The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
^ Totally sis - feel like a right royal doofus now, but **** yeah they do like freakishly alike from behind... sorta... hahaha ;P

Chel you are our fairy-***-parent here - you rock my world too. Thanks for clarifying that. Sad though. Well I WAS sad at the prospect of no new Rob pics but now I'm happy anyway cause you posted that one so yeah, equals itself out... schmicko! :D

Thank you again as always!

And sis... hahaha get that



New member

that made me laugh

thats what i thought too

"since when does rob wear shirts about ***** and since when does he have a big nose?"

sorry for replying late i found it on lptimes but it doesnt amtter any more since we no its not him.

lol thats funny

rob looks awfully hot like always

do u happen to have more pics from this event? :D



New member
i love his gotee personally. but hey he can be my IR anyday with my acounts and what not with the stocks. I'm about to kill my IR anyways. do you think rob still does stuff like that? (seems kind of weird to think about him as an accountant.) really nice pics rav. (major droolage, wipes chin off.) Anywho i wish it was winter in NC its about 100 degreese here. (more sweat and drool)


New member
Hmm...I really dont know which style I like better, I do like the "not-quite-a-beard but too lazy to shave or give a rat's @$$ to do so either kind of look", But I also like the goatee. Eh...I dunno. Well he looks good anyway he wears his facial hair so its all good. I still am a Chaz girl. Im a Rob and Chester girl. And its winter where you are Rav? Its summer here...


New member
i dont get what you girls find so attractive (throws up hands) of course I'm just another average guy. but his drumming is really good. im a little glad this gang banging came to an end but everything is good.

crazy robster

New member
Wtf? Where did that come from? Ok let's get things straight. Mark Fiore works with LP, he has helped them make their DVDs, he is the one that interviews people at the Frat Party DVD but he's NOT in any way Rob's bro ok? Rob's bro is named David. I dunno if he has other siblings too but Mark Fiore is NOT his bro.


New member
Came in here to give you all some news about Rob and Vanessa. Rob and Vanessa are excepting twin girls this July! Don't believe me here's the link to the site I got the info from.

I'm also posting new pictures in COS of Mike, Rob, and Joe so go check that out for Rob pics.



New member
=O omg really? but the link doesn't really prove much though... i'm not doubting it or anything but how can it be so sure? Especially down to the exact date... >_> It just has this one line saying that...

But i mean if that's true, then i'd like to congratulate Rob :)


crazy robster

New member
OH LORD!! That literally made me shiver!!!! That was just so...unexpected??? I guess... Oh well, I can't really say anything right now, I'm rather shocked but I'll say this. If Rob is happy about it then I'm happy for him too! I hope he and Vanessa create a big happy family together and yeah you wanna know what I think? I think it is about time these genes of perfection he carries were reproduced so that this fine species called Bourdon doesn't become extinct! Congrats to our Lord I guess and thanks to you Andrea for posting this ^^


New member
:( WHAT?!!?!


that literally made my bones chill

im officially frozen....

WTF! im sorryi no i shud be happy for him...

but omgg someone hold me while i punch a wall...:'(

i cant breathe..i wonder if this is true cuz she doesnt look pregnant in the pics..



New member
in the meantime *grabs a tray and starts handing out bourdon-bourbons* come on meteora, you gotta keep making 'm! plus we need some more bourdochino's (= bourdon cappichinos btw)


New member
aww thank you shinoda ur always there for me


but you better hold me stronger cuz IM ONE STEP CLOSER TO THE EDGE AND IM ABOUT TO BREAK!


thanks for understanding

im like bawling to my cousins and she thinks im crazy



New member
*jaw drops*

Well... he's a family man at heart... I'm thinking he's over-the-moon about this, so I am happy for them both. Shocked but happy. Just... well... yeah...

Thanks Rashell :)

BTW, just checked in at and didnt see anything there... is it coming up in next month's update or sth??



New member
Oh right! we need food! heh...ok then *puts on chefs hat and goes into kitchen to whip up some Bourdon-Bourbons* Ill leave the Bourdochinos to you broken, those I think are your specialty. But I dunno if you guys will be up for more Rob shaped pizzas, seeing as we...ate a fair few during our "adventure". Eh...I think I need more ideas...*looks to brokenangel in hopes that she has an idea for food* But I must leave you know, to go explore the rest of the forum. *serves the fresh Bourdon-Bourbons on a silver platter* enjoy!

crazy robster

New member
Alright, I know we are obsessed but I want to think we are the good type of Robsessors. Above all, we love Rob, so that means we want the best for him. I'm not saying I wouldn't prefer it if he had the babies with me instead of Vanessa. I was shocked too, yes. But let us be realistic... Does anyone of you think they could ever have him for real? I think not. Well, then would you like him to spend a lonely lifetime, no wife, no family just because we here like to fantasize? Rob loves us, he loves his fans. But naturaly he can't marry us all even if he wanted to. At least he has babies with a woman he's been with for 6 or so years now? I know I haven't been very keen on her but I'm trying to be realistic here like I said before. They've been together for so long they prolly have a good relationship, something that has kept them together for so long, so if those babies complete our Lord's happiness then we should congratulate him and tell him once again that we love him. That's what he would like to hear. That's what we should all do. Think about it Mrs B. Rob still loves us all. He always loved us and the fact he's going to be a daddy doesn't change how he sees his fans. But we are his fans, that's what we've always been and that's what we'll always be. We are something different from Vanessa which means we hold a different but special place in his heart. :)


New member
*makes 10 bourdachino's and puts them on the platter with the bourdon-bourbons* what about some 'bourdaroni'? (=macaroni), and the 'noodle'-shapes could be: rob, hats and drumsticks. that would be pleasantly different :p

see ya around!



New member
Alright, I know we are obsessed but I want to think we are the good type of Robsessors. Above all, we love Rob, so that means we want the best for him. I'm not saying I wouldn't prefer it if he had the babies with me instead of Vanessa. I was shocked too, yes. But let us be realistic... Does anyone of you think they could ever have him for real? I think not. Well, then would you like him to spend a lonely lifetime, no wife, no family just because we here like to fantasize? Rob loves us, he loves his fans. But naturaly he can't marry us all even if he wanted to. At least he has babies with a woman he's been with for 6 or so years now? I know I haven't been very keen on her but I'm trying to be realistic here like I said before. They've been together for so long they prolly have a good relationship, something that has kept them together for so long, so if those babies complete our Lord's happiness then we should congratulate him and tell him once again that we love him. That's what he would like to hear. That's what we should all do. Think about it Mrs B. Rob still loves us all. He always loved us and the fact he's going to be a daddy doesn't change how he sees his fans. But we are his fans, that's what we've always been and that's what we'll always be. We are something different from Vanessa which means we hold a different but special place in his heart. :)
:clap: nice speech there Kantaro, everyone should listen to that :thumbsup:


wait a minute... what am i posting in here for?



New member
ohh...I like that idea! Your a real thinker! haha...*runs into the kitchen once again to make a huge bowl of Bourdaroni and puts it with the rest of the food.* Hehe...awesome.


New member
My sis I couldn't put that better myself, and I won't.

I'll just echo your sentiment and send my congrats. It is after all joyous news.

I wish them all the best, seriously. And it doesn't change a thing for me. Nor should it.

*** bless the Bourdons. Or is that Evigan-Bourdon's now? Haha ;)

And yes I'll continue to drool, just... guess we'll have to tone it down a bit huh? The CoB may end up being a family thread! Haha

Oh and I have to add sis that there was one of the best rants I have read in a while. I feel I'm being knocked off my proverbial perch here as the resident ranter, and you know what, I wouldn't wanna be out-ranted by anyone better. Bless ya <3 Keep doin' your sis, Rob and the CoB proud.



New member is brilliant. twas all brokenangel's idea to *nods head and claps*. But, Im sorry to say, I wont be here for a couple days, probably a week or so at the most. Im going to visit my grannie for a while. She has a computer and all, but...its dial up, so it really slow, and I have a very low tolerance for slow computers. Soo, I might come on while Im there but I might not. And right after that, I am going camping, but hopefully I will be able to get on before camping. So, Brokenangel, While Im gone you will take my place as head chef! *hands over the awesome chefs hat* Well, have fun without me! *waves, and heaves suitcases out the church doors*


New member
Howdy CoBers! *Takes Bourdon shaped food and munches*

Have fun at Grannys meteora500 :p

EDIT: Wahay I have 300 posts *boogies*



New member
Okay. I don't know any more. The site took the info down. So it looks like it's not true after all. But I looked for the registry number that was post on the site and found that it's register on babies "r" us. How if it not really true after all what kind of person would go and do that and register them? Even Linsey and Dave are register on there and we know that there really having a baby. I don't know anymore *shrugs*.

Here's the number if you all want to look: 37405554

I don't know what do you girls think? True or not?

Oh and Rav, about Linkin Lady I'm losing my hope on that site. The info Kenji, the girl who owns the other site, posts is true and that were Jen gets some of her info from.



New member
*raises right hand* i shall take care of the catering as well as you did *puts chef's hat on*. :D ...too bad that you're gone though :( ...have fun! and congrats on your 300th (now even more) post, black angel!!!
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