The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
*Mmm* Bourdaccinos and Bourdon-Bourbons.... does life get any better than this? (Except maybe if Rob himself were doing the waitering thing, that would make it perfect) *dreamy sigh* I wonder if any of the people he used to 'serve' as an aspiring musician come accountant come skeg (beach ***) come waiter remember him/see him in the press and go "gee, I remember that boy... wasn't he the one who used to wait our table at that place down on the corner? Yeah, always bashing the cutlery on the sides of the counter and tables when he was bored... **** punk!" *laughs*

Well, I know it's late but *waves* see ya Meteora! Have fun, whatever you get up to and stay safe. *hugs* Hurry back to the fold soon cause your absence will keenly be felt... And thanks to brokenangel for taking up the mantle while you're gone! *more hugs* You guys rock - food ideas, friendship, buckets of drool... (huh?) Speaking of which, there really hasn't been much of that lately has there? Maybe that's why this place has been kind of slow at times - unemployment!

Hmmm, we'll have to rectify that small problem, let me peruse my collection and see what I deem to be today's drool-worthy-iest (is that a real word?) pic, hold on a sec...

Hey, am listening to an oldie but a goodie at the moment; Korn's Shoots and Ladders. Just occured to me that LP could cover this song pretty well I reckon... But my ultimate dream cover song would still have to be 'One' by Metallica, I'd sell my soul on eBay for that one (f**k eBay!) *sigh* I'd give them my first born to raise if they'd do it, just to be able to watch Rob perform it (not as a dot on the stage neither) *looks sceptical* Okay, so I don't actually have a child to give away, but still... shows how desperate I am, huh? (In more ways than one aparently) *s******s*

Okay, uploaded a pic which is also an oldie but a goodie, from FP, and everyone (here)'s fav segment in it; the bus scene, of course!


*droooools* OMFG he's gorgeous... it's painful. But I still want more damnit!


Mmmm, the beloved 'lumberjack' returns *sighs... drools... swoons...*

(Sources: TheLinkinParkTimes, Robbourdonylp.cjb)

Anyway... thats it for now, I'm gonna take off, go recompose myself before work and quickly check in with the other 'religious' establishments and see how they're faring. *wipes drool off chin* I could have sworn we had a bucket-holder here at one point! Oh well, looks like I'll have to hold my own bucket... *eww!*

Take care guys/fellow CoBers! *Big Bourdie bear hugs*



(aka, Rob's B*tch/Gurl/obsessor/stalker/shadow so on and so forth :D )

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crazy robster

New member
Josi and Chel, I'm afraid we can't view the pictures, or at least i can't... Says "to conserve bandwidth Hotlinking is not allowed etc..." :(


New member
Hey Chel, what section are we looking? There's like literally hundreds of pics there my friend... I dont really wanna search everyone of 'em all day for a handful. Heads up please? Thankies :thumbsup:

And Rashell, hmm, that's a concerning develpoment. I tell you if it is rumour I'd be majorly ****** to the point of litigation of I were them (Rob and Vanessa) cause after the whole 'accidental marriage' thing this would be like the last straw as far as I was concerned - invasion of privacy there or something, that aint right. People need to pull their head in a bit (which sounds funny coming from me I know, haha ;) ) and just leave them alone, seriously. Mind you if it is... *shrugs* I dunno anymore either... hence why I have been waiting for the rumour to either catch on and snowball to the point where the claims need to be defended or conversely - and more appropriately we wait for official word (which in itself is pretty much redundant giving the official site is so slow getting info out that if it is true the twins would be starting college before anyone acknowledges it) either way but anyway... I guess we just have to wait and see... :confused:



New member
yeah but i think its a toss up between the lumber jack look with rob and brad. oh well i guess to each her own. being that this group is mainly girls with the exception of vash and my brother.


New member
why is nobody eating the bourdaroni's?? *feels depressed and slowly walks back to the kitchen* (btw NICE NICE pics!! *uses tray for drool* *washes tray before anybody notices*)


New member
Chel, Jos, I could kiss you both but I think that borders on sexual harrassment in a general forum so I better kerb my enthusiasm I think - hahaha ;) But THANK YOU to both. At last, like a butterfly/chrysalis (note to self, just dont bother typing after having a few drinks, period) emerging from its cocoon... or whatever... LP is coming back - again!





New member
*huge grin* thanks Faded! *walks proudly to the kitchen and starts making more bourdon-bourbons, bourdachino's and bourdaroni's*

btw, i think rob an braddles both ROCK/OWN the lumberjack look...i'm more of a bradford girl *gasp*...but rob is still a beauty (lol...or hottie) on his own. all hail to the drummer!!! it's all good



New member
*lol* Noice

If I recall correctly I think that pic (in B&W) was shipped with the LPU package 3? Maybe I'm mistaken. I don't remember which but I know I have it physically hanging on my hallways wall right now... awww memories ;)



New member
hey dany you stole one of the avatars I made. whats the deal with that? I know for a fact that its mine cuz it took me forever to make. no stealing pwease.


New member
Of course, I'd much prefer to do away with the pic and hang the men themselves on my wall... that'd be different for one thing! haha

"Hey! Hey! Don't stand there and stare like let us down! I really need to pee here!" hahaha awww

And how in all reality is Robbeh gonna play drums with his hands bound on that mounting board??


Okay better NOT do that... picture is fine ;)



New member
hey dany you stole one of the avatars I made. whats the deal with that? I know for a fact that its mine cuz it took me forever to make. no stealing pwease.
what the f**k are u talking about ????

i don't know i guess....i'm not a rob fan so i guess......i can't understand

what did i steal???what......sorry but maybe it can't reach the essence of this

pardon,what re u talking about???



New member
one of your attatched images, the one that goes from Rob's face to saying in black and red, "its a drumming ***" that one it is mine. I made it myself. its one of the avatars that I made and trust me I know my own work.

crazy robster

New member
WOW!!!!! Thanks so much for that andrea!!! *reps you* Oh Lord *looks in awe* But haha Bradley's hair kicks ***!! LMAO I bet he doesn't need a pillow at night!! He has his natural one!!! :D Oh Rob...*shivers*...Intollerably sexy as always... *faints*


New member
lol jojo ya his hair is getting out of controle he is starting to look like those old english judges

is it just me or is rob gettin older and more mature?



New member
Hey guys, quickly checking in. Wow... place is really going to **** when I'm at work huh? (**** you real life! *shakes fist in air*) *Sigh* Wish I had time to stop in longer and post more pics or just generally leave bucketloads of drool or rant and so on (as usual) but alas I am beat. It's nearly midnight and just got off work... you'll have to excuse my tardiness. I'm feeling kind of bad like I'm letting this place and all of you wonderful CoBers out there (or that were there) down by working all the time *sigh* I wish I could find a happy medium but there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day - or night - anymore... No excuse really though huh? *Burdened (or should tat be Bourdon-ned?) sigh*

Well, for what it is worth I promise to be back with more pics very shortly and hopefully lift this place a bit. I expected this thread would get quiet with the resurgence of alternate 'religions' but I honestly didn't expect it to get this quiet *wipes tear from eye* Where is everyone? *looks around* Oh well... times like people change I guess.

So I will be back and hopefully so will the Church of Bourdon - remember, we started this shemozzle, I'd like us to at least keep up with the competition if not outlast and show everyone else that our dear sweet Robbles deserves the limelight our little drooling and obsessing-to-the-point-of-near-mania faction warrants him. Mike and Chas shouldn't get all the glory dagnammit *s******s as she tries to coax Rob out from behind his drumkit with one of Meteora and black_angel's Bourdoroni/Bourbons and so forth*

(BTW, I know it's kind of a moot point to say so now, but Phe and dany, you could have PM'd each other regarding image stealing or whatever rather than clog the thread, that's sort of why we have it, not to sound b*tchy or anything. Hope it didn't come off like that but hey *shrugs* I'm a preacher here remember? Preach is what I do... *weak smile*)

Well, *big Bourdie bear hugs* Take care guys, TTYL as per usual,


(Great believer in Rob as the genetic blueprint for the so-called 'master race') :D



New member
sorry rav. but as an artist it just irks me to see my work stolen. but im here and nice to know that your doing your job as a preacher (hears the crickets chirp) things are a little quiet, maybe too quiet (cyote howl and a tumble weed rolls by) I have no idea where my brother has dissapeared to. or any of the other members. maybe its the "Bourdon" triangle where our members are slipping off to. *shrugs* maybe we should put more pictures up or something. im out of ideas for here but I still have plenty of them for the other place of mine.

crazy robster

New member
Hahaha Josh!! English judge...LMAO Rob IS getting older (naturally) and more mature and in my opinion he looks sexier than ever! And I have an undying passion for his glasses!!! Make him look so intellectual and mysterious... anyway, yeah don't get me started you know that when it comes to Rob I can be a chatterbox!! lol But in a nutshell, yeah he IS more mature and looks his best! :thumbsup:


New member
one of your attatched images' date=' the one that goes from Rob's face to saying in black and red, "its a drumming ***" that one it is mine. I made it myself. its one of the avatars that I made and trust me I know my own work.[/quote']well,sweetheart trust me,it's not my fault if your work is displayed on other sites..,..i hve never stealed someone's work and sincerely i'm not a rob fan so why would i steal your work???

sorry,i mean it,but i copied it from another site ....

don't turn it into a fight .....i don't want it


New member
Rashell that's a perfect b'day pressie for me so I thank ya from the bottom of my wildly palpitating heart for that ;) THANKYOU!!

As for the english judge comment...? No opinion on the matter. Mind you he could rule my... well, never mind, I wont say that out aloud here at least XD

And Jojo as far as the glasses thing goes? I am SO hearing that! Goddam, I love the glasses look and the scruffy facial hair bit, especially the rare occasion he has both glasses and beard! MAJOR FREAKIN DROOLAGE THERE! *gasps!* Haha. I'm a fool for the scruff on that man, the more degenerate the look the more impressed I am I tell ya (but ONLY Rob, degenerate isn't everyone's thing thats for sho!) And he makes it his own! He makes even scruffy bed-hair and come-to-bed eyes (the third pic in your sig sis, haha) *** on a stick! Hot-****! I know the man's smart and sexay and talented and just adorably sweet by nature but really if every picture is worth a thousand words I can tell you every pic I've seen of Rob (and especially those recent ones there from the grammy's I think) all pretty much say one word, doesnt matter the pic - it reads PERFECTLYSEXY! Well okay two words then. Maybe three or more... Bourdilicious? Droolworthy? The ultimate specimen of human perfection? ****... I could write a dictionary on this man's features and still not come close to describing it succintctly. I cant do him justice but his genes certainly did. I've said it before and I'll say it again, *** Bless Patricia and Gregory. I thank thee on behalf of everyone here who's ever looked at his pic and hust gone *jaw drops* hahaha


Feel the love. Well no, in this case, see it. Thanks guys. Now I have something more to inspire me in my ranting ways... or just... in general ;) Hahaha *halo*

And as for the Brad pillow-hair thing? *lmao* I just think he must have his own bed when he goes to sleep at night with his wife or whomever he is hooked up with. One bed strictly for him and his hair! There'd be no room to move beside him! You'd suffocate in the wild folicles! *lol again* But what a strange way to go... suffocating in your sleep tangled amid his own universal afro-do. Bless him. Haha. J/k of course. ;)

Edit - thanks sis for clarifying Brad = judge comment but I aint changin that. I'm gonna plead the fifth and say Robbie made me do it. He made me mad in a fit of wild Bourdonemia and I was so blinded by his pic I just couldnt think straight... never do, do I? hahaha ;)



New member
ok dany if you have something to say to me about this then take rav's advice and PM me and I will deal with you that way now no more clogging up this sacred thread with pointless talk.

crazy robster

New member
Hahaha nothing more to add sis you said it all in the best of ways!!! I wish I could copy all that for my sig!! My sis RULES!!! *is proud* *squeezes you proudly* I was rolling on the floor laughing for about 5 minutes!!! As for Rob, you know what I think... actually everyone knows... *sings* I am a woman in love... ;)


New member
wow.... it is really quiet in here... *looks around the practically empty church* wow....... *puts up a pic of Rob* ALL HAIL THE DRUMMER!!!! ....hope some more ppl show up soon.... "i'm so alone! there's no one here beside me!!" .......sry bout that... oh well it's all good for now.. ttyl hopefully...


New member
I'm sorry sis, I just cant stop staring at your latest creation (new sig) and losing myself to my own wild ranting thoughts... damnit, I should be blaming you for my condition as much as I blame him! haha ;)
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