*Mmm* Bourdaccinos and Bourdon-Bourbons.... does life get any better than this? (Except maybe if Rob himself were doing the waitering thing,
that would make it perfect) *dreamy sigh* I wonder if any of the people he used to 'serve' as an aspiring musician come accountant come skeg (beach ***) come waiter remember him/see him in the press and go "gee, I remember that boy... wasn't he the one who used to wait our table at that place down on the corner? Yeah, always bashing the cutlery on the sides of the counter and tables when he was bored... **** punk!" *laughs*
Well, I know it's late but *waves* see ya Meteora! Have fun, whatever you get up to and stay safe. *hugs* Hurry back to the fold soon cause your absence will keenly be felt... And thanks to brokenangel for taking up the mantle while you're gone! *more hugs* You guys rock - food ideas, friendship, buckets of drool... (huh?) Speaking of which, there really hasn't been much of that lately has there? Maybe that's why this place has been kind of slow at times - unemployment!
Hmmm, we'll have to rectify that small problem, let me peruse my collection and see what I deem to be today's drool-worthy-iest (is that a real word?) pic, hold on a sec...
Hey, am listening to an oldie but a goodie at the moment; Korn's
Shoots and Ladders. Just occured to me that LP could cover this song pretty well I reckon... But my ultimate dream cover song would still have to be 'One' by Metallica, I'd sell my soul on eBay for that one (f**k eBay!) *sigh* I'd give them my first born to raise if they'd do it, just to be able to watch Rob perform it (not as a dot on the stage neither) *looks sceptical* Okay, so I don't actually
have a child to give away, but still... shows how desperate I am, huh? (In more ways than one aparently) *s******s*
Okay, uploaded a pic which is also an oldie but a goodie, from FP, and everyone (here)'s fav segment in it; the bus scene, of course!
*droooools* OMFG he's gorgeous... it's painful. But I still want more damnit!
Mmmm, the beloved 'lumberjack' returns *sighs... drools... swoons...*
(Sources: TheLinkinParkTimes, Robbourdonylp.cjb)
Anyway... thats it for now, I'm gonna take off, go recompose myself before work and quickly check in with the other 'religious' establishments and see how they're faring. *wipes drool off chin* I could have sworn we had a bucket-holder here at one point! Oh well, looks like I'll have to hold my own bucket... *eww!*
Take care guys/fellow CoBers! *Big Bourdie bear hugs*
(aka, Rob's B*tch/Gurl/obsessor/stalker/shadow so on and so forth