The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
That's one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen in my life... or at least today. Haha. And as far as touching that side of his face... um... I'd rather not. He looks scary. Half scary. Half scary half sexay. Hmm. Dang. But there ya go... see... that's what happens when you fall asleep on the heater or sth... haha, poor guy.

And as far as the chats go - I have no idea what to ask! After last year I had a hard enough time trying to figure out something relatively intelligent to ask that everyone else before me hadn't (hard enough considering the questions have to be all LP/studio/album/tour related - not what's your fav colour, haha - but that you can only ask it once - and if he doesn't answer it then that's too bad - and you have to ask in alphabetical order. So all A-C's ask, 10 mins later, D-F etc... and like last time if we dont get past R - lucky for me - too bad. Sucks ***. The mods were too busy kissing his *** last time, poor guy must be sick of that - but anyway... the most common things there are ppl saying 'say hi for me and we love you/marry me/wanna have your babies or the like... damned infuriating and I'm just reading all this so imagine near an hour plus of that over and over, poor guy!)

So I was all freaked out, and I'm kinda freaked out about asking him anything else. It was an awesome experience, but really it's hard to think of a question to ask that he hasn't already heard! ****... oh well, I have a week, see what happens... but alas I think I'm working it anyway... should call in sick! It's a religious holiday! Bourdonmas! AGAIN!



say some greets from us....

btw: my bros readin a book called 'high fidelty' from nick hornby... its about a guy called rob, yes rob... and hes havin some problems to get over his last ex called laura.... ist a english book... im def gonna read it when hes done


crazy robster

New member
I just have something to ask... mrsrobbourdon (by the way if I knew your name it would be easier for me to address you!! LOL) do you by any chance have the original picture? I mean without the distortion on poor Robbie's face? If you have it can you please post it? It would be highly appreciated!! :D

Jos, you're turning into a robster arentcha? The fact that you associate every person named Rob (real or fictional) with our beloved Bourdie is more than pleasant to know!! Well done my dear! It's always nice to know that Bourdie love is spread around!! :D



New member
yes lets get moving (puts rob in the plane first class) does any one have the bay key? I think a certaint guitarest brother forgot to put my luggage in there. jk jk. lets move it so we can get started on things (muwahaha)


New member
haha my names jeanae but u can just call me mrs.bourdon


actually that is the original picture what they did was put makeup and costume affects to one side of the face so they didnt have to do anything digitally during the papercut video

if you need anything else jsut ask :]


crazy robster

New member
:thumbsup: Alright Jeanae thankies!! But those people who distorted our lord's perfect features must really be battered to death am I right?? Lol It's all good... All I'm asking you is whenever you feel there's some hot Robbie snaps that are worth sharing with the CoBers here don't hesitate to post, personally I'm a fan of picturewhoring (did I use the word right sis?? I'm still Me and my sis can never get enough of Robbie pictures!! Well, can never get enough of Robbie in general!! I know you understand... ;)


New member
so guess what i got in the mail today?!!?



so im getting my popcorn and my handy dandy magnifying glass to see that moment of when vanessa gives rob the cold look when he offers her a hug...

yeah im crazy but i must see!

OO im so excited !!:]



New member
(waits for rav) hmm when is our high prestiess Ravyn going to be here? (looks at watch) i dont know we need to get this bird off of the ground. (re-ties rob up since he almost chewed through) whew! there we go. is hog tying illegal in the states if its not a pig( oh well call it rob-tying) n_n
Jos, you're turning into a robster arentcha? The fact that you associate every person named Rob (real or fictional) with our beloved Bourdie is more than pleasant to know!! Well done my dear! It's always nice to know that Bourdie love is spread around!! :D
honeslty... idk... i think its just like a nice friendship... i dont think theres gonna be such love between me and rob as between me and brad... but i dont mind callin me robster... :D



New member
*mutters* ****! we gotta keep more eyes on him XD wow..maybe thats not possible. what am I talking about? I telling the world's most perverted rob-obsessors to look at him more *laugh*

maybe we should try that super-duper rope Isaw at the 'store' X3



New member
Sorry guys, am finally here! *whew!* Had to go take a cold shower after, ahem... 'guarding' said hostag- er, I mean, 'drummer' for the last few hours or so. *Runs across tarmac and does aerobatic flip onto plane as it's taking off*

Well, am here now and all is good. *Flops down exhaustedly onto seat and looks around the walls at Rob pics and so forth*

Nice decorating.

Oh, and thanks "19" for the *wink-wink* help (in transportation)

I wonder if we shouldn't swing past the CoS (as I noticed a few familiar faces in said breakaway religious establishment) and see if we shouldn't procure Mike as well, to give Rob some company for the flight...? You don't think putting the two of them together would encourage them to try and break free or anything? *looks concerned*

Actually, to mention it, I'm surprised a CoC *laughs @ how that could be pronounced* (Church of Chester) has not yet been established, or even a CoBBB (for Brad, cause CoB is taken) or CoP (Phoenix) or CoJ (Mr Hahn) etc??? That way we could collectively kidnap the entire band and break off into factions, me being in charge of said percussionist, of course *evil grin*

Well, yeah, the CoS was inevitable. Poor JammerG will be dissapointed... or would have been, but between us I think she's become disenchanted over LP recently (its bound to happen during a band's downtime out of the spotlight). This morning she told me she's taking down the wall of Shinoda (to rival my wall of Bourdon) and even offered to give me most of her LP tee shirts! *cheers excitedly* Said she's outgrown her teeny-bopper days... *shrugs* I don't mind either way, I'm not likely to change my ways in any hurry so it's all win-win for me as far as I can see. But poor Mike just lost himself what was once a huge fan (through no fault of his own). But sucks in a small way... just finished making her a new sig to replace the much-outdated Joe sig so that was a waste of a few hours... *sigh* Oh well, so be it.

Well, take care people's. I'm off to peruse the boards now, but before I go, here's a little something to whet our collective appetite; I thought it was appropriate...

(Source: Cinnaberry-?)

*Big Bourdie-bear hugs*




New member

i saw it... very depressing

she kind of looks like ashlee simpson to me

like that part where rob is shirtless and wet [drooool] and she gives the camera a dirty look

eh i dont like her

but it makes rob look like he noes how to treat a girl so woot!

but yes i did enjoy the tour!

and chicken fricasse was hilarious



New member
Haha - another successful conversion! *cheers excitedly* :D

I'm a happy ranter.

Oh and hey, I'm afraid my ranting here has been limitted cause everytime I start ranting here I get timed out and have to log back in... meh... Looks like I'll have to pre-rant and copy and paste it.

Oh and THANKS SO MUCH for my Robbie birthday card! That cracked me up hardcore! *still lol* I loved it, totally made my week! Bless ya <3



New member
lmao!! Rav! good to see ya! I collect the plane has taken off?

which leads me to my next question...WHO'S GUNNA BE THE flight attendant? XD

hehe I will volunteer...after all, I am the 'maid' around here :p

good find Rav! *chuckles*

aww poor woody *hands throat drops*

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