The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
i think they already kidnapped him. (looks around confused) im just here to be here. (and for other reasons muwahaha) u kno maybe we should take him to the undisclosed location


New member
*lmao* I can't believe you used my how I'm feeling statement as a quote in your sig! *lmao x2* That's cracking me up... bless ya... the lord blesses you too!

crazy robster

New member
Heyyyy that's the spirit guys! Go nuts!!! That's what Robsession is all about!! That's why the CoB is the most kick *** establishment in here!!! Because we are the best and craziest and we got the HOTTEST Lord dagnammit!!!! No offence, but the rest can go wipe the dirt from his divine Puma drumming shoes OOOOOOOHHHH YEAH!!!!! *is in a state of Bourdonemic delirium* *drumroll*....................*faints* -.- :p


New member
give me all the bags and we can get them in the CoB jet. lol i say full steam ahead and while we're at it lets stop by the quick stop so we can stock up on food and sodas


New member
CoB delerium?


I know THAT feeling all too well. You wouldn't think that in my RL most ppl outside of this establishment dont know about my apparent Robsession... hahaha... awww.... well... I can't help it if I'm the possessive type! Grr! Hahaha...

**** yeah his drumming shoes!!!!

hahaha im sorry but i cant write more... 1. have to laugh bc we're crazy 2. dk what to say... its like im speechless when im in here!



New member
wow... i haven't been here forever!! Holds the bucket for every1 *feels gulity for not being here* anywho, Rob shaped pizza's? That sweet!!


New member
hey so that pic i previously posted are from Incubus' Vegas aftershow party here are more you have to look kinda hard for rob but i figure'd you guys would be curious non the less...looks like he still parties with the old calabasas buddies...

next to DJ Killi...(guy with green hat; rob's looking up)

back of rob's head...(behind Killi)

and rob is looking up behind the white haired man...

sorry not the best of quality but its all i could get.



New member
Oh man...we're crazy...*puts left over pizza in boxes for the plane ride*...So where are we taking our captive? Phi's...or Sticks' house...or the cave that rockn metioned? *gasp* hey rockinfreak still needs a code name! *grabs pizza boxes and puts them in the mini kitchen on the CoB private plane* I think this plane needs some decorations...its looking kinda boring..*puts up pictures of Rob everywhere* Thats better. So...when does the excitement start?


New member
thank you for posting these!!

when was this?

-is it just me or did rob gain weight along with some facial hair?

either way hes still hot!



New member
*lol* OMFG you guys, by the time everyone's organised Rob will have chewed his way out of his restraints (or something, cause let's face it, he's a big fella) so if there's still confusion about picking him up and taking him to the cave/Phe's house or wherever the **** else this gang-bang is mean to take place, I'll volunteer to wait back at the hotel with him til the rest of you get organised. I'll keep our hosta- I mean, our big freind entertained/distracted while you guys get the gear and finish getting sorted. *s******s* Uh hu, that's the least I can do, plus I'm like older than most of you (even him) so he has to do as I say as his elder, so he'll comply, easy as. *nods confidently* Is this the part where I propose putting him over my knee for a good old fashion 'spanking' if he doesn't? *Laff my kinky *** off* Speaking of being crass and perverted, which in essence this whole 'sub-topic' kind of has *looks innocent* how's about Rapinlee for my code name? *chuckles deviously* I like that...

On a side note, no I see no need to create a breakaway thread for this, we're all Rob-obsessed here so I think it's defintaley in the right place! Plus, some 'conservativists (?)' in LPF land may actually find this topic uh, shall we say rather offensive...? Yeah, weird I know, but anyway, it's all good as is.

On another note (how many notes do I have, I hear you ask?) to whomever asked it, the Rob portrait started as graphite pencil on canvas and I used water to push the lead around to create a lot of the facial shadows you can see beneath the paint. Then I used basic student acrylic paints in thin layers to continue with this water-colour thing I have happening. Personally I find watercolours difficult to work with so I usually try and avoid that, but I like the effect I'm getting using acrylics in the same way. I'm happy with it, so that's the main thing. Worked more on it last night after work to bring the hat forward a little more but still don't know what I'm going to do in the background. Don't want to ruin it, but a picture should never 'float' as his one is currently doing (can you tell I'm a former art student of several years? *s******s*) Anyway thanks for the interest. It's been the first portrait I've painted in quite a while so I'm happy to have been so inspired by my obsession to create it. Cool.

Well guys, am outta here again. As usual, real life is impeding on my little fantasy land here, so I've gotta run. Uh, to the hotel wasnt it? *grins deviously* Yeah, straight after I stop by the Mexican restaurant, anyone want anything there or are we all good after the delicious rob-pizzas??? Well, take care guys, can't wait til we get down to the nitty-gritty and I live out a part fantasy of being a cowgirl for all of a few blissful minutes before my pony is taken away, hozed off and given to the next 'rider' in the stall behind me *cackles sadistically* Wow, talk about visual! And on that note, *big gang-bang-Bourdie/CoB hugs* (Rob would, but he informed me through his mouth gag that he cant lift his arms due to the fashioning of his restraints... awww, poor boy *pulls a sad face*)





New member
*lol* Gain weight with facial hair - that cracked me up out loud. Well I dunno, anything's possible I'm assuming. Its hard to guess just what he weighs generally anyway cause he never seems to stay the same... um... size, for want of a better word, between tours. Perfect example RAR04 - the man looked so solid it wasn't funny, I mean his upper torso here, he looked almost unbalanced! It was fantastic eye-candy mind you! Haha ;)

As for partying hard; anyone think this or was it just me; the man's looking up at the chick with the pink fluffy boot thingies - and by the looks straight up her skirt! (Funny part is, the pic cuts off there so we'll never know) but this brings back some amusing memories of pics we posted here a while back with the whole imaginative add-your-own-caption-to-the-Rob-pic-here thing, and that fav one of him looking at that woman's **** who was getting an autograph from one of the other guys right next to him. It was classic! I know its a guy thing that they are highly visual creatures, and unquestionably our Lord is no different - and given that with his status and age he's open to far more oppertunities than your average twenty-odd year old, but it really makes you stop and wonder sometimes - how on earth he's managed to stay in his current relationship for so many years! *tsk-tsk* And yes - another perfect example of how one arguably innocent picture can be taken WAY out of context... hahaha ;)

Bless him.

THANKS AGAIN CHEL! *hugs* You're rocking my world as of late - **** I'm stoked for the new imput! Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou. It matters not what quality it is, I'm just over-the-moon we have NEW stuff! There's times we see everyone else in the band doing external non-LP stuff and I often wonder if he just locks himself away in his home like a hermit until its time to start the promo stuff up again. Well ****, now I know- and he is a homebody after all, touching roots and all back home. Wonder if his bro's around... Anyway, thanks again! :D

And as far as being speechless goes... maybe... just maybe, if I myself shut up for long enough you might just be able to get a word in edgeways, you reckon? *lol*

Haha - speechlessness is another side effect of Bourdonemia. Obviously it didn't effect ME but then again the symptoms are different for everyone. I wouldnt worry about it. At least you have embraced your condition. Half the world's population (at least!) has symptoms of somekind of '-emia' they just cant get over the social stigma of it. Meh. So be it.

Viva La Bourdon baby!


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New member
well, good to see everything's going smoothly :) ....i bet rav's knocking herself out with robby :p have fun (...not too much though) save some for us hehehe....

crazy robster

New member
Hahahaha hey thanks for the new stuff Chel!!! Thanks so much!!! But hey I think my sis is so right when she says about Rob: "He's such a guy!!!" Hahaha I 've noticed that not only in the first picture but also in the last one, he's staring at that woman with the pink boots high above!! I guess her skirt was short enough to make him stare at her with a blissful look on his face for hours!! Hahahaha I wonder where Vanessa was that night... For once I'll empathise with her and say, poor girl, if Rob's such a fan of female eye candy then she must have made such a great effort to keep him in this relationship for so long. *I can imagine my sis is now reading this with her jaw dropped in surprise lmao* But yeah I'm being fair is all...I'm in a good mood today I Awww I love him nonetheless...Robbie is just Robbie!!! Bless our Bourdie!!!!! <3
thanks chel!!!

first when i was lookin at the first pic i was like wtf wheres rob? but then i found him... hahah... lol

i like his facial hair........ looks kinda grown up with it... arrrggghhh.... :p



New member
You wanna watch him eh? well have fun with that, just dont tire him out to much. Maybe you should bring some tacos or something, just incase we get sick of pizza...although I can always make some, but its all good. Maybe I'll make some more Bourdon-Bourbons before we go. We can give our big Bourdie a sample! Yay! Anyway...oh Rav, I forgot to say in my last post that your picture looks awesome so far! You'll show us the finished product right? You better! Or else...I dunno...meh, oh well.

Edit: What are the little green circle things that are under peoples names?

Edit-Edit: nevermind! I figured it just ignore the above edit ^_^



New member
Sis, I thought all men are fans of eye-candy, that's part of what makes them men!

We women fall in lurve with our emotions/heart, they... look and ****. Pretty much it I think ;)

(**** I'm too old to be so bitter! :p haha)

And yeah - I personally adore the scruff (facial hair) he could be a model for CK (Calvin Klein Mel not CKY btw *lmao*) if he werent so damned shy about his bod! *groans... then drools*

I like to call it ' the lumberjack!'

*more droolage*

*droolage to the point of passing out*

*drools herself into a coma... then dreams of the lumberjack some more ;) *

Dang it our little Robbie's all growed up - aint it just SWEET?! hahaha

hey imagin that: rob in speedos... playin drums... singin in the end and doin pics for ck.... lol

lumberjack? lmao

i dont think your bitter.... its just hard to find someone if your in love with an other person...



New member
man are we all going to scare him. i think we should get moving (does a weird anime pose) to my house!! oh and deryk finally got his pilots licens. he can fly the jet. i say load up everything so we fly to my house (i dont know how he would feel about waking up to about ten or so drooling women and pictures of him on my wall)


New member
hey imagin that: rob in speedos... playin drums... singin in the end and doin pics for ck.... lol
lumberjack? lmao

i dont think your bitter.... its just hard to find someone if your in love with an other person...
WTF? *lol* uh ok... in love huh? Well you and my therapist should catch up at some point! haha naw it's all good. Kidding. Though if you're referring to our lord here I should point out the obvious; it's **** near imposible to love someone you don't know. Rob's a hottie, and pert near the closest thing I've seen to human perfection in a while (mind you he's not been the only one :X) he's still just an image. Whick sucks for us, well, no me hahaha. But anyway, my opinion is based on many years of experience with the opposite ***. And it's **** near depressing to look back on it all now and see all the similarities within the failures... so its safer really if I stay here I think. The ideal is less depressing than the reality so... yeah... quite the conundrum huh?


Hmm... *imagines running along the beach all hollywood-esque style with our lord while soppy music plays on in the background...*


*Then she realises the gulls aren't flying along above us, they're swooping us, she trips over the sand, ends up face first in the water with an unceremonious splash, she loses her swimming togs and squints up to find people around pointing and laughing while Robbie's still running... this time hand in hand with whomever's next in line! hahaha awww *snuffle**

****... now... back to reality! Hahahaha :p

And as far as the other mental imagery, Robbie playing drums in his speedos? Hahaha GAWD I WISH! Though I've a feeling that'd be downright uncomfortable for him to be sure! Good for us - GREAT for us - but would totally suck for him! (Mind you I wouldn't NOT watch) but I think singing as well? Well I dunno. I heard he's been creditted with the other guys for singing backup vocals on the other albums but quite honestly I've never heard him. If you've ever heard him talk then I reckon that baritone wouldn't be hard to miss in a song... then again... you never know ;)



New member
Alright alright, ill fly the plane. i just wont make any promises. lets get this thing off the ground shall we? if we wait anymore then he ll chew through the ropes.


New member
lol yeah lets get everything loaded on to the jet! *loads one bag* whoo! well i'm done.... lol jk *loads lots more bags in to the jet* can i get some help over here?! theres so0o0o0o0o0o many bags!!! btw its great that deryk got his pilots liscence! now we wont crash into a tree or something, lol.


New member
lol rob is in a speedo= every person on this thread's dreaaaaams

so i posted this in another thread but its gone so sorry if yourve already read it but its funny

at school today there was a picture of Rob in my Organic Chem folder and I asked this guy what he thought of Rob and the guy takes the picture [my homework was on the back of the page] and he was about to write on it

and i go "hey thats my homework"

and hes like "HES YOUR HOMEWORK????"

oh man if Rob was my homework I would be a Straight A student if you no what i mean

i mean cmon i would do it eveeeery night...oh wow im going insane

woho its gettin dirrty in here!! lmao


why has rob to come on 5th feb....????? till that i wont be a member... im mailin to check this week... i hope on tuesday.... omg... *rob wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*



New member
ok (runs to help with bags) yeah im licenesed to fly fighter jets and normal planes. i however wont gaurentee anything. so if a certaint group of girls and/or women just happen to kidnapp a certaint drummer then that certaint group of girls/women just happened to find a plane that can fly all by its self (get my drift) im just an innocent bystander

crazy robster

New member
Rob's gonna chat live?? Damnit I'm not an LPU member so I can't chat with him... Err... My beloved sis, I know you don't need to be told, but if you get to talk to him (you or anyone else in here) can you tell him I love him?? Tell him Jojo loves him... *snuffle* so... *snuffle*... **** much!!! Roooooooooob!!! <3


New member
thnx for the help with the yeah i catch ur drift.... come ppl lets get in that jet that we just happened to find that flies itself! lol


New member
Yay...we have transportation! 3 cheers for Deryk! I mean...3 cheers for a self-flying plane! *grabs some bags and throws them on to the plane* Hey Deryk, do you have a code name yet? I forget if you got one or not. Meh, oh well. *carries a big stack of pizza boxes and containers filled with fresh Bourdon-Bourbons* This plane is looking kinda plain... *digs in a bag and brings out a big stack of Rob pictures, and puts them up on the plane walls* there we go :)
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