy!!! and i like that :D
Me - crazy? *buahahahahahahahahahahahahaha- choke- cough- splutter- guzzle on bottle of water- get's breath back- sigh of relief- aha*

Well... yeah... prolly... but I can blame my insanity on others so it's all good. Others do weird and occasionally criminal acts in the name of religious zeal, why not us I say?


Exactly. :thumbsup:

And thanks. This is how you will be once the Bourdonemia takes hold of your system. There is no escape. There is no cure. You can run but you can't hide. Slowly it will infect you one cell at a time before you wake up in a delirious state twitching and drooling and repeating his name ad-nauseum and can't hold a coherant thought in your head-

(Oh look, there goes a pretty butterfly...)

-that doesn't in some small way revolve completely around him until you start losing what little sanity you had and concentration until you start saying something about our lord and have it turn into a twenty page thesis or a rant that others will take and emulate until our *** of percussion is exalted on high, governments are overthrown, the world falls into complete and utter chaos but you dont care, you just grin back stupidly, frozen in a pose of reverent worship at the foot of his drum riser, staring with vacant eyes and a wet chin as your very soul is enslaved by the beat and you become one with the universal theory of nirvana (that is in fact named after Rob anyway but later claimed by a grunge band many years ago and changed when it came into direct conflict with any form of relious practices) - see, and they call ME weird! hahaha


Wait... wasn't that just what I was... oh dang... hate it when I'm proved right... *lmao*

Thanks for noticing. Better get on to rectifying that asap. Its all good. And amen. :D

Welcome to YOUR FUTURE! *muahahahahaha*



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