The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!

crazy robster

New member
I know my beloved twin(lazyass) hahahaha! Aww I understand, I out of all people understand completely! I'm so thrilled with these new Robbie pics that I couldn't resist making a sig out of them and a wall (you know that don't you? ;) ) Been staring and drooling ever since!!! So once again join me in (not death) droolage session! lol *hugs*


New member
Heya guys! *group hugs* Well I be back now... don't work til tomorrow night so I'm free to drool and generally exhaust myself as I revel in all things droolworthy pertaining to Our Lord, also known by many other names, but whom his parents chose to call Rob Bourdon. *dreamy sigh*

Chipmonk, Twi (WB!), dany and Phe, thanks to y'all for posting, and thanks to Phe for heeding my advice (not that I thought you wouldn't, bless ya! :D ) regarding PM'ing. So, thanks for that. I know collectively we've been a bit slack lately in maintaining this thread but we needn't fill it with unrelated stuff neither. Just my humble opinion. Oh well, that's formalities out of the way, now it's down to the fun part; the drooling session. Everyone have buckets ready? *laughs*

As I have no idea exactly what images I've uploaded anymore (I know, I should have catalogued or something, right? *slaps forehead* But I'm not the one with the accounting degree here, I'm not the brains of the outfit, I'm an artist dagnammit!) So thesedays as a general "rule" I just post whatever image appeals to me at any given time... and this is what appeals to me today;


(Source: I think I actually got this from, even though it says *shrugs* Yes, I know, everyone "borrows"... *sighs under breath* But barely any of the images I have in my collection are originally sourced from me, so... *shrug again*)

As everyone here knows by now, I'm a sucker for the beloved lumberjack look, that IMHO, Rob will always 'own' and Brad just 'borrows' on occasion (sorry Phe!) *laughs*


(Source: Probably as above. Or Or They're the main three I've noticed carry good quality (most occasions) good Rob pix... as if you didn't know by now huh? *laughs*)


(Source: Me! Yep, got it off RockamRing04 - It's Goin' Down medley. That concert rocks, big time.)


(Source: I know that one for sure *nods*)

And though I'm not as 'into' this look as I am practically anything else (though it's nice for a change) anyone who remembers our previous 'serious' discussion will understand why I'm posting this pic. For the 'anti-lumberjack-look-lovers' amongst you, drool away. Looks way too like an accountant in this one, if they have a look that is (or maybe a hitman?!? Oops! Where did that one come from? *s******s*). Still... definately a reason to start loving tax-time, huh? *grins wickedly* He can sure do my taxes, any time of the year... *droooool* (Just better make sure to have everything in on time, if not he'll break you're arm off and beat you around the head with it! *laughs and rolls eyes*) In fact, he can **** near do anything and I'd... uh... anyway... enough of that kind of talk *bends to scoop mind out of the gutter and brushes it off til it's kind of clean* Hehehe...

Well guys, that'll do for now. You know the drill, all small pics by me are thumbnails so click for full size. Hope you enjoy and hope to catch up with y'all again real soon. Take care all, yes, rant, relatively small as it was today, is done. Class dissmissed. The only homework you have (homework in a church?!? *raises brows sharply*) is to find a pic you like of Rob, nay, find your ultimate favourite pic of Rob and upload it for the rest of us to see, yeah... Don't care if it's been posted here before, I'm just trying to guage everyone's tastes collectively and to get everyone participating again which I think is a fair thing. So I've started off, but I'll post again later with my utimate fav - I know it's hard to choose one amongst the millions but really, that's why it has to be just one, to make you think, see?

*sinister chuckle* TTYL CoBers.

*Big Bourdie bear hugs*


(Bourdie's B8tch and **** proud of it. Have an issue and you'll find yourself getting intimate with one of his drumsticks! *evil cackle* Sorry, momentary lapse into malevolence... okay, back to cheery old self again, see? :D )

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New member
I know my beloved twin(lazyass) hahahaha! Aww I understand, I out of all people understand completely! I'm so thrilled with these new Robbie pics that I couldn't resist making a sig out of them and a wall (you know that don't you? ;) ) Been staring and drooling ever since!!! So once again join me in (not death) droolage session! lol *hugs*
Hahaha - Oh I'll do better than that my beloved, I'll join you in the GUTTER! hahaha It is after all my second home isnt it? *muahahahaha* Me and that perverted brain of mine...


In being we are twins and all

Lazyass twins perhaps but twins all the same

Robbeh - better watch yourself a little closer than usual now... the new pics have stirred the natives again!

hahaha :rolleyes:



New member
Howdy all!

Nice pics Rav.. lol Hitman Rob! He could be actually... *goes into daydream*

I posted this pic in the Delson clan.. but since it has our drummer boy in it too then I shall post it here:

As I said before.. its a 2 for 1 deal! lol


crazy robster

New member
I know what you're thinking right now sis... You have that threatening beware-Robbie-I'm-coming look in your eyes!!! Hahahaha how I know these moments!! How I love these moments!!!:spiteful: :spiteful: <----us

:eek: <----Rob

:rolleyes: :lol:



New member
wow that might be some hard homework. lol but i think i can manage. uhh I have a few favorite pics here they are


this one cuz its like one of few that hes smiling in


this one cuz hes like half naked lol. but i like the bottom one the best.

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New member
*rotflwtime* oh sis! I LOVE those smileys there, they tell the whole story don't they? hahaha

or should that be



haha XD

Oh and I have just one thing to say to that my beloved; "grunt!" *******

Oh the visual! thankgod our MSN chats aren't here for everyone to see/relish in/be afraid of/disgusted/mortified/aroused by/all of the above at once over 'eh? haha :spiteful:

And these smileys here :clap: :clap: :clap: are the rest of the CoB cheering us :spiteful: :spiteful: on as we chase down Robbeh :eek: who goes to BBB [:-} for moral support or just to save him to find :eek: maybe he likes the attention anyway ;) ****** all over again*

Storytime in CoBland! :thumbsup:



New member
Hey guys!! Im back! this moment Im still at my grannies house, and Im actually on this ancient computer *gasp* despite my hate towards slow computers. I love the pitures everybody posted! *drool*, and when I get home (which will be tomorrow), I will post my favorite Rob picture, and we will all be happy *does a wiggle dance*. You know...when I first came on here(the only reason I came on this super slow computer was to check this thread actually) I thought that I would have to read like 3 pages in order for me to know whats going on...but I only had to read like...1. That kinda makes me sad. But what can ya do eh? But Im gonna go...and I will post my picture when I get back home.

crazy robster

New member
Hahaha Good Rob Almighty *chokes in laughter* :rolleyes: Hahahaha that was ace!! Storytime!!! I mean everyone knows we're nutcases but now it's confirmed!! Muahahahaha and I agree...thank *** MSN chats are private!! If they read them we would a)be kicked out of LPF, or even worse, b)we would end up in prison by Rob's lawyers! Whose fault is it anyway??? It's HIS!!!! Blame him for being so damned sexy!!!! :-/


New member
hi meteora!! good to see you're doing okay :) hope you're having fun! i'm keeping the kitchen alive as you left it in good hands ;) .

the CoB is, in fact, a whole lot emptier than it used to be:(...hopefully we'll pick it up again and everything'll be okay. although we do have some tough competition along the way...but's all good. people know what they're long as they keep posting here too ;)

my favorite:

he's such a little puppy!! :D



New member
Simply put - ABSOFREAKINLUTELY! For all of it; insanity, litigation and his fault as always! hahaha

Bless ya sis ;)

Good to know I'm not just one nutcase playing in puddles in the gutter - Now there's two of us! hahaha



New member
Hey everyone, and welcome back meteora!

Cute pics guys, I love that one with him grinning... so adorable! (even if he does look a bit psycho lol)



New member
It means you've seen the light - your now enlightened - and you have a half nekkid Robbie to prove it!

0_0 Ooooh


There is a *** - his name is Robert Gregory Bourdon ;)





*Curls up in a puddle on the floor*

*Steals your avatar and runs off to make wild passionate... um, kissy faces with it*

hahaha oh the humanity! XD


crazy robster

New member
Jos!!! This confession deserves some rep! *reps you* I repped you for finally seeing the light like my beloved sister said! I repped you for this awfully sexy avatar *major droolage* Rob bless you!!! *hugs*


New member
Heya guys! WB Meteora! Hiya everyone else; Chipmonk, Black_Angel, brokenangel, Faded_Blue and so on *group hugs*

Wow, thanks for the pics! Phe; I love the surfer look too, exceptional! The psychotic grin always makes me chuckle, yeah, I bet the shy quiet Mr Bourdon probably has a killer sense of humour once you get him going, huh? *dreamy sigh* They always say it's the quiet ones you've gotta watch... (believe me, I've been watching... and drooling... and drooling some more... hehehe)

brokenangel; cute pic. He's very young there isn't he? Adorable though... definately droolworthy, that.

Black_Angel; *laughs* very stern. I love it. I have the rest of them too, just a shame the photographer cut off the tops of their heads in that sequqnce, huh? *growls* But again, very nice. Braddles aint too bad there neither, but Brad looks too baby-faced without his goatee IMHO, but that's beside the point. Thanks again!

Well, yeah, it has been quiet around here as of late, but I've been as busy so I think everyone can be forgiven for being, uh, shall we say 'distracted' last few days or so. We've just completed a moon phase/come out of a full moon/new moon (I think) so if that's the case we'll just blame this 'flightiness' on the moon... works for me. *grins*

Okay, fav pic, fav pic... gosh... where to even begin? Like everyone else I have my favs and then I have the ones that are almost favs and so on and so forth, how on earth can one judge with THAT *points at Rob* gorgeous specimen of human perfection that he is and say any pic is ugly? *sobs*

Well, like a few others, I had a hard time chosing, and usually it depends on the day for what my 'fav' pickie of our Lord ends up being, just changes with my moods and so forth (like, one every six seconds, moodswings that is, or so the screensaver on my Mobile phone tells me XD) so Im gonna cheat and post a few favs and then post what I consider out of all my printed out pics/Rob wallpaper here in my study to be the best. Here goes;






My ultimate fav;

(Don't ask me why, Just is... *droooooooooool*)


Guys, I'd love to stay and chat but I've just looked at the clock and I'm gonna be late for work! *screams!* I'll be back on tonight and will update/edit, promises!

*Big Bourdie bear-hugs*

Take care, TTYL,


(aka Bourdie's B*tch)

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New member
all of the pics are extreamly nice ravyn. i like the one where he is all dressed up nice and neat. but then he also has the hat on. lol.
Some minutes ago somethin funny

well i was tryin to do a render of Rob... with the pic in my ava... and my dad came and sad like:

dad: wow is that our bf?

me: no! sadly not

dad: who is it then?

me: a guy from linkin park... hes the drummer...

dad: and what are u doin? studying him?

me: no! im doin a render...

lol that was funny

well i was lookin for some pics of rob on the net and found this one... u guys prob have it but thought its cool

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New member
^ *lol* Hahaha I hate to say it but I think to some degree we've all had that kind of conversation with someone we know who see's us fawning over our lord. If he really were our collective B/F he'd be an extremely busy man indeed! Not to mention... nervous! Imagine all the fathers in the lands wanting to pin his *** down and kick it out the door for taking apparent advantage of their supposed virtuous daughters! *******

Bless him.

Imagine Valentines Day!

He'd be like Santa on Christmas Eve - everywhere at once and unseen by the human eye. Leaving everyone presents however would ensure he was pretty broke pretty quick - hence, he'd need to spend more time in the studio makin more music to sell more albums to make more money to spend on his thousands of virtual girlfriends - and end up losing half of them anyway for not spending enough time with them anyway...

Good to see someone's spent far too much time thinking about things like this, huh? ****** twice*

And nice pics btw. I think I just got zapped from licking my computer screen or sth (NOT! hahaha I'm fanatical not completely insane... yet ;) ) Haha.




New member
*Awww* Thanks guys! *hugs*

Yeah, I like 'em all too, but like I said it's hard picking just one. The one with him in my sig has been my fav for like ever, ever since I started seeing Rob in a whole new appreciative light rather than just the guy up the back behind the kit and all *s******s* and I think that's probably also the reason that despite doing a few sigs now for others I have never changed mine; sentimental favourite.

As for the one with him in the black check Matix shirt holding his sticks, it's been my second/alternate fav with the Manilla one (one with him in the orange/brown DCSC shirt and white frame, down bottom) and gives me the impression of a studio portrait... dunno why, like something you'd see on a family wall or some such, professional like... very nice. Then, I like black, so, *shrugs* It's all good. :D

Of all my 'lumberjack' pics that's my fav. I actually wrote a 30 pg short Fan fic/short story based on that pic, (actually no, I was inspired more appropriately, by it) and if ages ago you ever heard me or JammerG refer to Rob as 'Evil Bob' you'd understand why... *s******s* But being a public forum and so forth don't expect me to upload anything I've written here that's for sure! *rolls eyes*

The second one where he looks shall we say 'unimpressed' just makes me smile. I like to think I can read his expressions on his face sometimes, just enthralled by the merest shifting of his distinct brows *drool* This pic is probably the perfect example. *shrugs* Just thought I'd share it.

Okay, and as for the last one, the one of Rob taken from (from LP touring Manilla in 04 was it?) that is my all time fav Rob pic. At least for today (and has been for quite a while). Guess I can't rationalise it, love the look, love the scruffy couldn't be bothered to shave look and the almost insulted expression on his face. He looks mean and at the same time real pensive and deep in thought... about to impart more pearls of wisdom no doubt in that deep, low (dreamy) monotone of his...

*droools excessively*

In fact, that whole series of band photos (from Danny Tan, is it? *looks perplexed*) is awesome, even the pic of Mike is quite *gasp! Dare I say it!* dreamy... in fact, the only thing that really 'ruins' it, if you can say as much, is Chas's outrageous hairstyle again... *sigh* I still love Chas but sometimes he just befuddles me... that's probably the idea I'd imagine *grins* Oh well, as we like to say here in this thread; "It's all good!"

Well, there you have it; another Rob-rant successfully completed! *dusts hands together* Hope it didn't bore you... And if it did *shrugs* I suggest you scroll down again and just stare at the pretty pictures! *laughs* Drool away I say!

On another note I was thinking about doing another member's update - everyone else is doing it, and we used to, almost 'religiously' until we uh, kinda fell into debauchery - but I have no idea who's in or not anymore *shrugs as she looks around barren halls* Oh well, I'll sit here munching away on Rob-related food and watching Frat Party until the rest of you get back to me and take it from there.

Take care and TTYL

*Big Bourdie bear hugs*


(aka Bourdie's B*tch and Queen of droolage) XD


crazy robster

New member
WOW!!!!!! Jos, I can officially say I LOVE YOU!!! You don't know how proud you've made me!! Well, not just me but the whole CoB too! *squeeze hugs* And I can't start to describe the Bourdonemic effects your sig causes to me!!! *excessive droolage* It seriously is AWESOME!!! And next time tell your dad "Yes he's my boyfriend isn't he great? Everyone at school is jealous of me!" Lol OMG you'll have to excuse me guys cause I'm afraid I'm on the verge of a heart attack again... 0_o Congrats once again Jos!! :D


New member
Love the pictures rav! Im sorry to say though...that I wont be able to post my favorite Rob picture because the computer that I have all my picture on is currently on the fritz so its getting fixed. But...yay for having 2 computers! *throws confetti*. I just hope they dont delete all my pictures when the computer guys fix it, or else I'll be really upset *pouts*.

Well, Im at home now, but only for today. Tomorrow I hafta go camping with my parents, I dont even want to go. Oh well. That means brokenangel, will be in my place for a few more days. But its all good.

Haha...Rav, you seen to spend alot of time analyzing (sp?) your pictures of Rob, which I find kinda funny, but I cant blame you though, so its all good.

And Im still in the CoB! *desperatly waves hand in the air*. So you can include me in the member list when you get around to making it. I actually would help, but I will be away for a few more days like I said before. Well...anyways, I actually should get packing seeing as I havent started yet. I might be on here before I leave tomorrow, but if not, good bye!



New member
Hahaha oh sis you have enough enthusiasm for both of us I think! Bless yer lil cottonsocks <3

Well I have nothing to really add to that, sis summed the sentiment up quite nicely I think. I gotta admit I'm still kinda chuckling to myself reading both Chas and Brad's name in your username and seeing Rob in your avatar alongside it, but hey, if that aint LP love then I don't know what else is!

XD Bless you too Jos <3

Welcome home!

Well I know this is a little late, and most ppl prolly care not for this, but this is a screenshot of the chat where our lord was a few weeks ago. I know you've all read the transcript by now, but this here is what the scene looks like (for those of you who are not members of LPU and arent familiar with the chat environment there). I am the second star on the righ hand side of the screen and Robbie, yes OUR LORD is directly below me. *oh how I wish - but enough of that! Hahaha :eek: *

Yes PROOF of his existence outside of typed words on a screen and the occasional promo shot from the LPU camp...

There ya go. rbourdon rocks my socks off.

What is my morbid fascination with socks today? Gawd I dunno. But anyway - just wanted to show y'all. Peace out lovelies.





New member
Some of you probably dont remember the old LPNewscaster vids from a few years back but for those of you who don't know they were vids made featuring fans at various meet n greets atc for the purposes of promoting the band and keeping us all updated on their progress wherever they happened to be at the time.

Well, just so happened I went back and found a few of these pearls I'd managed to save a few years back and I thought, since some may not have seen them - and that we dont have much else new to share, why not post a few screenshots of them?

Well even if this is like 4yrs olf or so its still cute. Taken around the time of Projekt Revolution or sth, it features the band at a skate demo and features a short segment of Rob at the end where the cameraman asks him (Rob) where his skateboard is. Rob's rather innocent reply; "I left it back at the hotel." Then raises his wrists to show the cameraman that he's gotta save them for the show... awww, aint he adorable?

Well, here's a few small pics. Quality aint fantastic but still... cute none the less.

Here y'are, enjoy;

And Jos - thanks for the cookies! ;)



New member
heck yeah i'm here!! we were allowed to have more than one fav. pic?! **** it! :p

and i promise i'll take care of the 'kitchen work' as long as you're gone, meteora500 :D ... hope everything goes alright with your pc ;)


crazy robster

New member
Awww I wanna squeeze him and kiss him so that he can't breathe!! So typical of me... anyway... He looks indeed so sweet and innocent, he's such a baby!!! I love Robbie ^^ I would love to see that vid!!! Sis you are invaluable and these snaps are also invaluable!!! You are the best!! Thanks so much for giving us again a reason to drool silly!!! Mmmuuuaaaaahhhh! (Both for you and Robbie) <3 <3


New member
Awww I wanna squeeze him and kiss him so that he can't breathe!! So typical of me... anyway... He looks indeed so sweet and innocent, he's such a baby!!! I love Robbie ^^ I would love to see that vid!!! Sis you are invaluable and these snaps are also invaluable!!! You are the best!! Thanks so much for giving us again a reason to drool silly!!! Mmmuuuaaaaahhhh! (Both for you and Robbie) <3 <3
I wouldn't be thanking me for the drooling sis that honour has always belonged to his folks not I - I only wish I could claim some sort of responsibility for his perfection, his overall cuteness (which by sheer definition insults the man, sorry Robbie - we know not what we do) OR his most venerable awesome persona - but alas I can't. All I can do in my humble limitations is share pics of the man and hope others enjoy them as much as I - and you know I do! *******

As for the vid have patience... ;)

<3 <3 <3 - + 1 :p haha

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