The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
cool, np like :D

While doing my usual check back at LPU I looked at some of the proposed q's for our lord come Tuesday (that's 10:00am Tuesday our time, GMT Aust/Bris = 4:00pm Monday their time, PST USA/LA) I literally have drawn a blank on what I myself wanna ask him.

I remember this time last year (cause prior to that it'd been 3yrs since his last webchat) I had a question in mind and was all excited, sitting by my comp from like 8am just watching the seconds tick down (pathetic, I know) but now I'm like... ****... what's the point? I have nothing I wanna know from a creative POV. Everyone gets into these chats and asks two things; say hi to blah-blah for me/P.S. we love you etc and blah-blah drumming technique insertion here, that's all it ever really is - when the mods arent stealing the limelight and tripping over themselves to get a few seconds of attention. Meh, I sound bitter, and I dont mean to, it is a special occasion and all, but really at the end of the day the new album is pretty much done, we pretty much know when it's gonna be released, we know the band always has vague generic answers for the recording process and the longing to go back on tour, but really... what more is there to ask?

*crickets chirping*



I'm still trying to weasle my way into swapping shifts at work for the big event, if I can't think of a question hopefully at best I can be there just for the sake of being there, but... what would you guys wanna know??

A lil help...??





New member
lmao!! Rav! good to see ya! I collect the plane has taken off?which leads me to my next question...WHO'S GUNNA BE THE flight attendant? XD

hehe I will volunteer...after all, I am the 'maid' around here :p

good find Rav! *chuckles*

aww poor woody *hands throat drops*
Yup, we're in the air... (the mile high club?)*laughs* Wow, bet Rob didn't even know he'd signed up for that when he was wrestled, I mean, assisted on board, oops! *laughs*Yeah you can be flight attendant, why not? It's always all good...

I'm about to join in the next 2 weeks... im gettin the check tomorrow and sending it to them the same day... but if i were on there i could do the chat thing bc id need to stay up very late in the morning and that just couldnt work bc next day is school and my parents wouldnt let me do that...


New member
:( i wish i could chat with robcan you save the convo for us?
That's the plan - Did that last year! I'm trying to swap shifts at work to stay and chat but so far still dunno, its cutting things very close. But I rationalise its a rare event, once a year (was once every three years!) so really... I hope I can swing it. Soon find out I guess... *shrugs*


crazy robster

New member
Haven't posted in here in a while... tsk tsk, totally unforgivable!!! *slaps self* What will the Lord think? I still love you Rob... Always love you!! *hugs Bourdie tightly* *fans self* i won't attemt another contact again cause it gets me too hot!!!! *is embarrassed* LOL Good luck today with the chat Lord, hope you give us your blessings and also a possible release date for the *prays, drools, leaves*


New member
good luck to anyone who gets to talk to the hottest man on the planet!

if anyone is still questioning who that is its this hottie down here

v v v v v


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New member
Yep, I just went in there (CoS) and had a look for myself. *laughs* Sorry, had a vague moment... I'm a law enforcement officer... go figure! My parents would be so proud (if they cared) but still, I have to reiterate, as proud and as humbled as I am to accept this new position at CoS, my heart (and drool) will always belong here with Rob.

Forever live the CoB/Bourdonism!

*hugs Rob's legs tightly*


crazy robster

New member
He is the sexiest man alive period. I don't think that would or should be questioned dear mrsbourdon!! I decided to become an LPU member myself so that I can chat with him next time he chats with fans!! OMG!! Love Rob!!!


New member
Hey Rav, did you bring tacos from your place of work? huh? huh? did ya? huh? did ya? ok. Anywhos...That was some fancy gymnastic work you did metal I say! As for my roll on the plane, I will be cook/interior decorator? I guess...anyway, nice picture Rav, *puts it on the wall with all the other Rob pictures*. I might be crazy, but I think we should let our..."guest" let loose for a while...I mean, how exactly would he excape from a plane? Unless he'd rather fall to his death then stay with a bunch of Bourdie-Boppers such as ourselves. Well unless of course we have spare parachutes(sp?) lying around. Meh...I dunno.

Well, Im sorry to hear that your sick woody *cooks up some chicken noodle soup in the mini plane kitchen and hands it over* I hope you get better.



New member
So you did join last night sis? Yay! *suffocating squeeze tackle hugs*

And Mrs B I TOTALLY reccomend it - even if you arent convinced for anything else just look at the cool stuff you get shipped to you! THAT is awesome in itself. As far as the official site goes I dont think its better than LPF, its very formal (almost to the point of suffocation I think) but its where the band lingers (Mike especially) so its worth it for that too if you just wanna be included in the loop somewhat.

And yes, this is the second time in as many years I've gotten to speak with Rob so if that doesn't convince you I dunno what else will!

Way nervous. Sis is keeping me grounded. Talk back soon after the chat. Yes I'll keep you posted as always and spread the CoB love, naturally ;)



New member
*laughs* That cracked me up Meteora! *gratefully hands over tacos* Go crazy, I'm not all that keen on Mexican food, go figure. I like a few things, but lets just say that when Rob joins us for a Mexican feast, he's eating alone. No I'll watch (I love to watch! *evil s*******) but as for partaking *shrugs* I was force fed kidney beans as a kid now I have an instant gag reflex at the mere smell of it... and here I am working at a Mexican restaurant! *laughs*


That comment about Rob chosing whether to 'willfully' stay with us or fall to his death from "19"'s plane cracked me up! Yeah *nods agreeably* let him wander free. His long limbs are probably weary anyway from all that restraining and so forth... Oh, but I can fix that little problem Mr Bourdon, sir! *runs off to get massage oil*



New member
Thanks Chel! You've become like our I dunno, fairy *** parent of some description, bringing us Rob-related treasures that we love so dearly, bless ya! <3

Mind you, as we all know by now I, the self-confessed Rob-ranter was so... unimpressed with that whole thing I didnt even bother saving it. Sorry guys. It was dull and lifeless - and it hurts to say that despite the fact I think he's generally such a cool guy. Maybe he was just tired, I dunno. But I'm glad you posted the link Chel cause realisically, I had no intentions on doing so, despite what I'd said earlier. Sorry Robbie. Sorry CoBers. But ****... I hope third time's a charmer (eventually, whenever he decides to grace us with another chat) cause if its anything like this one...




New member
*laughs* That cracked me up Meteora!
Im glad you enjoyed it... :rolleyes: ...Am I the only one here that eats tacos? I dont know about anyother mexican foods, seeing as I dont know any mexican foods, except like, quesadillas (sp?) or somthing.

Anyway, *looks around for spare parachutes and hides them. Unlocks Robs chains and straps a leash to his neck... :D * kinda kinky... *and shoves a taco in his hand* do you think I should move the leash?


crazy robster

New member
I was disappointed... I didn't expect him to be like this, answer like this or... I dunno, I didn't expect it like that. This chat could have been more constructive. All we saw was a lot of repetition and answers that, like sis says, we can find in any LP-related site or magazine. I want to think that he was tired or, just in a bad mood... I don't wanna feel that he disregarded all those people's expectations just like that. least he knows we love him...even if he didn't take the time to answer my sis's question. Thanks sis for representing the CoB and for mentioning me!! Thank you so much!!!! *loving hugs*


New member
^ yea it was a completely pointless chat. mostly because the only questions that got passed were dumb newbie questions. and questions repeated over and over. next chat hopefully they'll actually pass people with better questions instead of stupid noobs.


New member
^ Gawd I hope so...

But at least on the upside sis he KNOWS you exist now ;)

And for all those doubters, he knows of this place (CoB) too!

<3 Still love him... just... annoyed with his generic attitude is all... *sigh* <3



New member
mm tacos. (watches as my brother takes off) so nice of him to join us. i do believe that rob will need some company, thats why my brother is in on it. just make sure that rob dosent wizz on the exit door. (really long story deryk did that when he was two) grabbs a taco and munches on it. so where r we headed my house or the cave?
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