I dont wanna dis his other half, *** knows its a public forum and as impossible though it may be (no, not impossible as much as it is
improbable) that Rob himself or Vanessa or one of their friends or whomever ever read this thread, the last thing I would want to do is cause any undue friction, grief or ill-will between us (the adoring public) and them (the out-of-our-league, in-a-world-of-their-own celebrities), and not only that but we walk a fine line between voicing our opinion and slander. I don't know her, I don't know him, I don't know what it is they have or what force brought them together or whatnot, and as much as I can (and generally do) agree with my sis and Jos and so on I won't because 1) it isn't my place as a fan to say and 2) it's inconsequential.
I will say one thing though, at the risk of having a mod or someone come in and tell us to stop bashing our timidly labelled 'idol's' significant other;
I DO agree with the general consensus here. I find something amiss between their so-called connection. They aren't all that close or physical (strange in itself for a young couple in love to do) and while that in itself might be just shyness or the way they were raised or just a deliberate tactic to keep their private lives just that; private, I have watched them from afar for years now and they are almost like siblings or something the way they are sometimes spotted together but not together, not in the atypical way. Its like watching an old married couple sometimes. But whatever works for them. I do find it strange sometimes though, wondering how they merge together as they have now for the last few years. He seems so quiet and unfazed and she seems quiet but somehow a little quirky too - but I mean that in a good way. I have to be fair and not go running off at the mouth like a doe-eyed 12yr old with a crush on her teacher or something, and have tried for what it's worth to learn as much about her as I can too, not for my own sordid amusement but to get a better idea of who she is and then who he is too, this man who plays drums and earns lots of money and respect and fans for doing so. And honestly I have to say I don't hate her. I watched a clip of her from 'How I met your mother' a TV show here and it sincerely cracked me up. She might not be our idea of the perfect woman for Rob but for whatever reason she is his choice in partner and for that if nothing else we need to respect his decision and back off a little. I aint nagging or looking to start a fight, especially when it's pretty well known I'm a hardcore Rob fan, but really at the end of the day they're just people like us in a position we'll never be in. As much as that sucks (and believe me it does) we just have to grin and bear it. If someone were bagging out anyone I cared about I'd be majorly ****** - I don't think Rob for all his laid-back nature and coy-naughty-boy-smile would really deep down be any different.
We are his fans not his family. We dont have a right to judge, we're just here to love him for what he does and what we think he is and hope and pray that whatever choices he makes are ultimately the best for him and make him happy. That's all we should want. That's what we would ultimately want if we were him (or her) huh?
And now that THAT rather substantial soap-box rant is over let me get back to my usual sermon preaching everything there that I didn't say above about drooling myself silly over someone else's boyfriend and carrying on in my normal over-the-top and less than constrained manner about what else but our tall dark and ever-the-walking-cliche handsome lord, dear lord Bourdie!
*drops to knees and bows at his feet - or the feet of his golden statue (who said idolatry was a sin? Sin is all we do at the CoB dagnammit! haha)*
"Oh lord, forgive us for we know not what we do! Or... maybe... we do... we just... choose to ignore that sometimes... conveniently... Amen."
And ****, it just occured to me I shared my opinion anyway. But as far as thanking us for replying goes? Dont sweat it. It's Rob lovin', all the time. You're with friends here 'Mrs B.' XD