The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
Wizzing on the exit door, huh? *laughs* Of everything that I just read prior to my last post, why did that one phrase stand out above all others? *laughs and shakes head* Maybe I'm just weird... then again, we always kinda knew that anyway, huh?

As for Mexican food, oh, I could rattle off a list but as I work on the other side of the kitchen (namely the sink) I'm really not into it all that much, so I'd probably screw it up anyway. I'd say ask Jammer (as chef at said Mexican restaurant - isn't it ironic that after she was promoted I took her old job?) but seeing as how she's hardly ever around anymore and isn't into LP so much these days, it's probably a waste of time. *shrugs*

And as for location, as I don't technically know where you live Phe, and being our 'first time' and all with our new rock-star friend *s******s* I think it should be a memorable event. Lets go to the cave, how many times does one get to go wild in a cave these days with tacos and drummers?!? *rolls eyes* Uh hu, anyways, thanks '19' again for coming to keep him company.

On a completely unrelated subject, Phe, it distresses me a little to note that our beloved CoB is starting to wane... *sob* Do you fear this new competition is luring Rob-worship away from dear sweet Rob (as per usual) by the limelight-hogging-multi-talented-and-kinda-cute-in-his-own-way-(but not half as sexy as Rob)-emcee? *starts to hyperventilate* I also noticed a FoC on the way in (Fans of Chester)... man, there's places just popping up all everywhere now... that's progress for ya, I suppose. *heavy sigh* Oh where will the madness end? (Guess I probably shouldn't have started it then, huh? *s******s guiltily*) Oh well, even if it just ends up me alone here drinking water slumped on the first pew staring at the faded pictures of her beloved idol (long live Bourdonism!) then so be it...

Now, where's this cave...?

I have a question.

What ever happened to the CoB I joined back in the day? I miss that, I may not have posted much here, but when I did, I meant it. :: sigh :: Maybe the saying, "All good things must come to an end" is true... Well, that's my two cents... Take it to heart, or not, it is your decision. I said it, & I won't change the way I feel.




New member
hehe yay!

well i didnt have a good day but everytime i look at this pic i smile

hopefully robbie will be more hip next time...

your right no one can give up on that sexy beasst that easily

;) one not even him!

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New member
I have a question.What ever happened to the CoB I joined back in the day? I miss that, I may not have posted much here, but when I did, I meant it. :: sigh :: Maybe the saying, "All good things must come to an end" is true... Well, that's my two cents... Take it to heart, or not, it is your decision. I said it, & I won't change the way I feel.

I know what you mean *sigh* No offence taken, or meant to anyone else either, but was thinking that same thing not all that long ago. It's fine to joke around and stuff but we've wandered off the beaten track a bit (onto a more beaten track? *s******s*) but lately all we talk about is, well, plainly put; rapin' Rob. *shrugs* Not that I have an issue with the whoe physicality-issue part (as if) but if anything I' much prefer consent... *winks*

Seriously, tell me, how do we get the old spark back? (feels like she is reading dialongue from a day-time soap like old lovers trying to get reaquainted) *smirks* Apt-ish. I'm still posting 'outside' this GB rant but no one else seems that interested... maybe it's true what they say about some losing interest during a band's downtime from the spotlight? Maybe the novelty's just worn off from CoB? *sob* Hope not... but like the general issues you mods and such were having prior to awards; participation and a sense of group unity isn't decided by one... *shrugs* shouldn't be, anyway...

wanders off despondently...



New member
ahh ravyn i want to say thanks for dropping by my thread. but dont worry I will always be here to to rob obsess. i too think that the novelty has worn off about our little church. im not entirely sure what to do about it either. but i will always be here to continue the drool. peace


edit: I cant tell you how many times I come back to this thread to see if any ones posted after me.



New member
I can see what Vash and Rav are talking about. I've not posted here in a while, mainly because it had gone off track from when I first joined, and I wasn't really sure wtf you guys were on about :p . I am willing to go back to how it was before...


New member
^ Awwww teh Sexeh!

*drooling makes me dyslexic, among other things, lol*


P.S. BUY THE BOOK! Lots of purty sexfuliciousness Roblovliness in it! Oh yeah and... the uh, rest of the band too... yeah... hahaha

(P.S. Rob, I forgive you now for being an ignoramous... mostly... Well, Sarah told me to get over it so I will, but begrudgingly so, You're too ********* sexay to have a grudge against! For, I understand totally, but against?! What am I , crazy?! Well yeah, that sorta goes without saying and well... I digress... bottomline, still <3 ya. Next chat CHEER THE **** UP MISTER! Done diddly.)




New member
Agreed 'sticks' *laughs* I do that a lot too! Oops... but I don't know what to do. The old days... we did the usual ****, posted pics a lot and drooled over them, that kind of stuff... but I don't know what we had or what we've lost only that it, whatever 'it' is, is gone, or at least on holiday somewhere.


Lets make a general rule though... lets leave all 'attacking' of band members to ppl's journals and such now, okay? *raises a brow* Things went off the rails after that... lets see if picking up from there helps a little...

Much thanks guys. Peace, love, and Big Bourdie hugs,


(Edit: Looks like you and I Phe are on the same page again! Get out of my head damnit, it's crowded enough as it is in there! *laughs* But as for what you said - as I was saying it - "I" as in, I agree).



New member
its been a while since I've been here. I've been guilty of blasphemy lately, ask rav about my dedication to the drummer of the 69eyes. *bows down to the mightyness that is rob* dear lord forgive me. I don't have any new piccys to post, but yeah all of mine have already been posted by the insane priestest up there *luv u mum XD* hey its all good


New member
Insane? Haha... guilty as charged :D I mean, that's for the courts to decide, yeah *muahahaha*


Just wait til the new album comes out and they start the whole press junket rigmarole all over again (I bet they hate that part but we love it - new pickies!) We're gonna be like rabid dogs going at a dead carcass, its gonna be manic getting the new pics posted first! I for one am so excited at the prospect of new LP/Rob anything I've pert near wet myself right here as I type this... well, no that's a lie, but still, its sorta indicative of my feelings towards it. Its just been so long seriously... I want them to hurry up and come back to the world so I can smother them all over again like the last few years... ahhh memories...

And luv u too my gurl - Daddy's unimpressed but meh, he'll get over it ;) hehehe



New member
here here (raises watter bottle) umm im going to go try to find something ahh here it is...


ahh lots of drool worthy pics i wonder if i still can find some of the pics I had

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New member
Okay, well... I used to do this a lot in the old days...

"Blah-blah-Rob, rant-rave-Rob, blah-Rob-blah..." and so on and so forth...

But seriously. I also used to do this;




(All sources: as best I can recall - and

Now that's more like it *dreamy sigh*

You know what else is the problem? I've moved the Wall of Bourdon (at home here in Real Life) and I no longer have like 20 A4 sets of Rob-faces staring back at me as I type this = inspiration. Yeah... may need to rectify that small problem (I just ran out of wall space, seriously!) Anyhoo... hope that tides everyone over and uh... makes up for my temporary descent into insanity, I mean, further into insanity... yeah... sorry. Can't promise it won't happen again (me going nuts) but if I look like I'm teetering too-close to that proverbial edge, someone, please, grab me by the collar and pull me back, okay? *Looks about expectantly* Thanks...

Well, take care, again much love, *hugs* and TTYL,


(Crazy about Rob... or just crazy, either way, it's all good!)

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crazy robster

New member
Yeah it's him!! :eek: I'm positive it's him! But... Look at his arm!!! Where are his muscles? Where's the bull we were used to? I mean I know he said at the chat that he relies exclusively on drumming for his workout but... :confused: He must be really stressed with the new album and all and he is prolly malnurished, my poor boy... I'm starting to feel guilty for what I said about the chat! If he doesn't have the time to take care of his own self how could he have time for 300+ people asking questions??? Awww Robbie darling. I love you... :'(


New member
I will take a wild guess and say it's him too... there's no definitive proof but then, if you spend a few years staring at the same man's face studiously you get to recognise it for the most part - so I'm gonna say yes. And what's up with that shirt? *lol* **** it Robbie, you have the strangest SOH for a man I've never met... bless it. Haha.

And hey sis, if I read that right the pic is from Family Values tour which was a few years back (what, 2001-ish?) so its technically all good. At least his muscle mass still has time to stabilise (between now and the time the next album promo tour kicks off anyway) so panic not, the big sexay bull we all love will be back... and hey of not he's still ****** sexay as a not-so-bullish-man in a weirdly tagged white tee-shirt.

**** - a pic I DIDN'T have! Well now I do but I'm super-stoked about that. LOVE ya for that Mrs B. ;)

Oh and Scotty B (What's with the 'B' thing here lately? I should change my name to RavynleeB too prolly to keep pace with y'all - just kidding ;) ) I got mine through Amazon. Web it or order it through any self respecting book retailer. ****, it's WAY worth it. Best of luck there. Oh and hey if you're feeling lucky you can always eBay it, I have seen it go through there from time to time and fetch insane amounts of money. Try your luck and see what works for you. Peace.



New member
Wow, missed much, I did... I also noticed our little distration XD I'm glad we can still have fun here and have the old CoB back ^_^

Of all the other fan churches/threads/places of worship, the CoB will always be my favorite :D



New member
this has been on my mind the whole day today (basically that's how bored i am) what would rob look like without his adorable goatee? i think he and mike are the only members that are always seen with their goatees... it's like their trademark. i love them just the way they are complaints


New member
^ I can't say with definite certainty - Mrs B, can you tell us where you found said pickie or others like them (not necessarily including Rob in them) for reference plz?


New member
Yay! The church is back! Woot...The whole "gang-bang bourdie clan" was fun...but I missed the original CoB. I missed all the pictures and the drooling...but I wont be leaving this tread anytime soon, seeing as this is my favorite thread. And I noticed the we are getting some competition with other...Chruches, and stuff for the other guys. But, I feel that the CoB will always be the best. yeah...that was cheesy. Anywho...It would be cool to see Rob without his goatee wouldnt it? If anybody has a picture of him without it, it would be Rav...*turns to Rav with puppy eyes*. Well, I think Im going to meander through the rest of the forum *runs into kitchen and comes out with a huge Rob shaped cake and glasses of champagne(sp?) for everybody* Its to celebrate us going...back to...normal I guess *holds up glass*. Oh, I like the pics ^_^


New member
^thats not rob that's Mark Fiore i believe. theres another picture where him and rob are in it. or with mark facing the camera i cant remember. but its not rob


New member
*laughs* Funny you should mention that, as it turns out I do have some Rob pics (just one or two) without his trademark facial hair...

Had to track them down. What I found instead, rather than post full band images, is another image or a set of three of Rob that I put together a while back for the Rob Pics thread I think it was to show you in essence his 'three faces' if you will; the lumberjack look (a personal favourite, I have to admit), the usual shy boy-next-door with goatee (that I also adore *wipes chin*) and the rather 'stern accountant' look *laughs again* Not that you'd want to cross his bad side come tax time, I bet!

(Sources:, I think. Could be Getty Press too?)

I know, each one has their own opinion when it comes to likes/dislikes and personal taste and so forth, but strangely enough when I was still Chas's gurl back in the day, I didn't like Rob's scruffy 'lumberjack' look - I hated the beard then. Nowadays I actually prefer it, or should I say, I prefer his scruffy look, y'know, the not-quite-a-beard but too lazy to shave or give a rat's @$$ to do so either kind of look... like he crawled out of bed too late for a press junket and threw the first thing on he could find and went in essence as is *laughs* That's how I prefer Rob... he looks so natural like that, so easy-going, relaxed, like some one you could just kick back with and hang out and chill... yeah *nods head appreciatively* I adore the 'just-got-up but don't **** me off' look *smiles dreamily and almost headbuts keyboard after slipping in a puddle of drool*

Hehehe... ah, y'know how it is, it's all good... yeah... XD

And I should say a heartfelt thanks too to you guys for all your support and contributions and everything... just being here and the fact you keep coming back, despite the fact that yes we are currently being bombarded by 'rival' factions. I know to most people it's a dumb thread but to come here day after day and just hang out with you guys means so much more to me than you'll probably ever know... I guess I'm just touched. Thanks, really, from the bottom of my ever-lovin' black little Rob-obsessing soul... :D

Haven't had one for a while so I feel the need for a *Big Bourdon Bear hug* coming on... *pulls everyone in* Ahhh... much better. Now I feel better...

And on that note I shall sod-off again and roam the boards a bit, then probably run over to MTS2, then play Sims2 for a bit all before Jammer gets home and all that ****... Ah, ain't life grand?

Well take care guys, much love and warm fuzzy thoughts etc (forgive me, it's still winter here Down Under) and I shall talk to you again real soon.


(Ranter of Rob-related Regalia?!? I ran out of R's, dagnammit! *laughs*)



New member
I always thought Mark was shorter than that - of course, having said that I've never actually met the man in person so how would I know? Good point Chel - you haven't steered us wrong yet ;)


New member
Lol, 'stern accountant look'... thats just great. To be honest I'm not a fan of the 'lumberjack' look... I'm a goatee girl lol. But he must wear his specs more often! Hes so adorable when he wears them... omg what am I saying, Robs ALWAYS adorable :D .

I used to be a Chaz girl too.. but I went off him a bit. I don't know why... but now I'm a Rob/Brad kinda person.

*Waves to all CoBers, howdy people!* (I have an obession with saying howdy at the moment, I don't know why.. *adopts Texan accent* How I wanna be in Texas... yeeehaw!) Just ignore me... I think I'm rambling.



New member
i'm not really fond of the "clean shaven rob"... it has its own charm, but not one i would agree with haha... my favorite one is still the lumberjack look...he's just rockin it!!

crazy robster

New member
Oh THANK YOU!!!! *hugs you* What a relief!!! Robbie Robbie Robbie!!! He's always gorgeous!! But wtf that guy from behind looks like a skinny version of Rob he fooled both me and sis!!! Aww look at our Lord, no one can compare to his perfection!! *is proud*
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