Sorry guys, am finally here! *whew!* Had to go take a cold shower after, ahem... 'guarding' said hostag- er, I mean, 'drummer' for the last few hours or so. *Runs across tarmac and does aerobatic flip onto plane as it's taking off*
Well, am here now and all is good. *Flops down exhaustedly onto seat and looks around the walls at Rob pics and so forth*
Nice decorating.
Oh, and thanks "19" for the *wink-wink* help (in transportation)
I wonder if we shouldn't swing past the CoS (as I noticed a few familiar faces in said breakaway religious establishment) and see if we shouldn't procure Mike as well, to give Rob some company for the flight...? You don't think putting the two of them together would encourage them to try and break free or anything? *looks concerned*
Actually, to mention it, I'm surprised a CoC *laughs @ how that could be pronounced* (Church of Chester) has not yet been established, or even a CoBBB (for Brad, cause CoB is taken) or CoP (Phoenix) or CoJ (Mr Hahn) etc??? That way we could collectively kidnap the entire band and break off into factions, me being in charge of said percussionist, of course *evil grin*
Well, yeah, the CoS was inevitable. Poor JammerG will be dissapointed... or would have been, but between us I think she's become disenchanted over LP recently (its bound to happen during a band's downtime out of the spotlight). This morning she told me she's taking down the wall of Shinoda (to rival my wall of Bourdon) and even offered to give me most of her LP tee shirts! *cheers excitedly* Said she's outgrown her teeny-bopper days... *shrugs* I don't mind either way, I'm not likely to change my ways in any hurry so it's all win-win for me as far as I can see. But poor Mike just lost himself what was once a huge fan (through no fault of his own). But sucks in a small way... just finished making her a new sig to replace the much-outdated Joe sig so that was a waste of a few hours... *sigh* Oh well, so be it.
Well, take care people's. I'm off to peruse the boards now, but before I go, here's a little something to whet our collective appetite; I thought it was appropriate...
(Source: Cinnaberry-?)
*Big Bourdie-bear hugs*